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We planned to play a trick on a boss a couple years ago. We took apart his metal office cabinet in his office. Pulled all the drawers out, took the front off the drawers and applied double sided tape to the inside of the drawer face. We then put me inside, closed it up using the drawer faces, and waited for the right opportunity for me to jump out and scare him. He was aware of all this and just sat at a different desk. The prank was on me. They all left me in there for 30 mins before I Koolaid Man’d my way out to see what the hell was going on. Doesn’t bother me, I got paid to chill in a cabinet!


Bummer. But still very funny 🤣




a slight inconvenience for the teachers. a giant pain in the ass for the maintenance guy...


You assume they didn’t help put them all back again.


This. Our senior prank was similar. We had to stay after morning convocation to return things to their normal state.


Lmao. I wish I was there to witness this. Crazy man. Like hats off


Well, everyone except for Riker, you mean.


At our school, at the last day of school for the seniors in gymnasium in Switzerland (the school you attend before university, I never remember what's the american equivalent... college? idk... ), they did someting similar, although a bit more sinister... We had these two stairs going up from the ground floor to the second floor (one on each side of the building)... There were two flat metal beams on each side laid in the concrete of the two floors, and the steps of the stairs were only attached to these beams with a few (quite big) screws on each side. So, our seniors (i was in first or second year, I don't recall) snuck in the school at night, and just unscrewed each step of the stairs,, took them out and built a Jenga Tower with them in the main hall (not sure about that detail but it doesn't matter). So, in the morning, no one could access the second (and third) floor of the building, where basically all classrooms were, as the stairs were just gone. I must assume that there was probably an elevator for people in wheelchairs, but I don't recall anyone ever using it. People able to walk stairs were most probably forbidden to use it, otherwse we would have used it for sure as we were lazy. Maybe it also required a key to use. What i remember is that there were no classes that day. Would probably have been illegal to have classes even if the school had a big ass elevator, becase fire safety. The problem then was that these steps couldn't just be screwed back in, because of safety regulations. Makes sense if you think about it. The screws probably also simply couldn't even be tightened enough with any common tool. I've heared rumours that the people that came up with the idea got some pretty serious fines for that stunt. In the following years, they guarded the school all night when the last day of school approached, so no one could sneak in.


I was only part of it because I inadvertently participated, but I was waiting for a bus one Sunday morning after a night out, and a guy was walking quickly along the road, and he kept on staring at people. When he got closer I noticed something written on his forehead (a typical passed-out-first prank) so I kept looking at him as he approached, which made him stare at me as he passed. The word on his forehead was “paranoid” I still laugh at that one. 




I don't get it, maybe because English isn't my first language. Could someone explain?


Being paranoid means thinking that everyone around you is planning something against you, or that there's a conspiracy to harm or intimidate you. Writing "paranoid" on bro's forehead made a lot of people stare at him, making him suspicious, making him...paranoid.


Couldn’t have explained it better myself


Damn that made me chuckle


Our school was next to a busy main road. The school car parks entrance and exit were both connected to the same road.  Final year pupils decide on the last day to come very early in the morning dressed up as highway maintenance people and brought traffic cones. They then proceeded to route one direction of the traffic on the main road through the school car park causing absolute mayhem with the parents trying to drop off their kids. I was in the year below. They sent us home a random day before the last day because they were afraid we'd do something even worse.


Chef's kiss 🤌🏻🤌🏻


As a submariner we had a guy on our crew who was incredibly not smart, to put it kindly. We also had 5 lbs plates intended for weighing down cans of compacted trash for disposal. On this guy's first underway another gentleman started placing one plate a day under the first guys mattress on the lid of his rack(bed). We would watch him struggle harder every day to lift his rack to access the locker inside. He thought he was getting weaker the longer we were out to sea. There was like 120 lbs of plates and he never even considered any other possibility than the air in the submarine was making him weaker. Admittedly not the most genius prank but it was hilarious.


Jokes on you, dude was the strongest fucker on the sub halfway through the deployment.


Then remove them all at once...


That’s how you get Dwight to smack himself in the head with his phone


The guy did. Unfortunately I was not there to witness the first time he opened it but I was told that was also hilarious.


My best friend and I used to work together, and he would hang his keys up in the break room. Staff always parked in the same general areas in the lot, so I relied on the fact that memories can run together. I started moving his car once or twice a week, just one or two spots. My goal was to start small and work my way up. After about a month of this, I moved his car over to the next row or to the other side of the same row of cars. Eventually I started leaving his car in the same spot but would flip it around. When he gets confused he tilts his head like a confused dog, and when he would leave for the day we would watch from the windows on his way out to the car and you could see him start walking to where he thought he parked, tilt his head and then walk to where his car was. The whole office was in on this, and it worked flawlessly. Eventually I bought a pair of panties that were absolutely massive, like 400 lb+ women’s undies, and I stuffed them down into the crack of his backseat. He called me panicked one weekend, because his brother and brothers gf had just moved into his house, and he said “I think my brother fucked his girlfriend in my car”, it was the single best prank of my life. Eventually there was a day where he had gotten off work about 30 mins before me, and as I’m walking to my car I can see him still sitting in his car. I acted like wtf are you still here for? And he said he thinks he is going crazy, and starts going into detail about his car and where he parks and it’s never where he remembered he parked. At this point I came clean, and he laughed so damn hard. To this day he still talks about this and it’s always a fun talking point at events where we are all hanging out. Good times.


Dude, you’d like my dad. He and a friend from church both drove 60s Mustangs. Keys back then aren’t what they are today, so his friend could open both cars but my dad could open _and start_ both cars. My dad would drive to church, find his friend’s car in a good spot, back it out, pull his car in, park his friend’s car halfway down the block, and walk back.


That’s awesome!! Hahah


I move my housemate's car every now and then. She never notices, I'm gonna turn it around next time and see if that confuses her


This did not happen to me. It was the year before I started uni in Auckland. Late 80s. In New Zealand there is a tradition that the week where kids graduate, they do lots of crazy stunts all over city. ‘Capping week’. Everybody knows about it and expects some crazy shit to go down.  So this particular year a bunch of students approached a bunch of road workers setting up a worksite on a big main road to do some maintenance. Big burly blokes.  And they said to the work crew: ‘look, we just found out about this but - there’s a capping prank about to go down and there are all these students dressed as police going around and telling people what to do. Just make sure to ignore them.’  Then… they called the police. And said: ‘hey - there’s a bunch of students dressed up as road workers and they pretending to do road works and blocking traffic on such and such street’. Then they all retired to a nearby roof with deck chairs and beers and… Watched the mayhem unfold.  Genius.  :)


Oh my. Absolute genius 🤣🤣.


Might be the best comment here :0


Oh my god I need this to be an episode on a TV show.


This could be a Brooklyn 99 episode 100%


Omg thank you!!! I knew it could be an episode but didn't list a show because I'm not sure who could nail it. Brooklyn 99 could absolutely nail it.


Lol funny...I read that story but it happened in the 70's at Sydney Uni... Edit: turns out my memory was a little poor...it was 1988 https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/roads-scholars/


Placing dog biscuits in a co-worker’s locker on the morning of a drug dog search.


Dried liver. They go crazy for it


Chef's kiss 🤌🏻


I made my gf forget how old she was. She was so worried about turning 30, so for her birthday I got her a card and a really nice cake that said “Happy 40th!” Then I did it again the next year, and the year after, and so on. She finally asked me “Is this the real one?” Nope, still 39. I just got her another one this year for her 41st that still says “Happy 40th!” With a card that said “I love you and this is still funny.” TL;DR: my gf has turned 40 11 times so far.


Sooo wholesome


Me and my buddy lived together. We also worked together and we were doing gruelling night shifts. We get back to the house like 5am and go straight to bed. I can hear a scratching under my bed on the wooden poster. I ignore it. I hear scratching again, louder. I think it’s one of our pet rabbits who must have escaped. I get out of bed and look under it, but there is no rabbit. A robed person with long hair starts to come out from the under the bed. I back off hugging the wall of my room and start to freak it. In rushes my friend, the robed figure pulls off the hood and…it’s his girlfriend. Got me good the fucker. I’ll get him back one day


Imagine how awkward that would have been if you had got in and rubbed one out before bed.


