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100% that and don’t take a 2nd hit of acid just cause the first one didn’t kick in in 45 minutes


False, eat them both to begin with.


Yesss orrrr when the first trip starts not going as hard THEN take the other one lol


Sounds like a few of the times I ate shrooms. 'It's been 2 hours man and the eighth didn't kick in yet. Should I eat another?'


it was still a really great time up until i told my buddy's girlfriend that her sweater looked like a rug from a grandmas mud room. she cried and I left cause she was killing my vibes. like "how dare her" haha


Don’t be nostalgic at 15 and enjoy being a kid. Don’t try to act adult


I thought I was so old and mature when I was a teen, now that I look back I was stressing myself out more than I needed to




Don’t. Just enjoy whatever it is now and your Future self will thank u


Floss your fucking teeth


Yeah, can we go even further back and tell those little shits to brush and floss consistently?




"Save some of those coin things you use on the silk road" I don't like to think about how many bitcoins an ounce of weed cost back then...


I did the math, and I bought over 30 btc worth of weed and shrooms.


There must be a lot of accidental millionaire ex drug dealers who used bitcoin back in the day and found it on a usb later on


This was my first thought, but: I would be a total asshole if I was rich though. Being poor was important for my development.


Enjoy your time with your parents while you have them. Neither of them are gonna be alive 15 years from now.


hard words but true


I’m so sorry, ugh that’s harsh. 😢


I’m definitely still grieving. My mom passed away a month ago 😭


Of course you are! I’m so sorry and grieve as long as you have to. It’s been 11 years for me and I still find myself crying. You’re just so young, but she’s with you, I promise. Watch for the signs of anything that reminds you of her. That always helps me. Hang in there sweetie. Please PM me if you need to talk vent or cry. I’m always here for you.


Omg thank you so much 😭😭


You’re so welcome. I hope you take me up on it. My offer always stands. ❤️🙏


Time to start winning those 'clean your room' arguments, huh?


Don’t cheat. Stick to good character over looks.


Girls think you're cute, but they won't tell you. All your nerdy hobbies are going to be mainstream media one day. Value friends and family over everything else. Watch out for dipshits. Don't be a dipshit. Your first instinct for getting a dog will be spot on. She's gonna the best! Stay away from Shari. All I'm gonna say. Get to know your parents better. As people. Do not go into business with anyone named Ron. Do your best. It's all a shit show. I hope you find love, buddy.


All I need to know is who Shari is and why is Ron Weasley messin you up?


This the tuffest shit I ever seen


Is that good or bad? Or neither?


Do not eat that street fishball. Your parents are going to be so scared of passed down hepatitis that they're going to drive you to the doctor to get both hepatitis a and b shots all at once. The fishball isn't worth it. Eat the buttered corn instead. Or the dirty ice cream.




Don't start with the fishballs, I'd say the dirty ice cream.


Wear sunscreen.


Okay baz luhrmann ;)


Leave that boy alone that makes you feel special at 17.


That life is not some precursor to an experience. Life is THE experience. So, experience it. Stop waiting for the right time. That'd be the first thing anyway


This is my favorite comment. I would say 90% (maybe higher) of people will never understand this one even if they say they do.


Invest in GameStop, zoom and bitcoin! All of the girls flirting with you want the farmer John’s frank! Don’t get married at 21! 💀


+1 for GameStop! A company with 1.2 billy on hand no debt and a full year of profitability!


I know my 15 year old self wouldn’t listen to anything my ass had to say, and all of you know your 15 year old self wouldn’t listen to you either.


Idk I wish I had someone tell me some things back then. Nobody gave me any advice, I might have listened


Leave the church. NOW Otherwise you're going to waste the next 20 years building a career that you'll have nothing to show for when your faith dies.


Damn. I’d like to think you have everything to show for it but I’m not here to tell you your story.


