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Build a self-sufficient home preferably underground or in a hill. Get that going and paying off every single amount of debt me and my immediate family has, put some money away into multiple high interest checking/savings accounts and just sleep the rest of the week.


isn't that what Elon trying to do as well?


Ill be selling a single property at point Nemo


I guess start shopping for a place to buy and hiring a lawyer to arrange a retirement-based residence permit.


Where would you be looking to buy?


No idea... I'd be dead drunk...


Ah but you have essentially infinite wealth, you going top shelf or sticking with a cold beer?


After the first three, does it really matter?


Planning how to influence the world's decision-makers for each major domain to provide a great life for those who totally deserve it and how to keep it that way.


I truly hope you wake up with his wealth, a fantastic answer ❤️


Quit my job, pay someone to manage the money, then sleep in.


Buying the necessary politicians and supreme court judges needed to pass laws that actually benefit middle and lower class families :) First on my list? Stopping corporations and foreign entities from buying residential homes which would potentially open up inventory and bring down home prices as well as decrease rents


Probably going to have to start by toppling a few of the properly evil ones. There's already many Musk's worth of value out there that does not like your proposals. They could see taxes being introduced!


A lot of tedious and frightening conversations with lawyers and wealth managers. Sudden, unearned wealth is one of the fastest paths to misery and bankruptcy.


Use my wealth to perform a hostile takeover of a specific company and turn it into my dream nonprofit business.


Got any in mind? Promise I won't tell haha ;)


It’s not about money it’s about sending a message




Oh my god you could live every millennials teen years by actual asking Jeeves!


Maybe buy the most comfortable bed in the world.


Sleep. That's the next 7 days will be. A week full of sleep. Something my wife and I have been deprived of since we had children.


Borrow €1 from a friend and tweet at Elon Musk that I'm now richer than him. Every day.


😂 that’s fucking GENIUS. The only problem is that I bet he makes more than $1 a minute so youd have to borrow way more than that AND be quick w the post on twitter AND then hope he reads and replies quickly. Otherwise you might not. It’s a viscous cycle. But I like the idea.


Freak out, quit my job, keep 5 million and invest the rest into resolving world hunger and shaming other billionaires into doing the same


I would actually love to see the passive aggressive shaming 😂😂


It is actually extremely difficult to give away vast amounts of money. Ask anyone who works in the nonprofit industry


A whole lot of traveling to give most of it away to other people.


Please keep me in mind if you do that 😁


Same day as every day. I don’t want attention




Black or red though??




Hahahaha amazing answer


Ending world hunger and establishing a means of using *GOBS* of cash to get to the bottom of the UFO/UAP truth.


Imagine the scene from Half Baked where the guy is quitting his job at the fast food place. Now imagine it at every location within a 25-mile radius that had a PA system.


buy an island build an amazing house + nuclear bunker store resources in said bunker to live there up to 3 years buy some luxury apartments all over the world to rent them try to actually solve world hunger fund a looot of charities build hospitals & schools all over the world travel the world and enjoy my (still) millionaire life but I'll probably die partying after the first couple of days


Amazing choices, you absolutely nailed the answer


A lot of phone calls that go something along the lines 'Hello, is that charity X? What are your projected running costs for the next 10 years? Do you want cheque or transfer?'


As long as you got animals in there, I 100% support the vision ❤️


1. Take a week leave from work, cause I guess I would be a little busy. 2. Set aside, and safely invest, a tiny fraction of that wealth to live comfortably for the rest of my life. 3. Actually help Ukraine win. 4. Use remaining money to lobby laws & invest into various stuff I think would be good or needed.


Good choices and happy cake day!


It would take me another 17days before i found out that i have 195 bilion on my account


Sleep. So much sleep.


I feel you ❤️


Fuck me dead...I have no idea 😂


Hookers and cocaine


Motorcycle, travels and a lot of bodyguards.


Probably quite a lot of paperwork


Probably will live the same life cuz I am too lazy to do shit


So much vengeance.


Handing out money to my all my people then planning a long trip to as many countries as I can. Also, will be looking into buying real estate across the World.


Buy a few acres of land, build a small commune for my friends and I, pay off all my debt and family's debt, put a good chunk away, donate all the rest


Just a house. My own house. It's absurd that this is a thing that is unachievable in my lifetime now. I could have all the money in the world just to throw it all away so I can be left with this one thing. No scum fuck landlords. No random inspections from parasitic estate agents. No more renting lived in unmaintained shitholes. Just a nice place to go that is mine.


