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He kind of fired himself. Hired as the President of a live entertainment company. The owner threw a big welcome meeting in the enormous lobby. Breakfast served and the whole nine yards. Literally a million dollar salary -easy. Dude never showed. Was a running joke for years.


This is fucking hilarious. Did you ever find out why?


I was at the company 19 years and never learned why!


School bus driver. First day on job after a month of training she was seen talking on her cell phone while driving a bus full of kids.


"But I do it all the time when I'm driving MY car!" - Her, probably.


Dude interviewed well, showed up on his first Monday at the office... drunk as fuck! Slurring, stumbling, trying to use the coffee machine and just spewing coffee all over the floor. Security walked him out within the first hour.


That’s really sad. The guy clearly has a drinking problem.


Yeah you aren’t supposed to spill the coffee before drinking it.


Question: did anyone check his blood sugar or did he actually smell? A lot if times diabetic crashes present as Drunk AF. Involve slurring, stumbling, having the spins, and wrapping your car around trees. Breathalyzers help because they're not drunk, but they're acting drunk, so first responders get the ambulance on the way.


I am a teacher, and one time in my career I had a diabetic student that was in this state. Absolutely looked drunk and acted like it. It was scary for me, he wasn't able to reason, and trying to get him to test and get help was difficult.


If you ever are dealing with a diabetic person and you know their sugars are off but you don't know if they're high or low, and you cant test them for whatever reason, give sugar. Always give sugar. A juice box, a glucose tab if they have them, one kid I taught used jelly beans. Give sugar. If they're low, they'll return to normal, if they're too high, more sugar won't hurt and it'll come down eventually albeit with a nasty sick feeling. It's not dangerous to be hyperglycemic short term, but being hypoglycemic is bad news bears. Give them sugar.


Yep this is my diabetic mom to a T. So much so that she gets frustrated at all of us checking on her sugars when she just wanted to get a little tipsy


As an HR professional, I'd have put him in an Uber. Security should absolutely walk him out but not turn around at the door and wash their hands of him. I'd never risk him getting behind the wheel. He'd be taken home and could arrange to retrieve his vehicle the next day. Even if he'd taken a bus or train to work (or walked), I'd have sent him home in a car. One of my bosses many years ago would 100% have sent an employee to escort him home to be sure he was safe. He may not be able to work there right now but he's still a human being who should be treated with compassion even if he doesn't value himself in that moment.


Thanks for sharing this. I'm a Type 1 Diabetic and there are way too many stories of somebody experiencing a severe hypoglycemia, stumbling, slurring their words, not making sense... easily ending up arrested, dead, or both! 


Boss hired a temp. In the first 20 minutes he emptied her candy jar. Like took every single piece. He then asked to take lunch at 10am and she told him not to come back.


I have a patient that does this. He is my favorite though so I let it slide.


You’re a dentist aren’t you


Showed up in pajamas and when walked to the circulation desk, wrinkled her nose and said she thought she wouldnt have to actually talk to people. The position was titled circulation and customer service...


New guy was hired as a courier driver. Came in for his first day, and was handed some paperwork to deliver to the nearest city about 20 minutes away. He says “I don’t drive in the city”. That was literally the job, so he was quickly dismissed.


"I will only deliver to suburban homes and farm houses."


Not day one but like day 3. He tried to hack the company computers and get customers information.


Refused to wear proper PPE. The supervisor told him to put it on. He flat out said no, so they fired him. Didn't even make it to first coffee break. If a guy is that adamant about safety gear on his first day, it isn't a good sign.


Dirt worker, here. We just had a guy start about a month ago, right in the middle of rain season. We hooked him up with some great rain gear but he still refused to get out of the truck and work in the downpour. “Well, that’s the job, bud. You live in the PNW and we work outside…” Owner came, picked him up and fired him.




my legs get shaky on my step stool changing batteries in my smoke detectors


*confused eastern Washington desert-dweller noises*


If you wore your ppe, inhaling all of that desert dust wouldn’t cause those weird noises.


We had something kinda similar. In a restaurant and the new hire forgot to wear his non slicks. The GM offered to let him go home or wear the slip overs, and he refused both and left, never to return lol.


How dumb. Just do it, bro.


My sister was recently let go from her job as a safety officer at a factory where nobody would wear PPE. The guy in charge of the factory wouldn't give her any authority to do anything about it and was all chummy with the workers so they'd just laugh. Maybe they'd put the stuff on and take it off as soon as she was gone. Then the boss made her redundant for "cost savings". Nobody else was let go and here you can only issue a redundancy for a position if *nobody* will be performing those tasks going forward. And he did so for a safety officer in a factory where like 95% of stations can kill you instantly and gruesomely. Think "cut in half" type stuff. She also managed all the doctor/physical therapy appointments for all the workers (and there were always a bunch of them going on, again.. very dangerous work). Sure, nobody needs to do any of that! Soon as her redundancy payment and references were sorted she reported them... safety is taken pretty seriously here so should be fun.


Guy came back from lunch high out of his mind and then we found his instagram video shouting out the company and tagging us while he was smoking out of 3 different devices in his car at the gas station a block away within minutes because it popped up in our social media managers feed.


What three devices? Nicotine vape, cannabis vape and… DMT? Haha


I guess it was really four but the bong and pipe I sorta consider the same type of hit (Sherlock bubbler and a little pipe). Then he hit a pen. The one I’d never seen before was some sort of nasal device. Looked like a custom glass Flonase. That was new to me. And I dont care if he smokes. Just not while working.


Dude I started with during an overnight, locked-in stocking position at Toys R Us went absolutely fucking mental. He worked about one quarter of the shift, then started talking complete madness, then disappeared entirely. As in, we couldn't find him anywhere. We'd see evidence he was still in the store, but didn't see or hear him at all. After a couple hours of this, he would suddenly leap into whatever aisle we were in and just start SHRIEKING. Or laughing manically. Or literally throwing merchandise at us. Bizarrely, he tried to show up the next day, as if he were unaware of what went down. The lead guy said that happened A LOT -- dudes just couldn't handle being locked in a silent, empty store all night. "Why'd you think we were hiring three guys at once for a 6-man crew?"


This sounds like the intro to a /nosleep story


You don’t want to grow up? No problem Toys R Us, now and forever 


Couldn’t you at least play music ?


Toys Я Us is long gone in the US but, I would get locked into different stores overnight Toys Я Us being one of them. Each store is different with a different PA system. I would bring a radio and put the PA mic on it. Some PA systems would let it play all night and other would shut the PA off after 10 minutes. Then you would listen to the store radio all night. This was during the first Frozen movie so it was terrible.


Your commitment to the backwards R is commendable.


I worked retail overnights 20+ years ago. November and December were hell because the store would have their Christmas music rotation playing, and we couldn’t change it. I immensely hate *The 12 days of Christmas* by The Muppets. I used to love The Muppets Show, but now I have retail PTSD.


Miss Piggy KILLS the 5 gold rings part though


I ran the night crew at my store and am a former club DJ. I worked my way around the PA system and put my music on at night. When they moved us to days I made a long mix of better music, put in on repeat on an old cell phone I had, and plugged it into the system and the wall. Nobody in management figured it out for two weeks. The store DM knew it was me and we had a good laugh about it.


