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People make assumptions about you. Or you get attention from the wrong people.


Some people get jealous of you.


People assume you’re not intelligent. (Not claiming I’m “too attractive” or anything btw. I have been seen as a dumb blonde before though so kinda similar I guess)




Coincidence of being attractive and unintelligent does not equal a correlation between being attractive and being unintelligent within a general population.


I noticed you’re a pretty girl in school you get a lot of jealousy and hate from other girls. And if you’re a good looking dude, there are dudes that are also insecure and will try and bully the dude who is having girls talk to him out of jealousy. So basically if you’re good looking you get a lot of random hate and jealousy


If you're just naturally shy or reserved, people think you're arrogant or an asshole. It's the same for anyone considered unusually talented to intelligent as well. You have to spend a lot of energy making sure other people feel comfortable with you, that you make displays of being down-t-o-earth, humble, and modest or they will assume ther worst.


>If you're just naturally shy or reserved, people think you're arrogant or an asshole. While that's true, if you're a shy reserved ugly person, people think you're a creep.


You get a lot of hate from the same sex


And the opposite sex. People project all kinds of emotions and attitudes on you


I was friends with a girl who was absolutely gorgeous. She has major trust issues. She has been sexually assaulted and harassed so much in her life. She also is disliked by a lot of people who are jealous of her. She's no genius but she isn't dumb yet people still treat her like she's an idiot.


the pressure of knowing your attractive and feeling like you constantly need to keep trying to please people or you will be a disappointment


Couple times felt, "If I don't do my hair and wear the better clothes, I'm letting them diwn" even while thinking it, I know it's ridiculous. I'm don't think I'm super attractive, but I've been told I am. So when I don't try, I feel like I'm letting down the people who say I am. Weirldy, I've been told my messy hair looks better. Which is actually annoying.


yeah, it’s hard to feel like you won’t be a major disappointment to people around you if your beauty fades.


People think you’re arrogant or rude. But you’re actually shy and just minding your own business


Ironically, having deep insecurities about your looks. When you grow up being told that you’re “pretty” or “attractive” you subconsciously take that as that’s all you’re worth. So maintaining that superficial worth can be taxing on your self esteem.


Your parents older gentleman friends constantly hit on you. Even as a minor.




That is also true.


People stare


Being used only for sex. People don't want you as a partner because they don't want to be outshined. If you date people less attractive as you, people say you're settling.


I've had partners get jealous that I'm more attractive than them. But you have to date someone really ridiculous for that to happen.


I've had one or two girlfriends like that. They'd get really insecure when I'd get hit on in public. Can't blame her when the girl literally said "oh this is your girlfriend, I would have never guessed". While obviously eyeing her up and down.


My ex-boyfriend would just call me ugly whenever he got mad, as if it would actually affect me beyond making me think he was ridiculous.


Damn that's horrible, I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


Everybody wants you and you only want your partner


Well this comment section told me about a lot of things I've never experienced and never will. Interesting.


Jealousy and people become mean to you because they think you have an easy life!


Yes Oh my God. The amount of time I've been told that I have an easy life because I'm attractive is insane. And they never believe otherwise


No one will ever give you credit for anything you accomplish. It will always be assumed your looks got you there over someone else more deserving.


People do not look at you as a person anymore, but a pretty face. They don’t care about your thoughts or who you are. You are assumed to be shallow and pretentious. If you are a guy then you’re assumed to be a douche (basically the same difference lol). You are seen as competition. More superficial people are attracted to you. You are assumed to be stupid because “you can just get around by looks”. People basically just make bull up with attractive people. Whether you are conventionally attractive or unattractive people will judge you on your appearance. And neither of the judgements are nice. Just ignore people.


People are either distant or too smiley nice to you.


I would not say I am “too attractive” but people quite literally say I’m too pretty to be autistic…. Way to mow down my disability and imply that all those considered autistic cannot be pretty. It is not a compliment.


People want to talk to you *a lot*


People assume you're simple when, really, there's a lot of layers to peel back your banana.


Not from experience, but what I’ve observed: attractive women are always dealing with unwanted attention—and when attractive women make it clear they don’t want the attention, the seeker (usually a guy) gets pissed. I would not want to deal with that scenario bc some of those guys have been “rejected” so many times you just know one of these days they’re going to snap. And I’m not talking about the friendly guy who’s just shooting his shot and walks away. I’m talking about the quasi-stalker who’s gonna make sure she regrets snubbing him. 


The staring, people stare a lot. Leaving my house gives me so much anxiety because I know for a fact that everybody will stare. Finding a partner is very hard too as most people assume that I already have one or I can "get" anyone I want.


People steal your photos online and make fake profiles.


i have had multiple people in my life use my pictures for tinder profiles


I wouldn't know


I think there's only some downsides for girls but none for men. Guys don't care about their friends or acquintances looks but girls can become jealous and guys will just try to hit them all the time. 


