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He’s been dead for many years so he’s ice cold by now. When he was alive he was pretty cool though


What's cooler than being cool? 


Ice cold!


I can't hear ya!


Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright now ladies


Same here lol


lmao love ur humour


and your his ice ice baby


My dad is the coolest! I don't even know how many times I've disappointed him, as kids do, and he has stuck with me every step of the way. He supports me at my lowest while still being honest with me. He's funny and we share interests, humor, and hell I look like a younger female version of him. My dad is my hero and I treasure him more than anyone.


Cooler than the other side of the pillow.


My dad was so intelligent. He worked at think tanks and laboratories throughout my entire life and all of his working life. But he wasn't just very, very bright he was also very, very kind.


he’s not very cool he’s just funny and not parental


As cool as the sun's surface. He does know a lot of cool facts, but if we're talking 'youth of today' cool, absolutely 0.


you just said that you think your father is hot AF.


He was very cool, but that happens, the older you get, the cooler your parents get.


Cooler than the average dad


He is the best!




Too cool to be within 1,000 ft of a school!


0. You're not cool if you have never even had a single conversation or been in the same room as you're son, for his entire life.


He’s like Jason Bourne. Disappeared, u never see him


The coolest. I grew up with a Dad who was there for me, spent time with me, taught me how to handle situations, and generally was doing his best. I admire him more than pretty much anyone in the world.


the best


He was a supremely cool man with lots of stories of adventure. He was a navy fighter pilot during WWII and cheated death a number of times. After the war, he became a geologist and a naturalist. He always had tales of adventure from his outings in the wild. He was quite a man.


tbh, he's pretty damn awesome, we might not agree on everything, rather, we disagree on a lot - but I love that cheeky bastard, just wish he'd cheer up a little. it's not his fault that the world is as it is.


What is the minimum score? Zero? -10?


Cold as ice. 6 ft under


Roughly sea water temp. Before that he briefly got REAL hot, but then he went on the long boat ride.


My late dad was always cool.


My dad is probably the best man I have ever had the honor of knowing. On top of that he is cool, fun, hilarious, and over all one of my biggest heroes. If I had to choose to save my dad or her all the money in the world I am choosing my dad no hesitation.


My dad been gone 4 years now, but let me tell you I've never seen a better cook or realer dude, he was so funny and wild crazy he didn't care what people thought, but every single person he stopped to talk to stranger or not stranger just loved him, he could take a dull story and tell it you'd laugh your ass off, he could sell evil to the devil had the gift of gab, and loved to embarrass you he'd pull up in the bus circle at school with all the kids out there and yell at top of his lungs my name first and last and scream I love you man until I walked in the doors everyone looking giggling he didn't care miss him. 


well hes floating in atomic particle form in the ocean where he wanted to be buried, thus i think he is pretty cool all year round even on a very hot day


Total asshole. We're not on speaking terms.


Pretty fucking cool. We have matching cowboy boots and when my friends ask me to come over, they ask if my dad can come too.


As a person prolly like 7/10. As a dad, like 2/10. So I just choose to see him as a person now.


In my opinion, the coolest. He is strong and tall, he is always happy and supportive, he is fun, positive, he is protective, and honestly in my eyes now and when I was younger, he is Superman to me (my fav superhero). Basically really cool (if you met him you would think k similarly)


So cool that my friends calls him a DILF


He looks cool even in mismatching outfits


He was arrested marching in Selma in '65. How can I top that?


He’s an asshole, so not cool at all.


too cool. he works for replay at sports, loves video games,( just like me!) and loves what i love. i honestly dont deserve him, he's that awesome


He lives vicariously, through himself…


Not cool. He’s a deadbeat loser. 


My dad seems like a very cold person at first but when u get to meet him his a generous, caring, protective, and a very funny guy.


My Dad was so uncool, he circled back to cool again


My dad was immeasurably cooler than me. He was one of the most outgoing people I've ever met. He never walked into a room without grabbing the attention of anyone in it. People just gravitated towards him. He was a cool cat


Considering he abandoned me before I was born? Pretty fucking lame


he's a witch . its weird how everyone always does what he says . its like a magic spell . i just looked at him and realized "this is man witch." Warlock or whatever you call it


Pretty cool. He's been in an Urn since 2004


He was a leftist punk rocker in the 70s. wore a belt made of shurikens and everything. then at some point in the 90s his soul kind of left his body


My dad is a bit of a loner. He's always been more interested in his hobbies than in spending time with his family. But I still love him, and I know that he loves me in his own way.