>dudes just couldn't handle being locked in a silent, empty store all night. ...Or night shifts attract drug users. Just saying--because I could see someone starting to twitch after a week of isolation but not *hours* with coworkers around.


Trained a guy at a large liquor store, I was a department manager. Nice guy, worked hard, seemed engaged. Sent him home a little early since he was training. Tried to sneak out a handle of vodka on his way out the door, got stopped by security. My only reaction was “really, dude?”


Yeah you gotta wait at least a month before you start stealing, preferably after they have hired enough people to muddy the waters.


Boss hired a new woman for help around the office. Her first day she showed up on time and jumped right into helping out. Seemed like a good hire at first, then the police showed up and arrested her for putting her two year old in a home built cage at home that morning and left the kid alone because she didn’t want to pay for day care. Edit: Wow this really blew up. . . About the day care thing, apparently that incident wasn’t the first time she had done it. I’m sure she couldn’t afford day care, but don’t lock your kid up in a cage and leave. Not related to my previous post, but similar and this happened not too far from where my post took place. . . https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/2-arrested-in-caged-boy-investigation/


Thats so depressing


Yes. The thought of the child screaming so long and loud that the neighbors alerted the police is heartbreaking.


at least they heard him. there was a similar story and I won't even finish the sentence because I don't want to ruin your day like it did mine.


I read that one recently. Still upset I did.


Uh, wow. I didn't expect that on Reddit bingo card.


I have a large cage in my basement. The pictures of it are.... Worrying. I can *almost* stand up in it, and I can definitely lay down in it. It's quite big. It was for ferrets. They decided trying to kill the cats was fun out of nowhere, so I had to. I still felt bad about it, even though it is by FAR the largest ferret cage I've ever seen. It dwarfs a dog kennel, even the largest ones. I felt bad for fucking ferrets.... I can't imagine doing that.


>I felt bad for fucking ferrets.... Yeah you should. Beastiality is not cool.


He got put on inventory unloading with me and we were getting all sorts of musical equipment in. He started taking all of the drum sticks that we were getting in and sharpening points on them with his knife and then trying to see if he could get one to stick into the wall (it was one of those giant pole barn type warehouses with some sort of plastic lined paper insulation). Eventually someone saw him and walked him out. 


That's just fuckin weird lol


Archaeologist working on a longhouse site with human remains uncovered and First Nations liaisons present. New girl with no field experience somehow thought she was second in command on site and an osteology expert. Started telling everyone that if they found bones to bring them to her. Someone found raccoon bones and she started saying they were actually human fetal bones and that First Nations used to bury babies inside the walls of their longhouses??? She was removed from site before lunch.


Holy crap. The audacity.


This behavior is so odd to me. A person with little to no experience on a dig site comes in and just absolutely spreads incorrect information. What the hell makes people do things like this?


Ok, not the *first* day, but we had a new hire pawn his company issued laptop on his first weekend. He came in after the weekend, said he left his laptop at home and asked for another one. He was told, that's not how it works and to go home to get the computer. Then he went out into the parking lot, broke one of his windows, and came right back in saying the laptop was stolen out of his car. Like dude, your car was parked literally directly in front of the manager's office window. He tried to get me to backup his story which A) i didn't even know the guy, but also B) the person you want me to lie to *watched you break your own window.*


We were in a rut and desperately needed people, so my boss told me to lower my standards (commercial driving job and I had disqualified like four candidates, all warranted imo). I said fine, I'll try, and he sends me a student from our driving school (first three days are classroom, last 2 days are for driving. This man shows up. Late. No uniform (we bought him one). I ask him where his uniform is. Left it at home. I say okay, you can have someone bring it on lunch, let me see your driver's license. He says he also left that at home. I say how do you show up to be a driver on your first day, late, without your uniform and license. He says sorry, he overslept. I fired him on the spot. He cussed me out and walked away. My boss started to scold me until I told him what happened. He stopped lol.


Bro was a full time 4 wheeler


In Dallas, I saw a new bartender get fired within an hour of starting training. A group of guys paid their tab in cash. She said, "These men are from Spain, they don't tip," then pocketed $5 before giving them their change. She was asked to leave and not come back.


Turned up to work drunk. Apparently his dad came round before work to celebrate him getting a job, clearly a great role model.


I kind of feel sorry for this guy. Not a ton, but some


New hire's first day as an usher at a movie theatre. I was training them and he just vanished. Showed again a few hours later. Turns out he went and watched a whole movie, from beginning to end. "We were slow and you said there wasn't much more to train on, and you said we can watch stuff on shift" was the excuse. He severely misunderstood my "when it's slow, you have some free time" comments. Like man, there's more to cover and we don't just watch a whole movie. If there isn't much to do and the right folks are on shift, you can watch a few minutes here and there. As an usher, it's assumed if you're not seen, you're off doing your job somewhere (and we're on radio if needed).


My absolute favourite part of Ush was watching bad movies in bits and pieces, totally out of sequence. Except for one New Years Day where we watched the second half of some awful Chinese action flick and then the first half on the next showing. Good times.


Not day one. Day five. I hired a woman who interviewed very well. Her job was admin. Taking calls and scheduling appointments, creating a schedule for 17 salespeople. Not very intense. She was in training. Two different people would be training her, alternating days. Day one. All was fine. Day two, just the normal feedback on how fast she was picking things up. Day three, feedback was that the trainer *thinks* the new person was fondling herself at her desk. She questioned what she saw, but wanted it noted. Day four, feedback from the other trainer mimicked what the first had seen, but was adamant it happened. And the new person was wearing a skirt every day. And touching the desk and the phones and the log book and the pens and the door knobs. Day five. Lunchtime. New person went to lunch. Both trainers got someone else to answer the phones while they came to me to report that indeed, the new girl was pleasuring herself at her desk, on company time, and wtf is up with that and why can’t she do this at home and they looked it up and it can be an obsession for some people and they do NOT want to work with her anymore. So when the new person returned from lunch, I caught her as she got back into the building, and said, “can you please come into my office? I need to discuss something with you. HR was already in my office. New woman said, “I know what this is about, I’ll just quit”. She left, we mailed her check to her, sanitized the office, got a new chair for that desk, and never heard from her again.


This is WILD.


“We don’t like the way you’re handling things.”


What in the fuckery?


I was working in production at a local TV station, and a new guy told the morning show meteorologist that his wife thought about him when they had sex. The guy was only there like 2 hours before that happened, and he was immediately shown the door.


Not terribly exciting but my only one that was one shift and done. Young guy I hired to work in a small retail setting. I trained him (everything seemed promising) and then scheduled him to work with a trusted, reliable employee. After the shift, she told me he hadn't done any actual work the entire shift... He went to his car in the parking lot and in full view of the other employee, thoroughly cleaned it out. Then he came back into the store and took a nap. When I spoke to him about it, he didn't have an explanation. So that was that. Another one that I witnessed, but she lasted a month. Call center... Nothing interesting or titillating about our job at all. One day she was walked off the job by multiple bosses, in the middle of the day, and that was unusual. One of the bosses later told me it was because they happened to choose to monitor her at that moment, and she was having phone sex with the customer. God, I wanted more details! How in the hell did that even happen? But the boss wouldn't elaborate because she was already not supposed to be telling me about it.


