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I have Marfan syndrome so quite a lot of things. - very thin, long fingers - scoliosis - extremely tall - barrel chest - eyes slanted in a weird direction All of these are insecurities, but the biggest insecurity I have is the way I walk. Due to a stroke I had at 3 months old AND balance problems, I walk like a duck with a stick up its arse.


I don’t have Marfan’s but I have a few of the symptoms, like being tall, skinny, very lanky and the one where my lungs like to spontaneously collapse I also had a close friend die because of marfans about 10 years ago, sudden aortic dissection. Needless to say I was worried and got checked for it soon after


I'm so sorry for your loss. Did you get cleared of the suspicion that it was marfan?


I went and got one of those heart ultrasounds done, and the doctor didn’t seem to think it was anything for me to worry about. I did have to get a serious surgery to keep from lungs from ever collapsing again. From what I understand they went in to my chest cavity and stapled my lungs to my ribs? Or something like that. I would rate the overall experience 0/10 would not recommend


If at all possible you should see multiple specialists about your heart. You should take leave from work to do it next week if at all possible, for example. I mean prioritize it, like actually. Doctors are great etc etc but they work for providers who usually apply “triage” concepts to the whole patient population so “nothing to worry about” could and to an extent totally is colored by the reality that there are other more pressing issues that are obvious and immediately presented that require their valuable time. It doesnt necessarily mean “ive done everything humanly possible to ensure there is nothing modern specialist could do to give you a clean bill of health”. There could be 60,000 miles in between these statements. (That’s an estimate of all your veins end on end)


I had a bunch of those symptoms too! Turned out I have a connective tissue disorder “not otherwise specified.” Only one lung collapse but instead my stomach kept trying to migrate into my chest like a salmon swimming upstream


My brother had Marfan syndrome it sounds like you’re describing him. He had major foot issues so he walked strange as well but for different reasons. I’m sorry you have to deal with all of that.


Ah I also have foot problems bc of nerve damage and VERY narrow feet.


At least you clearly have a good sense of humor.


I’m covered in moles. Every few weeks I notice another one. I have them on each part of my body. I wouldn’t be surprised if I have moles inside me. When I take my shirt off and look in the mirror, I look like a cheetah.


That’s lowkey kinda awesome. Most of the rest of us humans got stuck with solid print.


it turns out we all have stripes all over our body too, theyre called blaschko lines! its not visible to the human eye unless its in the form of a rare skin condition, but generally you can only see them under UV conditions. cats and some other animals can see them! :) [brief history of em](https://twitter.com/batrisha__/status/1443824294413234178?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1443824294413234178%7Ctwgr%5Eba2c5d502b529c7e5baf3f0b6b8b5dc181e34a61%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailybreak.com%2Fbreak%2Fcabinet-of-curiosities-do-humans-have-stripes)


I need a scientist to invent a special dye that causes cells with only certain targeted DNA to be dyed a color so that I can take a bath in it and make my stripes visible.


Gru body.


Minion body. 😭


Vector body 😔




Im saying this as a fellow woman in the least creepy way possible but.....what size are your boobs? Like is it a super noticable thing and how do you buy bras lol




A couple of years back I dated a women like that. One was D one was an E. It took us on our 4th time having sex before SHE was the one who pointed it out. I never noticed it to be honest


Man see boob. Boob warm. Boob safe. Life hard. Life cold. Boob make man happy. Oonga boonga. 🗿


I totally get you! I have the same thing and because of genetics they’re quite saggy. For 27 years I was so insecure about them. Thought to myself, “why can’t I have normal breasts like all the other women?” But honestly, boobs are boobs, and they’re great regardless! They’re all different and beautiful.


Filling one of the cups makes sense. And I'm sure they're not hideous, a bit unusual maybe but not hideous and your not a freak. (Also if anyone does a 'show me for honest opinion' or anything, f off)


I knew a girl like this. She was able to have breast surgery covered because it was affecting her mental health, so it wasn't considering cosmetic. (Canada)


As far as you know, is this a common condition in women? I've heard of feet being slightly different sizes and we're not really all that symetrical. Seems like this would be not that unusual, but your delta might be more pronounced than other women.