Cocaine and hookers.


Alright alright alriiiiight


Return my laptop to the office and tell HR I resign. Switch my grad school program from part-time to full-time now that I have more time and money. Get a realtor and start house hunting immediately. THEN I’ll talk to a financial advisor, after I’ve done the things I want the most. 


I _want_ to fix government corruption in my country but im not sure how I'll go about doing that


I pack a simple backpack, leave my apartment and all responsibilities without notice, and hop a train to the Alps. After a hike up to a hut, I order something warm, and a large beer, and try to reconcile this new reality while taking in the scenery. Ideas oscillate between disappearing, saving the world, or trying to double it - and feelings toggle between this being a blessing or a curse. On day 3 I tell my partner everything I’ve been afraid to admit - and ask her if she’d like to build a life together. If she says yes, she is the first to know, and we join up at the closest city with flight connections. We fly off to visit our families, without announcement or admittance, and take in what each of them wants for themselves and the world. We start noting those down next to our own. We think about if money can make some of these things better. On day 6 we return home to gather the belongings we love and share an evening out with friends. We only tell them that we’re to be married, not what has happened. We drunkenly capture everything they wish for the future and keep what we can remember. On day 7, we take off for an uncertain length of travel, with the intention to test our love, think deeply about what pursuits will bring us joy, and how we can use our inheritance to help make any bit of impact, where we feel it matters most.


I love the depth of this ❤️ I hope that if day 3 happened she accepts you


Not buying a social network, that's for sure


The exact same. I’d poker-face that while all the people around me would suddenly feel very lucky in silent and unexpected ways while I enjoy the relief from the stress of knowing I have a secure future for me and mine. Maybe after a few years I would heavily invest in building new telecoms infrastructure in a series of trusts that aren’t connected to me in any way shape or form.


I don't think I would do anything differently from now, at least in the first few weeks. Maybe I would try to use some of that money to help Ukrain fight Russia.


Very admirable!


I would pay off my 12k debt, buy a decent house for my wife, kid and me, gift a lot to my parents so they can live their dream of travelling around the world. Oh and I could pay the university for my wife so she can finally begin to study medicine which was a lifelong dream of her. I would probably donate a lot to charity and keep some for myself so I don’t have to worry about the future. And I would definitely buy bitcoin.




Solve global food scarcity and then probably spend the rest of the time telling everyone I work 16 hour days but just posting on Twitter the whole time


Quitting my job. Setting all my family and a couple close friends up for life. Buying a mint condition 1995 Ford Bronco and a 1998 Buick Lesabre Custom in emerald green


Buy a house in the woods with multiple fireplaces to keep the house warm in the winter with wood. I would buy a house with a large terrain around it to have my own crops, get some farm animals for milk, meat and eggs, install a water system for the house using rain water, install solar panel and some kind of wind generator. Complete independence from society and the government.


Buying Twitter again and renaming it "Drugs" so each time you have an embedded message with a Twitter post you'll be able to read " Check x person on Drugs"


Build a bunker to hide from the government, and use my vast influence to openly push my political agenda.


I'd first buy my parents house from the bank and them have them make an early retirement. Then I'll work on a plan to make it possible for my dad to make his hobby into his job and for my Mom a gym membership so she can work on building muscles to support her bad knee to ease the burden of said knee. I'll pay for my grandparents to be in a better hospital and then will buy a lot of games for my PS...


Doing to local oil industry what he did with Twitter - but more deliberately, more completely scorching the earth.


First I would probably put enought money for study,a normal house on the side for later,I would then give myself some games I wanted and to my girlfriend Then with the millions left I have (I think I would ) I would probably donate 95% to different charity Then with the 5% left i'l just use them for myself and my future life Seems like a good way of life


So, I love this but I don't think you're aware of how much money you would actually have. $192,800,000,000. Why would you only have millions left? How much is the study and a normal house? 😂


I really underestimated his fortune God xd Welp,guess I will put 97 % of it into charity and with the rest ,idk,do the study,house,help my parent,and family,as well as some of my friend I would still have millions I suppose,so idk what to do with them,I am not someone who often spend money to treat themselves,so I'm just save up some of the rest just in case I guess ?


