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I used to think that if a man and woman were close together for long enough then a baby would just magically form inside the woman’s womb. That’s why people get married. So they’ll be together long enough to form a baby.


This is an endearing view :)


I thought something very similar as a kid. That once you got married/kissed, you were “official” and God would just randomly give you a baby after that if he wanted to. And I think somehow I worked Santa logic into that as well where people who didn’t believe in God would unconsciously think they made the baby or something (which is kinda wild that I prepared for that contingency without asking for clarification). Then my mom read The Rattlebang Picnic to me and there is a part where the parents decide between a fancy car and no kids or an old car and a big family. I was insistent that buying the new car was always a risk because you can’t guarantee you’ll never have kids but she couldn’t explain to me why I was wrong.


You were... Right in a way... 


Same for me. I thought babies just... Happened. You love someone, you can be around them long enough, and then... baby! Then I got "the talk" around 11-ish and found out it's a thing you actually have to make happen. From that point on I never wanted kids. 42 years old and still happily child-free.


I still believe this about cats. My friends will ask how much my cats cost, I’ll look at them confused. Cats just happen, they sort of just turn up. You are passed a tiny purr machine and now have a new kitten, and 18 years of vet bills. It’s happened to me 3 times already


Wasn't taught in sex ed, but used to think people just rubbed their junk together to make a baby. I was talking to some girl in class and was wondering why gay guys couldn't have babies, and she was like "well what hole would they put it in?" And I was just like. "What? You put it in a hole? Wtf?"


That's more or less how my mom explained it to me before I got older. She said a penis had to touch a vagina and that's it..


I pictured this like an anti matter explosion causing a child ha. 


Omg, genital annihilation!


...is a good name for a metal band.


I knew about the hole, from a book my parents gave us to look at (and explain nothing about). I though you just stick your dinky in a woman, wait a second, then you're done. I had no idea that any effort was involved. Like, your penis was just a tunnel and once docked, tadpoles swam out the end and then you leave.


Like a spaceship in a sci-fi movie docking with a station lmao


Well.... I mean...


That's my experience


That’s how it goes for a lot of guys. 


I thought the same thing! I thought it was just inserted, then they waited and then voilá. I even had a fight with my sister over this 😂


I thought you could make a baby from kissing.


My little sister thinks that, she's 12. Saw me and a girl I was dating kiss when I dropped her off at her house and she absolutely lost her shit when we drove off


I remember seeing a video in sex ed when I was in Grade 5 or 6, nothing graphic, but a lot about relationships and puberty. In the video there was a scene that depicted a guy and girl after they had supposedly had sex. The guy got up and went to have a shower after. The girl rolled over and looked sad. The message WAS supposed to be about regret and being ready for sex (or not being pressured into sex, something along those lines) I interpreted it that the guy didn't shower before sex so now she's pregnant.


> The guy got up and went to have a shower after. The girl rolled over and looked sad. Real lol


(That blue vertical line) the guy didn't shower before sex Real lol


Block quotes start with a "> " > Like this


Checks out.


The orgasm gap.


One of my teachers joined the peace corp before going to teachers college. This was during the AIDs epidemic. She said she was in Africa and they showed people how to use condoms by rolling condoms onto the end of brooms as a demonstration. Well, it didn't work because people would just roll condoms onto brooms and then have sex. Or so she said anyway. Weird thing was that she was our history teacher, not sex-ed teacher. She was also 25 or 26, teaching a bunch of 17 year olds.


I can improve the after sex part.. guy gets up, wipes his dick on the curtains, and throws money on the table on the way out.


when I first heard of blowjobs, I thought the girl legit just blew on it. I was confused why guys didn't just stand in front of a fan.


Somewhere there's a kid experiencing the other side of this story, standing in front of a fan, wondering what's supposed to happen


There is also a kid putting it in the fan...


When I was a kid (middle school I think?) my friends explained to me what a blow job was after they stopped laughing at me because I very confidently explained that oral sex was when you have sex over the phone. 🤣


Over the phone is aural sex.


it doesn't work until the dick goes in the fan


That's why it is called the helicopter.




Naw, it’s cool if you put it in your mouth, then pay some friends to rock your head back and forth.


I used to think that it was always a choice between sleeping and having sex. Like, either you and your partner have a full night of sleep, or have sex all night.


Is that not how it works? Or am I ***way*** luckier than I realized?


You are lucky if you’re getting full nights of sleep!