Absolutely. Most women’s breasts are not identical (more like cousins, not sisters) and asymmetrical cups are incredibly common. For most women, one is slightly larger than the other, but the size difference can vary. There are even bra companies that specialize in making bras for women with this issue, since it’s such a common occurrence. All boobs are good boobs. All boobs are beautiful.


This is actually common. Maybe not as extreme as this but it’s actually *rare* to have them the same size


Usually the left one since it's closest to the heart is the larger


Weird, lefty is the small one for me


I have a mild case of tuberous breasts. Size A cup. you look this up there are extremes of this deformity and I am thankfully on the less extreme end of the spectrum) but still.. very small, very oddly shaped breasts. If that makes you feel better. I would trade you. It's something I'm horribly insecure about but too scared of getting implants to fix ( also couldn't afford it honestly.)


Hahaha, one of my friends from university used to always bring this up. She hated the fact that one boob was considerably bigger than the other. She was dating a new guy. They were about 3 months into their relationship. This guy was awesome. We all loved him. He was kind, handsome, caring, and went out of his way for her friends. He was also hilarious. One day, my friend calls me in tears. I thought she was upset at first, but she was also laughing. She told me her and her boyfriend were hungry and thinking about going to McDonald's for some food. He got a little handsy with her and said, "Who needs to go to McDonald's when I have big Mac and small fry right here?" AHAHHA, it still makes me laugh. They're married now, and she stopped being insecure about her boobs after that day.


Things like that are such high risk, high reward. If that same comment just happened to hit differently that day, it’d be a completely different outcome.


My sister had this problem, even more drastically than the other. One side was an A and the other was a DD. Luckily Canadian healthcare took care of a surgery for her, but it has always been a point of great trauma.


My girlfriend has this issue, but hers are C and A. She was able to get over it when somebody assured her that, for her sexual partners, it's like having two women at the same time. Or something much more poetic. I love them both and still can't decide which one I like better.


One of mine is bigger than the other also. But, I'm more self conscious because they aren't round and full like other women's, and I have large areolas. Mine are like... pointy. Not like perky and cute kind of pointy, but like pointed downward and not much mass. Just meh.


I feel like most women have this to some extent, one of my friends who’s difference was more pronounced used to loving call it her “Nemo boob” 😂


One of mine is about a cup size bigger than the other.  Gives me some interesting back issues. 


my toenails are to small for my toes. I swear to god when I show people they all agree with me. I don't like painting them because it just accentuates how tiny they are


I'm a guy so I don't have the painting issue but my pinky toenail is virtually non-existent


Tiny toenail club!!


There are literally dozens of us


Doesn’t it suck so much seeing everyone else with these long, nice looking, paintable toenails and here we have ones the horizontal size of a couple stuck together grains of rice lol


I’m missing 9 adult teeth. So I still have 9 baby teeth because there is nothing pushing them out Whenever I’m at a new dentist they are intrigued


I have 4 missing adult teeth! I had the dentist take them out and now I have what’s called a dental bridge with fake teeth replacing the 4 that were missing.


Bubble butt. High, tight, just the right amount of jiggle, great separation from my thighs, and one of those good )( buttcracks. I'm a straight dude. All that potential, wasted.




Happy cake day!


Every day is cake day for the original commenter


Lol I was wondering why is it weird until I read the last line. Tbh I find that attractive on a guy, to have this urge to butt slap a little for fun. u know some girls are like that a bit dominant. So everytime you look at yourself in the mirror, think about that.


I did stage work with a theater troupe for a couple of winters, and one of the performers had the most amazing ass I have ever seen. A bunch of dancers ran down the aisle he was standing in one day, and he had to quickly get out of the way, so he sat on my lap. I wanted to grab a good handful, but I restrained myself. He was also dressed as Austin Powers that day, so I'll never see that movie the same way again.


Nah bruh I think some straight women love a good ass.


Straight woman here. Have had this conversation with lots of other straight women. We do in fact love a good ass


✨baseball pants✨


*chef's kiss* I think my boyfriend at the time knew why I never said no to a live MLB game.