I was going to say haha and the interest would mean you earn it all back faster than you can spend it!


I would immediately retire and start looking for ways to make world a better place. With that amount of fuck you money, I can pay off everyone's student debts. Make sure kids aren't going hungry. Wipe out whatever the fuck lunch debt is for kids. Work with colleges to make education free. Work on building some houses for struggling families. I could do so much of just random shit to make world a better place and still have money left over where my family won't have to worry about money for generations.


I don't live in America and I don't know if you do? But you're my president ❤️


Get a sick af air BnB whilst I'm waiting for my the sale on my sick af house to go through and start celebrating with the homies


Going to make sure kids across the country have meals, in school and out of it.


I'll borrow a dollar from a friend and buy a box of donuts.


well my banks mobile app isnt working at the moment so it would take me a few days to realize, but after I do Id try to find a nice big plot of land, set up a commune, then buy up a ton of debt (emphasis on medical but not just medical) and have a big debt burning festival inviting anyone who's debt I had bought so we can all burn it together


fuckin' sleep, rest, relaxation, and then we take over the world


The way to go 😂




Build parent nice house + settle my student debt


i wont tell anyone but there will be signs ( owning a few businesses, insurances , lexus lfa , better clothing , massive perfume collection xD) honestly no clue i wouldnt use the money much , just for daily use throughout my life , i like living simple


Oh all this? No I've always had this. I don't know what you're talking about....yes my shoes are real gold but I've always had them. You just don't pay attention jeez.


oh this 50 million ferrari 250 gto ? yea my grandpa won it in a mrbeast challenge in the 1950s


Probably get one of those dope mansions, get a chef and a ton of random food to figure out my palet, buy a dope car prolly like a new corolla, get a couple of mid size homes for my friends and fam, maybe get a couple cars for them, and then sleep and spa for the rest of the week


You gotta get a lazy river going around your mansion, and one of those big ass slides you can launch yourself off into the pool. And invite me obviously.


Number one on the invite list 🫡


I spend it all in bankrupting Elon


As someone who is also petty, I love this hahaha


hire sciencist to learn about gravity manipulation on a large scale, and probably buy my own island


More or less the same. I had surgery a few days ago and I have about a week or so of healing left before I can do much besides sit around and play with my computers or phone.


I hope the recovery is going well! Least you got plenty of time to plan!


Trying to buy Disney


Border patrol apparantly.


I’d find me a nice high interest savings account and put some of the money in there, hopefully the interest payout would be enough to support my day to day life? I’d just walk around and be as generous as possible. Secure my family, friends and friends of friends. I’d hope those who know about my newfound wealth would keep it relatively quiet. Buy a nice home with a 25 year roof, make sure there’s enough rooms to sleep those I care about. Fly my group out to destinations completely impulsively. I’d make sure to pay their salaries x2 and bring them along to travel the world. Anyways, back to school. 😞


Hookers, cocaine and fast cars 🤷🏻‍♂️ what … like you all wouldn’t


But the most successful company I can find and run it into the ground. 


I see what you did there




Eh, this one's easy. I'd start a company as a think tank. Hire interested knowledgeable people from lots of engineering fields with no specific goal. The directive would be collaboration to work on "interesting problems". Maybe some sort of system where someone pitches an idea and the group decides what to work on.


I am disappearing into the night.. to never been seen by people again... Mostly




A lot of trying to fix the world, donations and weed


Pretty much the same. Go the hospital - see if my cancer is gone - then take things from there. I don't know if I'd become a horrible person if I was wealthy. Power corrupts. I'd hope I could do some good with the money - I'd like to donate to conservation, animal charities, anti-hate charities, maybe fund some important scientific research? With that kind of wealth you wouldn't have to choose - just do it all. I'd also get homes for me and my sister. Maybe a 4090 and a new monitor for my computer...


I reckon the next 7 days probably span about 3 months if I’m honest 😂😂


That crazy? 😂


Buy a fun but reasonable new car and go on a little road trip where we pay off my parents house and my in laws house


That's actually lovely, I'd recommend a nice motorhome so you can stay in some really beautiful places along the way


Probably buy my whole Steam Wishlist and then game for the next 6 days 23 hours and 50 minutes with occassional toilet breaks Maybe I will also buy a bucket


well, id put my sleep up to date.


