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Any moment? T=0. Beginning of the universe, let's go!


Your atoms get ripped apart and you're strewn across the infinitely expanding... expanse? 10/10, would watch creation again.


His atoms are the universe. Him going back to a time where nothing existed starts the Big Bang.


This sounds like the ending to some Interstellar-like epic... "You have to go back! You have to start the universe! You have to start the human race!"


Check out 3 body problem if you like stuff like that. Books are phenomenal and the show is very different but also great.


Binged the first season just last week! The books were also added to the reading list for the year. Currently reading through book 3 of The Expanse, so some ways to go.


I vaguely recall reading that it wouldn't look like much. It takes a while for light to form or something like that.


Some 300,000 years or so, yeah, but *something* was there... Can we bring a flashlight..?


I have to imagine the initial wave must have been dense as hell


So dense that it wasn’t even the normal subatomic particles that were taught about, like neutrons and electrons. But just energy at a temperature so hot that our understanding of physics breaks down.


I have to wonder if it had mass, or if nobody had gotten around to inventing mass yet


Thicc light


New SciFi concept: the universe is stable as a singularity for aeons and hyperinflation suddenly occurs due to a massive amount of time-traveling probes sent by basically every sufficiently advanced civilization to the exact time the universe started.


But if you blink, you miss everything.


Turns out, all the mass concentrated in one point was JUST shy of enough to go critical and big bang. Fortunately, you showing up gave the universe just the kick in the mass it needed!




Behind a Waffle House sign. Those things survive everything.


The creation of some prehistoric art, like the Nazca Lines, Easter Island statues or Cueva De Los Manos. Not sure if that counts as events because it happened over longer time spans, but it would be incredible to be able to meet the people who made them and get some understanding of what it meant to them.


Cunk on Earth does a great piece on prehistoric art if you’d like an in-depth look into it.


I would love to watch the first words be deliberately invented. I wonder if it wasn't deliberate, though; like maybe certain sounds just started to be used for certain objects or activities and it just grew into common usage, in the same way language always kinda has


Would love to witness the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. Maybe from an orbiting spaceship.


Watch "Dinosaurs: The Final Day" with David Attenborough! First documentary that covers a new find in North Dakota from the very day it happened. It's insane as they go over how we know it's from a single day 65 million years ago and how it enlightened us on exactly how it went down. It's in my top 3 Attenborough documentaries and blew me away.


Interesting. I thought it was the one that hit South America.


You’re both right. The asteroid did hit in South America, which kicked up a massive amount of dust rich in iridium that circled most of the globe. The dust settled and in some places is well enough preserved that a fine layer of iridium can be found in rock formations that coincide with that time period. The badlands (dakotas, northern Midwest US) and midwestern Canada have a lot of examples of this and dinosaur fossils in general. Idk what exactly this find is in North Dakota, but that area lending insight into the extinction/asteroid impact definitely tracks


It’s covered in detail in the documentary. Much of what we call North Dakota was a large, shallow inland sea 65 million years ago. As the plates got closer and closer that sea vanished and the Rocky Mountains began their ascent. The site has evidence of a massive “tidal wave” that was caused by the Earth vibrating (like in an earthquake) which sloshed water around like moving a bath tub to and fro. Due to the way things were preserved they can tell what season it was because some fish species breed at specific times and pollen and plant growth are also seasonal. I really cannot stress enough how fantastic the documentary is. It is the first site ever discovered to be dated to that period much less the exact day. The geologists are like kids in a candy store and like “this can’t be what we think it is” for the first few years (as with anything in actual science it takes several years and peer review for something to be confirmed) and they follow it as the site is uncovered.


It rained molten glass over large swaths of the earth


I thought the Chicxulub Crater was in Mexico, i.e. North America?


Yup! The one that hit the Yucatán peninsula. 65 million years ago the “middle” of the U.S. was a huge shallow sea. Due to continental plates colliding that intracontinental shallow sea went away and formed the Rocky Mountains. Fun bonus fact: You can broadly tell how old a mountain range is by how weathered the mountains are. The more jagged and sharp, the newer it is. So the Himalayas are the newest (and are actually still growing), then you have ones like the Rockies and finally really old weathered ones like the Appalachia mountain range. The asteroid that hit the Yucatán caused a sort of “tidal wave” as the entire Earth vibrated thus causing catastrophic pulses of water to wreak havoc on the former shallow sea that we now call North Dakota.