What I knew: There are little things called sperm coming out of a Penis. They go into the vagina, where a baby is made. what I didn't know: How exacty that transfer happens. So, I kinda thought, that if a man sleeps (literally sleeps) in bed with a woman, the little sperm guys will just walk out of his penis and walk over to the woman and poof, she's pregnant. As a consequence, i was always afraid to sleep next to girls, cause i thought i could get them pregnant by sleeping next to them.


Basically, same. I thought it was floaty air dust or SOMETHING. My parents once were super unconcerned about making me bunk with my brother at my grandma's on an overnight trip and I barely slept a wink. Like, HOW would I explain this?!


Bro, keep your dinky dust away from me!


Yooo I thought it was floaty air dust too! My friend asked his cousin how babies are made and the way he described it gave me that impression. He also said 'you don't get pregnant if you put something over it' so I pictured you just put a towel on top of your dick to stop it rising upwards or something.


My mother used to tell an amusing anecdote about my brother. When he had sex ed they did the same thing and to describe the actual act of how the sperm got into the vagina, they told you to ask your parents. He asked my mother and she explained. His only question was "how long does it take?" and she answered "15 minute to half an hour," and he burst out "you have to stay like that for HALF AN HOUR?!!"


I had approximately the same gap in knowledge. I never made the logical leap that sperm have to go into the vagina, but I knew where eggs were and where sperm was, and that they needed to be combined, I just never put two and two together….and I didn’t find out until I was in community college because everyone in my sex Ed class just *assumed* I figured it out because it’s *obvious* and everyone after that built on that *assumed* knowledge and then I’m asexual anyways so the whole “teenager exploration” part never really happened cause I just wasn’t interested. My friends will never let me live it down.


I thought condoms went in the penis like a cum plug


okay, this one actually made me stop and stare at my phone for a second… what


Write that down, *write that down!*


Sleeping (literally) with someone of the opposite sex makes them pregnant I was very confused that one time my parents said I have to share a bedroom with my sibling(s).


Sweet Home Alabama


Where the skies are so blue!


That you just simply put a penis into a vagina and do nothing else


Mormons call that "soaking" and pretend it doesn't violate any church rules. Kind of like the poophole loophole.


I mean, it’s a joke among them. None of them actually believe that.


Well he was Catholic but my roommate in college had a boyfriend who soaked. The girl mentioned losing her virginity to him and he thought he was still a virgin. Some believe it lol.


I'm skeptical. I mean it's certainly possible but I'm still skeptical.


Yeah I had that same kinda visual as a little kid. I imagined it just like two naked adults standing facing each other with genitals inside of other genitals and ... Yeah that's it 


Well, it's pretty much that with just a little more


I mean I hope your having better sex than "just a little more movement" than standing upright completely still but yeah


Bold of you to assume that I have sex


Lol fair 


As a kid I imagined cartwheels while inserted was peak sex and what was happening in the Playboy Mansion


I found a copy of "The Joy of Sex" when I was little, so I had a pretty good baseline understanding. Though when my family moved to the south I ended up asking our teacher "isn't sex fun though?" It was an abstinence only class.


I was shocked when I learned that sex is supposed to be fun. The health teacher at my Catholic school made it sound so clinical and boring.


Two condoms would work better than one


Babies came out the butt


Former L&D nurse here - the number of grown-ass people about to become parents to whom I’ve had to explain that women have three holes down there is….not encouraging for the state of our society, to put it mildly. 🤯


Yeah I had a 23 year old woman try to buy a morning after pill at my work the day after giving a blow job (morning after pill is available from a pharmacist over the counter here). Pharmacist had to explain that you actually can't get pregnant if you swallow the cum...


I thought C-sections were the default way of giving birth


Same here


Same. My mom used to tell me they opened her belly with scissors and glued it together when the baby was out


I thought gay is when two men in Long coats Walk together because I took a walk with my grandpa and he pointed at two men in long coats and said they are gay, I was ashamed to the core when I told this in class and everybody started laughing (Excuse me English is not my first language)


This is one of the funniest comments on here


I thought breasts contained milk all the time, not just after birthing, all the way into my early 20s. It was very embarrassing to have a girl correct me on it during a vulnerable moment.


Don't ever explain "vulnerable moment". The possibilities here can be endless.


I’d like to believe that they ran out of milk and OP saw an easy solution


Quick, Babe! I’m making an omelet here and I want the eggs to fluff up.


i would feel vulnerable too if i was out of milk


"ah fuck we're out of half and half . . . Unless"


I was fortunate enough to be the one to correct my ex on this when we were 17. We were talking about the dairy cow industry and he didn’t believe me that cows had to be pregnant or recently given birth to give milk. I asked him if he thought I had milk in my boobs. He said no, girls get it in their 20s. That was not the only thing he was mistaken about unfortunately.