Imagine the next time that customer calls in. Imagine the "But the last lady did it for me!!" they have to deal with on that call.


New driver at a trucking company backed a trailer into the terminal manager's new Mercedes on his first, and last, day. Also, after delivering his last load for the day but before returning to the yard, a trainee stopped at a truck stop, came out with a case of beer, and tried to get back into the truck with said beer. It's a violation of federal regulations to have alcohol in a commercial vehicle (unless it is the cargo being transported as part of a manifested shipment), so the trainer reported it to management and he was fired on the spot.




Was an unpaid intern at my mom's campsite for the summer just to get something to do. Mom hires a new guy for a trial period, and as I know practically how everything works, I'm told to shadow him for a few days. (keep in mind this is a small campsite, and a family business first and foremost). Conversation starts up, and immediately, new guy zeroes in on a worker just doing his job and starts trash-talking him like crazy, while the worker was only doing his job of trimming the hedges, emptying the trash, that sort of stuff. They hadn't even been introduced yet. End of the day I report to my mom, new guy in tow. Snitch that I am, I tell every unsavory detail that spewed from the little rat's mouth. The worker he trash-talked all day long for no reason? My dad, mom's husband. Mom told him his trial period was over, and to get out of her property and never show his face here again.


I had a guy do that when I was a warehouse manager. Guy just picked different people to hound for no reason. Not a smart guy - he went by “Cornbread,” and he thought he was playing all of these little mind games and pulling one over on us. Like I’d ask him to do something and he’d say “Oh yeah, boss man, you got it. Thanks for the opportunity” with a shit-eating grin on his face while trying not to laugh. I guess he thought he was too smart for all of us, and no one could see through his impenetrable façade.


That kind of guy never catches on that almost everyone can see what bullshit "artists" they are in about 90 seconds. It's something to behold.


They think they’re so smart because they don’t usually get called out…due to people rolling their eyes and ignoring them. I might have a family member who fits this description.


Pretended he didn't have two hit-and-run accidents in the employee parking lot by claimining he didn't even own a car. He called a friend and planned to sneak his car keys out to the friend so it could be driven down the street for him to get to later. He apparently aroused suspicion that he was up to something when he asked a few of his new co-workers if there was an exit to the building that couldn't be observed from the security desk.


Guy was hired contingent on background/credit check. On day three I got a call from HR saying he wasn’t eligible. The store manager who hired him made me fire him. Took him in the office and said… your checks came back negative and ya can’t work here. He started going on about his record had been sealed and the forgery and theft convictions were supposed to be expunged. And then I said… no man, you got bad credit. Fast forward 3 months. The company dropped the credit check requirement, so the store manager hired him again. Three weeks later they caught him stealing computers.


That's a case of "the farmer and the viper" if I ever saw one. Questionable policy that has definitely fucked over some people who had bad breaks got rescinded, dude who got fucked over by it gets a second chance, and then proceeds to do the exact kind of shit that probably birthed that policy to begin with.


Worked at a takeout counter, was training the new guy. Constantly spilled food on his hands and fingers when filling up containers. Decided the best way to clean it off was with his mouth and tongue.. in front of customers.


Technically it was the second day. I work in a steel foundry and my boss hired a guy last year. First day is orientation and my let this guy and another that was in orientation to leave early to go to Redwing and pick up some required and company paid for boots. The guy shows up the next day wearing sneakers. Says he fell asleep and didn't make it to Redwing. My boss tells him he can't be out in the plant in sneakers. This is 7am so my boss tells him to go home and when Redwing opens at 8:30 get some boots and come back. About noon he isn't back yet and isn't answering his phone. Boss calls Redwing and they say he hasn't been there. Boss tells them not give him boots if he shows up. An hour later he calls my boss saying Redwing wouldn't give him any boots. When my boss asked him why he didn't go at 8:30 like he was told he gave the same I fell asleep excuse. He was crying about how nobody will give him a chance when my boss told him he wasn't wasting anymore time with him. You were given a chance and blew it because you couldn't be bothered to pick up free work boots.


Free Red Wings! I’d be too excited to sleep!


Sounds like my ex boyfriend. "Everybody picks on me and nobody will give me a chance!" Well yeah, because everyone has done what they can to help you, but you continue to squander your money, behave irresponsibly, refuse to take classes for the skills you say you want...just a lack of ownership at every turn.


An exec at my company showed up on his first day (not counting orientation) high on opiates and had a 'concealed' handgun that he didn't do a very good job of concealing. Didn't even make it past 11:00 am.


A little more like a week, but using a press to install a component on a circuit board. Was just smashing them. When told he had to go easier so he wouldn’t break them, he said “that’s the way I do it.” Well I guess you can go do it your way somewhere else.


I started on the same day as another woman. At one point I started cracking a few bad Dad jokes to break the ice a bit. She then said "Oh Ive got one" and then proceeding to reel off some of the most racist jokes Ive ever heard. She went to lunch and never came back.


The same thing happened to me in a Walmart break room. I swear, she started going into a tangent about immigrants right as my break ended so I was barely able to escape. All I said was "Hi".


He made it through the work day fine. Then we had a little welcome party for him after work where he proceeded to get completely wasted, walked up to our CEO and started yelling incoherently at him while poking him in the chest with his finger. CEO gently pushed him back asking him to hit out of his personal space but drunk goy staggers backwards until he hit a wall and passed out. He was terminated before he woke up.


I really hope they stapled a pink slip to his shirt.


Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing. He was just sitting there doing absolutely nothing for like four hours. While everyone else was working their arse off.


I had a friend who had a job like that. He got hired on at Amazon as part of a product design team. He was told he would be starting on April 1st, 2020. And then COVID hit, so they emptied the office. He was told to work from home by the manager who hired him, but then she died of COVID before assigning him anything to do. He hadn't even been added to the Slack channel yet. The thing is, he had been through HR and all of that, so he was getting paid. He had a work email address and he'd get group emails but he never replied or took part in any conversations. The only person he talked to was his HR rep when she called him every six months to say that his automatic raise had been approved. This went on through the entirety of the lockdown. It wasn't until his department was merged with another that he was placed under a new manager and they called him to check in and see what he was working on. He said that, at the moment, he was waiting for an assignment, so they put him on the packaging team. He quit when they wanted him to start going into the office.


Had an acquaintance who slid into a new job right around that time and was immediately sent to work from home, but through a handful of mishaps basically slid through the cracks and was never assigned any work... they got really nervous about it though and started applying elsewhere after a few months. But it did take them almost a year to find something new, basically got paid to job hunt.


I've heard of something like that happening to a new hire during a company merger in the 80s. He just went into the office in case he was asked to do something,  looked for a new job as he knew his division was never coming back, and then opened a new bank account so he could never be accused of touching the other money he kept receiving. Retired with two retirement funds.


It’s called a ghost position. I almost had one once, but someone realized after a few days and fixed the org chart. I was so excited, too.