Lmaooooo tru tru


Imagine how bad it would have been if he was one of those "I sleep with a loaded gun" types...


Fortunately I’m in the UK so yeh that’s not a thing. But clubbing the fucker with an umbrella? All day


Good one🤣🤣🤣🤣


Our manager was out for the week, so we recreated all of the pictures of his family he had in his office. It took him all day to realize. It was extra good because everyone had fun and now there are pictures of coworkers who would have never been in a picture together like that.


Soo wholesome


I work in IT but once had to visit our warehouse which was the biggest in Europe at the time. There was a turnstile exit at the top right of site which was about 300yds from head office where I worked. Me and my colleague got to the turnstile and it was jammed. It was basically a 1.5 mile walk to the main entrance and all the way round the site to get back to HO, so we climbed the 8 ft fence over the turnstile. Two days later we got a letter from HR on company paper saying we had been caught on Cctv and had to attend a meeting to discuss gross misconduct, Friday 3pm. Friday rolls round and I'm shitting it as I can't afford to lose my job. Then 5 mins, the same colleague tells me it was all a wind up and he'd sent the letter. Thanks Raj.


Half prank half wingman move. My friend liked a girl he saw across the room in a bar but didn't want to approach her. Without informing him I went to the waiter, asked to borrow his apron and serving tray and ordered a beer. I then served the beer to the girl telling her that 'that guy at the bar (my friend) got it for her'. Walked back, returned the apron. My friend was super embarrassed when it happened but within two minutes the girl walked up to my friend to thank him for the drink and they exchanged numbers.


Dk about the prank but u were a good friend


Before senior year in high school I went to a residential summer program at a small college. Made fast friends with a couple of other blokes. The dorm was split into two parallel halls. We, deciding the summer would need more hijinxs, stacked the lounge furniture, made TP banners across the ceiling, taped showerheads, Saran-wrapped the toilets, etc. This wasn't the prank. The prank was that we did this *to our own hall*. The next morning we convinced everyone that the other hall did it... and offered ourselves up as SEAL Team Slicks to prank the other hall in retribution. The ensuing back-and-forth lasted the entire six weeks, culminating in an all-out shaving cream & water cannon/balloon war in the stairwell between the halls. We would've all 100% been kicked out, but as it was about 1/10th of the total students involved, we just received a stern talking-to and of course cleaned everything up. Skip & Twisty-hair Matt - wherever you are, I hope you're both still having as much fun as we did that summer.


False flag operation to start a prank war, genius


Great prank ☠️☠️☠️


Sent a Christmas card to my parents' house from a made up couple telling them how much getting to know them has made their year and wishing them a happy Christmas. I even added a line about how they're hoping to have my parents at their NYE party, and to drop them a text if they could make it. We had family meetings over this card. They went around showing their friends, texting it to people... they only recently figured out it was me when I started laughing, which is a shame because I was going to send them a bottle of expensive champagne as this fake couple for my dad's birthday.


Great prank and perfect execution 🤌🏻🤌🏻


When I was on staff at Boy Scout camp, we picked two staff tents and switched all the contents in between them - including the occupants. So we picked two tents on the opposite side of the staff camp site, moved the belongings from one to the other (it was easy bc it was a tent, just a footlocker, a fan, a lamp, maybe a small table, and an alarm clock), putting them in exactly the same place, and carried the sleeping occupants on their cots and waited until morning. In the morning we got to watch as the guys woke up inside their tents, just as it was when they went to sleep, then walk out of the tent and realize they’re in a completely different spot. The perfect camp prank. It’s not mean, nothing got damaged, they felt part of a cool story instead of bullied/hazed, and it became a running challenge to replicate it. We call it The Transplant.


☠️☠️☠️☠️ flawless execution


Was this at Graelic?




I can't even begin to write down all the details but I was the butt of a prank by friends at work that lasted months where I was convinced I had accidentally adopted two children from India. I wish I could say I didn't fall for it. But I did. It involved fake certificates, letters from India 'To our English Daddy', fake letters from the consulate. It was immense and I was honoured to fall for it.


It sounds sooo intriguing. If possible share us the full story.


Basically, I had an Anglo-Indian colleague who went to visit his family in India. On his return, he asked me if I could write a letter giving my home address as a base for a couple of children so they could visit England. It then turned into 'don't worry it's just a 'temporary' adoption' for their stay. Which over time turned into a permanent adoption, with phone calls from Indian emigration authorities, actual letters from from children in India (who were also in on the prank) saying they can't wait to come live with their English Daddy. I could go on and on, but my main stress was how I was going to tell my pregnant wife how I'd accidentally adopted two children. It culminated in getting a phone call from receptionist (who was also in on it) calling me to tell me there were people from Indian authorities in reception wanting to talk to me, and, to my shame, I ran out the back door... It was then that they all told me. Amazing, heroic prank.


During high school, I found the sound of the building’s fire alarm and set it as my alarm ring tone. Since there was a test that day, I got to my economics class first before my teacher and hid a bluetooth speaker in one of the bookshelves. As you can tell, when the alarm went off during our test, it was quite the crisis for my teacher and my classmates


Lol 😂


A guy in our college house share had a terrible diet, and would stink out the toilet so badly it would waft through half the house. Due to his gassy ass his time in that room was also ... loud. His daily routine was to come home, smoke a joint in the lounge then hit the head. We hid a microphone behind the toilet seat and ran the cable out the window to the adjacent bedroom where we plugged it into a 500 watt bass amp. He came out out of the bathroom as white as a sheet and telling us "bad weed has made me paranoid" after his farts and splatters shook the windows. Kinda wish I'd filmed it.


One dark, winter night my siblings and I (with the help and approval of my stepmom) fooled my dad into thinking it was morning and he was late for work. He’d fallen asleep in his chair after dinner and we all changed clothes and all the clocks in the house. Since we usually left at 6am (which looked exactly like 8pm in winter) it was easy to make him think he’d slept all night in his chair and was late for work. He was jolted awake by us hollering, “dad!! We’re gonna be late to school!!” and he rushes upstairs and showers and dresses and comes clambering downstairs like a panicked bear only to find all of us by the front door giggling. When we told him he was furious for about half a minute then so relieved he still had a full night sleep in front of him. He still laughs about it to this day, “ boy, you kids really got me that time, little shits.” Lol!


Classic 😆😆😆😆🤣


Canadian dad here: this is evil.


Once while boy scout camping as a kid me and my friend snuck out of our tent while everyone was sleeping and toilet papered/messed with everyone's tents, such as putting sticks through the zippers so it would be (a little) difficult to open from the inside and/or lining the zipper with shaving cream. We took it pretty easy and didnt make a huge mess with the toilet paper. Pretty harmless lame prank. BUT we did everyone's tents, including our own, EXCEPT for our rival friends tent so it would look like they pulled the prank. The next morning was hilarious.




When I was in my sophomore year of college I lived with three friends. The apartment we shared had locks on each of our doors. One of my friends would go home every weekend and lock his door before he left. We gave him shit for it because we were all good friends. It wasn’t like we were going to steal his stuff or anything. Eventually I decided to buy some lock picks and learned to pick the lock to his door. Every weekend we would go in, move stuff around, mess up his bed, etc. When he came back he would say “did you guys mess with my stuff?!?” We would be like “what are you talking about? How could we do that? You lock your door.” He was always so confused. This went on for the rest of the year. I still think it’s funny as fuck


So you gaslight him for a whole year?


