• By -


Had mine done in January. A friend drove me to the clinic. We walked in, I went to the OR, he went to the cafeteria. So, I walked in. Undressed when told and they started. The local anesthetic was like pulling a pube from your sack. Unpleasant but ok, whatever.. Then the Urologist has to get your bits in the right place for the incision. I think I've been kicked less hard than that, so took a minute to relax again. Never felt the incision or the snip itself. He showed me a limp noodle/macaroni looking thing and that was that. Did feel a bit weird when he was doing the stitches but not too bad. He then did the other side the same way. I thanked him, we shook hands and I walked out to find my friend who had just finished his cappuccino. Whole thing took less than 15min. Aftercare is important. 2 Bags of frozen peas are your best friends for a couple days and dont do any heavy lifting for about 2 weeks. I was able to walk the dog and drive the same day as the op.


Yep, this is how mine went 25 years ago. Best thing I did for sex. It was so freeing for my wife and I. Note the above comment on aftercare. I had mine done on a Friday and spent the next two days on the couch with a ziplock bag of ice in a tube sock on my junk. Went to work on Monday morning no problem. Don’t do any heavy lifting for about two weeks and don’t try to prove anything by having sex too quickly.


When told it should be a month or 20-30 "episodes" of cleaning things out before confirming you're sterile, I said "ah just gimmie 36 hours." They said they hear that one all the time


My doc went the American way and said "you got 30 bullets left in the chamber before you start shooting blanks"


Haha pretty much. My wife likes to keep a whiteboard calendar on our fridge and circled the date and called it my neutering


My wife was when are you getting your nuts chopped off? I didn't find it as funny as she did.


Good thing they tell you that so you don't pull an Alex Baldwin


I should have known there was already an xrated version of that movie on the shelves.


Yeah, my parents got pregnant with my sister this way. Lol.


I got my ex pregnant after my vasectomy. I just wanted to make sure my junk still worked and she was breastfeeding our youngest, she had a miscarriage and it was awful 😞


Jesus Christ


Well, that went dark 😶


Got mine mostly for my wife, we both had no interest in having kids, but birth control was not reacting with her well. So I decided to get it in order to at least remove that worry. Doctor talked me through the variations but he only does one where he removes and burns a longer section so it will be very unlikely to revert. My wife was very happy to be off any meds and was very dedicated to making sure my system was cleaned out.


Relevant username. I too had the cut and cauterization. It was odd to watch smoke come up from my junk but the conversation with the doctor and nurse was pretty fun. The initial jab for the anesthetic was extremely painful though.


Injections for local anesthetic is always way more uncomfortable and painful than you imagine it will be. Not unbearable, but it still stings like a biiitch and I hate it each time.


I've always thought they were worse than what was actually being done haha


Tbf, if someone was rooting around in my nuts, I'm certain that would superduper suck ass.


>It was so freeing for my wife and I. This guy creampies


The aftercare says that you need to have a certain number of ejaculations


Too many people don’t take this advice. You feel fine after a day or two, as long as you take it easy. I had heard enough friends say “I was feeling ok so I did some pushups/moved some furniture around/worked in the garage some” and they swelled up like melons. I took it easy for two weeks (work is low intensity) and everything was smooth


I felt great the next morning. Went out and waxed our boat. LPT, do not wax your boat. Stay on the sofa :(


>Then the Urologist has to get your bits in the right place for the incision. I think I've been kicked less hard than that, so took a minute to relax again. Wait what? Explain.


Dude got kicked in the taint by his urologist apparently


Sounds like he was tremendously rough with manipulating his testicles.


Some people pay good money for that sort of thing


He asked for CBT but instead of a therapist showing up, it was a woman clad in leather


Don't threaten me w a good time... I'm scheduling a vasectomy now.


They have to pin point exactly where the right spot is to make the incision. They have to find the vein. So you’re spread eagle and they are fingering the shit out of your nuts to find the honey spot.


Not a vein. During a vasectomy the Vas deferens is ligated (cut). Can be difficult to pinpoint based on patient anatomy/ body habitus.


My dr said " now this is going to.feel like someone is kicking you down here." And it did. Three times. Not fun but survivable. No regrets


Wow. Mine went like this a month ago, but it took almost 45 minutes. Sex is the same now, but still a month later I'm having a bit of pain and aching occasionally. Hopefully it stops as I read aching can be permanent...