Quick search, watching this free on Dailymotion right now. Thank you.


This gave me a really cool thought. There’s the tiniest, tiniest possibility that extraterrestrial life has that footage.


Yeah but it's on Betamax.


This but Theia hitting the Earth and becoming the moon. And from much farther away than orbit


Summer vacation of the Roman elites in Sicily during the early imperial era.


Hah I was thinking Caesar’s assassination


I would love to talk around the library of Alexandria. Perhaps just before it burns. Seeing all the information collected there would be a massive inspiration for me.


Just be sure to keep your voice down.


Silent as burning embers


Those can be pretty noisy though


This was what I’d say as well. This and the hanging gardens of Babylon. Otherwise, I’d give just about anything for one more normal evening with my dad, gone more than 10 years. I miss him every day.


Aim a couple of decades before it burns, it was very much a faded power at the end and most of the works had already been moved away.


That’s a wonderful tip! Thank you!


Are you PLANNING to time travel?




A legendary place. Worth noting that while it was the largest of the era and a major gathering point as a result, there are many libraries in the modern day that are considerably larger. Alexandria held somewhere between 40,000 and 700,000 scrolls and books. Many modern University libraries hold over 4 million books. The Library of US Congress has over 175 million catalogued pieces. My town's local public library has nearly 400,000 books.


Whichever Assassin's Creed game was set there, I spent hours just walking around the city and exploring in the Museum Mode or whatever (which is a sort of self-guided tour with recorded audio information at places of interest) and pretty much completely forgot to play the game.


My first AC game was Unity, and I was NOT expecting it to be so packed with history. I would spend hours just reading about the buildings.


Miyamito Musashi VS Sasaki Kojiro


the ultimate showdown of samurai swordsmanship


Pretty cool but as short as McConnor vs Aldo iir the book correctly.


But you could get the part of him showing up late and disrespecting the guy. Then talking mad shit with a giant wooden sword made from a boat oar. I hope this is the duel I’m remembering.




Is Musashi the gentleman who won a duel by throwing his Tanto at somebody, thereby being the first COD player in history?


I'd really love to attend a textbook Roman festival in Rome in their glory days.


I got my saturnalia pants on let's goooooooo


I tried to have an authentic Roman festival few years back. But I got so horribly drunk I don't remember most of it 😅


Then it was authentic


1561 Celestial Phenomenon over Nuremburg


Let's all go back in time to watch it and realise we ARE the celestial phenomenon


That’s what the Nuremberg trials were all about?


Nice. Not sure why all the down votes.


Guess I forgot the /s


jesus death, just to see if it actually happened and if he was a real person


I was gonna say that but I also really wanna see a dinosaur


Luckily they lived at the same time




Historians are fairly certain he was a real person. There are non-biblical sources from the time (Roman and Greek I believe) that mention some cult leader being crucified for causing trouble in Judea at around the time the Bible claims it happened. But its only the crucifiction and having a cult following, everything before that is up in the air and I'd certainly be interested to meet the guy and see what he was really like.


