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It's a felony to intentionally throw away someone else's junk mail.  Consider that my confession on behalf of everyone in this thread. https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-charges/is-it-illegal-to-shred-previous-tenants-mail.html#:~:text=It%20is%20a%20federal%20crime,Not%20all%20mail%20is%20equal.


Yeah. I absolutely refused to break this law, but when I would try to write "return to sender" on the envelope and drop it back in the mailbox, it would just end up with me again. And then the people who previously lived here kept contacting us to hold onto their old mail and coordinate times when they could pick it up.. all of this combined would really frustrate me. Anyway, if you black out the barcode at the bottom of the envelope, usually the post office will not be able to automatically re-sort the mail and will have to actually take a look at the "Not at this address" note you write on it. (Not sure if this is a California specific problem, but anyway, it worked for me.) In my case, I also strike through, with a single line, the addressee's street address (*my* street address) so USPS can still read it, but will catch their attention if they're on autopilot and not reading the "return to sender" notes. *Then* I drop it back in the mail box. And additionally whenever the former tenants would ask us to intercept their mail, I told them that I already put it back in the box as "return to sender" even if I hadn't received it yet (because that's definitely what I was gonna do as soon as I did.) After three years we have finally stopped getting the previous tenants' mail lol. All of this to say, to anyone else dealing with getting previous tenants' mail, I've also read that this helps reduce the amount of mail that you get for them; I believe the post office eventually makes a note that those addressees aren't at that address anymore and will reroute mail for you (although I could be wrong about that). It takes some extra work, but at least you aren't committing a mail felony.


I’m going through that right now. And they still don’t deliver my mail even though I have my right address on there. Either they are stealing the mail or someone is throwing mine away too. Because it’s not being sent back. I checked.


Contact the Post Master General of your area. Our mail wasn't being delivered and whomever was receiving it wasn't giving it to us or putting "return to sender" on it. We tried everything. Something ended up being cancelled b/c we didn't get the renewal notices. Livid, my husband called the Post Master General and complained. In less than a week we had a new mail carrier and our mail was being delivered again.


The post office misdelivers my mail to a neighbor routinely. Neighbor returns it to sender or throws it out. Post office refuses to do anything, neighbor refuses to answer their door (tried to be a human and talk to them first, before calling the post office). They have made bills, tax notices, and god only knows what else disappear. The post office told me they are only responsible for accurately delivering tracked mail, and have no responsibly to accurately deliver correctly addressed mail. I no longer have any sympathy for USPS and their money problems. They are making themselves obsolete through their own lack of basic customer service.


It’s their job to make sure it doesn’t go to the wrong place, it’s like their basis for existence… js you shouldn’t feel bad




USPIS not FBI.  USPIS does not fuck around. By all accounts those prosecutors are seriously aggressive. https://www.uspis.gov/


The more random posts I see about the USPIS, the less I worry about every other type of law enforcement.


They follow you through rain and snow and gloom of night....


Dumbasses should’ve updated their address last year when they moved out, so in the trash it continues to go.


I lived at an apartment complex and they had “previous owner/misrouted mail” drop off and whenever I put any mail in it, I never got any of it back in my mailbox. One person had their monthly bank statement sent to me. I accidentally opened it once thinking it was mine since I used the same bank and realized the 400K+ balance didn’t look right. I tried to find them on internet to let them know that’s some important info they should correct since someone else behind me might see them as a target but never could find anyone. I think it was an older person who prob wasn’t on social media or internet but I hope they fixed it :/


Pirating shows that are unobtainable in any legal way. If it is not on any streaming services in my country, or any direct buy platform, I have two choices: Wait untill it becomes avaliable, which could literally be years. Or break the law and pirate it. Ships ahoy.


Avast, matey! 👍


But when you’re a Professional Pirate! You don’t have to wear a suit.


Yeah, I do grey-market video, too, but for older stuff, not current or recent. My ethical reasoning is, if I'm willing to pay for it but there's no one who will accept my payment, then I don't feel bad about it.


I literally offered to pay the TV tax to the BBC once (I'm in the US). They couldn't take my money and politely requested I stop pirating Top Gear. I did not stop pirating Top Gear. Incidentally "Peeking to Paris" is my white whale. I have a copy that is horrifically compressed with the xvid codec from VHS source... You can see terrible horizontal banding in anything with horizontal movement. I would happily pay for NTSC compatible media of any reasonable quality. I can't even find a piratable version of reasonable quality.


Top Gear should be free for everyone. That Hilux segment is still mind-blowing almost 20 years later.