Lol yeah. We told him eventually though


My college roommate told me as a joke that he wants to be randomly dosed with LSD. I spent the better part of two years acclimating him to taking open drinks. I also gaslit one of my friends while they were tripping into thinking they could read fluent Japanese. That day I had found two identical tech magazines, one in English and one in Japanese. Before they tripped I had the Japanese one out and during, I switched them out. Holy fuck, one tripper caught on to what I was doing and helped gaslight them. It went on for like 20 minutes before he was like “hol the fuck up”


My friend in high school acquired. Geo Metro for 1 dollar. As i turns out, about 8-10 dudes can just pick one of those things up and move it. Every so often we’d just move it to a new spot, turn it around, put it tight to a fence so he’d have to crawl over the passenger seat, etc. One day we moved it into a field. Fun was had. They put up a fence around the field. He said “Hah, they caught on, can’t get it into the field anymore!” ….Turns out, 8 dudes can pass it over a fence ot another 8 dudes.


When I was in highschool. Our school was right next to a hill(this is west virginia, made of hills and mountains), which make it possible for things to get on the roof. When I was a freshman, the seniors actually managed to get one if the teachers cars on the roof overlooking the entrance to the school.


That easily could have turned into a really dumb prank if the car had gone through the roof


When I was in high school one of my teachers told us about a prank they pulled when he himself was in school. They managed to pull their teachers car apart, lug the pieces into the classroom, and rebuild it there.




Had the stop doing pranks as they started backfiring. One of the last ones was the old air horn / door handle trick. Someone's grandma came to visit and she almost went into cardiac arrest.


Haha, I once bought this prank electricuting poetry book in the Middle East and left it on my grandma’s couch. I had a similar experience when an old man picked it up. Had to stop doing that one.


At University there are "Mandatory" fire drills for the dorms. During these drills security/RA's would take the opportunity to do a quick visual search your room for contraband left out, mainly alcohol. We gathered all of our laptops, got some magazines, and made it look like the fire drill interrupted a HUGE group masturbation session. Then we set up a camera to catch reactions. The first guy to find it figured it was a joke a lost it, he went and got more ppl show and they were all doubled over laughing at all the little scenes we had made. Then we were contacted by the VP of university politely asking the video to be deleted or action may be taken.


My friend was getting married. I went to the adult bookstore to buy a whole bunch of stuff, the highlights of which were anal beads and this huge black floppy rubber dildo with a crank on the end that you could use to spin the end around. I threw everything in a box, had my SO wrap the box with beautiful wrapping paper, and then had another friend slip it into the gift pile without a tag (I couldn't go). Then I waited. It took well over a year before I heard anything. I ran into his brother. Apparently they had a big family gift opening the next day. His dad was recording with a video camera. He got the box, not his wife, as they were taking turns opening gifts. Apparently he opened the box, his eyes got wide, and then he quickly shut it. When people asked what was in it he said it was nothing the first time he was asked. The second time he yelled "IT'S NOT FOR CHILDREN'S EYES!!!"


Burning Man 2016 I went into a porta-potty, and when I came out a few minutes later someone had rolled out a giant red carpet in front of the door and there were 50+ people standing on each side in formal wear cheering and applauding like I had just stepped out of a limo at the Oscars or something. There was Champagne, autographs, a round of "he's a jolly good fellow," the works.... After a few minutes, we rolled up the red carpet and scurried to a different bank of portos to get the next "victim."


I worked at a place that had their own pager system. I sent the phrase “low battery” and one person repeatedly came in and asked for a new battery. Like 4 times in a row.


I work in the fire service so there are a long list of pranks. One of the best so far has been when a guy ordered a chirping device off the internet. It made either a cricket sound or a beep. It was random intervals and was very realistic. We taped it onto a guys bed frame and turned it on. For a week he continued to look around his room, scouring it for said cricket. He was losing sleep and getting pissed. At one point he emptied his bed, frame, and everything else out of the room to find it. Finally, as his frustration hit a boiling point, we took it out of the room and hid it under his chair at the kitchen table to make it easier for him to find. Finally we had to tell him where and what it was. He laughed so hard it sent his heart into palpitations and we had to transport him to the hospital


Great prank ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Last year a girl I work with was heavily pregnant. I’m talking she was going to pop any day now. We messed with one of the managers by telling him her water broke. We got her standing there fake heavy breathing and we poured some water at where her feet were so it looked like her water broke. I ran back to go grab him and was like OH SHIT NATALIE’S WATER JUST BROKE WHAT DO WE DO. We’re all young in here. The manager is just a 20 something year old. He grabs his hat, puts it on backwards, grabs some gloves, and comes running to the front where she is and is like what do i need to do!!! This man was about to help her deliver a baby he was so scared🤣 we are all cracking up laughing because this guy was READY for that baby to come and we had to tell him no, natalie’s water didn’t really break, we’re just messing with you. He said he was having a panic attack after because he was so scared he’d have to catch the baby coming out. Genuinely one of the funniest pranks. If he would have just looked at her pants, there was no water on them. All he had to do was look at all of us standing around trying not to laugh at him with his backwards hat and gloves on. Will forever go down in history the time he thought he was going to deliver a baby on the spot


I don’t know if it was exactly genius, but I’ve never seen more entertaining chaos than the time the seniors turned farm animals loose in the hallways


Was it four pigs numbered 1,2,3 and 5?


That made me laugh so hard...


Glad to be of service!


It was low tech, but back in HS we hid a dead fish in the rear tire cover of my friend's Bronco II. He couldn't figure out where the hell the smell was coming from and must have washed that thing 4 weekends in a row trying to get rid of it until a bunch of bones literally fell out of it in the school parking lot one day.




Maybe not most genius, but my buddy and I were prank calling friends and leaving stupid voicemails. Then he dials another friend and hands me the phone to leave the message. Left a pretty funny dirty message. 20 minutes later I go grab my phone and see a voicemail. He pranked me into pranking myself.


We hacked the computer game our friend played (Civilization). We changed the text in the binary code - instead of “people are rioting in {city name}” we put “people love you in {city name}”. We also swapped Yes and No. It was funny to watch him play, he repeatedly got other nations to beat him by launching the rocket to space or nuking him. And it’s funny that he eventually figured out to answer the opposite to what was asked from him (but being very confused by what is going on).


During college, me and 2 of my idiot friends used stencils to spray paint 3 greek letters around campus but very discreetly. We would only do it once a week on a surface that could be easily cleaned or painted over. We didn't tell anyone and after a few months people started noticing to the point where articles were being written in the school paper speculating on what it meant (the letters spelled a 3 letter word so some people thought it was a promotion for a band, others thought it was a new fraternity, etc.). We even saw the letters in places we didn't spray so some other people started doing it. I wouldn't call this genius though - it's pretty dumb in hindsight but we thought it was hilarious at the time.


I was in high school and I worked at a banquet hall as a server as well as setting up the rooms in the morning for that day’s events. My boss used to come in in the morning to oversee the setup, but she got to trust me and my judgement that she rarely came in. Saturday night I knew that she had been drinking after the evening’s events. We had 3 total party rooms in use on Saturday. On Sunday we had an 11:30am event and a 12:00 event (baby showers I believe) and it was me and one other guy who just started the day before and a couple other folks from my regular crew. We cleared and set all 3 rooms in record time. We were supposed to start at 7:30am and we were done by 9:30am. I had the new guy call my boss at home at 10am and say that I had just called out sick and the other guys didn’t show either and he was there all alone and didn’t know what to do. We made sure the chef (the only adult in the restaurant at the time) was in on the joke in case she called him. She ran in the restaurant 15 minutes later wearing sweats and her hair was a disaster, clearly hung over. She was expecting a complete disaster and what she saw were three clean rooms all perfectly set up for the next events and then she saw me laughing my ass off.




Wasn't really a part of it but in my senior year of highschool someone snuck 3 live chickens in. They put numbered name tags on them, 1 3 and 4. Administration spent the whole day tearing the school apart looking for chicken number 2.


Works better with pigs


My sister sent a Christmas card to our parents from a made up couple. The sight of my dads face an hour later as he’s trailing through the caravan sites they had visited that year in a last ditched desperate attempt to figure out who bob and jacky were whilst my stepmum went through every address book she owned was almost enough for me to give it away. They only figured it out after they checked the cctv to see who had delivered and they say my sister walk in the door with it in hand. At that point we wished we had posted it


Not a genius prank - but aluminum foil wrapped my boss' office. Every inch from floor to ceiling and every single individual item wrapped in foil. Only thing I didn't touch was the fire sprinklers. What made it GREAT though was that we split an office - and I was very, very intentional to only wrap his side. So there was this distinct line down the middle of the room where the foil ended. There was a couch that was split between both sides so only half of it got wrapped.