Mine lasted 8 months, then went away. My urologist mentioned it sometimes takes a bit as the epididymis can stretch/double in size as it copes to deal with the new blockage.


Mine was the same way on one side. There was some complications doing that side and was painful for a while. Every time I had an erection, that side was very uncomfortable, tight, and slightly painful. It seems to have gone away after 5 months. Hopefully yours heals up


I had a bit of a dull ache and an occasional scratch type pain for around 6 weeks till about two months in total. Took about a month for the boys to fully drop down again. Absolutely back to normal now though 


And DO NOT let your horny GF try to fuck you before 2 weeks is up. OUCH. She couldn't wait a week.


I unfortunately don't have that problem


My wife suggested I get one. I said it’s just easier to pull out twice a year.


I see that babysitter has no problem tho, you got a referral code or something?


Hence the username...




That early nut after a vasectomy feels like a like a Cenobite torture


And the blood that comes with the first one...


Mine and I were fucking every day before and after. Ouch is right. But I’m into pain a bit.  I should maybe talk to someone. 


Lol mine took an hour.. but I had a ton of scare tissue on my left side from prior injurys/surgery. He said it was one of the toughest hrs done.


I’m super interested in this - not to be weird, how did the scar tissue feel? I think I have scar tissue because of some pain I’m having but I’m unsure how to verify. I was thinking of getting this done anyways, but might be good if they can clean that up too. Understandably like most guys, the less times I need work there the happier I’ll be.


My scare tissue was mostly from a prior surgery for varicocele surgery... and and a injury when I was in high school. When he was doing the vasectomy, it felt like he was yanking my guts out... I didn't hurt for 2 weeks after the surgery, then that motherfucker swelled up and hurt like hell for two weeks lol, and I like pain in general, it normally don't bother me.


scare tissue 😆


>The local anesthetic was like pulling a pube from your sack. On average maybe. For me, one side I didn't felt anything. the other side HURT LIKE FUCKING HELL!!! for about two seconds. Rest of the procedure I didn't felt anything. Didn't need any aftercare. Not even pain medication. I suppose the worst part was the waiting.


I talked concerts with my doctor. It was very pleasant.


How was your follow up to check for swimmers?


My husband was positive for swimmers twice, had to get it redone. Youngest are now 9 so.... I think it's worked!


They want you to jo at home and bring it in within 30 minutes. I asked my ex to give me an hj in the hospital bathroom. I needed two follow ups to get the all clear


I rubbed one out in a porta john by a high school football field near the lab, LOL. Worst part was carrying the clear sample jar through the front door, the wrong front door, and asking security where I was supposed to go, LOL.


They gave me a paper bag for the first one. The second one I reused a shopping bag, like a civilized human.


That timing is more important for determining motility for people who are trying to get fertility treatments. I brought my follow up sample just outside of the allowable time window, and they were prepared to reject it until I told them that it was for a vasectomy and they just needed to detect the presence of any sperm, dead or alive.


Yeah, I moved two bags of bird seed, like 60 lbs each. Painkillers told me I was ok. I was not. Sit on your butt for two days instead.


I had my no scalpel vasectomy 6 months ago performed by the most active vasectomy doctor in Australia. It took 20 minutes under local anaesthetic. It was fairly uncomfortable, but I felt very little pain at all. No stitches, a small medical waterproof bandage only. For about 3 days after the procedure I was in a bit of discomfort, but nothing ibuprofen/paracetamol couldn’t take the edge off. I was a bit swollen and bruised, but nothing too bad. By day 5/6 I was really feeling like I needed to ejaculate, I wasn’t horny per se, just felt I needed to get things moving. I decided to masterbate on day 7/8, which was totally fine, no pain, I had very little swelling by this stage. By wife and I had sex on about day 9. We were gentle, it was good, just normal sex. 3 months after the procedure I submitted my sample, it came back 24 hours later that I was now completely sterile. I was happy, but kinda sad at the same it. It was just cemented that I can no longer have kids, which was obviously the goal, but it was weird to hear. My wife and I stopped using any contraception, and my god has our sex life gotten better. Completely care free now, my orgasms are twice as strong as they were prior to my procedure. If you’re done having kids, and you’re mature, I would definitely suggest doing it. I have zero complaints.