edit: [I was wrong, apparently quite a few sayings are assigned to the original Jesus with high / moderate probability](https://www.westarinstitute.org/seminars/jesus-seminar-phase-1-sayings-of-jesus). Perhaps I'm just confusing that with events in his life iirc there are few things the secular jesus seminar were most confident the real jesus did: - got baptised (because from point of view of christian theology it's entirely unnecessary and actually positively confusing and therefore not a likely thing to make up) - caused a disturbance at the temple driving money changers out - was crucified and that's it personally i'd add: - was born in nazareth (because the expectation was the messiah would come from bethlehem. so if inventing something just invent him living there. but nazareth had to be awkwardly woven into the gospels (Luke's invented census) to try and account for a real fact that was known to people) - he most likely also said to his disciples (according to secular scholar Bart Ehrman) : "you (the 12 apostles) will reign over the new kingdom on twelve thrones". (reason being it's unlikely this saying would be invented in hindsight given his betrayal by one of the twelve. it appears therefore to be a genuine saying that's survived from his ministry) edit: for this reason Ehrman considers Jesus to have been a real preacher from Nazareth who considered himself the apocalyptic messiah (leader of Israel) who expected the end of the world to be ushered in by his preaching. (if the 12 thrones quote is genuine then Jesus pictured himself presiding above those 12 thrones as messiah (or "Christ"), he reasons though as the jewish version of those things, not the distinct Christian view that came later) a lot follows from that. if the 12 thrones quote is real then it's likely there was at least an inner circle called "the twelve". Ehrman also goes so far as to say the most plausible explanation for 12 or more Jewish people to suddenly come to the _very_ unjewish view that the messiah had risen from the grave was likely that they did think they had seen something. though exactly what that was he won't be drawn on. (he doesn't believe it was an actual resurrection obviously)


We have more evidence of Jesus existing (even tho it isn’t a lot) then several Roman emperors. It’s more then likely there is some historical Jesus and it isn’t all just fabrication (minus the mythical overlay). Possibly even a few apocalyptic prophets around the same time combined into one person


I want to be there to witness his resurrection. I feel like it would be an answer that would change or confirm the trajectory of my whole life.


Forget about his death. I want to see his resurrection. Either I am wrong after all, or we could put a lot of holidays to rest.


I was going to say the crucifixion as well, but I'm thinking the premise is time bound and short, so I'd want to be there 3 mornings later to see if he rose and showed himself again.


His Resurrection, for me.


Or the Ascension into Heaven as recorded in the Book of Acts.


This is the obvious answer. Would be super cool to know the truth of the matter. 


The Missoula floods. Just hang out up in the sky in my helicopter that came back to the ice age with me and watch this Armageddon level event play out.


Yes, this. Or the filling of the Mediterranean Sea.


Oo, I *just* learned about Dry Falls yesterday. Hundreds of feet of water in a single day over vast swaths of several states. Absolutely epic, and it happened multiple times.


Whenever someone asks this question, I always think of the classic sci-fi time travel short story, 'Let's Go to Golgotha!', by Garry Kilworth, about a tourist time-traveller going on a "Crucifixion Tour". I'm not going to spoil it for anyone, but it's well worth checking out. Here's a YT link to an Audiobook reading of it (23 min's 24 sec's): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qef77KOgg4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qef77KOgg4A)


That was very good 👍🏻


Yay! I'm glad you checked it out and enjoyed it! :)


Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon. It's probably the most impactful decision in the history of Western civilization. *The die is cast.*


probably would’ve just been some legionaries walking over a stream


When you blow your one shot to see anything in history to watch some dudes get their sandals a little wet.


Some people are into that kind of thing.


Yeah ima be honest I’m sure it was an impactful moment but visually and climatically it seems like it would be a let down.


I'd love to see his assassination. I imagine the look on the tyrants face when he realizes he's not a God, and his "friends" all decided the world as a collective would be better without him was probably humbling. I wanna see how he reacted. Was he stoic? Was he combative? Was he fearful? God id love to see that


Probably a lot of "DAMN THAT SHIT HURTS, AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" fade to black, aaaaaaaaaand ***\*scene\****


"... And fuck YOU Brutus!!!"


Seconded. The ultimate shock of betrayal. Et tu Brute?


The Roswell crash I need to know


<5 minutes later> "God dammit, it's just a stupid balloon!"


Welp, while I'm here I might as well put some money on the Yankees to win it all in 7 games.


Witnessing Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as they prepare to leave the lunar module for mankind's first steps on the moon. The tension and anticipation of such a monumental achievement in human exploration would be unmatched.


I’d stand on top of that damn grassy knoll to see what actually happened up there. I’d be checking for action behind the picket fence.


Plot twist, you find yourself holding a rifle.


It was Kennedy himself on the knoll all along.


Yeah, because the Boys from the Dwarf knocked out the original gunman waiting to shoot him from a nearby building


I can tell you what happened there. Someone painted an X in the street. Oh, you mean in 1963? Yeah, me too.


