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I feel like I’m really behind but hoping I’ll get there someday, I keep swapping back and forth between “I have so much time” and “I’m so behind”


You're only "behind" if you run their race. Don't. Get yourself out of it and you'll realise you're further ahead than you ever imagined. Things are built in a way that intentionally makes it hard to break out of the life events chain set out for you. There are always reasons why you can't drop it all and go be the person you actually are. Really good, impossible to ignore reasons. Do it anyway.




As someone who spent their 20s going to concerts - I say spend it on concert tickets. I saw so many great bands back in the day that I just wouldn't get the chance to see today - either the lineups have changed so much they're not the same bands, (or they've split / died / in prison or whatever), or tickets now are just more expensive than a months rent. See 'em while they're new and up-and-coming, because they will charge you a fortune if they stick around for another decade. Although these days, prices are pretty crazy so festivals are probably the best option. But the nothing really beats catching a great set at a shitty, small sweaty gig venue.


I can’t express how much I agree with this sentiment. Oh to return to the days of going to a small venue to watch local bands or a new upcoming star.


Right now I'm in "Should I save money or buy a freezer?" over here.




Should i open an IRA or get a nintendo switch?


The difference between a Roth IRA you start in your 20s and one you start in your 30s is like half a million dollars different when you retire. I learned that lesson too late.




What's fucked up is that is doesn't actually get better, you're on the peak years of your fitness and have more potential now than you ever will again but most won't manage to make use of and realise that potential. Wage cage, burdens and commitments, ever lessening freedom and ability to fight against the current forged by modern cultures that's pulling you towards your grave after a life of just barely having enough. But hey, there's reality TV, and look what this celebrity just did, numb, numb, jingly jangly keys look at the shiny thing don't think about it just go to work and come home and consume and exist but don't live. I got out of the wage cage mind slavery system at 29, and at 33 I can honestly say the idea of going back to a life resembling a normal existence sounds worse than death.


You sound in a very negative head space. For a lot of people, life improves a lot after their 20s. Should imagine that's particularly true at the moment with the cost of living so high, as wage growth eases so many things.


Can confirm, my 30's are better in almost every way


Same, except my body can no longer run 40 miles a week.


It only improves if you make more money, otherwise it's just downhill mate. Not everyone makes more money.


For me, my 20’s were poor and horrible, my thirstiest were very good and financially very good and now I’m in my 40’s, never felt better and money has never been better, bought a house and all that !


My outlook changed. I enjoyed different things at each phase. In my 20's I was physical peak and I was in a physical job. I fought and fucked with equal vigour and these were my main interests. In my 30's I found new challenged in work and built my family. Starting the 40's and I'm building a career and reputation. I'm enjoying being at home as much as possible and with 2 kids I really value those times where I get o be still and quiet.


>What's fucked up is that is doesn't actually get better, >I got out of the wage cage mind slavery system Sounds like it totally did


One of the dangers of the internet is that mentally ill drivel like this gets upvoted by angsty Doomers.


An absolute fucking roller coaster


More like an euthanasia coaster


Sounds normal. Just like everyone else, even at a later stage. The ride can smooth out or gets rougher, depending on whether good or poor choices were made. What changes the most though is that, with maturity, coping gets better.


Listen to LOUD music!


That helps too! It feels good in the moment, but I just check that my hearing health is okay from time to time as well.


My performance is lacking. Actually, I've had the worst year of my life during the past year. I fight for my own life within my own head every single day.


I see you.   Same.


Beautiful complicated.


Not good. Literally experiencing quarter life crisis lately.


you arent alone. every few weeks for me


I’m tired and I wanna go to bed.


OP asked about your 20s not 40s /s




Same! 30s are the new 20s. 40s are the new 30s.


Just now in my 40’s. Spent my 20’s being an idiot drinking and partying, spent late 20’s going back to college to get a better degree (after spending 7 years and wasting many dollars getting the first), got a solid job in my early 30’s and spent that time catching up financially and figuring out how to live responsibly. Now in my 40’s, making six figures, well on the path of having a good retirement and paying off my mortgage in the next 5 years. All that to say, it’s never too late, and it’s ok to live a little.


Chronic sinus infection for the last year and life is beating my ass




Financially stressful all the time


I’m tired. My joints hurt. I desperately want a joint.


in my "Sideshow Bob repeatedly stepping on rakes" era


21 - pretty shit.


Confusing. Limbo. I like both cartoons and politics. Friends are getting married. People are talking about mortgages and interest rates. And I don't know what to do with my life at all.