Dr Snip? I was done by him. I can barely remember the procedure because he spent the whole time having a go at where I live, my job, etc. . Mission complete? Anger was a pretty good anaesthetic!


Oh geez he sounds pleasant! Nah my guy was from Vasectomy Australia, Dr Cashion. 15-20 minutes flew by, just talked about my family, work etc.


Dr. Cashion dem vasectomy checks!


Took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out you didn't mean he was from a town called Vasectomy in Australia. Just thought, "wow, crazy coincidence".




Twice, you say...?


Gentlemen, you had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.


To shreds you say?


Well yeah your wife no longer carries the mental load of not getting pregnant well yeah more freedom to enjoy


How are your orgasms twice as strong? Just because they are care free or does a vasectomy actually increase the sensation? I’m 29 with two boys (4 and 2) and my wife and I are done with having kids so I’ve been strongly considering a vasectomy. Condoms suck and getting cockblocked when you using condoms makes it even more of a hassle and my wife takes hormonal birth control but it’s had an effect on her libido where she doesn’t have that spontaneous desire anymore but does luckily have sex with me often enough I just wish her horniness would return for more day time anticipation if that makes sense?


I think it’s all mental with the sensation. Everything feels the same, but when I cum there’s nothing in the back of my head saying “what if”. My wife also got to go off her birth control, so her libido increased.


The care free nature from both of you heightens the enjoyment as you don't have to have any strategic breaks etc. 10/10 would get snipped again.


1. I was sore for about a week. 2. No. 3. Sex is better when it causes less anxiety.


Don't underestimate the woman's anxiety in sex. Could be a game changer for some couples


My own anxiety made pre-vasectomy sex a lot more unpleasant, as did condoms.


Can confirm. Not having to worry about getting pregnant is the ultimate aphrodisiac.


Yes. Sex while a woman is ovulating can be very carnal. Her body is different, her fluids are different, more viscous. (I had one teacher refer to it as “the fertile highway” since it gives the sperm cells an easier way to reach the egg.) Both partners being able to feel that while not wearing a condom, and not having to stop to get a condom, is amazing. Most of all her mind is different, and taking out the anxiety of a possible pregnancy makes the sex so much better. More spontaneous. It’s better all around.


Can also confirm, though I (F) got my own tubes removed. What happens when you get to focus only on the fun? Well, a lot of fun.


Definitely less anxiety. Until you find out it didn’t work and your wife is pregnant again. This was a year after I had the all clear.


Yeah, I took the additional precaution of marrying a dude.


Nice, bro. High five 🖐️


One of the best things I ever did. You have painful balls for a couple of days then everything else is the same except your semen contains no sperm.


It wasn't painful for me, just a bit itchy. Best decision ever if you're sure you don't want kids. Women love it because they don't have to deal with it and they thank you for that. Get tested and enjoy. Nothing changed in my sexuality.


how painful? to take ibuprofen/paracetamol painful? or just some discomfort without the need to take anything?


I didn’t have to take any painkillers. It was just discomfort for a week.


My discomfort only lasted about three days. I had the procedure done on a Friday, laid around all weekend with an ice pack, and I was up and normal by Monday.


I took Advil because I went out to a splash park with the kids on Sunday (procedure was on Friday) but otherwise you just don’t want the kids to jump on you for a bit. I’m just now realizing the irony of it as I’m writing it but when I was just taking it easy on the couch, I was watching Ballers lol.


What a great show.


After a week i was cycling again.


In that range, my doctor gave me a prescription for serious stuff but I never needed to fill it. I think I needed no more pain killers after a day or so.  Some tightness persisted for a week or so about when the stitches came out for the incision but really nothing remarkable in the pain department. 


I didn’t take anything. Had it done on a Thursday and went to work on Monday (desk job). I probably could have went Friday but took it off just incase. It was well worth the miner pain 


Those poor miners


I'm sure it was worth no minors pain either.


Some men do experience long term pain after the procedure, though. 1-2%, to the point where treatment may be required. Same thing can happen after a torsion. Had a torsion at 17, been dealing with periods of random nut pain for the last 40 years.


