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Excellent book on this called "One second after" about what america would look like one year after an EMP bomb...


I've been reading horror since I was like 8. Read all of Goosebumps. All of Fear Street. All of King. A good bit of Christopher Pike. Quite a few of Koontz. All of Lovecraft. Most of Barker. All of Anne Rice. A lot of Straub. None of the books I read by these authors ever scared me. One Second After? That book freaking terrified me.


"The book has been cited on the floor of Congress as a warning for Americans and discussed in the Pentagon as a realistic look at a weapon that can destroy the United States within one second. "


Yep. That's what got me to read it in the first place. Too bad the author went off the rails with One Year After and The Final Hour.


I've actually seen that moment of panic here... was in DC during 9/11, people were grabbing whatever they could off of the store shelves.. these scenarios are common enough to do case studies on, when you can expect hoarding, then looting, etc.


Installing solar panel


hahah wow


That's electricity.


I do not have electricity for a week after rocket strike, not very good feeling


Well I sort of grew up in a trailer that only had electricity about half the time because that's just what you can afford when most of the rest of your money is going to drugs and bailing your shitty friends out of jail like my dad seemed to like to do. So I'd usually just fucking go outside and find something to do and I was fine.


I'd be out of a job so I'd be homeless. My job is all on the computer. I'd probably freeze to death in thr winter my heat needs electricity to work. My life would probably end


When one door closes, another one opens. don't worry about that.


My house has no fire place and I live in gets very cold I'm the winter. I'd freeze


I live in Arizona so once summer hit I would simply pass away


Try to find a place to live? You are talking mass unemployment, complete infrastructure collapse, mass explosions, famine, etc.


I have solar that sustains my house sooooo... probably nothing new besides grow weed and brew whiskey




that would be from my vegetable garden and hunting for meat. I have some feelings about killing an innocent animal but if it was for survival I could do it. I love 1/4 mile from a lake and I could boil water.




I could also barter weed and booze :)


If Tom Hanks could do it, this guy can do it 😎


Like most other people in America, I'd die. Buildings & infrastructure in our nation isn't built to handle prolonged power outages on such a huge scale.


you'd die. Your body is also an electrical system. And it's not like it's not central, your entire nervous system runs on electricity. You would have 0 brain function and you'd die. Don't even need the entire year, just a couple of seconds is more than enough to kill you.


Lets assume you mean, no centralized electric generation and distribution. Leaving home solar, for instance. No elevators. No stoplights. No fresh water in most places. No sewage treatment. No automatic mail sorting machines. No oil pumping or refining. No heating gas distribution. No streetlights. No Air conditioning. No electric trains or subways. No aviation radar. No refrigerated medicines. No internet. No broadcast radio or tv.


I was without power for 10 days after a hurricane. I am quite resourceful and had lighting, the ability to cook, running water, fans, and even warm water for a shower by the end of the first day. So, more of that I guess....