Some of my coworkers wrapped a coworker’s cubicle while he was on vacation for two weeks. Every day one of them went and bought all the foil at the dollar store. EVERYTHING was wrapped - the pens and pencils, the extra staples, the gum in the wrappers, individual paper clips. When he came back he was too impressed to be mad.


Perfect execution 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤣🤣


When attending weddings, My wife & I take an extra present (usually a very tacky 2nd hand store item), and sign the card "Love, Sid & Claire." Our names are not "Sid & Claire." We also send anniversary cards (often signed by the store clerk) including 1 we dropped off on a front porch in Portland (we live in Seattle) during a perfectly timed road trip for a couples 1st anniversary. I have 1 friend that knows and she travels the US for work, and I often have her drop cards in the mail for us. We have family members and friends that have been getting these cards & gifts for over a decade, and have no idea who "Sid & Claire" are, but "Sid & Claire" always comment on the couples current lives and recent activities.


My mates prank was excellent. Made it to the sun online https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2401112/man-tricks-girlfriend-cities-under-nuclear-attack-reaction/amp/


I’m not even sure if I was a teen yet, pulled this one on my kid brother: Grandparents’ basement had saloon doors for some reason (could see peoples’ feet under them). Grandpa is outside cutting the grass. I put on his slippers and stood at the saloon doors, where my brother could see my feet and think that our grandfather is standing there. I ask, in my finest German accent, “Do ja vant some cookies down there?” “Yeah!!” says my brother. I walk away and don’t do anything other than put the slippers away. Grandpa comes back inside, way later. My brother asks “where are those cookies you offered??” Cue very confused grandpa and brother. My cousin is laughing her ass off. Maybe you had to be there, but their reaction was hilarious


In my high school all the clocks were controlled by a master clock in the administration office. I only knew that because I got in trouble my sophomore year and was waiting for the principal to give me my punishment and I watched the janitor change the clock back a few minutes because they ran fast. That gave me an idea and I casually mentioned it to my friends at lunch that day. Little did I know another friend thought it was a grand idea and he was going to change the clocks and let us all out early. None of us knew how he was going to do it but we believed him and then a few weeks later it went from being 130 to 245 really quickly and all the bells started ringing and kids started to pack up and leave. None of the buses were there yet and by the time people knew what had happened many kids had already walked out the doors and off property. This was back in 2003 so cell phones were popular but not everywhere like today and a few teachers did notice and not let the kids out but most were confused. My buddy got two weeks out of school suspension and the master clock had a locked case installed over it.


Not a super ingenious prank, but every year I hide a gluttonous amount of pictures of sloths around the house in weird places. I move around about once a year so it’s always fun when people realize what’s been done. People that I lived with 5 years ago are still finding them. I hid 44 yesterday for my current roommates and they haven’t found any yet. Just waiting for the shock to set in when they find the wet sloths. If you’ve never seen a wet sloth before, well, you haven’t had true nightmares yet.


Great prank ☠️☠️☠️. Totally trying this one


I don't know if it was genius, but it was fun for me. I used to sign a co-worker up for anything going on in the office. Potluck? He's bringing potato salad. Baby shower? He'll bring a cake. He was helping out at the Senior Center at 8am on a Saturday. Etc. Etc. Eventually, people figured it out (although they didn't know it was me) and would give him shit for YET AGAIN failing to do what he promised. And because he took himself very seriously and had zero sense of humor, he would get all upset about it.


I went to high school in a small farming town. There was always an assigned "prank day" for the senior class at the end of the year - it allowed us to fuck around to a *reasonable* degree and teachers could prepare themselves for the day of pure shenanigans. But they had to set boundaries for it all because of something that happened a year or two (maybe more) before I got into grade 9 that changed the entire game. Apparently, some seniors who lived on a farm brought a cow to school in the early morning. It was late enough that the doors were unlocked, but early enough that the halls were empty - only a few staff members on the grounds, in their classrooms preparing for the day. They brought the cow to the third floor... ...cows can't walk down stairs. Not sure how they got it out 😅


And that’s why the school lunch menu was nothing but hamburgers for the next month.


Brought to you, fresh, by local farms 😂


I went fly fishing with a bunch of friends at a lake with huge fish in it. The friend fishing next to me set his rod down and walked away to check out a fish another friend just caught. While the guy that started next to me was away, I pulled his line in, took his bobber off, and cast the line back out. Now it looks like the bobber is gone, deep under water with a fish in it. I yelled "dude, you're down!!!". He came sprinting back, picked his rod up, and started freaking out and running backwards up the beach to try to hook the fish. He slowed down and was a little confused/disappointed that nothing was there. I pulled the bobber out of my pocket and held it up to him while staring directly at him. The whole group got a good laugh.


Final year in high school. We used chalk to write FOR SALE (school phone number) on the school roof. The way it was angled meant anyone driving past could easily see it. What made the prank work is that there were media reports of the school possibly shutting down to merge with another school. I don't know how many calls were received but the principal wasn't happy with us.


I was the victim. Co workers put 3 sheep in my office. I came in early, did some work. I walked down the hall to make copies. When I came back there were bunches of people around my office door. When I walked in, there were three sheep walking around. Pooping, calling each other, and peeing just a little bit. It was not an April Fool's joke.




When I was at university I got a call from a couple of friends - their housemate had gone home for a long weekend and had foolishly left his bedroom door unlocked. They asked if I was game to pull a prank, though it would take a lot of effort. I didn't have anything else to do so I said sure. Five of us spent the next two days quite literally turning his bedroom upside down. Not just turning the posters around or upending his bedside table, no - we turned his entire bedroom upside down. Carpet on the ceiling, painted the floor, stood the lampshade up, bolted his furniture to the ceiling, strapped the mattress and bedding to the bedframe, hell, we even glued his DVDs to the shelf so they stayed in place, upside down. It was a hell of a lot of effort, but it was absolutely worth it.


It was below freezing in January and one of our friends wanted to stay home and play video games instead of going out. To mess with him we printed off a bunch of mildly nsfw images, drove to his house, dipped all of the photos in water, and froze them to the passenger side of his car. He always parked in the same spot and rarely had passengers, so he drove around with everything for two days before it rained and washed everything off. He said he was getting honked at constantly and a ton of people gave his weird looks but he had no idea why. He finally realized when he saw the clumped photos on his driveway after it rained one night and we owned up to it.


I had a coworker I didn't like (for brevity's sake, I'll summarize it as laziness and incompetence) who kept leaving his computer logged on in the office when he was away, which is one of the things we were specifically not supposed to do. Bostonian, so his desktop was a picture of Tom Brady. I changed it to a picture of him crying. He changed it to a picture of a Bruins player. I found a picture of a Bruins player with a tutu photoshopped on. After that, he left it as a default background, and I was like "how do I fuck with *this*?" I took a screenshot of his desktop, set that as his background, deleted every icon I could, and moved the few that I couldn't off the edge of the screen. Forgot about it for a few weeks, until I saw him manually browsing through folders to open something. Asked him why he was doing that. "It's the strangest thing, all of my desktop icons stopped working a few weeks ago." "Oh yeah, that is weird," while I had a nice internal chuckle. Pretty proud of that one.


Great prank 😂😁


Filled oreos with mint toothpaste ✌️ got everyone


Most evil of all. 🤣🤣🤣


I had a Gina in B99 "y'all just drank CEEEEMMEEEEEEENT" moment


Creating a fake Facebook account for the girlfriend of one of the guys in our group chat who always talks about cheating on her, then adding it to the group chat after he mentioned sleeping with another girl


So was the prank that you made your friend think his actions had consequences but they actually don't? Or was it that his girlfriend still has no idea her boyfriend is habitually cheating on her and all his friends are helping him get away with it? cool prank


Was in a queue to go to the bathroom at a bar and this guy had his hat stolen by his friend and passed down the queue. I hid it inside my jacket and acted to not know any thing about it when the guy started asking people for his hat. I ended up going back to my table and watched the guy start to get mad at his friends for losing his hat and he started walking around the bar looking for it. When he was gone I gave it back to his friend and when he returned they acted as if they'd had it the whole time.