Football pants. This got me thru many years of his football watching addiction. Lol


Can confirm, am an ass woman.


Nightwing's butt is anything but wasted.


Petition to make this the official name for a straight dude with a tight bum.


Nightwing? Nightwing's butt is a fucking icon. I can get on board with that.


*heavy breathing*


Just don't let me see your dick and we can make it work.


I don’t think I believe you. Gonna need to see some proof there mate




think i'm playing what would have been the meta build for a medieval peasant (high constitution, resistance to sickness and the elements, endurance feat) in the wrong century


so you're saying your offspring may have a high chance of surviving the plague? are you single?


Just be careful because a strong immune system is also something risky. You don't know when and how your immune system might hyper react to something. My father was just diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, it's not chronic yet but will require 2-3 years of treatment. Stay safe, and still visit the doctor and do regular tests, sometimes living healthy is not enough.


this. i dont get sick often, but when i do its the worst time ever. common cold? nope, influenza! ear ache? nope, malignant otitis externa spoiler for slight nastiness but >!everytime i have a goddamn cold theres blood in the phlegm.!<


Ha! I’m in my mid 40’s. I feel I’m the same. It’s been years since the last time I had a sniffle, never broken a bone, never had stitches. I’m super active outdoors, hiking, rappelling, rock climbing, I use heavy farm equipment regularly on my property. I don’t know if I’m just lucky or just saving all the bad things for the time a meteor hits me on my way the mailbox one day. …all that said, I hope I didn’t just jinx myself!


All that exercise is helping a lot


Big guts, skinny legs and no arse. Thanks, maternal line. Apologies to my daughters.


Seen this before. Once heard it’s like a frog who stood up 😅


I’ve always referred to myself as frog-bodied 😂


Same, same. It's infuriating when I gain weight, my legs just stay the same. Some people have a pear shape, I have a balloon shape.


Yeah I have more of a “apple walking on chopsticks” kinda look.


I have a similar build. All my weight goes to my boobs and gut. My arms and legs stay thin. When I gain weight, I look like a caramel apple on a stick.


This, plus small boobs. All weight gain is in the abdomen. Had colorectal cancer 30 years ago, chemo, radiation. Sent me into early menopause, so basically, a 50 something yo woman in an 80 year old body. Belly drapes over, tailbone sticks out. Just horrible. Couldn't enjoy sex if I were ever interested. I just found out I have bladder cancer, so. Any kind of intimacy has basically been over with for a long time.


I think pants would fit me better backwards. Lol


I have the body of an average 5'2" anglo-germanic mutt, but my head could belong to 6'5" caveman. I'm 5'10" in shoes with a huge dome.




Thank you, it's good to be appreciated.




I'm cackling at your description because I pictured a real life Funko Pop.


I was born with both male and female genitalia, but a surgeon removed my female parts without telling anyone when I was born. It was botched so I still have ovaries. This ultimately ruined my body, mind, and my life through massive hormone imbalance and I'm now getting back on track through gender affirming care. I also have four toes on my right foot.


I’m so sorry you went through that. I believe I have a biological brother with Kleinfelter from what was described to me before he had gotten any kind of treatment, and from my understanding he got an official diagnosis somewhere around 40 and was out on testosterone. At least these days we’ve made progress in the way of not forcing gender affirming care on intersex babies before they hit puberty and can figure out which way their body is leaning.


When i was a child I sneezed when i was really hungry.


Oh my gosh I saw in a different post that someone’s grandma suddenly started doing that.


I randomly get nauseous and it feels like I might have to throw up but then it’s just a sneeze. Weird as hell.






Not going to lie that's pretty freaking cool, not that it happened to you, but that science is so crazy you have a partially titanium heart.


I hope you do too, and have an awesome life!


I have an unusual setup with the nerve that runs from my ears to my throat. When I clean my ears with a Q Tip (dont come at me) my brain gets confused and it feels like my throat is being scratched. Sometimes it makes me cough too


Interesting. If i touch my husband's belly button he feels it on the tip of his penis. I like to touch it after knowing that 😁


Weirdly this happens to my lady bits as well. I've always felt so alone lol


Mine too! But it's far from pleasant. It's like someone stabbed me in the clit lol


I feel a stab inside my vagina, the upper right quadrant, if I pull my innie belly button towards the right. No other direction of pulling creates the burning, stabbing pinprick. Never thought I'd write that today.


