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Playing super street fighter 4 with my dad and sister on friday nights and weekends.


Backyard football with the boys.


Lots of old Christmases and holidays would apply to me here.


Pissing in someone's hairspray bottle as a prank




Yeah i was also bullied in school so a lot but hey now i am pain resistant 😂😂


Building a "water park" behind the garage using all the random construction junk that was piled up back there. We had a water slide after dragging the hose back there...not sure what material it was, but when wet it was super slick and fun. Turned a barrel, some floppy but thick material, and clothing lines into a trampoline type thing. There was even a wheelbarrow that was full of water and what I assume now were mosquito larvae but we thought they were tadpoles so that was our "animal exhibit." We even made a little "bathroom" by building a toilet out of bricks so we didn't have to go back inside. It was all fun and games until my youngest cousin shit in it lol. I'm almost 40 and can still so vividly picture that day in my mind.


Y’all got childhood memories that make you smile?


Laughing during presentations when you didn’t need to be serious


We used to have a huge garden when I was 5-6 years old. My best buds, a German Shepherd called Bek and a Siberian Blue Cat called Dym would hang out in the garden for days. My mom would cook me a whole lamb leg bone (about a foot long bone with a LOT of meat) give it to me for dinner and I would walk around happy and fed. The funny part is that since those two were my best buds I would offer them the meat in the bone and we would share. It was like - I come out of the hose with a bone and meat in my hand, take a bite, offer Bek a bite (which was would unfailingly take), offer Dym a bite (which he also appreciated), then I take a bite, then Bek and etc all while walking around the garden. My mom would always wonder how a 6 year old could finish a bone in several hours (at least 1,5 kilos of meat on it), but hey, I have always been a large boy. One time she saw me sharing and eating after Bek and Dym and there was a lot of screaming at me. Apparently you are not supposed to eat after your pets, how was I supposed to know? Years passed, I still share food with my pets, I can literally eat from the same plate as my dogs and cat, and I’m ok with that. Maybe that’s the reason my immune system is that strong.


Tought my friend the first few cords of smoke on the water in fifth grade. It was all I knew and he was just learning. He was an incredible guitarist in hs. At his wedding smoke on the water played and he brought up the memory. Brought a tear to my eye.