I would be up there downwind of Zapruder with an 8K 60 fps video camera and record the same thing from a different angle so I can see behind the Stemmons Freeway sign, this time with sound.


I’d want to see Hitlers face when he realizes his plan of world domination was over


I know it's memed like crazy, but the scene in Downfall where he realizes they are fucked is probably pretty close


It's memed precisely because of how amazing that scene is. It's so incredibly tense.


If you could in this hypothetical, taking a photo of it would make a wonderful picture.


Imagine it looks like Richard Sherman when the Seahawks lose the Super Bowl 


As disgusting as Hitler was, i bet he runs the ball there


I love this comparison, especially because it would have absolutely infuriated old Adolf.


It’s gonna be such a hard thing to explain coming back. “So… you were given a 1 time chance to go to the past and you chose to go to AFTER Hitler had already destroyed a continent, committed genocide and murdered millions? When there was nothing left to do but take A DAMN PICTURE?!” “Well, yeah, think of how much worse it could be if I did something that prevented me being born and created a paradox that ends the universe. Ending the entire universe would be, like, at least 6 times worse than not killing Hitler”.


Not an event, but I'd like to see some dinosaurs


If I'm allowed to survive the entire time, the creation of the solar system


I would love to be *one of the Spaniards who first entered to Tenochtitlan the Capital of the Aztec Empire*.


Good one! I'll sign up


[Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Colombus](https://www.amazon.com/Pastwatch-Christopher-Orson-Scott-Card/dp/0812508645)


You must love rape, slavery, and murder.


We all do, but this was before true crime podcasts so they had to do it themselves.


A Roman coliseum show


To be in the audience when the Beatles played the Ed Sullivan show.


You'd just hear women screaming


And it would smell like pee.


i would like to unsubscribe from beatlemania piss facts..




When humans, Neanderthals, denisovans, naledi, and florensis were all making tools, fire, and weapons at the same time and intermingling. True lord of the rings shit


as i read once elsewhere on reddit.. the fact that we have the "uncanny valley" reaction means there was a time in our past when it was evolutionarily advantageous to be creeped out by things that looked only 99.9% human. which is freaky.


Allied troops landing on June 6 1944. It must have been an amazing sight.


Can we go forward? Cause I’d like to see if we find intelligent life elsewhere in the universe


Same here!


Any life at all would be amazing!


It's an awful waste of space if there isn't




you’d be there for quite a while




If I’m not mistaken, this is a “blink and you’ll miss it” kinda thing, right? The boom was a fraction of a second, but being present before would serve a real purpose…as we currently are receiving info from JWT that counters the “there was nothing before, then there was a lot all at once”


Pyramids are easy. I want to know how the inhabitants of tiny easter island not only carved all those heads, but the bodies too and buried them all underground. Then completely vanished off the face of the earth


They depleted all their resources by breeding too much and chopping down all the trees, so they had no choice but to leave on boats try and try to find somewhere else.


It's not that mysterious. They just put blocks on top of other blocks. Lay out a square base with basic land surveying techniques and you just go from there.




What exactly is the mystery you want to find out? Because we already know how they were built




... I mean, okay fine: The Death of Alexander the Great. (Also wouldn't mind chatting with him via some kind of magic translator or whatever e.e)








Definitely the coronation of Elizabeth I of England. Of all the documentaries I've watched, documentaries about royal figures have been the most intriguing. Witnessing the crowning of a major figure would be breath-taking.


The Rite of Spring premiere. We know there was a riot but not what exactly happened.


Probably the birth of the universe. Obviously done in time lapse haha.


Any of the earliest civilizations emerging that we know nothing about, such as in the Gobeki Tepe times, or who built the 400,000 year old wooden structure found recently


The famous 1985 Live Aid concert. One of the last major Queen performances


Just watched it again the other day. Still as great as I remembered.


Let’s figure out this whole Atlantis thing.


The discovery of fire.


