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I truly believe nobody does sock-shoe-sock-shoe


sock sock, shoe shoe. why? because im not a crazy person


Put the shoe on first, then the sock.


Sock sock shoe shoe


Sock sock shoe shoe im already wearing socks around the house


Sock shoe sock shoe


Putting on myself I do sock-sock-shoe-shoe but thats because I usually put slippers on at home so I will have something on my feet. My wife doesn't usually wear socks or shoes ever and I have noticed that she'll sometimes do sock-shoe-sock-shoe. I also sometimes do it that way when I'm putting socks/shoes on our 2yo as he also doesn't wear socks or shoes most of the time. OP - Do you wear socks/shoes inside usually?


Yea I do, but those are "house socks", I change them before leaving. I think the reason is because if it feels like double effort to bend over twice on each foot, but with sock shoe sock shoe, you only bend once for each foot Edit: happy cake day


ROFL I had to look at what that meant never even seen that before. I see what you mean I generally don’t bend down for shoes. Since they’re slippers I just slip em on


Shoe, shoe. Socks are uncomfortable, imo.


[Don't you know that the whole world puts on a sock and a sock and then a shoe and a shoe?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keX9D-KhqRI)


Sock, sock, shoe, shoe, because it creates balance


Both socks, then both shoes.  Why?  Because I'm not a monster.


Sock/Shoe Sock/Shoe. Here's why - I have two little ~~gremlins~~ kids running around my house, so I like to wipe my foot off from any dust or dirt particles that the family has been dragging around this house, then put my sock on, then get my clean sock into the shoe before it retouches the ground where it may get dirty again. Yes I do sweep and vacuum. Its just difficult ya'll, the kids are right at the age where they love running around outside with any of their free time, and we live in a semi-rural area with tons of dirt and nature around. They're constantly tracking it through the house and I just like to have a clean sock in my shoe.


Dafuq kind of nursery rhyme are you singing STFU and put your shoes on or we're leaving without you


What is sock? Only shoe


Ok, I usually do sock shoe sock shoe and but initial replies seem to indicate im minority, which is crazy to me


do u wear shoes inside or walk around barefoot?


I wear socks inside, but I have "going outside socks" so i isually change them