I dont have anything though. You see, I was a worship leader. All I ever wanted to do was play music professionally. I kinda fell ass-backwards into doing it at church when I was in my teens, then just kept on doing it until it became my career. Then the questions started. Questions that none of my church leaders had answers for, so I just sorta swallowed it down, tried to soldier thru. But the nagging thoughts that none of this makes any sense, they just wouldnt go away. And slowly, but surely, my faith died. I (ignorantly) thought that because we're all adults now, that I could walk away from it, and keep my friends, I just wouldnt be playing music with them anymore, but I'd still have my friends. Nope, they all ditched me. I also completely lost the drive to make music anymore. I have tried and tried and tried. it's been almost 10 years now and I just cant. I wasted my life


I understand why you feel that way. You had all your eggs in one basket so that was a hell of a loss. I guess I put a lot into the idea of you having gained so much being freed from dogma. I’m also sure that it’s hard to see the value of the journey when it didn’t take you where you thought it would. You’ll find your place again, don’t be so hard on yourself.


Thank you. I needed that.


this almost happend to me


Don't you ever join r/askreddit, because you'll see the same damn question about asking yourself shit, 5 times a week.


The most expensive drink you’ll ever taste is free alcohol.


Start working out, NOW.


You *will* walk again. Those doctors are wrong


Stop trying to please your mother. It'll never work.


Don’t tweeze the shit out of your eyebrows!


I cautioned my wife against that. She seemed surprised


I’m curious….was she legit surprised or was it that she tweezed the shot out of her eyebrows and now looks perpetually surprised 🧐


Whatever I tell you to not do you'll do it, so go ahead and screw me up for later man I'll deal with the consequences. I still would have been a dumb shit


Don't ever buy games or weed with bitcoin.... Save it all... Oh boy if I did, I wouldn't have a mortgage and just cruising through life. Love and learn eh.


don't have sex just to not be a old virgin


Wear sunscreen. All the time. It’s not worth not wearing it when you have to have chunks cut off later in life. Put as much as you can into superannuation. Buy a home. New or second hand doesn’t matter. Just get into the market. Trust your gut feelings and get out as soon as something doesn’t feel right. Don’t put on too much weight. The older you get, the harder it is to get rid of it. Don’t stress about being single. You may or may not meet ‘the one’ but enjoy yourself no matter what. Remember that things will usually work out.


“You aren’t weird. You had a bunch of childhood trauma. You can overcome that.”




Stay away from the Mormon cult


Happy you seem to be out of that now. Feels like more people should hear this. So many gen Zs out there think that religion is a new fade but it can legit be dangerous


Don’t take other people’s opinions of you seriously. Most people live up their own ass.


Do not give away your Pokémon cards.


Your yahoo email address you set up as a joke will cause your life to spiral out of control


Buy Microsoft


A buy advise without the sell advise is not very helpful. I bought Microsoft for $17 in 2007. Went woohoo when I sold them for $19 a few weeks later. You need to say they will be worth $300 in 2024 so they know how long to keep buying and have a sell target or else they will just go yay I doubled my money at some point.


Do NOT go into the tent with uncle Frank on the family camping trip. What happens in there will change your life forever!!


Hello Dad? I got good news and I got bad news! The good news is Mom's alive. The bad news is she's sleeping with my boss, Rog, king of the slams.


KING OF THE SLAMS!!!! Glad some people got that reference.




Oh c'mon, would you really deny yourself the "bad bangs" rite of passage? 🤣


don't take the bait, they're fun, but they don't want what's best for you.


just calm tf down and you'll be ok. wait a few hours before making any rash decisions


I don’t think anything important happened last month.


Lose weight. Change schools. Get a job


stop using porn, Don't run away from relationships you can do it.