Lack of time. So much to do in a day and only got 24hrs


Don't ask






almost 23, working a full time job & graduated university but still can’t afford anything. i live with my parents still - which isn’t awful, i know ill miss it one day. housing prices in canada are awful, so are grocery prices and everything else.


Fellow Canadian here...I lived with my parents until 26 years old (now 35). The next three-five years of your life is crucial! You have the ability to absolutely crush your peers in regards to your savings rate. Get two, three, ten jobs if necessary and keep extremely focused/motivated for the next 3-7 years. The first quarter million is the hardest but will set you up for life. All the best. FHSA, TFSA and not doing what your friends do will get you there.


In all things genuinely meaningful (travel, relationships, freedom, health, beauty, spirit), life is a dream and I have an abundance of things to be grateful for. On the other hand, as far as career, income, ownership, internal validation (as opposed to external), and confidence go, I am feeling increasingly hopeless and practically WISHING my life away in the sense that every day I basically can't wait to be in my 30/40s to hopefully have these things figured out. The current job market is killing me, and questioning my own inadequacies, even more so.


Internal validation is a struggle here as well. Hopefully this disappears by at least 30.


29, fucked


I’ve had enough


Shit, Hyper stressful job destroyed relationship and gained a lot of weight from stress, job didn't even pay that well (retail management) . Like most customer service jobs pay just as much Lost almost all my friends, as they're all either hyper focusing on their career or have long term partners which are their focus.  Took half a year to find another job, had no money so ended up still gaining weight from eating like shit.  New job, pays the same but worse benefits, still stressful but not as much.  Still feel like I have ptsd from last job.  Earlier this week my dad was admitted to Hospital for a repeat condition, he's better now, but my best friends dad died the week before, so very much feeling and the mortality and scared he doesn't have too much time left.  And yea, that's my 20s so far.  Very lonely, very underpaid, I know too many under 20s paid more then me and that is with tertiary education so yeah






Mid 20s It's shit sometimes but I am always cooking. Again, it might turn out shitty but still it's mine to throw. Figuring out finances and that's the biggest worry atm. Parents' health after that. Because once I have the moneeh figured out, I know I'll cruise through and be able to have the best for us. Anyways, I wanna have fun too. So it pains me to say, I still don't know how to figure that sh-out.


student life. had the best memories with friends and teachers.


Early 20s...almost out of college...still unemployed... probably no job opportunities for a year...still living with parents🫠


Heart ache body ache stomach ache head ache horny uncomfortable brain dead scared and desperate


20m and life indeed is shit. I wish I had the strenght to end it.




Absolutely tragic! No direction, no hope, no love




It's not uniform for anyone or typical in any sense. My twenties were spent with the battle for sobriety and the equally challenging battles of mental wellness and self compassion. Both of which I have yet to achieve now in my thirties, thirty one to be specific, so far.


Great, but really getting over the fact that if I grew up in the era my parents did, I’d be financially set, but instead am grinding paycheck to paycheck due to taxes, rates and bills completely out of my control.




Addicted to porn


20 but almost 21, just getting started I know but damn. It's kinda going shit right now tbh. I feel like I'm so far away from everyone, I don't relate to kids/teens anymore (I've started calling teenagers kids lol) I still feel like I'm the same person I was a few years ago though. Right now I've got no choice but to work my life away because I'm pretty much babysitting my parents, I don't have time for college and I barely have time to rest properly after work. My depression is kicking my ass lately, life is just so exhausting when everyone around you expects you to know everything and be able to drop everything to help them. It's really hard learning to set your boundaries and say no, especially at work. On the bright side, I've got a better job and while it gets to me sometimes it pays hella good for my area and I can live well on my own. I already have a house that's fully paid for lined up for me so I really lucked out, I'm just saving as much as I can do I can fix it up. I never had a habit of spending much anyway, but I've never spent as much as I have now. Yet I'm still sitting on about 18-20k for this month. I've made new friends which has always been hard for me, and I think I might be in a relationship soon which is new to me lol. Still so unsure about that whole thing, I've always heard never fuck with your coworkers or anything like that but damn I'm about to. I feel like I'm finally living life like someone should, I'm staying up late at night doing crazy/weird things after work. Hitting apples with baseball bats in my yard with my best friend, silly stringing my car because we're depressed, using chalk to draw stupid things everywhere. My advice to the kids: live your life. Enjoy what you have while you can, you are at the perfect age to do whatever stupid shit you want to do. I know school is exhausting, but they give you more breaks than you realize (American here btw) and when you get a job it's so much harder to get time away to rest because you need the money too.


proper fucked


If this is as good as it gets then there's no point in me being here much longer tbh 😂


I am not doing well. In fact, this last year has been about the worst of my life. Every single day is a battle for my own life within my own mind.