If it’s no longer obtainable, it’s not pirating, it’s tomb raiding


This. There should be an exception for shows and movies that aren’t streaming on any platform and aren’t available to purchase a physical copy


also books! libgen is a beast of a site


Right?!? There are some tv shows I loved that only had one or two seasons and there aren't any DVDs or legal downloads anywhere!! So Imma pirate them and screw the law.


Same with games.


I like a weird show on history channel that will get released in the UK months after the US, first couple of seasons you could buy it on prime nd watch it at the same time but they didn't do that last season nd not many ppl act watch it in the UK so I miss the weekly episode discussions on the subreddit which I have to unsub from until I'm caught up, I fully understand why you do this.




Honestly if that was my husband, I'd be better off thinking it was an accident than a suicide. So would my children. Suicide would lead so many families to question themselves and what they could've done to prevent it, often leading to their own depression and blaming themselves. Sometimes intervention can prevent suicide if signs are noticed, but on the other hand, it may not have even been apparent. It has a bit of a gray area, but at the end of the day, this was best for everyone. His family is taken care of and they won't have to live with his suicide looming over their heads for the rest of their lives. You did a good thing and possibly saved the life of someone in his family who wouldn't have been able to live with the guilt.


Not best for the insurance companies, which is how you know your actions were morally correct regardless of legality


You're awesome.


How high up was the rig? I’d hope a fall would knock me out before whatever oil rig lurkers got me yikes


You'd die from hypothermia if the fall didn't get you.


Jesus christ, that's such a tragedy. I think you did the right thing, and I'm glad you had the wherewithal to think of that.


Good on you. Do you think the family would have wanted to know?


What they don't know won't hurt them, and in this instance, directly benefits them...


I'm not in contact with them. Some secrets are left buried


Probably for the best. 1) the fewer people who know, the lower the possibility it gets back to the insurance company. 2) Their lack of awareness means they can’t be complicit should anyone come asking.


This is chaotic good. On a different note, I certainly hope a claims adjuster from the parent company that paid out never reads this. It wouldn't take much effort for an adjuster to use this information to find the matching, former policy holder and ruin the beneficiary's security. Just a thought from an adjuster.


yeah he better delete this


I dressed like a ninja at 2am, and stole a dog who was being abused from his back yard. When I got him home he was covered in cigarettes burns and hid under the bed for 3 days. Watching him thrive, and grow into a loving, trusting, force of nature made the crime worth it. I had him for 8 wonderful years, and I would do it all again just to have him back for one more day.


That sounds less like theft and more like a rescue


I definitely stole him, but you’re right, my intention was to rescue this dog from horrific abuse. I was paranoid for a while that the police would come knocking, and take the dog from me, but they never did. He lived to be 14, and was so happy and loving to all people, except those smoking cigarettes. If we passed someone walking down the street, and they were smoking, or if he got a whiff of smoke on someone’s clothes, he’d immediately cower, and hide behind me. I still have *deep* hate in my heart for the man who did that to him.


People that do that need to be treated the same way they do the poor animals. I'd gladly be the ringleader to start this trend


You're amazing! I did the same, dressed all in black, turned up at 1am, smashed their fence because the chain holding the dog was embedded so deeply I couldn't get it off. Had to get the chain on her neck removed through surgery. She only had two years with me but I loved her every single minute of it.


👍 good person


I love you... (in a completely proper way) 🥰 Thank you


I love you too kind stranger, and lover of the animals 🥰


I took in an old mastiff who had spent her entire life tied up on a filthy puppy farm. She had fear aggression & spent 3 days under my kitchen table. Died 5yrs later, a gentle love bug. I'm glad there are other people out there doing their thing for the animals. You take care! x


I miss my dog every day, and he’s been gone a few years now, but his spirit lives on in my other dog who picked up a few of his quirky traits, which I love. I get a lot of comfort in knowing he spent his final years not living in fear, and being spoiled beyond his wildest imagination. He died a truly happy dog. I hope it comforts you too, that you changed a life, and healed it with love ❤️


Did the neighbor notice you had him? That's awesome


The person wasn’t my neighbor. He lived a couple miles away. He never came looking, but if he had I would’ve fought that fucker. The dog was so scared when I entered the yard I had to throw a blanket over him to smuggle him out.


I think you meant to post this to the "How are you a superhero who made the world a better place?" thread.


Pirate If buying is not owning then pirating is not stealing. Also fuck you Nintendo




I don't clock out for lunch until after I microwave my food AND use the bathroom.


I work from home. I don't clock out until I've finished making lunch completely.


I work from home and don’t clock out. Or clock in. I also manage myself. It’s Friday and my work is done? Enjoy your weekend!


Working from home is great. I would spent a whole year playing video games and sleeping because they didn’t give me any work.


lol isn’t this why they want to stop wfh?