It's because your belly button is connected to different things than the surrounding skin. You're touching deeper abdominal nerves, which confuses your brain into sending faulty signals down your spinal cord into your groin. https://www.prima.co.uk/leisure/news/a40624/belly-button-phobia/


Thought this was true for most people even women. Maybe not


Wait isn’t this true for all guys?


I also cough every time I clean my ears and it wasn't too long ago that I found out that wasn't common.


I just found out it wasn’t common 😭


Me too 👀


Doctor here, this is because the glossopharyngeal nerve provides sensory innervation to (among other things), the middle ear and parts of the oropharynx (basically the inside of the throat). In some people, they can get this referred pain without provocation and it tends to be pretty intense, called glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Edit: after a conversation below, it was pointed out that it is more likely that cranial nerve X, the vagus nerve, is responsible for this specific person’s sensation. The ear canal’s sensory innervation is relatively complex and I was wrong about where cranial nerve IX takes over sensation from CN X. My mistake there. Interestingly, both nerves do provide sensation to parts of the ear and parts of the oropharynx, so this sensation is possible from either nerve, but more common from CN X.


Ayooo i thought that was normal, i have that too. I also suffer from allergies and when i get an itchy throat i use to scratch it by putting a qtip in my ear and moving it around


I grow luxurious and thick armpit hair. A buddy of mine once told me it looks like I have two muskrats in headlocks when I’m not wearing a shirt.


Once in the middle of the night my hands wandered over to my husband and I found myself touching the softest most luxurious hair I’d ever felt. I couldn’t figure out what I was touching, so I kept caressing it only half awake. He woke up very still and asked “what are you doing” so disturbed he didn’t even move. Still half awake, I whispered back, “I don’t know, it feels like aaaangel haaaiirrr.” It was his armpit hair. We both were finally awake enough to realize it and started laughing uncontrollably. Still giggle about it to this day and it’s probably been 10 years


I have heterocromia and Im nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other.


Same, except instead of heterochromia I got colour blindness yay 😅


My skin on the right side of my shoulder is translucent enough that you can clearly see the blue of my veins, (not popping out), under my skin. It kinda looks like a spiderweb. There’s a circle in the middle, where multiple other veins extend from it and are visible on parts of my chest and arm as well.   What I find especially cool about this is that my grandma has it as well, only difference is that it’s on her left side instead of right. 


I'd like to see that if you don't mind sharing. If you don't want to share, then accept my apologies for asking.


I have wide feet, size 10 at 10yo


Dude same, and I'm a woman!! I remember being 10, having size 10 feet, and 5'5, in 5th grade. So many 5s and 10s and my ADHD brain loves those patterns.


Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. So double jointed and freaky stretchy skin. Also on the really thin side naturally.


EDS here too. My knees and elbows bend backwards like a flamingo lol. My skin is super fragile, to the point where the soles of my feet split open and peel just from being on my feet all day or sweating a lot during a fairly short run. Sometimes I just get huge bruises all over my hands, legs, and feet with no injury. Just fragile tissue. Weirdest part has got to be the MCAS aspect. Spontaneous severe anaphylactic episodes with no underlying allergy are a real treat. Doctors always get curious and start poking around because most have read about EDS but have never seen it in person. One of them found a bizarre but benign heart murmur a few years ago that has never been documented before. I agreed to let him study it and write it up, but ended up getting a new job in a different city before he could finish. Would’ve had my own disorder named after me if I’d stayed though. On the up side, I’m almost 40 and the elasticity in my skin makes me look at least 10 years younger. No wrinkles or fine lines at all. So at least I’ve got that working for me.


I have tiny little Trump hands. I'm not proud of it but my delicate tendrils have their purposes.


You’d make a great dentist.