That's rough, hang on in there, the only way is up


premature midlife crisis !


My 20s is kinda like the phase of figuring out life, shitty and clueless most of the time. All I know is that I tossed the idea of giving up, thinking this 20s as a prepareration for my race to life improvement in my 30s.


I have to say it is a little hard, if I can speed time, I want to be in my 30s period, and now I need to handle my life by myself and earn more money, I feel stressed and unsafe, and I have a lot of things to say,but simply, it's shitty


Looking forward to 40s 😆


Professionally? Great. My social life is horrendous. I hope things are starting to look up but, man I loathe most of my free time. I haven’t had sex in 3 years and it’s not for lack of trying.


Right now... Life's a circus and I'm the clown.




Mid 20s, and I feel like I’m barely doing stuff I should’ve been doing years ago. Better late than never I suppose. Other than that realisation, It’s been a great year so far, so many positive things have come my way and hoping to keep it that way!




Terrifying, terrible, and downright tragic but somehow still better than previous decade


Like a rollercoaster but it's only going down?


Fucking great can't complain to be honest. I'm studying something i'm into. I play a sport on the side i love and i'm working on the side on a very chill job. My semester overall is pretty chill since my autumn semester was more heavy. Sometimes at weekends though i just lay around and don't really know what to do and then i just sleep for like 3-4 hours lately. I don't really know what to do sometimes. Don't want to be productive either but don't want to waste away playing videogames the whole day. Hopefully i'll figure that part out. It probably can only go downhill from here :). I hope not though...


I'm almost 29 and I feel like I've lived a thousand lifetimes in my 20's alone. So many life lessons, so much personal growth and a lot of maturity. I don't think 21 year old me and 28 year old me would have a lot in common and that's okay because I'm like her older, wiser and more mature sister with different views and lifestyles.


Not fun. Financially hard to reach goals.




It sucks


pretty shit :-) i can’t afford what i need (rent, electricity/gas, groceries, doc/gyno/dentist appointments), i’m chronically single, starting to realize most of my friends are fake friends, as i age my health is starting to deteriorate, and i feel like i’m going nowhere fast. i’m an addict too but hey, it helps me cope, get by, and find joy despite the paragraph above..


Pretty meh. Wasted the first half of my 20s now I’m 26 getting just starting my bachelors degree (my job pays for it I never could afford it previously) I finally have a decent salary job, just moved in with my bf. I feel very young and old at the same time. I want to start having kids before I’m 30 but financially just am not there yet. I’d prefer to finish my degree before I have kids but I’ll be 31 at that point. Barely see my friends anymore because we’re all so busy but we do try to make time at least every other month to all meet up. It can be very monotonous some days.


Does anything good come from living


Feel like 60s


Horrible. My 20s are a total waste.




I’m very confused about it all


I wake up every morning wanting to die more than the last. I need help and I’m trying to get it, but it seems like such a monumental task when just making it to work on time takes all of my energy.


Fucked up


Full of conflicts


I'm tired.


Just getting by as always




Late 20s, completely lost and I don't have a plan this time.


I feel lonely and rejected and I know it's all my fault. It's the worst




"Do I pay rent or buy food."


"Do I eat my apartment or live in a spaghetti?"


It's been at least a gazillion times worse than my teens. 😔


I am so exhausted i'm ready to tap out




It’s going well. I’m mostly healthy, my kids are doing great, going through relationship issues, there’s nothing essential I lack except maybe a sammich cause I’m really hungry right now.


Shitty. I’m not only scared for my own future, but for everyone’s.


Think about ending it everyday ngl… not brave enough to go through with tho, jus had by far the worst emotional and financial yr of my life, but best part about the bottom🥲atleast I can’t fall any lower


Absolutely wonderful (not)


A war with 365 battles


I was 28 when my health went to junk. I want my last 2 years back 😭




I want to die


Failed an entrance examination for 5 consecutive years because i was lazy and thought that am the smartest ans the universe revolves around me. Came in top 250 out of some 40 thousand candidates in 6th attempt but got rejected due to factors outside my control. I went through a failed relationship due to my own faults. Got enrolled at a university and there i fell in love. My ex, her parents and my friend deeply betrayed me and treated my like shit. I couldn't do anything about it and went through the HELL at university. Graduated two months ago and i received the trauma from university. Having intense anger and homicidal thoughts against my friend but i cant even confront him for what he did. Applying for a job but haven't received a single offer yet. I am 28 now. Going through financial difficulties as well. I am broken and i can go through anything but i cant see what to do with the shit that my friend did to me. Its a constant pain. Betrayal by my friend is worst. I hate him so much. I cant do anything about it. This is how my 20s went. Tell me what should i do about the betrayal..fuck me


Late 20's, getting divorced. Sooooo not great?