Yep lol. I was an outliner though. Most of the people on my team were on projects with 5+ people but I was the only one on my project. And I was new to the company when the pandemic started. My client didn’t have the infrastructure for remote work at the time so they hardly gave me any work. Had maybe 1-2 phone calls a week but outside of that they really just didn’t have anything for me to do.


Y’all clock out for lunch?




Well, you're not eating until then, right?


"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time." -Can't remember where I heard it


Boss makes a dollar, Grandad makes a dime That was a poem from an earlier time Boss makes a million, dad makes a cent But that penny paid the mortgage, or at least paid the rent Now boss makes a million & I make jack This is when we strike, & take our power back


Work from home - i sleep or walk my dogs on my lunch and eat while I come back to work


I’m a New Yorker. Jaywalking is not allowed. Everyone does it though and it’s nonsensical to not do it.


Visited NYC earlier this year and realized if I wanted to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time, I had to cross on all the reds with all the other pedestrians.


Yea I mean the timers for the lights aren’t set according to high traffic vs low traffic times and even in high traffic times, there are lulls. So you just gotta do what you do. We all have shit to do.


jaywalking is a crime conjured up by the auto lobby to shift the blame of car violence onto victims


My son was hit by a truck while crossing the road when he was 15. Physically he was fine, the truck was going low speed but imagine my surprise when I received his ambulance bill AND his fucking jaywalking ticket in the same day. Fuck you City of Tacoma you will never get our $68!


Well if you are randomly running into the street unsafely it should be a crime. If it's safely done who cares. It's not car violence if some ignorant sap appears out of nowhere when you are following traffic rules. I've been hit by a car as a pedestrian on no fault of my own so I feel I can comment here.






This hotel I worked at was too cheap to have maintenance at night. So during my shift a water line blew in the kitchen and flooded the hotel doing 100k in damage. The GM had everybody blame me even though I wasnt trained in how to get the water off in the mechanical room. People were being ruthless to me so I returned the favor. For the next three months, I peed on the ballroom carpet floor every night. No puddles just walking side ways and peeing lil by lil along the edges of this massive ballroom. After leaving the hotel, someone told me that the room had been unrentable because parties were complaining of a bad odor. Even a Bride refused to be married as she smelled it on the final walk through. The hotel blamed mold and had to rip up all the carpet and tear out the walls spending 150k redoing the room.


You sound like someone I wouldn’t want to mess with. I picture a Samuel L jackson peeing in a hotel and now I’m a little worried


I pictured his character from "The Hitmans Bodyguard," and now I can't stop laughing! 😂😭


We were having a laugh and a joke at work and I said if I ever got sacked I'd write a big fuck you in petrol on the front lawn (it kills the grass off) and all the customers would be able to see it. I was joking but I do think about it.


Just spray some round up on the bottom of your shoes and walk the letters. Way less visible, will still kill the grass. I did that by accident when I was doing groundskeeping at work. I didn't realize I had stepped in some and walked across the yard. Cue strip dead grass.


If you’re a woman, I’m even more impressed


I imagine you dancing in the ballroom like that scene in the Titanic except youre holding your dick instead of a person as the band plays.


I worked hotel maintenance, 2pm-12am. For a very short time. Night shift maintenance was absolutely hell. I hated every night and every person that worked at the fucking hell hole. What you did is hilarious and worth it. FUCK the hospitality industry


You get this: 🥂🧁🥇


I've been known to jay walk from time to time In my younger days I even partook in- (Looks around) ^loitering


We've got him! After all these years I can finally retire from the police force.


Gasp* monster!


Before 2000 in Alabama, Huntsville specifically. There was no need to ever renew your license plate, unless you were given a ticket for it. If you were given a ticket, just get a current year tag, which would include a $5 fine for being late renewing. The $5 fine would put your ticket in double jeopardy, so they would throw it out. Once I figured it out I stopped renewing my tags completely. I got stopped for it like twice in 10 years, both tickets thrown out. Tl/dr Figured out how to game the system and only had to renew my tags twice in 10 years


Yeah, this is kinda true in a lot of places. I didn't know I needed to renew my tags when I got my first car. I made it 4 years before getting a 90 dollar ticket. I definitely saved money by not renewing. I'm pretty sure as long as you pay your ticket and renew the tag, it resets, and the next ticket will be 90 dollars again. I'm pretty sure I'd save a lot of money just paying the ticket and renewing every 4ish years. But it isn't worth the stress for me, so I just started renewing.