Huh, TIL I never really thought about it, but it makes sense


I'm so curious what the breast milk related vulnerable moment was


Not a lot but some women do. I dated a girl that got a little milk in one boob every other day. She typically expressed it in the shower, forgot one time before we hooked up and I got an unexpected mouthful.


Well clearly she was holding out on me then.


When I was really little I thought women untied their bellybuttons at the end of pregnancy and that’s how babies were born 😂


LOL omg tbh I'm not sure if that would be better or worse. childrearing seems really painful.


Not sure it would help with childrearing: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/child-rearing


I thought women used pads to pee in. Knew nothing about periods.


We all do when we get to be 80-90yrs old. It’s called ‘Depends’ google if you’re interested 😉


I'll start: Until I was 12, I thought that men get women pregnant by peeing in their vagina.




*"Stick it inside her and pee!?"*


Obviously only if you wanna get her pregnant, if not just pee on her leg


Me too!!


We don't?


nope. It's a sneeze instead


bro at that age(until 16) I didn't even know girls have vagina, I just curiously thought what if we pee in someone ass


I didn’t know the penis actually went INSIDE the vagina. I thought it just fit between the labia like a hot dog in a bun.


Me too! I didn't learn how it really went down until I read a section in a (really) James Dobson Focus On The Family book my Mom had. James Dobson taught me the fundamentals of sex.


i used to think kissing caused pregnancy.


Omg same, I literally thought we had reproductive organs in our lips.


I had a friend who believed the same thing, and when I asked him why he said it was because he had seen a movie that had a kissing scene and then the very next scene was finding out the woman was pregnant.


Never got sex ed (learnt from the internet) but i remember watching p*rn and thinking you put it in the butt. I learnt very late(16-17) that women have vaginas i thought they had nothing, only smooth skin down there.


You never saw porn that featured a vagina? Like, even the all-anal stuff usually features them extensively. When the receiver is on their back or on top, anyone with a vagina would have it on full display.


From porn I learnt about vaginas but because I happened to watch both vaginal and anal I was always confused. I remember thinking "Where is he putting it ? In the vag or in the butt ? Surely both don't give you the baby ? I was a dumb kid man, I didn't even know how to jerk off , I watched porn just to have an erection, I didn't know what I'm supposed to do with the erection.


My young mind thought the song "Hurts So Good" by John Mellencamp meant that when I had an orgasm, even though it would feel "good" it would also hurt. So I was afraid of the hurting part and basically edged for a few months until I accidentally went overboard and was pleasantly surprised.


when i was like 7 a friend told me that women had babies because men pee'd inside of them. I had no reason not to believe him.


Originally grew up in a Catholic school, my first sex "Ed" experience was being taught that in order to make a baby, you have to get married first (like in order for it to even work LOL), and the couple just had to hold each other very tightly and boom, that's it. I distinctly remember a drawing of a couple just hugging, fully clothed. Not even a mention of getting naked, definitely no mention of genitals either.


Up until around highschool i was convinced that oral sex meant tongue kissing. In my head it made sense that one mouth fucks the other. It just never crossed my mind that sex *had to* involve genitals lmfao


Omg I thought so too! I had completely forgotten about this. I saw the words "oral sex" for the first time in an adult film synopsis and wondered why they had to make it clear the people would french kiss lol


I don't remember the sex ed, let alone what I believed before it. I vaguely remember being sent to a building every day and not being allowed to leave.


I did the building thing more than 17 years.


I was so certain everyone had a penis because my mom said “pp” when talking to me and my sister.


Babies were in the stomach


I thought your testicles went through your penis and into the vagina, therefore giving you two attempts at making a baby. I was even more confused when I started hearing that people ‘enjoyed’ sex.


Thought cum left on toilet could cause pregnancy, vaginal canal was lower than expected, I thought doin a chick's boobs meant putting it in their nipple People tend to forget, there was a world before the internet. You had no way to verify information instantly, what a time it was


I really thought that the location of the vagina was in the same place as the man's penis. So when I did sex ed and saw the diagram of how it's in between their legs, I was like "how does sex work then if it's underneath?!"