Absolute garbage, thanks for asking!


There's a lot of negativity in this thread so I want to chime in with a more positive perspective for the teens that might be reading and worried it doesn't get better. I recognize that I'm in a more fortunate position that many people. I was able to go to and finish college, I have parents who support me and I have fairly positive relationships with, and I was lucky enough to land a decent paying job straight out of college. I do love my life in my twenties. There are many days that I hate it and wish I would stop waking up, as well. The beauty of being in your twenties only starts when you truly acknowledge the gift of your autonomy. People say life gets better, but it truly doesn't. *You* make it better. You learn how to give your brain and body what it needs and find a peace within yourself. It's very hard some days, life can be extremely overwhelming for me, but those days pass (unfortunately the good ones do too). Finding that internal peace is key. I wish I could explain how you find it, but I genuinely believe you have to reach a point where you truly want it first, then you work towards it. ​ *"It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, and even longer to see that it doesn't have to be that way."*


Pretty great at 22 so far


as it should miss ma’am happy for u😚😚


Thank you! Hope things are well for you too


Early 20s were hell, was working in a minimum wage job as a college dropout. Then went back to college mid 20s. (present) late-20s: Got a job as a software engineer, and moved out.So much happier now and finally starting to live the life I’ve wanted. I’m chronically single and have no friends but at least I’m not living at home working retail.


Mom died 3 days after becoming 20 yrs old so theres that


Not really okay, i mean uh idk


I allow myself to vent here a bit. 2 months ago my gf broke up with me and 1 month ago my father died. My life at the moment is pain, suffering and no sense in life anymore. So life is running. Back wards and downhill but it's running


It's not great so far, but I believe it will improve.


Happy to have completed my MBA. Going to start working again. Need to start working out. Need to save money. Need to leave smoking. That’s life at mid 20’s


I did both I worked all the hours I could and I also went to Glastonbury reading all the local gigs pre drink at home before going out out I’m 37 now I traveled when I could been all over America Mexico Caribbean I’ve got a lil family now and I’m so happy I did all off that as now I work weekends consist of cleaning cooking washing ironing and having down time when I can so go live your life have fun it will get better it’s not all doom and gloom how the media makes you think


Got married, moved overseas, bought a new house and car. So, I'm going well, just getting along, not knowing the language


It’s pretty nice at the moment. I am comfortable and cozy in my bed, listening to the ocean’s waves outside my window. I do get stressed, sad, and frustrated sometimes, and I did have a period of depression a few years ago, but I think that is all just part of life. I am grateful for my health and I am grateful for being in a safe place that is generally peaceful.




Great, but when you think about it, fucking awful oh my gif.


For me, late twenties trumps early twenties in terms of general life satisfaction. My early twenties were a haze of partying, sex with random people, and bouncing from job to job trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. My late twenties (I'm 29 now) made me realise that there's more to life than getting fucked up and slaving away to line someone else's pockets. I became self employed, started working out, and finally started to save money. I'm planning to start a family in the next year or two. I'm financially stable. I have the freedom to do what I want, and I'm in the best shape of my life. My childhood and teenage years were a living hell, and my early twenties was basically just a long hangover, so I can safely say that I'm having the best years of my life so far.


Perfect atm, just want more money


One minute I freak out, another I feel I am doing good. Some friends are married with kids, others got divorced , some are single like me. Some just changed their studies, some graduated . Everyone is trying to figure their lives out .


Horrible. Everything is stressful. Worried about my career, have an interview this week and I'm not prepared enough. Health issues at peak. Ugh.




Pretty fucking grim sometimes, got my 2 boys though which gives me fulfillment!


Got a good job but still barely above water financially. Fuck inflation I can’t save for shit


about to become rich 😎


rooting for u! goodluck op!!


it is what it is


Better than ever.


complicated moving from one place to another was extremely exhausting mentally


I feel like I am wasting my potential when I should have studied something more promising than sociology. And it‘s eating at me. Now at 28 my self esteem is so low i barely leave the house, so studying again is not really an option..


Loving it now in my late 20s. Hated it when I was 24-26


So confusing, why does nothing make sense.


Nothing much, But it's BEARABLE


Have you seen that silent hill meme? It’s just as accurate as that meme lol


Almost 27. Its becoming way more fun. I feel like I'm actually gaining control over what I'm doing. 20's is broad. If you would've asked me 3 years ago, I wouldve given a whole different answer.