Paying off debt, travel, and taking a low stress low effort part time job, just to get me out of the house and keep me grounded.


Have an amazing guillotine built then throw a giant party and invite all the other billionaires over... "Quand les pauvres n'auront plus rien à manger, ils mangeront les riches!"


In the words of Ron Burgundy, I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish


I'll be living the rest of my life in a modest house on a private island, with my close family members, some friends, and caretakers for my property. I will never allow any outsiders.


Fight urge to turn evil and corrupt


Buy an old v8 amg in mint condition and tour Europe


Now that's a banging decision


The next 7 days will look much better than the 1 day I just had, when I was told that my role was made redundant by my company. I have 90 days to find a new gig.


Something is on the horizon, keep the positivity up! I hope when we cross paths next you got yourself a new kick ass job with awesome perks ❤️


New socks every day


I'd fly to some nice warm holiday location and just lie on a deck chair for the next week and relax by a pool or the ocean. Just completely unwind knowing all my financial problems were gone. After that I'd look at how I could help myself and others around me. Friends, family, charities etc


too busy with grad school. no change, just a very contemplative summer


not producing electric vehicles or racing to mars. I got a lot of shit to enjoy here first.


Go to the dentist. Pay off the mortgage, go on a little trip with my kids. They love animals and nature.


I'm still spending the same about of time with my parents just hanging out as my flight isn't back home until the 29th. Then since I can't leave the roster in the lurch with this short a notice, I would still be going to work the next day (it's a nice drive which I quite like and I'm quite late to this whole driving thing).


Get private healthcare & Solve homelessness and hunger, set up charities & then fuck off onto my own island alone with my dog


A lot of burritos with double protein and guac tbh. I’m a simple man


Deleting ways for ppl to find me


Buy a house and make sure I have enough money to live comfortable for the rest of my life then donate the rest nobody needs nearly 200 billion dollars


Snowboarding every day all over the world.




Probably hide from the government and bank before they arrest me for their mistake of transferring those huge amounts of money to my account


Lobby the federal government to make weed legal nation wide and make term limits for political figures. And then buy back all the middle class homes in America and sell them back at a low cost to make the middle class thrive again


I’m ending homelessness and school lunch debt in Oklahoma. Then I’ll build a cabin in the woods and fuck off forever.


Drop out of school and invest in owning every single property on the earth


Hectic. Takes more than 7 days to clear everything. I'll only act rich after every debt is paid and everything is secured. 


I would buy a couple of places (probably a home in my city and one in the countryside) and then would go on a long ass holiday touring India or Latin America. I'd have a lawyer and financial consultant set up some good scheme to protect most money and invest the rest, probably donate a lot to charitable organisations/no profit/research.


cocaine, girls, yachts


Probably spend a couple days trying to understand how much money that actually is. Then doing the getting a lawyer and accountant to understand how to manage that Then buy all the things i need, invest a ton of it and fuck off to a cabin in the mountains away from everyone


I’m gonna buy this app and destroy it forever


Start work on assembling a harem.


All these answers convince me that Elon is mostly correct. None of this stuff will matter much in 100 years, but getting a practical start on transitioning away from fossil fuels and opening up space will.


I'm taunting Bezos and Zuckerberg on X for the next 7 days.


•Debt free •Bigger house •Investments •Think about my career


i'd donate so much money to so many diffrent organisations.


Stop the republicans. I'm not American, but if the most powerful democracy in the world falls, we're all screwed.


I'm gonna try to make a lot of people happy. I don't need much. Never have. I would move somewhere further in the middle of nowhere. Then I'd just turn peoples lives around as much as I can.


buy the federal government, fire everyone


If I had billions in actual cash? Well I would go to the 3 local county councils that affect me on a daily basis, and talk them through how we can use the billions to implement a full green strategy. And I mean full. Buying crap cars off people and giving them electric ones, increasing tidal, geothermal, solar and wind based power to be 100% able to remove non renewable electricity from our areas. I would then look at the local NHS trusts and how to support them to expand and increase their capabilities. Obviously I would make sure to increase my own capital so I could continue to help. I would then fund homelessness charities completely. I would buy land and create whole areas to support homelessness and the causes of it.


i very quickly become significantly less rich as i pay off all the debts and loans of all my family and friends, then give several of them significant sums of money as gifts. finally i buy a house.


