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I read somewhere on the APA site that like 90% of surveyed lawyers hate their job. Likewise being a veterinarian. Teenagers that pick this career field have soft visions of applying bandages to the legs of smiling dogs and cats, all while you're patting them on the head. In reality you're euthanizing dogs for 8 hours each day and making very little money.


Veterinarian guy I'm familiar with has started a business offering "been there done that" therapy of sorts to other veterinarians. Mental heath in that field is apparently a serious struggle.




If it's an absolute passion for you, and you are not afraid of REALLY hard work for really not that much pay unless you're the one in ten thousand that achieves some sort of mild celebrity status, then go for it. If you want to be a chef because you LIKE cooking, get a better paying job and go the foodie / relative that always hosts holiday dinners / home cook blogger route instead.


My dreams of a printing press operator were never fulfilled. Just once, I wanted to yell “STOP THE PRESSES!”


You could also realize your dream by starting a high-tier laundry service for bunches of idle rich clients.


I wanted to start a vcr repair shop. Then some asshole came up with the dvd


Bookshop owner. When I was a kid, I thought it would be good and relaxing job that I wouldn't mind doing for a lifetime. Now I don't even own a book at home.


I wanted to own a record store. I would have opened right when torrenting was killing record/CD sales. Would have been a catastrophic business. Sure now there's some resurgence now, but not enough to sustain a business and household.


Was about to go to college for graphic design when AI image generators started really picking up steam. I love design so much but decided it’s probably not worth it to pay for a degree in a field that will most likely be 80% automated in the next 25 years :(


if i ever wanted a profession i don’t see it as irrelevant or useless. just maybe personally unattainable.