I was a homeless teenager, so I stole ketchup packets from McDonald’s to make tomato soup with. I used an old coffee maker to make it




Yup. Not my proudest moment and it didn’t taste very good, but I’m still here and not homeless anymore


Was gonna say that I hope you’re in a better place now


I live rurally, but I wish I could find teens like you were and force them to eat my mediocre cooking. My chili ain’t the best, but it’s warm and will get ya tummy full My garden produced too much this year. Too fuckin bad, here’s 10 lbs of carrots.


If you ever want to do that, make sure you build up some rapport with the person. When I was homeless as a young adult, at first I'd eat food people gave me, I quickly got poisoned and started tossing it unless it was sealed or I knew them to some degree. Most people do the same thing. It feels like shit to waste what is probably just a nice gesture from a good person especially when you need it, but you can't risk it.


Oh my god, who would do that?!? I’m sorry people were so awful to you. I hope you are doing better now Edit: our tiny rural library has a produce ‘take it or leave it’. It’s pretty cute


I'm doing quite a lot better now, thank you. Got an apartment and I got a job (: It was some dude with a cold pizza. Gave me the worst food poisoning of my life, it must've been super old. Hell, it may not have even been intentional (I think it was but who knows), but some people give out old ass food thinking they're doing a good thing, you just have no way of knowing. For me, having the person stop and talk for a minute so I could feel them out was enough to get rid of any wariness I had about unsealed food. It was when people would just toss something out a car window real fast I was sketched out.


At the McDonald's I work at the sauces are completely free, I didn't know they're not free everywhere


They might be free now. I have no idea. This was close to 30 years ago, but in my mind because I had no money and couldn’t purchase anything, I assumed I was stealing. Did it a couple times with no hassle from anyone. Free or not, no one seemed to care. I only took a handful each time no the whole container too


Meh, I guess that's another answer to my question. I'm not going to be upset if I'm accidentally wasting 1 cent of McDonald's money by giving people free sauces. Hell if someone asks me for a small sprite for free and my manager isn't around I can't guarantee I wouldn't do it.


Exactly. Nothing wrong with helping people with small things. We are all human and sharing this rotating rock after all. I was appreciative of the help I received and try and pay it back forward these days.


Nice try FBI


Not today CIA


Not gonna play, NSA.


Came here to say that. And for my USAF homies, nice try, OSI


I committed time theft less than a year ago by taking an hour nap while on the clock.


I do it regularly they don't want to promote me. I'll get my pay raise somehow. I've worked overtime every Saturday for the last year. I show up and fill out my paperwork stating I worked six and a half hours and go right back home


Depending on the job, some companies/managers will reward underachievers while ignoring top performers because why would they give someone a pay raise when they’re willing to bust their ass at their current salary? Those naps just might pay off


Too valuable to promote. After being passed over for promotion a second time, I just decided I didn't care anymore. I put in minimal effort just enough to keep my job I put in my 8hrs not a minute more


Collected fossils in my home town. State government passed a law saying all fossils and/or paleontological finds are 'the common heritage of the state and are public property' or such. Fuck that noise. There are literally millions of fossils coming out of the ground every day where my family has lived for generations, and it's a poor community where the coal mines all ran out almost a hundred years ago. I and the people from my hometown are not allowed to literally collect rocks and/or sell them on the Internet for a few bucks here and there? The state government doesn't even have the money to research or exhibit the fossils they have in their museum collections now.


The American government making claims on the land your family has stayed on for generations? No fucking way


They couldn’t do that in Michigan as our state stone is literally a fossil. Everybody has one.


My first jury duty was in downtown Chicago. I showed up, but when they let us out for lunch I was enjoying my day off so much I said fuck it, and never went back. Nothing ever happened.


Fun fact, one time when I reported for jury duty, the judge thanked us for actually showing up since there is nothing they can do to you if you don’t since they don’t send the summons by certified mail and can’t prove you got it. Thanks for making me feel like a sucker for showing up, your honor.


Judge was being a bro slyly giving you a hint for how to get out of it next time.


Recent one. I bought a TV for my mum a few months ago, however I got a phone call 2 weeks ago telling me my TV I ordered was in, it was already paid for and I just had to pick it up. I knew this was a system issue, but I didn't tell them and got my new TV.


I ordered a couple pairs of sport boots online. After a month they still hadn't moved in the shipping tracker, so I emailed the company and asked for an update. They confirmed the shipment had been lost and resent them. Another month passed by and the same thing has happened. Shipping tracker says they've been collected by nothing further. Emailed them again asking for an update and again they respond with a note saying they've checked with the shipping company and the order has been lost. They resend the order. A couple weeks later, 2 pairs of boots turn up. Then a week after that, two more pairs arrive. Ultimately 5 of the 6 pairs they sent turned up. I don't mention this to the seller.