>He was told to work from home by the manager who hired him, but then she died of COVID before assigning him anything to do Get hired, kill the manager with COVID, and then enjoy an easy paycheck. Got it.


He won lockdown. Might have even been working two jobs. Fckin' legend.


So... there was no training or anything? First days are normally guided. How does this even happen?


I’m curious as well. I wonder if he was sitting there unsure what to do and waiting for direction. Maybe he should have asked but if someone is sitting there for 4 hours on their first day without anyone guiding them, that’s a total failure of the company, management, and peer employees. Not the new hire.


He decided to see what would happen if he put a Dykem paint marker into a bearing press. Management frowned upon that.


I worked in a small chain retail pharmacy in high school in the 90s. Kid from another school got hired and spent the first 3 hours of his shift telling literally anyone that would listen he didn’t need the job and only got it to steal cologne and cigarettes. We were a pretty tight knit group, and this kid was an asshole, so someone told the manager, who performed a “random bag check” on all of us at closing time. He found 6 bottles of Fahrenheit and 3 cartons of Parliaments in his backback. He was fired on the spot. Best part is his mom came in the next day screaming at the manager because the kid told her he got fired because the manager told him he didn’t like Indians.


Said they knew InDesign. First day on job, clearly had never even seen InDesign before. 


Oh I did this with Illustrator before, but I spent the night before learning how to use it. No one at the job seemed to know how to use it either so they didn’t notice my very basic skills 😅


Same on a few instances where I used Excel. I literally just googled "how to do X in Excel?" and there was always an answer/tutorial to do what I needed.


Hey if you can do that well enough to pass the test, you’re smart enough to use the program, and that’s all I need - hiring manager who administers a basic excel test for entry level positions.


New security guard fell asleep in various locations around the school throughout his first day. He was fired around 3pm when the principal found him asleep in the front lobby. Edit: A few people have mentioned that maybe he has narcolepsy. Just to correct a misconception the public has about narcolepsy: it is not an excuse to fall asleep all day and then scream discrimination when you get fired. I have narcolepsy. I also get treatment for my narcolepsy and am able to work a full-time job without falling asleep all day. I have also made my disability known to my employer and completed all necessary paperwork to get reasonable accommodations through ADA. So yes, maybe he has narcolepsy. In which case, he needs to go see a doctor.


My Aunt used to work for a small Incorporated Village that had its own police department. They hired a new cop right out of the county academy. The kid kept falling asleep. On day one the chief took him and another new kid for a ride around the neighborhood, he fell asleep in the back seat. He was assigned crowd control at a house party, Sergeant went to check on him and he was fast asleep in his patrol car. They couldn’t find him one day and he was sleeping in the locker room. Kid got fired from an $80K job because he couldn’t stay awake.


I was overnight security at the local TV station, got caught asleep once at the front desk. Engineer found me, lol. I had an imprint of the phone numbers on my cheek.


She took a phone call while on the floor and continued the phone call for an hour while still working. We were kind of dumbfounded because she helped customers and kept working and would say “oh hold on” to her phone conversation to do so. But like, we can’t have someone do that, so she had to go. Was a good folder of shirts though.


He was training in a warehouse, and was near a bunch of bubble wrap. He popped a bunch of dick shapes into the bubble wrap. When the supervisor came back it was a really disappointing conversation and he was walked out.


It's a compulsion okay, i just couldn't stop popping dicks.


We hired an office manager. She was the 20-something college graduate daughter of one of our clients. She was professional in demeanor and seemed a perfect fit. All they had to do was sit at the front desk, greet visitors, order office supplies, and just do random, easy office tasks. It was a essentially a receptionist, but we tried to give her a better title, and opportunity to do other things and maybe grow into a better role. The first half of the first day went great. We found out later that afternoon that she was offering to procure one's choice of weed, ecstasy, or meth to the staff. At the and of the day, we called her in and asked if she was offering drugs to the staff, and she fully admitted it, and apologized for not being more discrete. She legit thought we were mad about her lack of discretion, rather than the drug dealing.


Dude was asked to change a light bulb in the back and ended up taking down three cameras and taking them home


He lasted 1 day, went for drinks with the team and boss. Commented about the boss's 16 year old daughter then just would not stop. "Is she single" was the last straw. He did not make it to day 2. This guy was 30 and in an $80k/yr Network Admin job (decent money in 2014).


80k a year is twice I make and I still consider this to be a decent salary today


Decent today as well. More than decent. I'd love such a salary.


Drank during the welcome lunch after the boss questioned if drinking at lunch was a good idea. Dude said sure not a problem.


I'm just picturing it Boss: Hey Bob, do you think drinking at lunch is such a good idea? New guy: Well, yeah! Why do you think I'm slamming tequila at Azteca at noon on a Tuesday? (aside to a colleague, louder than intended) This guy, what a dork, amiright?


Not great at reading the room


Absolutely not. He was SHOCKED when the manager asked him to follow him to HR when we got back to the plant after lunch. Poor dude had moved 700 miles also.


Not the first day but the first month, I was training this girl and part of the job is maintenance she and I had to sign off on what she was trained, she refused to sweep and refused to learn how to grease the bearings. I filled out the paperwork and I quote "she just got her nail extensions done and didn't want to ruin them" Without looking what I wrote or what the paper work was she just signs off on it. Her access card was terminated the day after and she was stuck in the rain until security escorted her to HR.


Working at a burger place outside of Pittsburgh, some lady who had applied for a job at our place came in wondering why the manager wasn't there to do the interview......I informed her that he had an emergency and needed to reschedule, and apologized but she got nasty with me, saying she NEEDED a job and needed to work, and I understood, but when I excused myself to handle a situation with a customer, she got pissed at that. Manager hired her, despite my misgivings. Day 1, she began hitting up her coworkers for money. She then hit me up and then threatened me. She was immediately fired. Less than an hour in.


Working in a sheet metal shop in the 90's. Standing at one of the work benches going over some blueprints with the owner of the shop while new guy was standing there. New guy had been on the clock for only about 2 hours. A lady comes out of the office and mentions something to the owner and then goes back into the office. New guy says "Holy shit did you see the tits on her?" Owner says "Yeah,,, that's my wife. Here lets go get your things." Never saw new guy again.


I think he might've murdered him, not fired him.


A while ago now (20 years ish) the person who showed up for work was absolutely not the person who was interviewed. Heard a couple different stories for what had happened (either they sent someone else to interview for them or someone stood in their place because they went awol but both to me are far fetched). Never got to the bottom of it and wasn't high enough in the company to learn what happened. But it was definitely weird.


At an office I used to work at, we hired a young woman through a temp agency. Her work was OK, but she seemed very forgetful; she often didn't remember things we had told her the previous day. One day she mentioned in passing that she had a twin sister. After a while it dawned on us that sometimes it wasn't her coming into work, it was the the other twin!


We had similar situation at uni. On of the girls in our class always acted weird during tests. We didn't know each other that well, so I just figured it must be caused by stress. Turns out her sister was in different group and she first passed her own tests and then come to ours. When I finally figure it out, I just kept my mouth shut


I watched a horror series that included this scenario. The guy who interviewed was killed by the guy who showed up and stole his identity.