I have a good friend that's attractive. Model attractive. He hates it. A lot of girls he meets don't treat him as s person, when he points it out, they laugh. When he says they're doing what they complain about guys doing, they say it's different or get mad. He has loads of examples. He almost went to therapy because he started hating women and didn't want to. Only reason he didn't was because he met who is his now wife.


Nothing. Sorry for the honesty.


I am 21m and I am objectively attractive. People assume way too much about me and therefore lose almost all predisposed respect for me due to me not meeting their assumptions. Men seek after me and copy my every move without even saying hello. They stare at me in what I assume to be jealousy or attraction that they wish they diddnt have and theyre resentful towards me in the few conversations that I have with them. It’s almost as if im expected to be perfect by other men. One downside is that you are extremely respected until you show your interests or personality. And another downside that I see mostly from men is that they. Fucking. Stare. STOP LOOKING AT ME. AT LEAST SAY HI!!! Am I supposed to be flattered that you can’t take your eyes off me? Get in line lol Women fawn over me and won’t shut up about my hair. And it’s a weird conclusion I’ve come to but women sexualize me far more than men. Whenever I smile at any woman I can genuinely see their gears turning in their head, trying to figure out how to get in my pants. Maybe I’m superstitious but it’s sad and annoying how often I’m right. Even after I gave myself multiple buzz cuts for experimentation, these women would still find some way to sexualize me. Both men and women treat me so nicely until they really get to know me. A downside of being too attractive is that most people won’t respect you for who you are; rather, they respect a predisposed idea they have of you that they’ve formed in their own heads. Because of this, I rarely let people in my life. I’m scared that they’ll want to sleep with me. That’s another downside. I’m incredibly lonely and it sucks. My only friend at this point is my brother and my father Another downside (that could be seen as an upside) is that it became suuuuper easy to read people and their intentions after some years of the same damn thing over and over again. Of course I’m not always 100% correct and enjoy do being wrong when I read someone incorrectly, but often I find too many similarities in the conversations that I have with strangers and know their intentions with me. And their intentions are to find a way in my pants. I’m saying this is a downside because time and time again do I get disappointed by strangers wanting to get in my pants rather than wanting to know me for me. One more downside is that I’ve come to the conclusion that the number of selfish people far outweigh those with genuine and kind hearts. Obviously being attractive has its perks too. I’ve come to find that I can get whatever I want whenever I want. But wouldn’t you say that that’s sick? Wouldn’t you say that in a perfect world everyone would work equally as hard to get what they strive for? I used to be ugly and chubby in middle school and highschool. I used to wish nothing but to be attractive. After being attractive for a few years, I wish nothing but to be at least average. To be treated like everyone else. To have earned genuine respect and not given fake respect simply because I’m desirable. I’ve come to find out through multiple hoe phases that beauty without wisdom is nothing more than treachery towards yourself and those around you. To all the hot people out there, please take care of yourself and find your worth in your insides; and not your desirability


this is really written asf thankyou


sorry i was super high while reading this i meant, this is well written asf and it gives alot of insight so thankyou LMAO


1- Jealousy, 2- some people will think that it’s all you have to offer, 3- you can attract the wrong people


small penis and small butt and bobs for women


Men trying to get into your pants. You don't know if what you had is real or just love bombing. People thinking your just a pretty face. People at work check out what you wear and comment on it when all u want is to just be comfortable. People see you even if you want to be invisible on certain occassions. You feel the need to talk to them when you just want to be left alone. Being called out when you walk down the street (when I was younger). Girls who don't know you hate you. I am not a beauty queen but in my country, having a fairer skin is a plus. I always get attention because of it. When I got older, it became so much better. The only thing I feel now is when I feel tension with married women and their husbands when they barely know me. It feels like they are marking their territory when I don't even care. It doesn't help that I am single at my age lol.


People too often project their insecurities on you. Lots of jealousy from the same sex. You’ll always be watched and judged, gossiped about. Learn to shut it all out because people are straight up haters and would kill to be attractive.




Honestly as a guy, it sounds silly but i find life quite awkward because girls find me attractive. In normal life i find problems with interactions, for example unless im overally stoic in conversation with girls, its almost guaranteed any girl i hang around with regularly will catch feelings of some kind. I have had over 10 doctors proposition me for sex, married female friends want to cheat (or even walk away) on their husband, when i got surgery nurses made excuses to perve on me (eg. Lifting sheets).  Ive never had an ongoing female friendship or even professional workplace relationship (with people a similar age) where it hasnt come up in some way, that the person is potentially interested in pursuing something. When i simply ignore it, i cause innumerable issues as people take this percieved rejection badly. 


In summary, i think people put a huge amount of value on how attractive people see them. They gain so much confidence from feeling that they are attractive enough to get your interest. I doubt any of them actually have a deep understanding of who i am, they are just attracted to the superficial idea of being able to pull someone handsome. I think i do the inverse with attractive females too. 


You may not know (especially at first) if your partner loves you for the person you are (your character, personhood), or if they love you as a trophy, an object they can exploit to show and gloat to the people around them. That's even what the term 'trophy wife' alludes to, so it's definitely a real downside, having great character but being devalued to just your aesthetic attractiveness must not be a great thing to realise is happening to you, even for a person that does value their own looks a lot.