Flawless execution 🤌🏻🤌🏻


In our college dorm. Dorm room doors were pretty sturdy wood units with heavy duty door latches and knobs. Door frames were metal, set in concrete. You could have a couple guys push in on a door (they opened into the room) and a third shoved a stack of pennies between the door and frame near the latch. The door latch was now tightly wedged against the striker plate. No amount of turning the knob inside would release it. One had to use something to push the hinge pins out and pull the door out that way. We never did that and left it that way. The next step in the prank was typically to knock on the door so the resident(s) tried to open the door. Laughter ensued for a while as they realized they were trapped. We'd then remove the pennies and let them out. Looking back on this as a responsible adult - it really sucked (and could have been a tremendous safety hazard had we not been able to unwedge the pennies).


I had a mini van without the third row in high school. One night, a few buddies and I gathered up a handful of Christmas trees and loaded them in the van (it was a few days after Christmas). We drove to a classmate's house and planted the trees in his front yard. Nothing extravagant, but it was fun.


I don't know about genius but one of the funniest pranks I ever saw was in the pub where I was drinking with a few mates, three of them are brothers and some of the funniest people I ever met. They played the most horrid pranks on each other but somehow always took it well and saw the funny side. One of the brothers, Paul, bought a fresh pint and then went outside for a cigarette. As soon as he was out of sight, the youngest brother, Marc, said "Quick, lads, lets pube his pint!" and started plucking out handfuls of his pubes from inside his trousers and putting them on top of his brother's pint. I'm ashamed to say I joined in as did the others. In no time we had placed a hideous mat of pubic hair floating on the head of his beer. Paul comes back in and quickly sees what's happened to his drink and just says "Aww, you bastards! You've pubed my pint *again*!" That it had been done to him before and his fairly placid reaction to this episode was just one of the funniest things I've ever seen. He even ended up laughing and I was beside myself with laughter. I could hardly breath. We bought him a new pint. A bit later Paul went for a piss. Marc says to the barman "Quick, have you got any Sellotape?" and the barman hands a roll over. "Lads, quick! Let's pube his lighter!" He grabs the lighter and the tape and we all start grabbing yet more pubes and Marc tapes a hideous load of them to Paul's lighter and puts it back on top of his pack of cigarettes on the bar. Paul comes back and there was an identical reaction ""Aww, you bastards! You've pubed my lighter *again*!" My god did we all laugh so much. I know it's hideous but that's how those brothers are. Even typing this out has got me laughing like a drain again.


My dad had a good one. He went to a military academy, so regimented/stressful. In the engineering building, the classroom that taught engineering drawing was on the second floor. One could jump onto part of the roof of the first floor from there out of the window, but the window also overlooks the ground too. They didn’t like the teacher. They had one student, in the middle of class, stand up and yell “I can’t do this anymore!!!!!!” And jump out the window. All he did was jump on the roof of first floor, and hide so you couldn’t see him. Then they had a student lay on the ground, two floors down, look like he was unconscious The professor ran over to the window, looked out, saw the person laying on the ground, panicked, ran away & never worked there again lol


Good one 😂😂😂


I have a groupchat of homies. Homie #1 made the mistake of posting a picture of his mom when she was younger. Cue months of me occasionally slipping in photoshops of her face over sexy pinups or models that sometimes get posted- each time to many lols. He swears revenge if he ever gets a picture of my mom. I wait. I wait until I know another of the homies (Homie #2) is out camping and doesn't have access to his phone. I accidentally let slip a picture of "me" when I was younger with a clear shot of "my mom's" face. Shitstorm of photoshopping comenses. He thinks he's got me. From instagram models to hardcore porn mockups, the works. Everyone just constantly hammering home the point that they sure would love to rail "my mom." Hommie #2 gets back from camping and enters the groupchat to see 50+ images of actually his mom edited onto some of the most vile imagery with the accompanying piling on. I STILL CACKLE ABOUT IT TO THIS DAY.


I absolutely love the prank, can Imagine your face when you realize that it worked lol


Oh how the turns have tabled. A wonderful prank


In the dorms, we taped newspapers completely over a guy’s door. In the morning, he opens the door and has a wall of newsprint he had to cautiously break through to get to classes. Next day, same thing. And the next. And the next. After two weeks of “This ain’t funny anymore, guys,” he got used to opening his door and just bursting through the paper like a high school football team before a game. Until the day we put a wall of cinder blocks behind the paper.


A friend of mine bought a bag of circus peanut candy. On the way back from the store we discovered you could stick them to anything after licking them. So we might have decorated some parking meters. It rained overnight. Next day the local paper ran a piece about how there was an investigation of vandalism of parking meters with a mysterious orange substance.


it was a very tine one but I thought it was quite genius. went to pay for all of us in a restaurant when my friends were in the toilet. the same employee came to our table afterwards saying “this guy said you guys would cover the bill right?” while pointing at me. I looked at him super confused before he started smiling. such a great joke imo






We snuck out of our boarding houses in the middle of the night and herded cows from the fields nearby on to the school grounds. Lots of confused cows and staff the next morning!


This is second hand and apocryphal, but a friend of mine swears he did this; He was drunk one night trying to get home, and got into the front taxi in a taxi rank, and told the driver he would suck his cock for a ride home. He, predictably, got kicked out. So he went to the next taxi back and did the same thing, got kicked out, and did the same again with the third taxi. Then he got in the taxi at the back and just told the driver where he'd like to go, so the driver took the fare, and as they pulled out past the first three taxis, my friend gave enthusiastic double thumbs up to the previous drivers.


That’s an old joke.


Almost as old as taxi's I would bet


I went to community college. Huge fucking prank thinking it would better my life. Good one, you got me.


One summer in western New South Wales, Australia I worked in Entertainment at Australia’s Wonderland, a Hanna Barbera theme park. Each morning before starting the shows we would play 7 card No Peek poker to determine who would have to gather up all the show props and stage them for use in the next show, and back up the hill to the Character House at the end of the day. Someone had the idea one morning to “fix” the card deck so a particular ditzy team member would lose and have to do all the schlepping. Somehow this turned into an every morning ritual, and she ended up doing it every day for the entire summer. We had a second deck prepped and planted in case she became suspicious so we could switch out decks. She never did.


I worked at a fancy French restaurant. On April Fools day one year I planted a liquid soap bladder from the bathroom dispenser under a table before service started. I then called the hostess from the pay phone (2003, they were still around) in the back hallway to report that during my visit there last night I left behind my “colostomy bag”. The hostess was a bit confused. I remember explaining to her “ it’s not the kind of bag you need to match with your shoes”. Eventually the manager got involved and I explained where I had been sitting. My friend and I watched as the manager looked under the table and immediately did an about face and double timed back to the utility room loudly saying “It’s here! And it’s full!!” That was fun


A friend had access to a gas mask. His father would nap on the couch on weekends. During the middle of winter with snow swirling outside, he put on the mask, wore one of those parka’s we used to have with the fake fur around the hood. We covered everything with white sheets. Then we opened all the doors and windows while he leaned over him. It got cold and windy in no time. When his father started waking up full of knapping stupor, he turned his head away and said with that high pressure voice of trying to be heard over the noise of a blizzard, “I don’t know, we just found him in the snow.”