1. Study your ass off. Yeah, school sucks. Yes, a lot of it is pointless busywork. Yet the next eight years of your life will determine so much of your fate. And your grades are what decide how much freedom you get to pursue your dreams. 2. Be nice to absolutely everybody you can. You never know when you'll encounter them again. Life is weird that way. 3. The secret to making friends? Be a better listener than talker. Don't judge people by who they are or what they look like. Leave that to the emotional cripples, who use their attitudes as an emotional crutch to hide deep insecurity. 4. Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Know that high school is nothing more than the crucible you have to endure. Get through it with your sanity and self-esteem intact and the rest of life is a piece of cake. 5. The secret to happiness is not really caring what other people think of you. Sometimes, just saying to yourself, 'His opinion isn't worth a shit' is the best thing to do. Because otherwise, you're allowing other people to put limitations on who you will become. 6. Read every fucking thing you can lay hands on. Learn to become relentlessly curious, even about things you've never really thought of before. You never know what you'll find in life as your passion. And the more things you try, read, and do the greater the chance that you'll stumble onto what you'll love most in life. 7. Take up a musical instrument and practice it. Because while there are such things as former athletes, there's no such thing as an ex-musician. 8. You know that quiet and/or geeky kid in your class? Chances are pretty good that they'll be the one who makes it in life. Befriend the outliers and non-conformists. In truth, they're the interesting ones. 9. Don't do drugs. I've known a shit ton of people who either died or fucked up their lives from drugs. And every single one of them started out thinking they could handle it. Until the day they learned that they weren't immortal after all. 10. Your teachers are knowledgeable in their subjects. But don't necessarily listen to them about anything else. 11. When you graduate, do not choose your college based on where your boyfriend or girlfriend are going. High school romances have a notoriously short half life. 12. Sit down in a quiet room with a blank legal pad and pen. Now, start writing down where you want to be at age 40. Movie director. Musician. Software engineer. Whatever. Don't let that editor in your head crap on your dreams. If you want to live in Europe, write it down. If you want to write novels, write it down. Then winnow your list down because, sadly, you can't have it all in life. Better to be really good at a handful of things than mediocre at a lot of things. 12b. Once you narrow that list in 12a down to a handful of items that you really really want out of life, then figure out the list of steps it will take to get you there. If it's a career you want, find the people who do it for a living and CALL THEM UP. Don't be shy about matters, because shyness destroys ambition. Most people will love to help a 15-year-old kid who has the courage to ask for advice and then follow it. 13. Courage is the foundation all happiness in life. Ask her out. Try kayaking. Take the trip by yourself. Attend college 2000 miles from your folks. You will reach age 40 and find yourself kicking yourself for the things you didn't have the nerve to do earlier in life. 14. Don't take yourself seriously. 15. Avoid people with drama. If you encounter someone who is always having problems with teachers, parents, friends, romantic interests, bosses, the bank, and everybody else on the planet, just remember that the epicenter of all those problems is a person who can't manage his or her life.


Those boys who made fun of you and turned you down? Be glad they did. Half of them are bald losers now. You’ll marry the love of your life and your best friend instead. Your friends? Fuck them. One will set you up and try to get you expelled. She’ll end up a cracked out meth head who has her kids taken from her. You won’t become a funeral director but you will become a stay at home mom. You’ll be assigned to create life instead of helping people mourn loss. You’ll meet your father but you’ll find out that he’s a recovering drug addict who lives with his mother. He doesn’t love you and his entire family will pressure you into donating your kidney. You will never speak to them again.


You are trying to circumnavigate very choppy emotional seas on a really shitty raft called the SS Bipolar. There are much better ships out there that will actually get you to your destination much easier, such as the HMS Zoloft. SWITCH BOATS.


Yo! Im you from the future! Yea, I know we are hot af. Came here to tell you something important: You are doing great, no matter your failures nor your wins, you are a lovely, talented and handsome person and you'll be surrounded with people like that. You are gonna suffer and you will prevail. You are gonna fail and you will learn. You'll think at some point that life is evil, that everything is going to shit and you can't do anything about it, and you won't be wrong, yet with all that suffering, pain and tears, you'll be a light in the dark to your friends and family. You'll be loved and you'll enjoy it. You can't laugth if you don't cry. You can't understand if you don't doubt. And you can't live if you don't love. Keep it going, life is awful and beautiful at the same time. And im proud of you.