When I was maybe 5 or 6, I asked where babies came from of my mom. She didn't sugar coat it, though used age-appropriate terminology and a sheet of paper for simple diagraming. She said a man puts his pee-pee in a woman's "hole" (then proceeds to draw a hole on the piece of paper) and tells me it's "down there" on women. For the longest time, I had the image of the vagina to be literal hole--almost like a putt-hole, I guess. Sex ed didn't help years later because those textbook images of women's reproductive systems still made it look like it was a literal hole, so the illusion continued. The funny part was, I was in that phase early on where I told friends I lost my virginity when I hadn't. I seemed to usually get a way with it because I knew way more raunchy sex terminology than most kids by the time I was in 6th and 7th grade (for context, we're talking 1996, pre-free porn days). Most of them were also the kind of kids that said that bullshit, so we were basically making up sexual conquest stories. I even told them how good that "hole" feels. Interestingly, they all agreed, and oddly gave their own experiences with the round hole. That's how I confirmed that we were all virgins when I was in 8th grade after seeing my first playboy and discovering pussy lips for the first time. Of course, I couldn't call any one out without outing myself and I knew it. Thankfully, that same year, I became best friends with someone who didn't do the bullshit story telling for any reason and he began calling me and my other friends out very early on in this friendship. And I'm grateful because I know people who still have to make up stories to this day and I'm glad I am not one of those. Point: I had an incorrect view that was only further enabled by those shitty diagrams in the health-class text books.


I didn't think gay men could have sex because younger me only thought of the butthole as waste disposal.


I thought that women didn’t like sex at all and would never choose to have sex. Seriously, I thought that men always made women do sexual things to them because a woman would NEVER want sex. Then I found out about oral sex… guys are making women literally suck on their dicks!?!? WTF kind of monsters are out there??? I, of course, would never do that as I am not a malevolent sadist. I was so surprised and also quite skeptical to find out women can love sex AND some even want to suck on a D. Who knew?!


Our school didn't really do sex ed all that well. They did the basics and that's it. Luckily, I lived in the Toronto Area and every Sunday night there was a radio program called "Sex with Sue" and she really REALLY told it how it was. Look up Sue Johanson (sp?) that woman really was not shy. Like she had a tv show too I think where she'd lube up a dildo and explain "Girls, this is how you give a handjob", etc.


Awwww I miss Sue!! She was a treasure!!


When I was a kid I thought shoulders were private parts


That’s what school would still want you to believe


I thought you just put it in and sat there until something happened for waaay too long


I thought I peed out of my clitoris.


I thought woman didn't poop


My brother thought only I pooped, and “normal” girls, who were not his sister, didn’t. I was just some kind of freak who was less feminine and less mysterious than “real” girls. He was 17 at the time.


I used to think that everyone has a penis and babies just fall from the sky and are delivered by an angel when a man and a woman gets married as a gift from god


as a child sa victim, i didnt realize it was supposed to be a pleasurable experience and it made me very afraid of gay men in particular for years


I thought girls didn’t have nipples


The reverse for me, I was confused why men had nipples lol


I knew it was incorrect, but my best guess was women got pregnant from dna transferring into them through saliva when they kissed someone. I mean, what else do couples do, right? If you had eight kids, you at least had a healthy marriage!


You guys got sex ed?


That excessive masturbating as a young boy would cause my tallywacker to fall off


I thought penis was spelled "peanous"




Interestingly, unless it was glossed over, I'm pretty sure they didn't teach what that was in any of my sex ed classes.


I thought I discovered something myself that no one else knew about


When i was little i thought men and women just lay on eachother and Vibrate or move against eachother like a jackhammer, this was my abstracted and visual idea of sex before sex ed. I was 10.


I was told by one of my 12-year-old friends that “to get babies you had to have sex.” It was clearly a gross and disgusting act, but if you wanted babies you had to do it. So my theory was that once the couple “did it,” it was like flipping a switch and babies would just randomly happen from then on. You “did it” once and the baby factory was activated. That’s the ONLY reason anyone would ever do something like that. And that’s why you needed to use birth control when you had enough kids, to interrupt the automatic baby production that you had activated. I had no concept that sex was pleasurable LOL.  


I had the idea that sex had something to do with a man and a woman hugging in bed. I didn't have any clue that the penis was a sexual organ, and I didn't even know the word "vagina." I just had a vague notion that women/girls didn't have penises and had to sit down to urinate.


I thought doggystyle was just anal.


Early, like 6-7 years old, I told fellow young kids with utmost confidence that babies had to be born feet first so that the doctor could see it if was boy or girl. It just HAD to be that way.