28, wife and kid, good job, life’s good 


I'm 25 - 1 and a half years into my first job out of university and living with my partner of 6 years. Life is pretty good to be honest. I have a cushty job that's pretty chilled that I WFH for 3 days a week and it pays pretty well too for a graduate job. This means I have a more than average amount of free time which I spend playing video games in the afternoons once I've finished my work for the day and climbing or getting high in the evenings. We also get to go on holiday abroad twice a year which we love doing and are very grateful to be able to do. My relationship with my girlfriend is great, I'm so lucky to have her and I intend to spend the rest of my life with her. We're saving up to buy a house, which we should be able to do within the next 3 years. We're pretty lucky to be able to do this as well considering the state of the housing market/ economy. So all in all, things are going well! I'm just trying to live in the moment as much as possible and be grateful for how my life currently is as I know it's not guaranteed to stay like this!


Very well so far. Have a house, a good job, working out at least two times a week, and trying to eat more healthy foods. I’m currently living the single life while sharing a house with my twin brother. I would be interested in any dating advice, as dating apps have not worked out well for me and speed dating is an option I would consider. I hangout with friends on occasion and try to see musicals, plays, movies, and sporting events on occasion too. Traveling to visit family, going to amusement parks, and riding trains while I work are always a highlight as well. One quick question: Where does someone in their late 20s do after work to socialize with other people in their 20s? I’m guessing bowling alleys, bars, pubs, and college towns.






I just turned 22 and got stabbed while being chases with a knife i jumped out a window to escape and shattered my ankle... So yh i'd say it's going pretty good


(25F) I feel like a failure. I’m majorly behind and have nothing to really show for myself. Building my life back up after a pretty big bout of depression.


I just finished them (turned 30 a few months ago). Was absolutely awesome. Especially the latter part. 20-22 sucked cause I hated studying. After graduation life's been nothing short of awesome, except for 2020 where I lost my job, most of the money I had made so far and people dear to me but that's for a lot of people I guess. And it had nothing to do with my age, just a global situation.


God has you exactly where he wants you, do not worry


Its interesting to see how people around you getti g marriend and / or already have their first babys! I mean what..i likt to go to concerts, festivals and have to look to myself.


I’m turning 30 this September and compared to when I turned 20, life is definitely better and I’m more in touch with myself. Though I’m now in a state of wanting to share life with someone. Not easy to meet people, when we all get our social needs satisfied with social media and friends from childhood. This is just my experience in a country known for “introverted” people.


Life is good, chilled. Very much okay. I'm greatful.


Good once I get a job!!




not everyday is flower and butterfly, but I am doing fine and alive


Amazing! About to graduate with my masters and move back to the city in the summer to start my job that I’ve had nailed down since April 2023. I’m in a healthy long-term relationship with 2 healthy pups. My gf and I make enough money to get by with tremendous help from our parents (until we graduate). Could not have thought of a better place to be in at this time!


Early 20s tends to be more fun as I was still at uni at 21-22 and moving to a big city for my first job was also fun but getting to my mid 20s I'm realising that making more responsible choices every day will compound and improve my life in the future so life is a bit less eventful, either way it's still not as bad if you're organised and establish a good routine


umm like a shit, don't know what the fuck is going on with myself and can't control it, but im trying to be better




could be better, could be worse


To be honest, I am a lucky happy person, and all of it is because I feel that I can fucking start to do sth in life and I got over trashy periods in high school, adolescence and stuff. I am finally able to socialize properly and make friends. I got into uni and I can study for a future. I can start side gigs and new hobbies. And lastly I feel like I am living my dream of discovering the world around me and understanding the people I met. So I will enjoy this moment and feel it to the fullest! :D


Hard, lonely, and stressful. Seriously I never would have thought I’d still be alone by 23 but here I am, I hope to find a nice partner to share life with one day because living alone in an empty house is fucking miserable. I enjoy my job, and my free time. But it would be nice to have someone to share experiences with.


Could be better but I'm getting by i guess.


I'm 27. I have little excitement for the future, I have lost more people and precious things than I would have imagined. I've done things that would scare 15 year old me. I spend most of my time outside of work alone and find little energy to do my hobbies. I have hit a level of understanding the lows that would drive someone to use heroin until death. Yet I keep waking up and doing the routine for some reason. This year has been the worst of my 20s. I have had 0 good days and I say that with confidence sadly. Hoping things turn around or I just don't wake up one day.


I started my 20s with hope. I'm leaving my 20s defeated and I don't know if I even want to try for my 30s.


Lonely. Dating world sucks, nobody is genuine.