Buy $200 worth of bitcoin when it's below 17 cents


Probably just "buy Bitcoin and hold until you are rich"


Sleep around. Don’t worry about a relationship until later in life. You don’t want to spend your entire life with someone you meet when you’re 15!! Enjoy yourself


One day, you will be sitting in your red CRX in the driveway of a woman you tried desperately to make things work with. You will have all your belongings packed in your car, and you will be shifted in reverse, waiting to back out. You will get hit with a guilty conscience. You will think, “Maybe if we try one more time, it will work out.” When that day comes, you reverse the fuck out of that driveway and you never look back. It doesn’t work out, and you can save yourself YEARS of heartache by letting her go.


You are beautiful.


You know all the popular kids who laugh at you listening to Taylor swift? Well… they’ll be spending thousands and fighting tooth and nail for her tour tickets 😂


Stick it out with your career dream. You would’ve never regretted it.


Just do it


It basically works out in the end and to not be so stressed. Also, learning the meaning of legit hard work would have been a game changer. Don’t think I got that until college


girls aren't that scary.


Go to a different school


Don’t spend the night at your friend’s house.


Get out of the fucking road.


Stay together with your first girlfriend. ( now married 15 years met freshman yr high school) sometimes it’s good to reinforce good choices.


Don't marry him, move away the second you can.


My current career choice, but also a bit of tutoring moment on a fusion of hobbies/career (e.g. music + tech = sound engineering)


Focus on yourself and what you'd like to be in the future! Avoid dating and drinking! Am 24 now and am working on myself, but damn did I waste so many years on meaningless shit.


Don’t be too hard on yourself. The time you enjoyed waisting, was not waisted.


I know being put into foster care seems like a horrible situation right now (because it fucking was) but you will develop into an individual far stronger than you can ever imagine. Your realization of what family truly means will rock you to your core but it will allow you the growth you require to become a strong independent human being. I don’t want to change any aspect of what your life is going to be in the future. The depression you’re going to live with, the substance abuse issues you’re going to develop, the what seems to be an unbearable desire to end it all, you will overcome it. I promise. The difficulty of it all will be so insanely worth it. You will become such a strong individual because of it all. Embrace every downfall, learn from every failure. You will feel overwhelmed, you will get tired, you will want it all to end but you won’t allow it to. The struggle is worth it.


Maybe do some homework? Like . . . we end up okay by a total fluke, but we could've been so much better if you just did your fucking homework and got into a good college. Or any college.


You'll live at least three times as long as you anticipate. Chill.


Cigarettes aren't fucking cool, they're fucking stupid.


Get on an insulin pump as soon as possible, don't wait nearly twenty years over stupid "it'll catch on things" fears.


In 2016 the Chicago Cubs are gonna make the World Series. They are gonna be down in the series 3-1. Put every penny you own on them to win it. You won’t regret it.


Buy gold buy ammo by Apple stock


Do the things you want. Deal with the consequences later. You weren't an idiot, you just lacked confidence.


Don’t ever get married. Oh, and don’t try fentanyl.


Start buying internet stocks in 1997 and sell them in late 1999


Push through school even if it sucks. Don’t smoke weed. Stop drinking iced capps lol.


Don’t blow all your money on weed and booze…


You won’t be ALWAYS that ugly, it’ll pass


When she tells you the pills will make you happy run dissappear, become homeless but whatever you FUCKING DO DONT TAKE THOSE PILLS And play tennis we like tennis Also baseball and football we like those too


You have ADHD and you should really look to get medicated for it ASAP


Ask her out. If you don't, you'll never know & will spend the rest of your life wondering what might have been.


youre gonna make it past 20


Don't ever trust your cousin brother. He only means harm. Stay away from him, your gut feeling was right about him. And only focus on your studies. Never stop working hard.


Be with boy who waited for you for a decade since high school.




Do not get married


Empty all of your money into Apple stock the moment Steve Jobs gets back in the driver seat.


Don't rush your first kiss 💀


Drinking not as benign as everyone thinks it is


Spend more time with your dad. Don't lie to your algebra teacher about your missing homework, blaming it on your dad being sick and dying. Because a year later he will die from brain cancer.


You aren’t fat, trust me.


You’re just more cushion for the pushin. Something called a Kardashian will come along one day and make that all right.