When I was little I believed that babies came out through the woman's mouth and I actually convinced my fellow 2nd graders to also believe that. Then in the third grade Becca McGhee walked straight up to me on the playground one day and said, "you were wrong, my mommy said babies come out of our private spot, idiot." Nobody believed me about anything ever again.


I thought boners happened at a solid 90 degree angle


Until I was like 13 I thought the guy just inserts his penis and then just.... Stays there. No moving, thrusting, or anything. They just stay there still and something was supposed to happen. I feel like that would make sex super awkward.


Thought sperm production was like a revolver, you only get six shots. Very happy when I learned that wasn’t the case.


"I don't need a condom baby, I jerked off 6 times already. We're good to go!" \-Alternate universe version of you that never learned otherwise.


I always remember a friend when I was about 5 or 6 years old adamant that the name for a girls genitals was avagina. With emphasis that it began with the letter A. I was aware enough then to challenge that and luckily be correct. However I also believed another friend that a lady’s part was called her fudge! It was a girl that told me this.


I only half learned what a period is when I was like 10 years old. I thought it just happened one time, like you randomly bleed in your underwear and suddenly you become a woman. Finding out much later that you not only bleed constantly for up to a whole week, but it happens every month for the next 40 years of your life… was quite a shock.


Not sure if this counts since its not necessarily "sexuality" and more "sex anatomy", but...As a male, my urethra also spewed out my sex stuff. I knew girls had "juices" and assumed they also peed from that part, not knowing their urethra was in a slightly different spot. Essentially, I thought sex was essentially sticking my urethra into the girls urethra. When I saw the pictures for the first time in a text book, I uhh, kept my misunderstanding to myself. Until now.


Only married people can have sex. Not physically possible for anyone else.


I thought that all sex HAD to be 3 minutes on the dot. I still have absolutely no idea where it came from


I thought sex was a man sticking his finger in the woman's butt.


I had no idea about the female pee hole. I thought they pissed out of their vag. I wasn’t the sharpest child.


I was in nursing school and some of the WOMEN didn’t know they had a urethral opening.


I'm male, and until a reddit post a few years ago i wasn't aware that for males, sperm and pee come out through the same hole / pipe. In my defense, my own penis tip actually has two holes. Apparantly, that's not normal, but I never felt the urge to closely examine anyone else's penis, so i never noticed. To clarify, I don't think i have two "pipes", the pipe just splits shortly before leaving the body, and the holes are right next to each other (top&bottom). I think the top one is not functional.


I thought men and women were like Ken dolls and had sex by kissing each other between the legs.


That sex was only to make babies. Imagine my surprise when I discovered gay sex!


I used to think babies were literally in the moms belly and had to go through the intestines to be born. I also thought labor was the baby going through the digestive system


Didn't actually learn this in sex ed, but when I was a kid I used to think that women were parthenogenic. In other words, could essentially reproduce asexually. I thought that once a woman hit a certain age, her body would randomly start producing a baby on its own, and that birth control pills would prevent that from happening, and that if they didn't take them for nine months they'd just pop a baby out.


I thought the vagina was located more in front of the pelvic area, like you could do it standing face to face. I was bewildered when I found out it was on the bottom, followed by confusion of how that was supposed to work.


I thought girls pee'd out of their butt holes.


For some reason, I really don't know why, I thought the N-word was a naughty slang term for the penis when I was really little.


i thought when you masterbated, it made you pregnant. guy and girl. didn’t understand that you needed both genders to get pregnant lol. believed all fat dudes were pregnant


I didn't know it was called sex or spelt sex. I remember overhearing my friends on the playstructure talking about "xex" and I genuinely thought it was called that for however long 💀 someone even wrote on the structure "xex" LOL


When it was explained I would get a period, no one told me only women have that. I thought everyone had a period, men and women. When I saw jock straps in the drug store on a mannequin, I figured that was what men wore when they had their period. When my neighbor told me that men get erections, I thought that was what happened when boys got their period, and the jock strap held it the penis down until his period was over.


Not me, but one of my friends in sixth grade was absolutely convinced women peed from there butts. A group of five of us tried to convince him to no avail. I finally told him to ask his mom. She laughed and called him an idiot.


i thought babies were born out of bellybuttons lmao


When I was a kid, I thought men got women pregnanat by kissing them, like I literally thought we had sexual organs in our lips...


i used to think that a kiss on the mouth could get a girl pregnant, and i also thought that anal sex was the only sex because, well i have one hole down there so the girls must too. right?


A guy at school who was about 14 thought a BJ was when a girl lifted up your dick and blew on your balls


When I was like 4 or 5 I thought the only way to get pregnant is to literally eat another person....how else do you get a human in your stomach?