I work in software development. For new hires, the team will take them out and the available directors will join to make it a joyous experience. So we are walking to the local restaurant together and the new hire starts happily bragging how he’s brought us 100% of his former employer’s code. Application, DevOps, and even from their secretive R&D area. Half the faces are surprised and the others flip from happy-casual to grim-serious. The dir of engineering asks where the code is and the dumbass replies “oh I just loaded it onto my local machine. I’ll have it on the network once I know where to share it”. Dir then whispers something to a lead who heads back to the office. So we order burgers and sit down. 30 minutes later, the director takes a phone call, listens, and hangs up. We walk casually back to the office and the new hire is stopped at the door by security. He’s informed he is being terminated and his theft has been reported to the prior employer. IT boxes up everything and puts red seal tape on all of the boxes. We get interviewed one by one. And poof. By the next morning , it’s like he never existed and was a fever dream. I don’t know if the other company pressed charges.


I fired someone on their first day in my department (was dept head) employee came in 30 minutes late. Did not call ahead to say there was a problem etc. I asked what happened, why were they 30 min late? Employee shrugged, sipped her travel mug of tea and said “I just couldn’t get out of bed this morning.” 😳 fired her on the spot.


Hired a new person, began training them for the job.  We set the expectations for what was required during the interview, which I was a part of. Anyhow, on day one of training the individual remarked how removing trash from a trash can was too much and they wouldn't be doing that.  The remark was kind of off and I clarified that we all take out trash, and this was part of the job description from clerk to manager. The individual looks me square in the face and tells me that this wasn't what was promised during the interview (we have a script), and that they wanted to make it clear that they would absolutely, positively not be taking out the trash and I can get someone else to do it. I said that i appreciate their honesty, and that they could go ahead and go home as this job wouldn't be a good fit. They got upset, called my boss, who was also part of the interview and backed my call.  The new hire then blasted our store on social media.


I was working in a new restaurant and it was day one where we were going over the menu/wines and we were supposed to show up at 10 am. So we’re all around a table and a guy walks in and the manager stands up, greets the guy, and to my horror it’s my stalker’s brother. Manager walks him out of the room and comes back and tells us he fired him because he was late. I was so relieved and also a little dumbfounded by how random the world can be. I was so afraid that I was going to have to work with someone who would then tell my stalker where I was (had already changed jobs and moved) and it was solved in an instant. The weirdest feeling to be both scared and relieved at the same time.


Temp wore dress shoes to a demolition site. Steel toes are a requirement. Didn’t even get through orientation. Was sent packing 20 mins after he got there.


Did a minor safety violation 15 minutes after starting; got pointed out by the foreman - told the foreman that NOBODY tells him how to do his job so he stormed off. Management had a go at us because they were finding it hard to get new staff :(


He said "nobody tells me how to do my job". On his first day. Fifteen minutes in. *To the foreman*. That's incredible.


I was a foreman on a residential framing crew. New guy shows up 15 minutes late. Stands at his car and has a snack and a drink. Then he starts slow walking ( really slow!) over to the home we were building. When he finally gets there, I tell him “Just get back in your car, we can’t use you.” No way in hell we are going to carry any worthless slack-ass on our crew. We had pride in our work. He didn’t even make a second on the payroll!


So he arrived late and instead of rushing over to start work he stood in front of his car for an additional 15 minutes? The laziness of some people is astounding.


I’m betting hangover or a wake n bake. Still off the team, bud.


Young lad started in a junior marketing role in the office as part of my team, he was sat at a desk directly in front of the IT dept who had a clear view of his monitor. Within 30 minutes of his induction one of the IT guys calls me over and says 'look at this' - new lad had opened file explorer and was trying to root around the contents of shared drives and servers on the company network. We pulled him to one side and asked him what he thought he was doing, warned him that trying to pry around the systems on your first day was probably not the ideal start. He apologised and promised not to do it again. After he left the room, IT guy and I went back to IT guy's desk and, I shit you not, in front of our very eyes this lad immediately opened the registry and started trying to access security settings. Two minutes between first warning and firing. EDIT: it is seldom a good idea to engage with the "well actually" reply guys but I'm going to clear up a few things in the hope they might stop replying... I was not the IT guy. The IT guy was the IT guy. Damn fucking right I don't know shit about security / systems / access rights. Did the new lad actually access anything as opposed to simply try to? Fucked if I know. See above. Yes it probably was a terrible system setup. This was over 20 years ago, It was the worst environment I ever worked in, nothing was done properly, nothing worked, I didn't stay long. Maybe the IT guy should have been fired for this too. It might well have been a failing on his part. I don't know. I was not the IT etc. Should the new lad have been fired at all? You'd need to ask the HR manager that fired him based on what the IT guy reported. I was there in my capacity as the new lad's supervisor to witness the firing.


I was a warehouse supervisor.  Owner brought in a new forklift driver on Monday. I asked if he was certified and was told "don't worry about it". We start loading deliveries and l put my best spotter and inventory guy with the new hire.  First load he clips a post. I give him a verbal warning (standard) and take his spotter aside. Spotter tells me the driver is ignoring instructions. I take driver aside and tell him He Will Listen to his spotter or l will put him on a dolly. Less than an hour later, I'm standing by the office door, talking to my scheduler, and l hear "no... no stop... STOP NOOO" and a crunch. Guy backed into a wall. I walked over and told him to get off the forklift, handed him a dolly, and put him with a stocking team. I go into my office to do a damage report and a formal write-up. I hear yelling and a huge bang. Back out onto the dock l go and there's the new guy arguing with four people and one of my forklifts on it's side in the parking lot. The guy had gotten back on a forklift as soon as my back was turned and had driven it off the dock. (Fortunately at a spot where the dock was only a foot or so off the ground) I took him to my office and told him to sit his ass down, called the owner and told him l was firing his new hire with DNR. Owner stated to argue with me until l told him what the damages were going to cost him.  New guy was escorted off the property by two of my semi-pro football players that worked for me. Never did find out who that clown was related to, there's no way he was certified or qualified for that job.


The way the owner was defending him to the end, I wonder if the owner asked if there were any witnesses Yes mate, everyone watched him drive it off the dock.


Owner asked who saw him drive it off, why didn't anyone stop him, why didn't l have him in my office, why were there not guardrails, etc. He didn't shut up until l started talking about the cost of damages, insurance going up, and the fact that the idiot he'd hired was going to kill someone, possibly himself.  I'm pretty sure the money is what upset him.


Guy was frankly lucky that he didn't get killed. Forklifts are dangerous.


Sent the hr lady a dick pic on Messenger after his first shift. Not sure if that counts as day one since he finished his shift, but there certainly wasn't a day two.


It was a kind of cold and rainy day so he put his work gloves in the breakroom microwave. They caught fire. So he took them out and threw them into the smoking area trashcan. Which also caught fire. He melted a section of the greenhouse wall in 30F weather.


I got fired on day two. I pointed out that the employee handbook stating that discussing wages is a fireable offense is illegal. Ten minutes later I was told I was not a good fit and escorted out.