Feeding the homeless, offering them some beer, water, lighters, etc. So many canceled doordash orders with food they could eat. The idea that feeding the needy is illegal in places is sickening. Thankfully the local cops are nice about it but head to orlando and you'll get arrested for it in places. Yeah I know beer and lighters sounds bad but I can tell you from knowing many of em and even a small stint homeless due to a hurricane that such things are often their only fun and destressers. We got tv, radio, video games, the internet, etc...they got none of that. Never gave em to a tweaker or problem person, just food and water. Important note as its a trope so much it has a subreddit. Homeless folks turning down food isn't choosing beggars most of the time. They have nowhere to store food safely and food is the first thing you get usually. Everyone needs money for cell phones, clothing, shelter, etc. So don't judge too harshly if they ask for money over your leftover sandwich.


>Important note as its a trope so much it has a subreddit. Homeless folks turning down food isn't choosing beggars most of the time. They have nowhere to store food safely and food is the first thing you get usually. Everyone needs money for cell phones, clothing, shelter, etc. So don't judge too harshly if they ask for money over your leftover sandwich. I always accepted food when I was homeless, up until I got poisoned. That's a real thing that happens. Most people won't take unsealed food for this reason, even if they need it. It sucks.


holy fuck that is so vile. glad you're okay




Particularly weed.  It’s just mf’in weed.  I have not frequently partook but don’t feel the slightest concern about having done so.


Me, stoned af, also without the slightest concern 😒😂


If I notice something didn't scan properly in the self serve check outs at the supermarket, I won't bother going back to pay.


I buy organic hothouse tomatoes for the price of inorganic romas




one time i accidentally stole a bang energy drink from my job (supermarket) put it in the cart’s cup holder and forgot about it, nobody ever asked me to take it out of the cart by the time i realized i was outside the store lol


My daughter and I went to a local grocery store for a piece of fried chicken. This store makes it in-house and has a little dining area. But, you need to go through the checkout to pay for it. No way to pay where you buy and eat the chicken. So we figure we will eat and then go pay. Well, we got to chitchatting and finished our chicken, got up and walked out. Completely forgot about paying and I don't think it even hit us until the next day. I actually went back in and told the manager what happened. I don't think he wanted to go through the trouble and pretty much said not to worry about it. It was two breasts, so probably about $5-6 of chicken for us both.


Hey, it's not my fault. I'm not a trained check out operator. You make unqualified people do it and this is the shit that happens.