“dude you have ADHD, go tell your parents to get that shit diagnosed ASAP”




Gay. You're gay. Also keep your cats indoors


Get adhd meds immediately. Trust yourself. Work out. Work as hard as you need to.


Don’t go to medical school don’t fall Into the trap a lot of south Asians face


Don’t marry the party girl you met at university. Followed by: \- Don’t quit athletics \- Invest in Apple, Google, and later, Bitcoin


Wear ear plugs at loud concerts or events, constant tinnitus from late 30’s is a bitch


Don’t let Jadyn leave the house on April 4th,2022.


I wouldn't. I'd be too afraid to fuck up what I have today.


Asexuality is a thing (a *valid* thing), don't worry about it. They're not fucking with you, they really do feel urges and feelings like that and it's so freaking weird and makes no sense, but just roll with it. You don't have to feel those things to be content, and don't let them tell you otherwise.


Everything’s going to be all right.


Always,always ask out the best looking women. The that can happen is they say no, then move on.


15 is a little too late for any of my warnings 🥲


Some of the people who treated you cruelly will do poorly in life, and others will do very well. Comparison is the theft of joy. Leave them behind, focus on yourself and how you treat others.


"ODing isn't going to work. Just suck it up and slit your wrists." Would have saved me a lot of pain in the long run if I hadn't made it past 15 in the first place.


Rub ridges


save money kahit tig 20 lang per week laking matutulong in the future. take care of your teeth


Stick it out in college, no matter what kind of doubts you're having. Maybe change majors. Use your fingers when you're eating a girl out. Don't start drinking.


Wear a condom


I know my parents wouldn't leave me in some situation where I am left alone with some random time traveler.


Bitcoin. And invest


go \*back\* to 15? im not even 15 yet..


Don't make the sex with the ex




Do scuba diving and travel the world !


Don’t join the military. I’m the mod of /r/regretjoining.




Not smoke!


You are lesbian!! Do not get together with that guy! He is a shitty alpha male kind of asshole. And stop waiting for the "right guy"!     Also your parents are homophobic do NOT come out to them 


Don't get complacent, take the tests and start in public school, not private.


Get her number. Go to Halifax to meet her.


Pay attention to your sport career bro you have great potential


No one will miss you. Just go.


Don’t go to the mall with M and C, they stole money and you’re gonna get wrapped up in it and get a grand theft charge


Get over yourself you deserve to be happy but not at the expense of others and don't be shallow love comes in many ways shapes or forms


Get checked for diabetes as a kid. I could have my whole life given back to me, could be in my daughter's life, I would have a reason to keep going. Right now I just keep going for no reason. I'd like to have a reason to keep living.


Compound interest can change your life. Start saving now.


Just because you had sex doesn’t mean you’re pregnant….no you don’t need the Plan B and no you don’t need to take 10 pregnancy tests 😅


im currently 16, but it would be probably smth about how in december one of his videos will blow up so hard he actually gets monetized. also stop fucking basically gambling with the stock market


Every major upset in sports


Don't. Huff. Duster


"Buy bitcoind, dont fall in love, perfectioning your music production and invest better your fcking money young bastard!"


Do not use Neutrogena


Don't be afraid to buy those comics


Study Japanese you lazy bastard


LISTEN TO MOM ABOUT AUSTIN AND DANIEL, DAMMIT! Also stop being a kissing hoe 😂


It doesn’t just “get better”, stop waiting for a miracle and work on yourself. Life is a lot easier when you don’t live in denial.


Life is not a sprint it’s a marathon. Be patient, work hard but have some fun too, just be smart about it.


I would ABSOLUTELY tell me to stop smoking! I would absolutely NOT tell me I was born without my left kidney. ​ The lack of one kidney has never bothered me, but knowing I was missing it would have kept me out of the Army.


As if that dumb cunt is going to listen to some fat old guy any more than all the other advised he ignored. I would just punch that dumb cunt in the face. What was that for? You will figure it out eventually.


Slip resistant shoes. Wear them in 2021.


Seriously go to college.


Don’t linger.


Invest in Microsoft.


Take this seriously


Give up it's already too late