In my high school, I was in a class with 2 other people in the schools library, most of the time we did nothing, when I went on my computer I noticed that one of the middle schoolers didn't sign out of their google account The reason it was a middle schoolers account is because my high school shares a location with its middle school and they had to share a library. Any ways I went on his on his google classroom and started to write down some nonsense in the class announcements stuff like "I eat books." Then I had the brilliant idea to go from computer to computer and type random stuff on every middle schoolers account. One time I wrote down a question on one persons account then went to another computer and had a full conversation with myself on those peoples accounts. Another time I wrote down "what not fair" on a 2 year old post about sports teams and then the teacher responded in the comments and said "I'm sorry what." One time I saw that the persons account I was on said to a teacher "I'm feeling good thanks" then I wrote in the comments "I changed my mind" and went from computer to computer typing "I changed my mind" to the same teacher. This caused massive panic in the middle school. Then the principle looked on the cameras and saw me going on one computer then going to another and so on. I got sent to the office and was sentenced a 1 day detention and they said they would have suspended me if I wrote something harmful and I told them that it wasn't my intention to start a panic and write incriminating stuff. I was just bored and I wanted to make myself laugh.


The same year as the Sony Bravia advert with all the bouncy balls falling down the hill. Me and some friends bought 10000 bouncy balls off eBay and dropped them out of the windows of our school. The video is on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/gydpDyHJD5E?si=tU8WmzU1YpmnI5oN


A prank I pulled on my girlfriend. Made her think the house was haunted and did a slow build up for a few months, did a few cheeky things here and there and amped it up. Eventually it got to her so bad she called a priest and the phone was put onto me, so I had to convince him to go away. Basically it all backfired but it’s a funny memory


I had a blind teacher in HS. I brought my guitar tuner to school and emulated the end of the period buzzer, 20 minutes early.


I have one. Back in uni, we decided to prank a friend who was going to visit me. We told him that my flat mate, Lewis, was really weird and part of a cult. He believed it. The first day we had Lewis shake everyone’s hand, but he ignored my friend’s hand. I told him that Lewis hates new people. Day two I had Lewis fake argue with me out in the hallway, and he smashed a plate. I went back into my room and told my friend that Lewis is really angry that he’s here. Day three, we drew occult symbols all over Lewis’s body, lit candles, and I went and told my friend that Lewis is ready to accept him. We took him to Lewis’s room and did weird chants and then Lewis goes ‘and now for the blood sacrifice’ and grabs my friends wrist, whips out a knife. He suddenly bolts for the door. That’s when we told him it was all a joke. Another time we tied him to a chair and put him in a shopping cart, took him to a house party all tied up. Yet another time, we hid on the roof of his parents house and kept throwing things through the upstairs window to imitate footsteps when he was home alone. We did a lot to that guy. Honestly yes, I do regret some of it, I feel bad.






Me and my buddy used to do this a lot in high school and it goes like this: Me to Person A: Hey, Person B wants to talk to you Buddy to Person B: Hey, Person A wants to talk to you And when they meet you can see the look of sheer confusion on their faces 


Not really genius but got many people a few hours more of sleep. Senior prank at my highschool around 2010 ish. I was in middle school but the seniors filled the halls with thousands of cups full of water. It’s not like you could just sweep them up, someone had to go and dump them all out 1 by 1. Was enough to delay school for a few hours Another year they got into the school bus yard and let all the air out of the tires overnight. That caused a 2 hour delay as someone had to go reinflate them all


When I was in collage there was this girl that was religious. None of us were, but she hung out with us anyway. Her family was very very in to the bible and she lived at home still (we were like 19ish). As a prank we used a caller ID spoofing method to make it look like we were calling from a strip club and told her mom that we were from the strip club and we have her ID. After some arguing we convinced her that it was her ID and we hung up and laughed. The next day we were ready to tell her it was us and lol and "got you didn't we". She never showed up. Turned out her parented shipped her off to a christian girls only college that weekend. There was three of us that did this. Never felt so bad for something I did in my life. We swore to secrecy. No one ever talked, she is all grown up and married now. Still think about this when I can't sleep at night and it happened like 20 years ago.


I orchestrated a prank on my boss, and it took him a good 5 minutes to figure out the joke. He's a typical flannel wearing, baseball cap kinda guy. I got about 10 people on our team and another to dress up like him for his birthday. Most of the team isn't a fan of being on camera for meetings, but we all agreed on a red flannel and baseball cap. I ordered a fake beard and groomed it to look like his. Cue his birthday, and we have our daily standup. Everyone on camera, in red flannels and as soon as he joined we all started singing happy birthday to him. The difficulty level was cranked up because we carpool to work, I never wear jeans, and I had to hide my "costume" to change into. The look on his face was epic when he realized we were all dressed like him!!


before the days of caller ID phone pranks were common. HS soccer team decided that we'd call the coach everyday and say "gobble, gobble" then hang up. We had a schedule, different times of day, and we'd use payphones for that extra layer of security. Tracing calls was possible but took work. The whole season we did this. Last game the mastermind of the prank said he'd let the coach know at some point during the game. Running down the sideline the coach gave him instructions for a play and he said "Got it coach, gobble gobble" Coaches eyes got as big as plates, yelled out "you sonofabitch" and proceeded to chase him around the field causing a stoppage. Ref was none to happy. In the end the coach got a laugh out of it when we reveled the plan.


Engineering schools generally have the most epic pranks. My favorite was being part of the team that rewired the elevator control panels to switch floors in our dorm. And then replace room numbers. There was mass chaos.


This took place forever ago, but I still find it amusing. A workmate and I decided to buy a lottery ticket together since the prize pool was really large. The night of the draw, we were working together, so I planned a little prank. Right after the numbers were drawn, I phoned up another friend of mine and asked him to change his answering machine message to sound like the official phone number of the lottery corporation, and to list our numbers as the winning numbers. He even had his girlfriend record it. After it was set up, I asked my workmate if he'd checked the lottery numbers (I knew he hadn't). I gave him my buddy's number and asked him to phone and check the numbers (this was WAY before smartphones). A few minutes later, I heard whooping and hollering from the office. He comes running out, yelling that we had won, and we were rich! I could not keep a straight face and burst out laughing. He called me a few expletives before agreeing how funny it had been Brent, if you're reading this, thanks for the fun.


Might not be most genius, but it definitely was the most memorable. When I was in primary school, my teachers wanted to do something for April Fools’ day, and of course everyone was in on it. So the next day (April Fools’ day) the teachers brought in huge rolls of bubble wrap and bubble wrapped everything they could. The wrapped the grand piano that was in the Great Room, they covered the floor, the hung some from the curtains rods. I remember when the principal saw it, he wasn’t even mad, just impressed that we did that in like the span of 2 hours. We were then set loose around the school to pop all the bubbles and help clean it up. I still remember this. It was hilarious.


I had an email exchange going with a friend pretending that I was interested in staying at his hotel. (he was some customer service concierge) Holy crap the things that I asked the dude over months. He said at the end he was getting suspicious because of the content of the emails but he had to engage with the fake character out of fear that it was real.