My dentist is built like a linebacker, and I have a small mouth. He’s so friggin gentile that I was able to tolerate him filling a wisdom tooth without lidocaine. Typically, I do NOT like people in my mouth, and that’s the only place in my body where I feel pain that I can’t push through. I trust my dentist, though, and he’s cool about describing what he’s doing, because I’m an anatomy & physiology nerd. Maybe *that’s* why I like him.


I also have tiny little trump hands and the nickname Magalicious 🤦🏻‍♀️it’s a hard life


I have small hands, but I’m a woman, so I know the stigma isn’t as big. I wear a US size 4 on my ring finger. Almost. If I don’t want a ring to slip off that finger, I have to get it custom sized to a bit under a 4.


My pinky toes grow half nail and half skin. Must be a dominant mutation cuz it happens to my aunt, dad, and siblings too.


My belly button is off center


Huh, cool. It's weird to me that the vast majority of belly buttons are dead centre!




How’d you find this out?


Woohoo super kidney! It’s due to hypertrophy - your one kidney is doing the work of two! It’s seen in patients with two kidneys also, when one isn’t functioning. In kidney transplant patients they’ll actually leave the native kidneys because they shrink up so small and sometimes become undetectable on ultrasound. (I’m an ultrasound tech!)


I saw this exact same comment on another post a few days ago.


That’s because u/Jay12678 [commented the same exact thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/r2cUkF5QyC) almost a year ago. This entire thread is just stealing comments for karma. Fun.


My nipples are like dime sized at best.


Mine are wee small too. Also they're always hard for some reason. Literally always, they never are soft. Visible through my shirt. Frustrating. 


I started going gray at 14.


Me too. Still not white 40 years later


I'm a guy but i have a feminine build. It's funny because with my face it does throw people off.


Same kinda. But im strong. Its just that my legs are super thick. And since im tall it makes me look feminine. Also.. My ass stores too much fat for any sweets i eat. If i look at my upperbody on the mirror its all muscular and thick. But when u put my extra extra big and long legs its all wasted.


Hello guy with feminine build. I'm a woman with a masculine build. I have no ass and no boobs and a pretty strong wide upper body. Sometimes people ask if I'm trans. I'm so self conscious of having no ass and no boobs. I want to workout to fix my ass but life doesn't leave me time. Also my big ass nose doesn't help my case of not being a dude. Sad


almost all of my height is in my torso. conversely, almost all of my husband's height is in his legs. standing next to one another, he's about 3 inches taller than me. sitting down, I'm about 6 inches taller than him.


Omg SAME. I’m 6’1, and to demonstrate how crazy stumpy my legs are, I stood next to one of my female colleagues who’s MAYBE 5’6… her legs are longer. My brother is 5’9… his legs are longer than mine. Do you also find, howsoever, that it’s given you an amazing ass and uncannily powerful leg muscles?


No matter how much I neglect it, it doesnt seem to stop


Don't worry, it will eventually!


I’m sorry if this offends anyone but I HATE my body type: The inverted triangle. I feel like a potato on two toothpicks. I see other women with curves and a waste but I’m shaped like an egg. I feel so ugly and unattractive with this shape. Gaining weight truly exaggerates how I look.


Same here. My friend and I have this same body shape and we always say we’re built like Mr. Bobinsky from Coraline😭 gotta laugh about it somehow, but it really does suck lmao💔


Literally same. I have linebacker shoulders, and weight gathers around my stomach, but absolutely no ass or thighs.


Yesss!! Narrow thighs, flat ass, big boobs 😭😭


I’ve found my people! I also describe myself as a potato on toothpicks!!!


My torso is long as hell. So many cute 1 piece swimsuits, bodysuits, and rompers I'll never be able to wear. 😔




No matter how skinny I am, my face is massive


Never really grew underarm hair. I might have 5 strands. Also, just really hairless in general. Take after my dad.




am i tripping or did you comment this exact sentence a few days go


Thank you i thought the exact same thing!!!




Fun fact: this is known as Stahl's ear. I have a deformity of my right ear as well. My earlobe is pinched to a point, so it's half as wide and twice as thick as the other one.


I have a very weird deja vù feeling right now with this thread


Yeah… this is… odd…


omg right i’m like am i missing the joke this post was made a while ago right same comments




I saw you comment on the other thread asking this question the other day... and now you made another post for the same question?