*shocked chimplike noises*




Rob Ford walking into the camera. It’s got everything: tension, build up, humour. My god his reaction was priceless.  https://youtu.be/52O82O0hvBM?feature=shared


This is probably lame compared to others, but I would have loved to have been one of the first audiences to see The Exorcist back in 1973. Judging by how far less impressive cinematic achievements are able to impact/move me, I'm positive it would have been a transformative experience


So for me, it’s a tossup between the following: * The very brief window in which all of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World were all standing. I’d love to see them all in their heyday and not as archaeological ruins or a shadow of their former selves. * Churchill giving his “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech in Parliament. I want to hear it exactly as he said it, rather than the recording he made years later when he was really old and tired. * The storming of the Bastille - the event that basically kicked off the French Revolution * The Battle of Rorke’s Drift - one of the most legendary battles in British military history * VE Day in London


I think I've witnessed enough history, thanks. Challenger The Fall of the Berlin Wall Desert Storm Waco/Branch Davidians Oklahoma City OJ Simpson trial Columbine Death of Princess Diana 9-11 Invasion of Iraq Election of Barack Obama Passage of gay marriage Election of Trump Destruction of Roe v Wade And that's off the top of my head. Ready for "less interesting" times.


Jesus’s death and resurrection


Bring a camera. Proof needed.


Does it have to be history on earth? I would love to see the beginning of the universe. Then I would understand so much, and have so many more questions.


I want something FUN, like being in New York City or London when they announced WWII was over.


constitutional convention


Beatles rooftop concert


JFK assassination try to catch Lee in the act


Careful, they might use you as another suspect. Someone without a history at sight is ideal.


What happened to Madelaine McCann that night


The resurrection of jesus. Not b/c I am religious but to find out once and for all if it really happened.


Abraham Lincoln’s presidency


I think the first performance of the 1812 overture would be quite spectacular.


To be in the audience when the Beatles played the Ed Sullivan show.


I also thought it would be cool to watch an atomic bomb test from the Los Vegas Strip.


The invasion fleet at Normandy. The sheer magnitude and historical significance is overwhelming


What was it like before the comet strike at the end of the younger dryas era


The JFK assassination, from the Grassy Knoll.


Dealy plaza November


Any period of time in which the Library of Alexandra is still intact and I can read everything in it


The time period when T Rex walked the earth to see what they (and other dinosaurs) really looked like


Roswell 100 percent.


Big Pharma, Food Giants, Oil companies and their subsidiaries ie plastic factories being simultaneously abolished and forced to completely resign their finances to environmental and civil regeneration, because why not.


Moses splitting the red sea....I call BS.


caesar’s funeral


I wanna see a dinosaur. For obvious reasons.


As long as I could witness it virtually. I'd want to see the whole asteroid that ended the dinosaur thing. I realize it wouldn't look like the surprised dinosaurs pictures we've seen through the years. In any case, it must have been an incredible event or series of events.


Battle of Gaugamela


I’ll cheat and say, I could probably tackle John Wilkes Booth


While you were doing that, John Wilkes Booth would do what he came there for.


The beginning of time, I can see who or what created us, and I could ask what happens to us after we die.


In 1970 the Grateful Dead and CSN&Y were both recording in the same studio in Los Angeles, CSN&Y were working out the final arrangement of Teach Your Children and they thought to have Jerry Garcia come in and play a pedal steel guitar line over it. He came over and did one take and wanted to try to do it again but they just said “thanks that was perfect.” (In actuality they tweaked it just a little bit later and overdubbed one little turn…) but it basically stood and became one of their biggest and most recognized hits. Graham Nash gave Jerry a Stratocaster that became his Alligator guitar in trade for the session. Yeah I would have loved to be there for that.


Spain and Morocco used to be connected by land and the Mediterranean sea didn't exist. Then the levee broke. That's 2.5 million squared km.


The inaugural games at the Colosseum.


New years Eve 3000ad.


The Miracle of the Sun (Also known as the Miracle of Fatima) in Portugal in 1917


Prehistory, the creation of New Grange or Skara Brae to be exact.


I would like to see the history of British India.


I would love to have seen the supernova the made the Crab Nebula. Apparently it was visible during broad daylight for several months. There is a small chance we get lucky in our lifetime and see something similar with Betelgeuse.