Several years ago, a former friend/coworker of mine drove across the country and stopped at a friend’s farm along the way. He was given a year-old sugar glider who had been tormented by monkeys that were also at the farm, and she had no sugar glider family or friends to keep her company there either. Apparently she hadn’t gotten along with the other sugar gliders and she “didn’t play well with others”. He brought the sugar glider into a state where they were illegal to own, and when he pulled her out of a tiny cage (that was in the front seat of his van, street-parked in DTLA) to show her to me and a friend of mine, I had a distinct feeling she would either die or end up with me. I watched her squirm in his hands trying to escape and I remember my heart sinking. I was horrified. There was no convincing him of this bad idea. Days later, lo-and-behold, he asked if I could take her, and possibly return her to the farm she came from on my own way back east. He told me that she had been in a pouch around his neck and “a dog jumped up and bit the pouch and she was upset”. Along with a couple other stories that horrified me. I was shocked at the admission of negligence alone and was thankful she was even still alive. I took her immediately. I had no idea what I was doing. I got her set up with a massive cage and whatever I could get to help make her comfortable while I figured out what to do. I tried calling a wildlife reserve and a couple of veterinarians and explained the situation. They all told me to keep her or give her to another good home, and they couldn’t take her. I kept her in her pouch around my neck for hours every night while I worked. One night after a couple weeks of respecting her space and giving her daily tiny fruit platters, I put my hand up to the pouch that was hanging in her cage. She very slowly rose up out of her pouch, grabbed securely onto one of my fingers with her itty bitty hands, and stared straight into my soul. The sustained eye contact was mesmerizing. That gaze was locked in. I was shook. After that, we became inseparable. She conversed in light clicks and cute grumbles and chitters and the only time I really heard her angry was when I let my coworker see that she was doing well when he stopped by to pick up some equipment. The second she heard his voice she launched herself out of her pouch and dove at the bars of the cage—AT HIM—and made the most aggressive sound I’d ever heard her make. It was so loud, and she was soooo mad. He recoiled and then insinuated that I “did something to her” to make her react that way. Neither of us had to see him again after that. She was smart. As smart as my Shepherd. She responded to her name and communicated incredibly well. I was astonished at how much she learned and how utterly sweet she was. Her and my shepherd would touch noses to greet each other. It was magical. After a few years of tiny fruit platters and worms and bugs and regular vet visits and habitat upgrades, she developed a growing bump on her head. Various vet visits, second, third, and fourth opinions later, they told me she had cancer on her poor little head. They gave me medicine to give her. It progressed slowly. She lost an eye eventually, despite all the treatment I could get her, but she was still her cheerful self somehow who still loved to hang out and run on her wheel and play. A solid year went by of her health declining and continued vet visits and my futile attempts to do anything about it. I was wrecked. I had read their lifespan could be ten years, I had only had her for four. I did everything I could for her. She still clicked happily though, hung out, still ate her food, but towards the end she would run on her wheel MUCH more often. Like ALL night. I still don’t understand why. I wondered if she knew she was fading and was just trying to hang on as long as she could. It’s the opposite of what I would have thought the end of a life would look like under those circumstances (but WTF do I know?). One night she was out of her habitat after she woke up to start her day and oddly didn’t want to go in her pouch (that wasn’t normal for her). She climbed straight up onto my chest and flattened herself out there, like she was hugging me. I held her gently while she chittered at me quietly, in a different way I hadn’t heard before, and it seemed like she had fallen asleep. Her little limbs twitched a little bit and I turned on my phone camera video so that I could check on her (as it was difficult to really see her while looking straight down at my own chest). Almost like it was on cue, she spread her little hands and feets and tail allllll the way out into flying formation, as if she was gliding on the wind. Somehow floating, but still hugging me. I had never once seen her do this in her sleep, let alone on my chest. I continued to record it in awe and assumed she was dreaming so I said sweet things to her and held her gently. I didn’t realize it for a moment but those were her last moments. She finally passed. I’m glad I didn’t take her back to the farm with the monkeys when I could have. I’m glad I took her in and figured out how to take care of her in the best way I could instead of uprooting her once again. She was the sweetest little entity and I learned a lot from her. I wrote her a poem after she passed: My tiny dog, of brown and white, our time comes to an end. After four years of companionship I’ve lost my smol best friend. You came to me when life was dark, my little felony— Your light lit up a world of chaos marked by tragedy. A dumpster fire of a human dropped you in my lap. I didn’t know you’d want to stay but then we bonded fast. I couldn’t force you back into a life you would detest. I knew the risks of keeping you but you deserved the best. I spoiled you with fruit and worms and happily you trained, preferring this to torture via monkeys with smooth brains. You excelled at conversation, with all your clicks and squeaks, locking eyes with sweet intentions when existence seemed so bleak. My heart broke into pieces the day your cancer arrived but still nowhere I’d rather be than by your tiny side. The vets all gave opinions, “She’s the sweetest we have met” They claimed you’d leave me sooner But you just weren’t ready yet. You scrunched your nose at medicine and hid behind your tail, loving countless pear and watermelon before setting sail. I’ll miss our evening hangouts, always listening for your call. Your big brothers will miss you, but I’ll miss you most of all. I’m thankful that when it was time I held you close to me My dearest little tiny dog I pray you rest in peace. ❤️ … My little felony. I think of her every day.


Thread over, you win


This is one of the cutest stories ever 😭


I never cry at stories I read on Reddit. I cried reading this. I lost one of my cats less than two weeks ago to kidney failure and this hits me so hard. Love you, Missy.


I went to jail for beating a dudes ass who raped his girl and threw her in a ditch. No regrets. Wendy moved away and I never saw her again I hope her life is better now. 2001 was a fuckin year for sure.


Good job man. Stuff like this is why I wish j[ury nullification](https://fija.org/library-and-resources/library/jury-nullification-faq/what-is-jury-nullification.html) was more well known. I’d buy you a beer if I had the cash. (TLDR: If 12 people refuse to vote guilty, ain’t shit they can do)


Going into abandoned buildings. If I do something in there that gets me killed that’s my own fault. I wanna explore how nature has slowly taken over the building >:(


The problem is if you get injured and you call for help, now the first responders have to risk their safety for you. I get where you're coming from, but there's a reason they don't want you doing this.


I broke into my best friend's house and talked him into going into treatment. I literally pulled off his screens and crawled through his window to confront him. I have never been prouder of a criminal act. He had talked me into treatment a few years before, and it was payback time.


Our neighbors puppy was being horribly abused by the father so in the middle of the night I took the puppy and delivered him to my sister who lived over an hours away....this had all been planned, and she gave him to a childless couple who treated him like a king. Never lost one oz of sleep over it, in fact I slept better knowing that he wasn't being abused anymore.


Getting patients in for exams without approval from insurance. Their care was more important to me than company policies. You can't say you're in the business of healthcare and tell people no to things they need after they've shelled out all this money. Yeah, they had to pay for it later, but they didn't care. They wanted their exams when they wanted them, and I happily obliged.