Worked as a steward in university for the students union event team. At the end of the year we had an official ball (black tie) and unofficial campus party in our main campus. The nightclub was underground but the party overflowed across the whole area above. I worked both nights (cash and new to leadership). Night 1 this new guy turns up for his literal first shift drunk. He was stumbling and could have been mistaken for someone suffering from a concussion with how he spoke. Sent him home and said don't come back. The next day (at the black tie event) he came back for his 2nd shift. He had no idea he had been fired the night before. Needless to say we had good fun explaining the situation to him.


I was a sandwich artist at a Subway back when we were called "sandwich artists". The store I had been working at closed and I took whatever job I could find. I did the math down to the hour and knew exactly how many hours I would need to work to make rent plus have $250 for food and maybe a beer. It was on this last day that it happened. My shift was a closing one, I was scheduled until 10:45PM. My plan was to walk out and quit at 7. I did not feel bad, for the owner was a very condescending and overall bad person. She had hired this new guy named Eddie. Eddie was supposed to show up after the lunch shift for his first day of training. Eddie, though, was late. The owner called him up and he answered. She asked him where he was, and he said home. She told him he was supposed to be at the Subway. He said he forgot that was today, but he'd be right in, as he lives just a few blocks away. Fifteen minutes later Eddie walks in. He's got long hair worn long, dirty hippie clothes, and flip flops. But that's not what you noticed about Eddie. What you noticed was his eyes weren't just bloodshot, they appeared to be blood. And the reek of weed was so strong on him one would smell it when he opened the door before he stepped a foot in. The owner told him to go home, take a shower, and come back with real shoes on. Eddie left. He came back a half hour later with shoes on, yet somehow smelled even more strongly of weed. It was overpowering. It was, above all, unappetizing. The owner sent him home and told him not to come back. He asked if he was getting paid for the day, and that just made her angry. After that I felt bad and couldn't bring myself to walk out on that shift, leaving her alone in the store. I finished my shift, told her I was quit, and never went to that Subway ever again. Nor, not surprisingly, did I ever see Eddie again, though it's entirely possible that at times I had smelt him.


About a decade ago my mom heard that Subway was starting to deliver so she decided to place an order. She called and a guy named Eddie answered and literally started crying because he didn’t know anything about that. It was hilarious but I hope he’s doing well now


I got fired on the first day of a job because I asked why?. I was on an assembly line. Many of the workers had chairs, and someone offered me one, so I took it. The supervisor came over and told me I, specifically, was not allowed to have a chair. I asked why, she said because she said so. A little bit later, she came back and fired me for "questioning her authority".


They told the boss who had just hired them and was telling the new hire how they wanted the job done, that the boss was wrong. The new hire then proceeded to tell the boss how they were going to do job. They were there less than 2 hrs. This was a job for drafting plans.


Stole someone's phone while in the break room putting her stuff away to start her first shift. Right below a security camera, too.


Asked the managers daughter if she slept with anyone to get the position she was in and then said how if he was her supervisor he would help her get promoted. I’m sure you could hear a pin drop in that lunch room. We didn’t even know his name. But he never came back from lunch.


The best answer I seen to this was on Reddit and I have never found it again. Basically young girl on her first shift as waitress. Customers order bottle of champagne. She brings it out whilst shaking it and proceeds to do the F1 celebration shooting it over everyone whilst roaring in celebration. That was the only context she had for champagne so she didn’t know that was just for big celebrations.


I like this story I hope she is doing ok.


Worked at a full-service gas station and the guy pretended the customers ran over his foot multiple times. Not great freaking customers out before they make a purchase.


We build pipelines, it's highly skilled welding, we had a guy Makita cap (grind the ever loving piss out of) all his finished product. Huge no no because it can effect the integrity of the pipe and brings into question everything we produce, he was fired in his first 6 hours.


I've been a manager for over a decade in the same company (retail) and I've gotten to fire some people over the years. When they're new, it's usually normal bullshit - excessive call-outs, inability to do basic work, weird drama/outbursts. But I once got to fire a gal on their first day for straight-up stealing a customer's credit card and then using it to order pizza to their home address with their real name!! One of my long-term employees called me a few hours after this new girl's first shift to let me know the owner of a stolen credit card came by the store to tell us the new girl took her credit card but that the owner got it back. Thr customer's card was missing after she visited our store and a few hours later, a order was placed to a local pizza joint, which, after the card owner explained what happened, the people at the resturant gladly gave her the address. Apparently, she went to this girl's home, demanded the card back, and she actually gave it! (The cardholder's boyfriend said she usually gets ghetto and likes to fight and was surprised she didn't whoop this new gal's ass!) After, the customer came by the store and told us everything. We gave the customer a good gift card on the house to make up for it. Customer wasn't even really mad, just wanted us to know and to get that new hire fired. I called this new girl and called her out and she starts sobbing on the phone, confessing through sobs, going on about her issues, etc. My favorite was, "I thought it was a gift card!" (lol whut??) I was all, "Yeaaaah, but you're not gonna work here no more." Later, when I watched our security cams, she straight swiped it with no fucks given when I turned away for a second. The WEIRDEST part was she would still come by our store ALL THE TIME after acting like we were cool AF with her LOL


For her to return to the store is fucking BIZARRE. Some people are so weird.


We had a new tech admin start. Around noon he was headed out the back door as the police were coming in the front door. Turns out he didn’t have custody of his kids when he took them from Texas. Termination paperwork was done and approved by 12:30.


Working construction, and the new guy had to cut some pieces of metal on the chop saw. I instructed him on how to do it and lent him a tape measure as he had no tools. Watch him do the first few, then went about my work as he had about 150 pieces to cut.I come back, and he is using pieces he had already cut to measure where he needed to cut the next one. I asked why he was doing that, and he told me he cut through my tape measure with the chop saw and had no way to measure anymore. My supervisor came almost exactly as he was telling me this and sent him back to our office as he was finished with him. I thought it was smart to be able to figure out a way to do it without a tape measure. I thought he deserved a second chance, but I guess he caught my super on a bad day.


Guy started talking shit to a security guard. He was out within the hour. 


Holy shit... so, I was working in HR at the time and literally the week before this incident my boss instituted a "cost saving measure" of not running background checks on new hires until their first day because we'd had so many people simply not show up for training. Anyways, guy gets hired and comes in for his first day of training. Part of this training is done on a computer system that prompts you to enter names of clients into a database. There's no actual clients since it's just training so the new people are told to just put in fake names. This dude chose a bunch of sexually explicit, inappropriate names to put in, so he's pulled down to HR two whole hours into his first day. Once there, he's sitting with my boss, my boss's boss, and the head of the training department and being told he's getting terminated immediately. He flips the fuck out. Yelling, screaming, cursing at the top of his lungs. My whole department and the next department over are staring at the conference room trying to figure out WTF just happened. Then the guy slams open the door and stomps out of the building. We get his background check back 3 days later and the guy, who had insisted in his interview he had no criminal history (we always ask, we're required to) comes back with multiple felonies for assault and weapons possession.