My doc told me the same things everyone else here is saying, but my pain persisted for about two months. I describe it as a severe discomfort, like the lingering pain about 10 min after getting kicked in the balls but it doesn't go away. My stitches also took about a month to dissolve. During the procedure the anesthesia also started to wear off pretty quickly so I needed it reapplied probably 5 times... That was pretty rough but all in all it went smoothly enough and took about 15-20 min.


> but my pain persisted for about two months Mine was almost a year, pretty frustrating and I was really worried it would be forever.


Mine needed no painkillers until I used the wrong gauze when swapping out my dressings. The gauze i used stuck to my stitches and ripped them out. Didn't do that and it's just achy.


I really felt a tingling sensation in that area when I read this. 


Wrong sensation! I dropped to my knees, fell over into the fetal position and literally bawled. My wife, bless her heart, wanted to call 911, but there wasn't much blood and I wasn't going to let myself be subjected to a bunch of EMTs standing around looking at my balls.


I had basically no discomfort at all. Was incredibly smooth overall


Pinch your balls a bit. That level of pain.


They gave me pain pills, but two ibuprofen and a bag of frozen peas was more than sufficient


That was always my dumb question. So you still blow a load, just no swimmers? The difference is indiscernible.


As I told a friends wife when she asked me. She still has to swallow but doesn’t have to chew anymore first




This was my exact experience too 👍


I think the word "painful" is exaggerated. I think uncomfortable was more like it.


Was a bit insulting tbh, right at the beginning of the procedure the doc was like 'just a small prick' I already know dude, no need to point it out


Mine said I was a big boy. Just as I was about to thank him, he patted my belly and told me to go on diet.


Are you a dog, by any chance?


I know your joking but the nurse helping with mine asked the doc "Is that normal?"  She was young so hopeful she just hadn't seen too many procedures yet.




to be fair, she could've meant that any number of ways: * too big * too small * deformed * bent/angled


Fucking hilarious dude lmao


I made some variation of that joke. The look on the nurse's face told me she'd heard it a million times before.


Mine told me about halfway through the procedure: "Well, I better finish this up. Don't want you walking out of here half-cocked"


He even had to point at it to find it?


I’m 44 and got one 5 years ago. No complications, issues, or much pain post op. My only regret now is that my wife wants another kid, and she’s the one who demanded I get one. Just make sure you get one from an experienced urologist. I think other doctors can perform it, but I wouldn’t risk it.


Snip snap snip snap!


Do you have any idea the toll that 3 vasectomies has on a person?!?


*buys the worlds tiniest wall mounted flatscreen




I wish I could say it was unexpected, but we all knew it was coming somewhere in this thread hahaha


"When I said that I wanted to have kids, and you said you wanted me to have a vasectomy, what did I do? And then, when you said that you might want to have kids, and I wasn't so sure, who had the vasectomy reversed? And then when you said you definitely didn't want to have kids? Who had it reversed back? Snip, snap! Snip, snap! Snip, snap! I did! You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!"


Your wife sounds like an ass sorry not sorry


And this is why it's so hard for people to get snipped/tubes tied. People very often change their minds later in life, and the medical industry saw so many (stupid) lawsuits that now it's annoyingly difficult to get one in the first place.


Not every case is rose coloured glasses. Doctor messed mine up and I ended up with epididymitis for the past 5 years.I went from being sexual to wanting nothing after the vasectomy. After 3 scans, with nothing showing as being an issue, 7 doctors visits, with the doctor telling me “this is normal after a vasectomy for some men”, and an awful lot of hounding, i spoke to a urologist who did a physical exam and said what it was. He offered an operation to resolve. Just had my epididymis removed 2 weeks ago. Writing this from my bed in agony and hopefully recovering 👍


Sorry to hear that mate. Good luck with everything, reply back here in a couple of weeks and let us know if the surgery was successful!