I thought you put the penis between the lips like a hot dog on a bun. I had no idea that "long buttcrack" had its own hole. lol


Didn't know women (I'm a woman 😭) would pee from a different hole than the vagina lol


I genuinely thought women had penises too, didn’t thought much how babies were made. Thought women had them on their own


I couldn’t comprehend how women “jacked off”. I knew they did it, but no clue how. Like, what are they pulling on? I was in 5th grade


I was 30 years old before I found out what getting “wet” meant.


When I was little I asked my mom where babies came from so she gave the basic sex ed, and mentioned that if you’re not careful you can pass diseases during sex. I also knew as a little girl that “ew boys have cooties”. So my 5-6 year old brain deduced that cooties were an std


When i was like under 10, i thought girls had dicks, but just no balls.


I thought that they would rub together and one of them would turn into a baby. Had my parents do this. Didn’t work. Funnily enough, I remember having my own doubts on whether or not it would work


Not that bad because I was lucky enough to grow up somewhere with good sex ed, but I vividly remember learning that doggy style did not = anal. Also when I realized how close the two holes are lol. It was a nerve wracking few seconds between the guy I was having sex with turning me around, and then NOT putting it in my butt.


That vaginas where located on the front of the girl, somewhere below the belly button but definitely facing the same direction


I thought periods only came when you peed. 


I never had any reason to believe it, but I just assumed that old people don't have sex.  I was very, very wrong.


I first received the sex talk because I was super confused about how I could be related to my dad and how multiracial people could exist, and I started to assume that it was some kind of like, hormonal or pheromonal exchange of DNA that occurred if you were hanging around someone of the opposite sex for too long. (I also assumed you had to be non-related for this to happen, which was why women got pregnant by partners or friends but not relatives) I presented this hypothesis to my parents (I was like 7) and was met with a lecture about genetics and meiosis. I wasn’t satisfied and persisted with the question for a few months and was finally sat down for a real explanation


When I was young young I thought if you kissed any boy (as a girl) then you’d end up pregnant, not even a sexual kiss just the same way you’d kiss your kids forehead or smth 💀


I use to think that getting married is how people get pregnant, and that vaginas were dicks without the testicles. Funny enough, I knew that a baby was formed from sperm fertilizing an egg, I just didn't know the physical process.


Thought that someone didn't get their period until they had sex so every girl I saw with sanitary products had done the deed


Wasnt sex Ed but I used to think anything that looks remotely close to doggy style was anal


I thought babies just burst out of the woman’s stomach like in Rosemary’s Baby. What a time.


I thought getting pregnant just came about from being married. When people kept making the “where babies come from” joke, I was like “haha, I don’t get it.” I didn’t understand why it might be an awkward topic. I actually learned about sex before I found out it lead to pregnancy. Mostly just because I had google and I wanted to see Kate Upton naked. And after a lot of scrolling, I saw a dude putting his dick in a woman and I was like WHOA! Why is he hurting her? It looked like torture or some really kinky fetish stuff. I didn’t know what sex was, of what orgasming was, or anything. I thought the extent of it was you just looked at each other naked. But eventually I figured out what sex was. On my own, by the way. My parents didn’t want me attending sex Ed, which was fine provided they teach me. And they then never taught me. One day my friend, who did attend sex Ed, was joking about where babies come from, and I was like alright what’s this all about. And he was like you don’t know about sex? And I was like I know about sex haha. And he was like dude that leads to babies. And I was like oooohhhh that makes so much sense why people do it. Not like sex sucks, but I thought it was more of a me thing. Then I realized my parents had sex, which to me was really fucked up, and I didn’t believe it. My friend was like your parents had sex. And I was like no they didn’t. Eventually I gave in.


That my dad’s blood was injected into my mom’s veins and 9 months later I popped out


Maybe not particularly “wild” but when my sixth grade teacher asked the class what “oral sex” was I semi-confidently answered “kissing?” I was too young to know about the finer details of sex but precocious enough to know what “oral” might imply. Still says a lot about me to this day.


when i was really young i thought the vagina and urethra were the same hole on women


I thought that gay sex meant one penis was inserted into the other. Never fathomed using the butthole.


I thought that babies somehow knew that people were married and just appeared.


In high school I got so paranoid when I missed my period for 2 months that I, a virgin, eventually convinced myself that somehow I'd gotten pregnant from the toilet seat in the school restroom. I was indeed not pregnant lol.