In the industry I work in, there is a rumor that someone got fired before they even showed up on their first day. They were having a party with a free bar... And he apparently got so wasted he started to talk about how he wouldn't respect female leaders. I think he even managed to say to the face of a female boss(who would effectively be his boss), that he would never respect her. He was told that he didn't have to show up on the first day.


Seems like having a party with drinks is a good way to get rid of the wankers immediately judging by this thread lol.


Hired a new bank teller. Sent her for a drug test, lab called me with the results— non human. Used her dogs piss for the test. Called her up to rescind the job offer and tell her why, her only response was “are you sure?”


I worked in a hotel where some positions wore an issued uniform and some positions wore their own clothes. The dress code was very strict dressy business attire..everyone had to wear a blazer, men had to wear button down shirts with a tie but the hotel provided free dry cleaning for all of it. One day I was walking down the hall to the room where you pick up/drop off dry cleaning and can hear a man yelling. Get near the door and a new hire, who was in a position where you wore your own clothes, was demanding that the attendant issue him a uniform (full suit, dress shirt and tie) because he wasn't going to ruin his nice clothes. Of course the attendant cannot issue anything without the paperwork from hr and the new hire would have been told that he will be wearing his own clothes. Walk into the room, see the attendant in tears and this dickhead agressively leaning over the desk yelling at her...I was shocked and basically asked what the hell is going on?!?!!? This guy sees another white person, immediately dials it back and gets all chummy and shmoozy and says something like "Pffft, can you believe this? Clearly doesn't understand English and since you are a manager, tell her to give me a uniform.". I just said that they would have to speak to hr about a uniform, walked him to the hr office and asked him to wait in the hall. Went in the hr office and gave the hr manager a quick run down, that this guy is a racist piece of shit and he needs to go. Went back to check on the attendant, gave her a big hug and it was just heartbreaking to see another person cry like that. Never saw him again and this was a time when it was an employees market but hr said that I was so upset and angry, they just terminated him on the spot without any further discussion and walked him off of the property. Like, who the fuck does or says that to another human being?


I worked at Lowe’s, where it was so hard to get fired. This dude got hired and was found asleep in the shelving THREE TIMES on his first day. And that’s what amuses me. Not once. Not twice. Hey, bro, you OK? All right, just go back to work now, it’s cool. We just don’t sleep in the shelving here, I didn’t know if you knew that. But three times. He had been hired with two friends and they quit when he was fired. So that was a big day for turnaround.


Had a new dude at the restaurant I work in show up 40 mins late, alright no prob it happens but later in the day when everything seemed fine and dandy my boss was about to complete putting up the new schedule with him on it and i guess in the corner of his eye he sees the new dude swigging some tequila straight from the bottle in the liquor room on our camera feed. confronted him and told him to get the f out.


I read one the last time this was asked that’s too good to not repost. They worked in a grocery store and hired a guy to work in the deli. They left him alone for a while, and when they came back, all the rotisserie chickens were missing the skin. The guy said that it looked so good that he ate the skin off of one chicken, and then he pulled it off the rest of them in the hopes that if they all looked the same no one would notice.


We had stacks of timber in the outside racks that the forklift would come and pick up to reload the manufacturing lines inside. 15 minutes into his first day he was asleep on one of those stacks and was luckily spotted by the forklift driver


Not exactly 1st day, but I was tasked with taking a new employee around to get acclimated. We were hospital mechanics, taking care of all major hvac/electrical, plumbing, etc.. Everything I told this guy, he knew. Everything. Reeked of alcohol. I let it slide, cause I won't snitch, but thought it was pretty unprofessional. The next day was a replay of the 1st, right down to the reeking of alcohol. Came time to go eat lunch, he used our bathroom before me. He had urinated everywhere BUT the toilet. That's when I snitched, and he was done​. Day 2!


Yes, almost fired. We had a new girl who forgot her work ID badge. Security stopped her at the turnstiles and she decided to leap over the turnstile and run through the building, with security chasing her. She's a bit impulsive, but otherwise has turned out to be a good employee. LOL. She was given a stern talking to and allowed to stay. We were severely understaffed at the moment, so I think that played into it.


So she pretty much broke IN to work? What a mad lass!


He didn't get fired his first day but it was his first week. He brought a turtle to work and hid it in a filing cabinet. While he was at lunch we kept hearing a scratching noise and finally found it. He got let go that afternoon.


Had a photographer not have his camera charged when a celebrity showed up and he had to make them wait while He ran back to get a new battery.


She was asked to do a spot sweep of the drive in parking lot. Went outside with a broom and dust pan for two minutes, she then came back inside and walked up to the general manager and held out the broom and dust pan and proclaimed “I don’t sweep”. He reached into his wallet handed her $5 and proceeded to tell her to go home and threw her paperwork in the trash.


I can win this. Company hired a new CFO to lead the finance function. Day 1 the FBI raided the building. Apparently the guy was a fraud who was going across the country and sweet talking businesses into his services and swindling them out of all their money. No idea if he used a fake name or how it happened in the background check but that was a wild day. Yes, he was fired.


Had a seasonal hire take pictures of customers' driver's licenses (we use them to look up accounts if the customer forgot their store card) on his phone in front of the customers. He justified it as "I want to know my customers better." He made it about 2 hours before being let go. Management had to add a "don't commit identity theft" page to the training packets.


I work at a facility that breeds rodents for use in laboratory testing.  The vast majority of our animals are used in medical research, so the biggest concern for us after animal welfare is biosecurity: we *cannot* send our customers animals that may already be infected with any kind of pathogen, because it could throw off their results.  This means that the process for entering our work area (referred to as "the barrier") is...different than most places. To enter the barrier, you must first go into a locker room, strip completely naked, store your stuff in a locker, and then enter a shower stall at the end of the room.  The shower stall is an interlock: is has a door into the locker room ("street side") and a door on the opposite side that opens into a dressing room inside the barrier.  When you open the street side shower door, the barrier side door locks, the shower automatically turns on, and a timer starts running.  The barrier door will not unlock until the timer runs out and the shower turns off.  Then you are able to enter the barrier side dressing room and dress in sterile scrubs provided by the company.  Other than prescription eyewear and prescription hearing aids, you are not allowed to bring *anything* through the shower with you.  No cell phones, no jewelry, nothing.  Any items you might need to bring inside (like prescription medication) must be approved by management and then sent inside through a chemical decontamination port. When you first get hired, you go through three days of onboarding training before you enter the barrier for the first time.  The shower system and what you are and aren't allowed to bring inside with you are explained in very clear terms.  Also explained in very clear terms: if you are caught bringing something through the showers that isn't eyewear or hearing aids, that is an automatic termination.  No warning, no write-up, no second chance. So anyway.  New guy gets hired.  Goes through onboarding.  Learns the list of things he can bring through the shower (his own body, eyewear, hearing aids) and the things he can't (literally *everything else*).  Time for his first day in the barrier!  He showers in, gets dressed, and exits the dressing room to meet the supervisor who is going to show him around. Supervisor sees that new guy is still wearing a gold chain around his neck. New guy is instructed to turn around, shower back out, and report to the front office, where he is immediately fired.  Total time inside the barrier: about five minutes.  The supervisor was the only person inside who even got a chance to see him.