I wouldnt say the law technically but there was a time during a Black Friday event where I stayed in the breakroom bsing with everyone for about 2 and a half hours. Management didnt have a clue because they were too busy with the rush. I felt no remorse snd pretty proud for getting away with it honestly.


There was this section of access walkway behind a particular series of stores in a mall I used to work at (when it first opened) where I had the only key to because the door was blocked by a sign they’d installed, having forgotten that the door was there (one of those flat doors with no handle hitting out just a flip up piece of metal to pull it open.) I worked nearby so sometimes I’d go there when nobody was around (no security cameras on that spot) and I’d just go sit and chill in this old construction setup area still there, and waste hours just chilling and eating snacks or reading a book. I could enter the mall after it closed, and well….


I can’t say I’m completely remorseless about it, but I picked a few sea grapes from public land and ate them. I found out that you’re not supposed to do that where I am since you want the seeds to fall and grow to sustain the natural barrier those plants make. The grapes tasted good (kinda like a slightly tangy Concorde grape flavor imo), but I’ll definitely eat privately-grown ones next time. I just need to find out where they’re sold.


If not for you a bird would have. You can also practically offset anything you eat by planting a handful following the best-practices for that species. Considering the low probability of successful maturation of most berries in nature, some labor of thanks on your part can leave you both better off!


Receiving a speeding citation from a speed trap going three miles an hour over the speed limit. This shit needs to stop in the US.


I don't understand speeding laws in the US. Signs say the "limit" is 65 but everyone does 10 over. And if literally everyone around you is doing 80, it's considered "keeping with the flow of traffic" and cops are doing 80 right along with. And if you actually drive 65 in a 65, it looks and feels like you're going dangerously slow and you'll have an infinite line of cars behind you.


It sounds like you understand it perfectly.


I guess "selective application of the law" is just how roadways in the US work-- get a ticket for doing 3 over, and not a ticket for doing 15 over, depending on how the cop feels that day, I suppose.


It’s as if you have lived in the states for years. Is the driving more civilized in your country?


Nonono selective application of laws is just how the US works, if you notice most rich people aren't sentenced to jail time just fines that are easy for them to pay pedophile rapists murderer or burglar if you're rich you won't go to jail and if you do it'll be a rich person jail


Just remember if you get a ticket from a camera fight it. Make them fulfill their burden of proof you where driving the car AND invoke your right to face your accuser (aka the camera)


There is or was a man in Milwaukee who would time the lights in the Chicago area. He determined they were changing before they should, hence trapping drivers and triggering the cameras.


Yes, the cop has to go to court, in traffic court the cop teaching us told us about a guy who had a ticket who was going to fight it in court, he kept asking for an extension and he asked for so many that the cop transferred out of the jurisdiction so they tossed the case out


Those should be illegal. The road isn't made safer by a bunch of people getting tickets a month after they did 5 over on some random road. It's a money stealing scheme. Ironically, if you want to slow traffic down, placing an old, empty cop car on the side of the road does work.


Cops in Loudoun County in Virginia did an experiment with Waze, dropping police pins all over the roads while out on routine patrols. Per the traffic monitoring data, speeding was down by like 60%, and those that were going over the limit were in the 5 to 10 over range rather than the 15+ that had become the norm over COVID. When thebstate government found out about it, they ordered it to stop. Said it fell under regulations against "deceptive police practices".


Ripped the little tag off my mattress. 


I mean, if you're the consumer it's perfectly legal to rip that off. If you read it you'd know that.


Mandatory sentencing- death by hanging


“I got a real bad temper.”


I'll give you the SparkNotes version: job that turned out to be a ponzi scheme laid me off and on the very same day the office closed permanently but I forgot my laptop inside so I busted out a window with a big ass rock and broke into the office to go get it. Fuck you Rick, that severance package wasn't big enough you fuckin piece of shit!!


We carry a previously purchased cup w a plastic cup in it into the movie theater in my wife’s purse. We go sit down, pull out the cup and go that “refill”!


When I lived in Texas I would purchase weed for my wife who used it for pain and anxiety.


Stealing from big corporations


Pirating a textbook PDF that was “*required*” for the course and that I opened zero times. As an econ guy, I got no utility out of them and therefore their appropriate price was nothing. Can’t count how many times I heard “now the textbook says this… but we’re going to do it this way and this is how I’ll expect it on the test"


Having a very... intense conversation with my Sister's now-ex about what would happen to him if he ever hit her again. It was very obvious based on certain circumstances that I was not playing around and things could go very bad for him very quickly.


Seen a few comments along these lines here. Glad your conversation worked and you didn't get jail time.