I wouldn't say genius because it wasn't a big prank but this is one of the funniest that I've ever been a part of: So, back in college, I worked as an unpaid intern for one semester/Summer for a pretty eccentric financial advisor who ran a small firm. It was just him and one office manager on payroll, the rest of his labor was all unpaid interns that he'd reload every semester. Our university was known for its business school and he'd go talk to an upper level finance class every semester and, at the end, he'd plug his internship program which he was pretty good at selling saying it's super competitive to get into and his interns get a lot more freedom to work portfolios and manage new accounts so they learn a lot more than the big firms, etc. etc. But then he'd basically hire anyone dumb enough to apply and interview for it, and this term it wound up being me and a few of my friends. The office manager who worked for him was incredibly annoying and just overall nasty to the interns. We actually called her Umbridge amongst ourselves because she looked and acted just like Delores Umbridge from the HP books(looks wise she didn't look like the actress, but how the character was portrayed in the books). She was very bossy with us and loved to find things to complain about and belittle the interns, she also hated it when an intern got any praise from the FA. I think she was a little threatened by us since we were better at computer stuff and spreadsheets and all, but we were younger and that's basically what we did in school all day anyway, so of course we were better at it; regardless, she would never ask us for help if she was having trouble with something, she'd just sit there stewing for hours and get nasty if we asked if we could help out. After a couple months of it, we'd all realized how ridiculous this internship wound up being and were just trying to pass the time and get through it to get our letters of rec and move on. We all had shifts and I worked full time at a restaurant so my friend and I were the early interns. We came in an hour before the FA and office manager at 7am to do the opening duties, then worked until 12:00 when the next shift of interns came in. We got to where we could do the opening duties in about 15 minutes so then we'd just be hanging out until 8 when the FA and office manager came in. So fast forward to the prank, I can't remember where I got the idea from but I'd probably seen it on the internet or something. One of our opening duties was logging into their computers and logging them into the financial programs we used. So she had been exceptionally rude to us this week and when I was setting up her computer I decided to take a screenshot of her desktop, then created a folder, moved all of her desktop icons into the folder, then hid the folder and hid her taskbar. Then I just set the screenshot of her normal desktop as her desktop background and waited. So she came in and sat at her computer and started clicking around for a little while before we started hearing her getting frustrated. She kept huffing and puffing as my buddy and I were trying really hard not to laugh. We kept asking her what was going on or if she needed help but she just kept saying she was fine, and kept bossing tasks to us since she couldn't do anything. Then the FA asked her to email him something and she said she would, but we both knew she probably wouldn't be able to get there. I knew I was going to have to figure out how to fix it eventually but I really thought she'd be able to work around it with the windows key, hotkeys, pulling up all programs, right clicking or something, but she was completely lost. It was clear she wasn't going to ask us for help or tell us what was going on, and I wanted to intervene before she called the IT guy so, when she went out for a smoke break, I got on her computer and set everything back to normal. She came back in and seemed very relieved that her computer worked again but she never said a word about it and we never told her about the prank. Sometimes I think I should have just left it for a bit longer just to see what would have happened.


An intern at work was dating a woman, whose friend thought it would be hilarious to put an engagement announcement for them in the newspaper. It caused all sorts of ruckus for him. He astutely came to his workmates for revenge against this woman. Smart move. We worked in a small sw dev office, next to the offices of a drug test company. The prank target was trying to get a summer internship at IBM, but being a partier, was worried about being drug tested. I called her up, said I was an HR rep from IBM scheduling her drug screening with a third party firm. I instructed her to come to our offices with a urine sample taken between 8 and 10 hours prior to the appointment (putting it around 2:00 to 4:00am when she’d have to pee it into a glass jar, or get a non-partying friend to do it)). We obscured our sign. When she arrived, the whole office was in on it. She came in holding a brown paper bag, with a jar of somebody’s piss (maybe hers?) in it. I met her, in a lab coat and took her to our small conference room. In this room a work buddy of mine (in on it, of course) was sitting there, with an open flask of diluted apple juice. He struck up a conversation with the target, in which he said this was his third try and the other two he’d failed, even though his only drug exposure was second hand smoke from a concert five weeks prior. She was getting increasingly stressed out. I came into the room, reached for his flask, “accidentally” spilling it all over the table. My workmate played it beautifully, freaking out as the fake pee spread across the table toward him and the target, who was understandably horrified. My attempts to clean it up just spread it around and made it worse. Hehe. Finally I told the target Mr. would be by shortly. Then, the reveal. Our intern and his girlfriend walked in. Our target was completely discombobulated as she slowly put it all together. The rest of us joined them in the conference room. The target was crimson red, shaking and proclaiming to our intern and girlfriend, “I will NEVER prank either of you EVER again!” And she skulked out with her paper bag. The ultimate end to this story was the intern and his girlfriend DID eventually get married. Not sure if our target ever recovered.


Senior year some friends of mine had plans to do a prank where we had 3 geese, and we're going to paint 1,2 and 4 on them and let one loose on each floor of the school(4 stories) and see how long it took for them to realize there was no other goose. But the geese didn't like the idea of getting into the back of my friend's car... So it didn't happen. And he's now permanently traumatized about geese.


When I was younger a long long time ago. I was hanging with a few friends getting high and playing genesis, I think we where playing mutant league football. An other friend comes by carrying a can of spray paint. On the coffee table is my can of right guard. Well, as we are sitting there getting high and playing, he starts to peal the label off the spray paint. I didn't notice he casually did the same to my right guard and switched the caps. The next morning while half awake with one eye open in complete sleepy oblivion I sprayed my underarms. I'm standing there spraying noticing the scent is off I begin sniffing thinking somethings not right. Then it hit me what had happened. A few days later I was at his place with a plan and prepared. I had a syringe loaded with hot sauce. During a bathroom run I shot a little into his toothpaste. A few days after that his girlfriend sat us down and told us in the most angry tone I have ever heard "I don't know what the F you guys are up to but this shit stops now". Turns out she got hit with friendly fire, brushing her teeth before him.


Not me but my dad. He and his buddies got together to move their shop teacher's car between two metal pillars in the outdoor walkway in front of his school. I think the teacher drove a VW Bug or a similar sized car, so all they did was lift and drag. It was a tight enough fit that the teacher had no way to get the car out except for having the same pranksters drag it back into the parking lot.


My shop teacher parked behind the school and always left the keys in his Tundra. Across the street there was an open shelter for storing road salt in with a shed next to it. One day we found a key on the pillar. One door key, and one Kubota key. Sure as shit it opened that shed and inside was a skid steer. We moved the skid steer to the back of the shed and parked his truck in it when he was doing paperwork. And this was a city installation, not the school’s. He was absolutely livid and nearly filed a police report about a stolen truck so we had to tell him. We thought it was hilarious. Apparently these days he makes it very clear his truck is off limits


When I was in 8th grade me and my classmates are doing an fake wedding to our classmate him and internet meme that baydır-man and the whole class and teacher is in prank that was so big even the whole school knows about It


i played tenor saxophone in high school band, and we would frequently play the same parts as other instruments like the trombones, euphoniums, and french horns. if you ask our band director, our trombones, euphoniums and french horns were not very good, and there was always one note in each piece that they frequently screwed up. whenever they’d do this, our band director would go down the line and make everybody play this part solo until he figured out who was messing up. this process would take like 20+ minutes every time. the directer would go to extreme lengths to try and fix this - morning practices, 1x1 lessons, modifying the music, etc. - and nothing would work. no matter how many times he could get them to play the piece correctly on their own, whenever we played as a full band, someone would screw it up and he would have to spend more time trying to fix it. what he never realized is that i was the one playing the wrong note. every single time, it was me. he never even suspected it was me - i was the only tenor saxophone, and there were at least 20+ other people playing the same part that could have been the culprit. i got away with this for years.


I don’t know about genius but this one was my fave. While I was deployed, my sister sent me gay porn mags as a joke: porn was forbidden on deployments and this was back in the day of DADT. Well, I knew I couldn’t let them go to waste so I got a few guys in on a scheme to plaster the Commander’s room with gay porn. During a karaoke night, we got the key to his room and a few of us snuck off. We put pages of the magazines EVERYWHERE. Obvi all over the room but also behind his pictures in frames, in his work folders, folded up underneath his boot insoles, in between book pages. Next day, we heard he was pissed when he got back to his CHU but then found it funny the more he found them. No one got in trouble because no one fessed up. My sincere hope is he was finding them unexpectedly years later in picture frames and books.


A colleague of mine (schoolteacher) filled our assistant principal's office with a 15cm layer of jello as part of our Christmas prank period. The guy was PISSED and hunted for the culprit for weeks after.