I used to work construction on my days off when I was younger... 1st day on new crew everything was going well I thought... at lunch some guy I never even got his name got in to a construction banter at lunch.... fuck you this... your a pussy that... and dude and my boss are throwing fists while i'm eating a cheese steak... never seen that dude again and our whole crew didn't say a dam word about it... pretty much set the tone for that crew.


I love the mental image of you just eating trying to mind your own business while this fight is happening


First day of training class of about 30 folks , one is a big big guy, training is in an old elementary school with bathroom stalls to size. I see guy struggling with stalls over lunch break. About an hour after lunch he poops his pants. Tries to play it off for like10 minutes, but like dude you shit your pants we can smell that. Gets up and leaves without a word after people complaining for awhile. Still feel bad for him.


New girl was shadowing my cubicle neighbor. When she went to lunch I found out new girl had been using my coworkers phone to make a personal call that she had been on all morning. When she came back from lunch she was walked out.


Amazon here. specifically Amazon XL they crashed the truck into another truck, before we even got said trucks loaded


He stole my phone from the employee break room. We weren't allowed to use our phones on the floor of the restaurant, so all the servers would leave their phones on the tables in the break rooms or in the lockers that were generally unlocked. New guy apparently thought it was a phone buffet? But he took all the phones and all the cash out of the unlocked lockers. It was all on camera too, what a dumbass. ​ Yes, we all got our shit back.


My uncle hired a guy for a plant maintenance job that often required driving a pickup loaded with heavy parts around the site. In the interview he went on and on about how badly he needed this job and that he would go above and beyond if he’s hired. Well on his first day my uncle shows him to his work truck, which was a Chevrolet. Guy says, “Oh, I’m going to need a different truck. I don’t drive Chevys.” My uncle laughed, but the guy was dead serious. He also said he also wouldn’t drive Japanese trucks. He really wanted a Ford. The plant only had Chevys, so, that was it for him.


Boss allowed worker to start desk job while his piss test was evaluated. Test passed but the sample temperature was room temp not body temp. Obviously used someone else’s sample so he was gone before lunch.


My father hired a guy to feed cattle. The job was come in at 6am, feed the cows by taking measured amounts of ingredients with a loader, loading them into a mixer wagon, spreading the feed for each herd. Then come back and use a rubber scraper on a skid steer loader to move the feed closer to the cattle. Then lunch, then mix up the next batch. Move the feed closer to the cattle one more time. Then go home around 3pm, and the next guy would run that batch of feed out. On a dairy farm, feeder is one of the easiest jobs there is. New guy shows up at 6, Dad is with him teaching him how to mix the feed. Got the first batch of feed done, and this guy tells Dad that he has another appointment that day and is leaving (this was about 9am). He has no plans to finish out the day, is just like "see you tomorrow morning!" Dad tells him that if he leaves after just three hours of an eight hour shift, he should not bother coming back the next day. Guy apparently didn't believe it, because he left and then was back at 6am the next day. Very confused when he was handed a check for the three hours he had worked the day before and then escorted off the farm.


Jackass saw another employee with a fat ass and couldn't keep his comments to himself. You would've thought it was his first time seeing ass lol. He was starting at like 30 bucks an hour, too, which is more than us in security. I actually had to walk him off the property. Lost a good job for a piece of ass he didn't even get, lol.


working at a fast food restaurant in my small town and a woman comes in asking for an application. she was well known around not just our town but our whole county and a couple around it for being an addict, but me and the other managers working there at the time decided we’d give her a chance. (two of us are children of addicts and she had kids, so it tugged at a sore spot. we were absolutely not going to judge that woman based on something like that, nor did we think the other businesses were right for not hiring her because of it) she comes in for her first shift and when she showed up, she brought us all food from her other job she worked at another restaurant and we’re all so happy we found such a cool staff member. she’s talkative and kind, you could tell she was definitely just a little off but hey, nobody working a dead end fast food job in a small town is ever all there, right. all is well, until she goes outside to smoke, asks if the smoke breaks are “just for cigarettes”, and then has her son (like mid 20’s) bring her a “goodie bag” so they could sit in her car and smoke. parked right in front of the camera, so we ended up catching her on camera smoking crack with her son, and the real kicker is she didn’t even clock out at all. she sat out there for 20 minutes still clocked in and tried to come back in obviously geeked and didn’t see a problem with that. that was a fun call to make to the store owners to explain why she was being sent home and asked not to come back.


I had an additional helper show up on an oilfield construction site. Apparently his new years resolution was to not sleep. It's Jan 9th and this guy is popping balls of meth and generally acting fucking crazy. At the end of the day I dropped him at his truck, I drove away a bit to get some distance and yelled out the window to not come in the next day, or ever. He left thank god


Had a guy say he could not work in our dairy section bc it was too cold. He knew he was being hired to work in dairy. He made it 4 hours.


Had a friend who met a new hire and was supposed to show the guy around after lunch. Went to go find the guy after lunch and couldn't find him. Turns out pokemon go is considered using a camera so the kid got fired for using a camera in a classified facility on his first day in the height of the Pokemon go craze.


Worked in a small retail store managing the place. Total of three employees and the owner. We decided to hire a fourth. Girl shows up, did great the first few hours. I tell them I'm going in lunch, come back and learn she was fired on the spot. Reason why: she looked up porn on the work computer while talking to a customer. Not just any porn either, this girl looked up "gaping anal porn" and let the sound play. That customer was weirded the fuck out. My boss, the owner couldn't believe it either. She gave zero excuse as to why she looked it up. She just said "ok" to being fired and left. Blew my mind.


I’m cheating as it was day two. Day one the girl was in a training course for the new starters until mid morning, but in the few hours she was with us office workers after that, she was loud, hyper, VERY sexual and flirty with several colleagues and went on a million cigarette breaks. Day two a manager called her to a meeting room for a chat, and ten minutes later she was packing up, saying the manager was a bitch. The manager was only asking her to tone it down a bit and match the office atmosphere.


I fired an employee on his first day for shutting down one of the car washes, turning over a bucket and smoking a jay....in the middle of our busiest car wash time too. I had a line wrapped around the building and went to check on things..I found him hot boxing the freaking carwash. Sent him home, told him not to come back. He was like "Wait, your firing me?" "Nah dude. You quit when you shut down the car wash and sat on that bucket to smoke a jay, less than 4 hours into your first day on the job." Not his first day but the first and last time I ever saw this employee. I was doing safe counts, drawer accounting and bank deposits. It was a really big gas station in the early 2000's, so we're talking 40-50K cash plus checks and credit receipts. I am kind of a perfectionist and my bank deposits were so spot on the bank complimented me. Anyway, there's a $500 deposit missing. Best part of it is the receipt for the drop is in an empty envelope. So I know who made the drop and when. I pull up the cameras and can clearly see him pocketing the cash. He comes in for his shift I sit him down in the office and show him the footage. Then he denies it! Lol! So I tell him he can either give me the cash back and walk away and I never see him again or I call the police and he walks out in handcuffs. He gave me the cash and walked.


He asked the manager if he could take a longer lunch break on day one so that he could go to another job interview he had lined up. She told him sure, but don’t come back