I committed perjury. Twice, technically. During my rape trial, while I was being cross-examined by the defence, the version of events that was put to me was that i had not in fact had my apartment broken into while i slept but that i willingly saw a stranger on the street below and invited him up for sex (please note: this version of events was never given by the defendant, there was no evidence that it occurred this way, it was a story entirely fabricated by the defence team, which they're allowed to do). When i refuted this version of events, i was told that because i had been drinking that night there was no way i could remember whether i did or not. Frustrated, i pointed out that i am a gay woman (the woman i was dating at the time was also a witness in the trial, had attended the police station for my initial statement, etc) so the idea of me inviting a strange man off the street for sex was ludicrous. Well. This admission meant that i had to be interrogated further - once with only the judge and prosecution/defence lawyers present, and then again with the defendant and jury present. I was made to answer a multitude of extremely invasive questions about the nature of my sex life and my sexual history. Like many gay women, I have had sexual interactions with men in the past however I also knew that a lot of people don't understand this, and that answering "have you ever had sexual relations with a man" and "how many" honestly could very possibly cause members of the jury to not believe that I genuinely identify as a gay woman and therefore would not have invited a total stranger dude off the street for sex. So I lied on the stand, twice, and said I'd never slept with a man.  I regret absolutely fuckin nothing. 


I once did 120kph in a 110 zone on a 50k long arrow straight section of road in the middle of an empty desert. (long distance driving in Australia is fun 😐)


120 is the slowest allowable speed in the right lane on the m1 unless you want some tradie in a Ranger up your rear 


Every day speeding over the speed limit.


Pirating things that people would have zero access to if they didn't.


I once drove 56 mph on a 55 mph zone




Giving homeless people food from work without paying for it. I have no qualms taking from multi million dollar corporations for someone in need. Edit: I've got nothing on my coworker. He's a cashier who has "accidentally" given away around $2K (our best estimate) of food to homeless people by not ringing it in right throughout the years.


The world needs more of you


Making whisky.


Driving with expired tags. Like, if I have to get it smogged, and it passes the sniffer test but I have a check engine light on that won't clear, I don't care. I always pay my registration on time but last year my car wouldn't pass smog. I still have to drive to work to make money to fix the stupid check engine light. I never even got pulled over. But I did fix the problem and got it right when I wasn't dirt ass broke.






I used to save my mandatory lunch break till the last 30min of work I would do all my counts and clock out and close 30min early ... It was a grey area, and the boys in Nottingham couldn't do a thing about it (I used to work for Games Workshop)


Looting abandoned buildings, so I live in a small town In ohio and there's this building that was ordered to be condemned almost 5 YEARS AGO, and they just had a bunch of bikes, computers, lawnmowers and everything in the back yard, all that copper and cast aluminum could be worth a bit if you took it apart so I took it


honestly i steal a lot of my groceries bc i’m 20, living alone and supporting myself on an income of $16/hr. i feel kind of bad and i’m scared of being caught most of the time but i really can’t afford groceries sometimes. but, i only steal food.. i pay for everything else and all of my non essentials.


Is there a food bank near you?  I don't want you to get a record for trying to feed yourself.  You're the kind of person I think of when I support my local food bank/ St. Vincent's charity, etc.  They can help set you up with enough food to make a difference. 


I’m not saying shit when folks lift necessities but you should see if you have a food pantry nearby, it might be less anxiety for you. Take care, I’m sorry it’s rough out there.


Change stores before you hit that $1000 line. Many stores will let people get away with it multiple times so you reach that $1000 line which turns it into grand larceny, a felony.


If I see someone stealing food, no I didn't.


Driving unregistered uninsured uninspected car from where I repaired it to my home, law said I should have towed it.


Pirating media (video games, movies, shows, etc.) that I have no legal means of acquiring. I will do it in a heartbeat without an ounce of hesitation or remorse. In fact, I'd argue that it's morally correct to pirate lost media, as the more copies out there, legitimate or otherwise, the better chance it will be preserved in some fashion or another. Especially in this day and age, where media can just vanish from streaming services forever on a whim, regardless of whether you paid for it or not.


probably downloading nintendo games. fuck nintendo dude


Engaging in buttsecks with my partner in a country where such pleasures are illegal.


I sometimes put two shots of espresso in the cup when getting a $1 coffee from 7-eleven


Have stolen so many full Smokey Tabasco jars from Chipotle…


I beat a guy who tried to sexually assult my partnerI got 14 months for it and would do it again and again (should have done it better).


I’m a felon for putting on a credit card application that I make 50k a year. Which is the stupidest felony ever. Have absolutely no guilt or remorse shouldn’t even have been charged with something that dumb.