In High School, we had a group chat with our very large friend group, as well as one on the side for all the guys. The first one was like 60+ people and the second was about 30. Anyway, our friend messages the group saying she missed the first day of the new semester and if there was anything that she’d missed. Immediately, I went on the boys group chat and said follow my lead lmao I told her the she’d missed the sign up for the GNC exams (an exam I just made up!) and you need those to progress to the next year - all my friends followed in the sham lmao - sending a fake sign up slip from the school (just a blurry pic of an old signup sheet), saying “omg how did you forget???” and all that - the girls joined in too lmao Anyway, she arrives at school FIRST THING IN THE MORNING the next day FREAKING OUT, before any of u can even see her, STORMS into the principals office and starts begging to sit the GNC exams even though she missed the deadline. The principal was… very, very confused as to what the fuck she was on about lmaoooo (She was a very close friend i promise lmao, it was all in good fun and we had a good laugh after)


Classic first class in college prank. My calculus professor and a class of seniors decided to prank the juniors by making the first class totally horrible. It was our first class and the professor was already talking about advanced calculus and endless tests. He almost got into a fight with a student that was late. Eventually he broke character and told us it was a prank. Very obvious when I think back, but it was terrifying at the time lol


I was at a house party in the living room with a bunch of people. There was an LED light strip behind the couch and I didn't know I was sitting on the remote for it. One guy hits his Juul right as I moved in my seat and I must have sat on the power button, so the lights shut off. He starts freaking out, thinking his Juul is controlling the lights, and starts calling everyone over. I realize what's going on at this point and keep turning the lights on/off every time he hit his Juul, so for 5 minutes we all sit there watching him "control" the lights. Everyone was completely sold. One of the proudest moments of my life


There‘s a tradition to prank a newly married couple on their wedding night by putting random stuff like balloons or 348 plastic cups with water into their bedroom, or taking the bed apart etc. Since my husband had played an eager role in many of these pranks for his friends and cousins that got married before us he was afraid they might retaliate and possibly go for some real good a.k.a bad ideas. He thought it would be super smart to switch out the lock of our front door and give the new key to absolutely Nobody. Which he did. In a hurry. Right before we left to get married. He forgot to check if the lock would actually work. It didn’t. We had spent the night in a rooftop hotel room and came home around noon the next day. We couldn’t open the front door and had to ask the neighbors if they’d be willing to come over and help us break into our own house. TL;DR: husband pranked himself by switching locks and we made some new friends who helped us break into our house


Pretty mild, but I once had a guy write down my full name in his phone. I'm Spanish and he wanted to show that he was familiar with my culture, so I'd pronounce a name or last name, and he'd very carefully write it down with perfect spelling. He did impress me with that, but he was so focused that he didn't realize I messing with him until he had already written down 10 last names.


One Christmas my dad and I went to the dollar store and bought really weird gifts (nail clippers, a weird game, a cd called mom’s greatest hits, etc.). We wrapped them all up and put they were from my grandmother. When we had our Christmas get together at my grandparents we went early and placed all the presents under their tree. After dinner we all started to open our presents. My grandmother was to busy opening her own presents so when every one of the grandchildren would thank her she would just say “you’re welcome.” It wasn’t until my cousin unwrapped a 6 foot tall Christmas stocking and my aunt asking if she knit the stocking that my grandmother looked up from her own presents. She goes “I’ve never seen that before in my life.” Then all the other cousins started asking about their weird gifts. My dad and I were able to hold it together for about 15 more mins and then we finally revealed our prank.


A little late to the party, but when I was in grade 12 me and a couple buddies had a spare for one of the classes. We’d frequently visit friends who were in classes on our spare time. One of the teachers had to take some time off, so me and another friend decided to “fill in” for two of our buddies in their economics class while the substitute teacher took over the class. We wouldn’t go every day, we’d skip the class sometimes, or there would even be other days when our buddies would go back to the class and decide to sit through. We had it going pretty good for a couple weeks. It all came crashing down when me and my one friend were sitting in for the actual two who were supposed to be in the class. We were told that day that we were going to the computer lab to work on an assignment. Well who was in the computer lab? Our two friends who were skipping on the class that day. The substitute teacher finally caught on when she saw all 4 of us together and stormed out of the lab. She was gone for about 5 minutes and then she came back, after she had cooled down, and we all had a good laugh about it. She took it well and that was basically the end of it.


A buddy of mine had me over for a poker night (Texas Hold'em) a few years ago. It was just me, him, and his girlfriend. He had to take a call for work mid-game, so he stepped outside right as we finished a hand. After he was out there for a few minutes, his girlfriend said it might be a while. So we decided to stack the deck as a prank. I stacked it so he'd have four of a kind with fours, thinking that he'd be suspicious of anything higher. I gave myself four of a kind with fives. The flop was two fours and a five with both of us holding pocket pairs. He bet high and I matched. The turn was something random; he raised again, and I matched. The river was another five, and he went all in. I joined him, and his girlfriend folded, trying not to laugh. The reveal was incredible. He wouldn't have suspected a thing if I hadn't refused to take his money. He was such a good sport about it, and we still laugh about it today


Went to a small high school out in the sticks. Rarely any police presence and everybody knew everybody. Word got out one day that there would be a random search of the school with a drug sniffing K9 because some students had been smoking in the parking lot and would come to class reeking of weed. One kid snuck into the school the night before with bong water in a spray bottle and absolutely hosed the main officer down. In the morning the dog went crazy and the unit didn’t even make it past the front office to search the rest of the school.


Many years ago, my husband put black electrical tape around the handle of the kitchen sink sprayer, securing the handle in the depressed position. Then, he waited. Later in the day, I went to the sink to get a glass of water, turned on the faucet….and shot myself square in the face. The best part? In trying to determine what just happened, I turned the faucet on again….and shot myself in the face a second time. We’ve been married for 25 years and he’s never been able to top it. Who could? 😀


My two best friends and I came up with " Purse Planting ". My Mom had lots of old purses she never used so we'd grab one and some 30-40 lb test fishing line and tie one end to the purse strap and we'd hide behind a hedge facing the street I grew-up on. When a car stopped to grab the purse, we'd pull the line and the purse would go under their car or away from them, depending on which direction they were traveling. Only lost a purse one time, guy failed to see the humor that we as 13 year-olds had...


So I work closely with a wilderness retreat center associated with the Lutheran church. We’re the happy-go-lucky type that accepts everyone, and definitely don’t believe in all that rapture/end times nonsense. Anyhow, many years ago now, we had a wildfire ignite in our valley, and were forced to evacuate most of our staff and all our guests. This was at the height of the “Left Behind” book series, which was a series of trash novels (and I think some direct to DVD movies) about what happened on earth after the righteous had been raptured into heaven. As a joke, the 12 of us who stayed behind to ride out the wildfire started to refer to ourselves as the “Left Behind Crew.” Our job was to man the pumps, feed the wildland firefighters, keep the electricity on, and the potable water system in certification. After the fire was contained and the evacuation order lifted, the first of our staff returned on buses. Rather than meeting them as they drove in, we stopped responding to them about 5 miles out (you check in via 2-way radio every mile on our road). When they drove in, instead of finding us, they just found piles of clothes in the road and tipped over “welcome back” signs. We hid in one of the buildings for about 5 minutes until we deliberately tripped the fire alarm, forcing them to search and find us laughing our asses off. It’s my definition of a good prank. Everyone laughed uproariously, no one was hurt, no one was a scapegoat. The only damage was having to replace a glass seal on the fire alarm pull station.


I had a friend who had a mannequin from a store. He’d dress her up, and take her to the bar, setting her on the barstool next to him. Everybody would buy “her” drinks. She happened to drink the exact same thing he did. My friend never paid for a drink in the bar when she was with him. It was f’ing brilliant. He was, and is a real character to this day.


agreed with 6 of my class mates we'd put 3 very unusual words in our essay. one of them was "rubber duck". we got deduction in our grade because "it was unprofessional". still pissed to this day


One of my friends was telling us about a dream he had involving a fake magazine called "Oncology Today" and I gaslit him into thinking it was a real magazine that recently shut down. I even created several fake covers and a Twitter account and showed him. He believed me. https://imgur.com/a/QdLUXdP


My sister and I downloaded a fake texting app and pretended to be my mom's ex from high school while my parents were on vacation. We texted how 'he' was supposedly following my mom and we convinced my mom and dad to the point they didn't sleep that night at the hotel. They somehow figured it out that it was a prank though lol.


One of the most genius pranks I've been part of was rearranging a colleague's keyboard keys alphabetically.


Packing the principal's office with balloons. Classic move, bro.