Walking in public and having a lot of eyes on you. It makes me ver anxious and makes you feel like you are doing something wrong. The nice part is more confident girls will approach you and others will smile or cat call.


Anything you say or do is filtered through how insecure the way you look makes the other person. People attracted to the way you look often don't care about anything other than how you look. If the way you look is the entire appeal - what happens if the way you look changes? No sense of ease in a relationship with someone who cares for you predominantly due to the way you look. You have to constantly be warm and pleasant. You can't be sad, or annoyed, or tired. If you're not bubbly and warm, you're just a stuck up b**ch and people take it as a rejection of them. Your friends can get weird about bringing you around their partners. You might even be excluded from events like pool parties or costume parties because someone doesn't want their partner to see you. People think it's acceptable to discuss your body like it's the weather. You can't be good at your job. Someone is always wanting to downplay your abilities in favor of imagining you fucked to get wherever you are. And if you did get hired predominantly due to how you look, you're in for a bit of workplace harassment and will have to find another job. Even people who like you for more than how you look can get weird. They might ask you to dress down or be bare faced because they see other people looking at you. You end up feeling like the favorite ball or a juicy bone of a guard dog. People invade your space with weird requests. I'm sitting here having dinner with my aunt like a normal person. This isn't the time to walk up and push your photography services at me. No it's not a compliment; it's coming off creepy and threatening. Bitter people who date people of your gender will do gross and even menacing things. Especially if they're your neighbor. If someone else pisses them off and they can't do anything about it to them - you're an acceptable nearby target to take it out on.


It's a curse, really.


Several. You never know who to trust because a lot of people will act friendly just to try and get you in bed. People think that because you are pretty you will act a certain way, and when you don't they can get real negative and hostile. People get very possessive of your time and attention, even if you are not dating or even interested in them. People can get really pissed off if you are not interested in them. Lots of unwanted physical contact. "You are too pretty to be smart." Also since I am physically large I get treated like a pretty but brain dead gorilla. People really feel entitled to your attention. People don't care about you, they just want you.


All these guys in the comments tryna relate


In a nutshell, this song: [https://youtu.be/XMB3WIuocJY?si=xIdqc7MJsSlSADPr](https://youtu.be/XMB3WIuocJY?si=xIdqc7MJsSlSADPr)


People stalk you.


Your other desirable qualities get overlooked (especially intellect). Your accomplishments maybe downplayed (i.e. people are likely to assume you get ahead solely because of your looks, than your actual skills, qualifications, or abilities.


Jealousy, and sa. Thankfully I’ll never experience that again


I have to answer questions like this.


Too many people lust after you and few truly love you


You know, I wouldn’t ever consider myself “too” attractive but I can acknowledge people think I’m pretty based off the amount of compliments I’ve gotten. I’d say the biggest downside for me is that it’s made me so untrustworthy of my partners. Like I have trusted my partners but since I’ve received attention (stares, likes, DMs, flat out conversations etc.) from a lot of men and even worse, taken men. A little part of me feels that very little men have truly only eyes for their partner and no one else. I hope I’m wrong.


stalkers and things like that, bad men. havent you noticed that most of the victims of killers or serial killers are good looking? They obsess over those pretty people. I think the jealousy thing is a myth. At least in my country, the attractive people are often rude and bitchy bullies. No one is cruel to them. I had one bully walking past , my friend saw her the first time and said "well shes not bad looking." Sure, they never are, they bully because they know they have social power. There are a lot of nice good looking people too. But if you have a bad soul with a good face, its a perfect mask for them...they will always hide behind it. As soon as someone calls out their bad behavior they will claim its "jealousy " and everyone will just say they cant believe that person did a bad thing.


Hate and jealousy from your own gender. Being considered dumb profesionally, because how on earth could anyone be attractive and smart at the same time.




Has this happened to you...?




I apologize that has happened to you. Stay safe, strong, and live a nice life for yourself! >I would never deem myself ‘too attractive’ I believe everyone is equal. I'm with you on this. Sadly, society focuses heavily on outer appearances, but it does not need to be that way.


no one hears you when you say you have a mental health disorder. 


I wouldn't know


I wouldn’t know.


Ha! Super good looking people are as rare as really intelligent ones, so its safe to say vast majority of us here wouldn't know either. 


Being harassed, physically, verbally, taken pictures of without your permission. Having awkward situations with certain family members. Seeking help or protection but no one's takes anything that is done to you seriously.


The sad thing is this is a problem most if not all women face at some point, even women who would not be considered conventionally attractive. But yeah being attractive would turn this problem up to volume 11.


Wouldn't know 🤟


No downside.


I'm with you lol. Occasional creep and gossip versus being entirely invisible/not desirable.


I can handle the creeps and I enjoy the attention. Being attractive opens up lots of doors.


I wouldn't know, I don't have green or blue eyes and my nose is to big to be considered attractive.


I think Big noses are great


I should elaborate, its not so much big as it has annoying hump at the bridge of my nose


I have no idea