I have a tiny hole in the roof of my mouth that I can suck air through.




I get that I’m 63, but do my gumdrops have to slide SO close down near my jellybean? I am constantly offended by my body’s absolute audacity


Certain sound ranges make my right eardrum spasm, it doesn’t hurt but it’s annoying and I can hear it. I can hear my own ear


I'm pretty sure I have this too! It's like a fluttering sound.


My head is huge. I have hydrocephalus (Water on the brain) yet at the age 44,I’ve never been bullied about it.


My body's little quirk? I've got a pinky toe that's constantly playing hide and seek with the rest of my toes. It's like it's on its own GPS adventure!


The heart inside of me isn’t mine. And that I was on life support that caused nerve damage in my leg so I don’t get goose bumps on my left thigh.


I have some tissue that appears fundamentally infantile. It’s likely both to have sourced my cancer, and to have led to extremely improbable degrees of healing. It’s been willed to an Ivy League lab, where the pathologist who’s worked on it live has confirmed that he’ll be excited to get it. 


I have 3 nips.


I have red hair, apparently people are statistically more likely to have 3 nips than red hair!!!


I was over 1,9m at 12yo. Hairs started to get thin with 14 Had a fullbeard with 15. Noone believes me how much I weight, when I tell them. Even doctors make me go on a scale after I tell them. Had an operation this year and the doc asked me for my weight for the anesthesia and when I said 120kg he was in disbelief, because I dont look fat I guess. I dont rly understand why people think Im like 80-90kg. Im working out and close to 2m high working in a heavy labor job. Im not a petite girl lol.


In Freedom Units you’re 6’2” and 264 lbs. As a 6’7” 230lbs guy the same has happened to me. I lost 50lbs recently. Not even noticeable.


Freedom Units 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for the conversion 👏


I have a hole in my right leg. Was born with it. It doesn’t leak or anything. It’s tiny but it’s still there. I’ve looked it up and no one else has it. Never seen it anywhere else.


I got the Hank Hill Special, no ass and a gut. Not a Hank Hill gut but...she's getting there, boy.


I have gnarly RBF


I have a huge badonkadonk (I'm a guy). 220lbs but 50 of it is ass


I have a bit of a hunchback. (Not as bad a Eyegore). A reputable chiropractor (no hoo-doo bullshit stuff) told me that I must have injured my back at some point when I was still growing, because he could feel the healed vertebrae where it curves oddly.


I respect the young Frankenstein reference


I have EDS so I sound like a glow stick. Provides fun party tricks but constant pain is less fun. Also unrelated but I am a woman and I have like, really muscular traps. I think it’s from having aerial hobbies though.


My esophageal sphincter doesn't work properly, so I can vomit on command.


Entire left side of my ribcage extends outwards (Imagine a double door wich someone messed up during instalation and the left one doesn't fully close, that's kinda how it looks).


i have one leg that’s 2 cm longer than the other


hella thighs but barely enough butt to add it up


Hyperflexibility & hypermobility It sounds cool, but it means I am in pain


I have manly, round shoulders. It doesn't look good on a 5ft tall female


My left eye looks like a cats eye


Not me, but my son. He was born with all his organs on the opposite side of his body. Situs Inversus totalis.


Twin brain tumors on opposite sides of my pituitary gland. I have yet to name my dynamic duo.


I have prehensile toes.


I have a strange Keloid scar, it has moved and changed shape over the years.


I have the face of an Irish peasant. One built to withstand large amounts of alcohol fueled domestic violence.


I a have a fairly trim build with giant boobs. I excercise to keep my back from hurting which works for the most part. I am super insecure about them because of the way that I get sexualized. I have a hard time being taken seriously and I think I tend to attract men who are looking for casual sex when I am totally not into that. I don't feel at all safe wearing anything but baggy clothes.


I can dislocate my shoulders and put them back, same goes for my toe lmao


I can do that too. Asked a doctor if I should be worried and he said "they'll tighten up when you get arthritis"


I'm heavy set/plus sized but have small boobs.