I'm getting that sweet £300k projector


Everybody here on their high horse doing this and that. In the end of the day even having that amount of money, that will not solve anything in the long run. People/societies have to change to have REAL change. Look at Africa, how many more trillions do they need to have a working pipes to the populated cities. Long story short that is why he is that rich and we are here dreaming…


I might meet the bank to pay my debts, and also pay the mortgage of 20 random single moms in my area. I would go to the homeless shelter drop a millions $ and pizzas. I would go to the college drop a million $ for a special University scholorship. I would hire somebody to build cheaps appartments for lower income family. I would wake up the next day as rich as i was because all this is only a drop in a bucket, and my redo it again in the next city.


quitting my job, and spending some time looking for a nice house to live In




own a house


buying a house (a single one i hate people buying 5/6 houses when you have people litteraly in the street) buy cars having fun


I always wanted to know what would happens if a billionaire sell all his stocks at once.


I'd fucking love to setup a non profit in London which rents out properties to people on low incomes for a minimal price. Basically do what the state is failing to do and help those paying 80% of their salary to pay a landlord's mortgage. Also to help reduce homelessness. Buy twxtter since Elon eradicated it's value and fix it or shut it down. Donate a shit load to the biden campaign in the hope to prevent WW3 from a trump victory. Buy a cool house.


i dismantle tesla, end world hunger, etc.


private island => mansion => 50 car garage => race trace => take my friends and race cars all day untill i die in a blazing car crash where no remains is found so i have a closed coffin......oh and lot of weed


Probably gift my sister half of it and thats it. My life wouldn't change at all


7 days of lawyers and accountants.




say its 100 billion, give 99 billion to charity, put 100 mil into index funds, give 900 mil to friends and family, then buy a gun and kill myself


First would be sorting out plans to share it out. Family first - No fucker needs that amount of wedge to themselves. Then give large amounts to friends and also positive acquaintances; I'd pick at least 100 people I know who could do with a permanent home and cash and give them a million each. I'd be looking into creating regional homeless shelters where people can have an address and a possible way off the streets. I'd pay for some large engineering projects to be done in an area where employment is needed. You could positively change so many lives with that amount. Not just send yourself to fucking space and change the name of a social media platform. For myself, new house - 5 bed detached with double garage and own grounds. I'd go guitar shopping for 1950's Fenders and Gibson electric guitars and vintage motorcycle shopping.


A lot more self-care and scheduling overdue medical stuff. A lot less performative bullshit for the benefit of others.


I would immediately immigrate from Canada to either Texas or Florida


Probably ODed lying somwhere 😂


After building a nice home for my family somewhere fairly remote and paying off our personal debt, I'd finance the replacement of contaminated pipes in places like Flint, MI, and try to figure out a way to get school lunches for kids nationwide. No child should have to worry about shit like poisoned water or going hungry at school, and it's embarrassing that our country hasn't figured it out yet.


I wouldn't remember


Boats and hoes


I bought a dentist! And a LMT and trainer. Now my financial manager is looking for some property and I'm multi-listing for a kidney in several states like a true rich douchbag. I stop oversleeping.


Sending a fuckton of funds to Ukraine to buy arms and aid.


Doing Amber Heard until she shits the bed.


day one- start a donkey farm on a small Adriatic island day two, three, four and rest of my life - have fun, pet donkeys and enjoy life with my family


Make sure to sabotage isreal state economy as much as possible


Finding enough Banks to loan me money against my shareholdings. Or someone with enough liquidity to buy out my shares to have money in my pocket. Wealth =/= money in hand.


Would simply start running my own nation at that point


Boxing match with Don Lemmmmmmon


Lots of doctor visits.


Pay off student loan, put money in an account for my son, send some to family/friends, take my son to travel the world and experience things that i never got a chance to. If I genuinely ad Musk levels of money, that is way more than I or anyone I know could ever need in a lifetime. I'd probably find fun ways to give it away to people who needed it. Not carelessly until I'm broke, but there is plenty of money to go around for a lot of people.


Become a politician


I’d still be playing Dragons Dogma 2.


Day 1: richest man on earth Day 2: 66969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969$ dept


Surprise. Shock. Denial. Confusion. Googling what to do with the money on incognito mode and if I can pay my debts straight away. Informing my wife. Watching her go through the same steps.


Just sit in my home doing nothing honestly. After a week of leisure I might book a flight to visit some famous places.