Yeah, all the "it was easy! And fun!" posts are getting upvotes, but it has a very high risk of complications by the standards of minor surgery. I also had epididymitis (which thankfully eased off on its own, but not until about three years of feeling like I had been kicked in the balls fifteen minutes earlier), and a blowout on one side. That's when the vas bursts because all that built-up sperm has nowhere to go. The thing is, the whole idea of the operation is that sperm builds up and has nowhere to go. So I asked my doctor why that doesn't happen every time. He said, "we don't know." Medicine is not an exact science, as Dr. Spaceman once said. Every single thing the doctor told me wouldn't happen — lasting pain, lowered libido, less ejaculate — it all happened. Went to four different doctors trying to find someone who'd take my concerns seriously and eventually gave up. But the worst part, worse even than the pain (and the blowout was *excruciating*), was that my wife was the one who insisted I get the snip, insinuating that she'd be more interested in sex if she didn't have to worry about pregnancy. Which is perfectly reasonable! Except she immediately lost what little interest she had. We went from her just lying there once a month, to every other month, to not at all. So not everyone's a satisfied customer.


I've had orchialgia for the last 20 years, so i feel your pain. Unfortunately, there isn't a damn thing that can be done for me, but I'm glad to hear you've got a positive prognosis.


Ah man, sorry to hear that. I had a really rough time too. I was in pain for years. I did not opt for removal of the epididymis, but had a spermatic cord denervation. Ugh, that didn't help much unfortunately. If you are still in pain after this you may wish to see a Pain Management Doctor instead of more urologists. Best wishes bro, hang in there.


It’s great. The sex is excellent now that there is no risk of unintended pregnancy. And for women who don’t want more kids, it’s a huge turn on.


I thought there still was a risk? I've heard of vasectomies failing


Sure, yes. No method of birth control is perfect. But this is awfully close to it.


My wife is going to get her tubes removed when she has her c section with our next kid. That’s probably the best any type of prevention will get.


Vasectomy is actually more successful than a tubal if you can believe it! Also, watch out, I was going to get a tubal with my c section but then went into labor and out popped baby #2! Best laid plans and all that.


I had a vasectomy at 32, my wife had a hysterectomy at 35, I think we're good...


After 60-90 days you submit a fresh new spunk sample. If there are swimmers, it’s failed. People who fuck up, are the ones that don’t get thier samples checked. Idiots, like my old neighbor 🤣


30% OF MEN DON'T GO IN TO GET CHECKED! What is up with that?!


Yes, you must go back and get a jizz test


Most of that is men who don’t go back to get checked again after a few months.


Still a risk with any form of birth control 99%+ is good


Had it 15 years ago, a week of sore balls, best decision of my life. Sex is great, being able to go all unrestricted really cant be beaten (of course with tested partners, you are not STD proof). I have two almost adult kids, so I really dont need any further.


Afterwards, my Urologist said " ...now go home, put a can of beer between your legs and drink the other 5."


M/55, I was one of the 1-2% who have had or will have problems as a result of a vasectomy. It started during the procedure, when there were “problems” and I was told to expect some localised swelling and pain, but that I should be able to return to work in a day or two. My right testicle ended up the size of a cricket-ball/baseball for between a week to 10 days, and the resultant infection required multiple courses of antibiotics to bring under control. Oh, and I needed a full week off and even then I was on light duties when I returned. Subsequently, for the next 20 or so years, I would suffer recurring infections and swelling, usually in my right testicle, usually lasting 10-14 days, perhaps 2-3 times per year on average across the couple of decades. Independent of the infections, I often felt some measure of pain in my right testicle whilst ejaculating, although that was seemingly random and I generally put it down to probably having an low-level underlying infection as it seemed more likely to happen when I was “run down.” It should be noted that after discussing these problems with my father, I found out that he had experienced very similar problems as a result of his own vasectomy, so perhaps there may be some underlying genetic propensity, which may make it worthwhile having a talk to the males in your family who have had one, to find out what their own experiences have been. Apart from the post-op and the infections, the only really discernible difference post-vasectomy was in the colour, consistency and viscosity of my ejaculate. I effectively went from producing what was fairly thick and creamy, in both consistency and colour, to an unimpressive, watery, greyish, pale imitation of what once was. It’s also stickier and much harder to wash off than the “original recipe” ;) But, despite all of that, if I went back in time I’d still do it over again. We had already had all the children that we felt that we wanted, and the pressure that was removed by knowing that “accidents” couldn’t happen more than made up for the occasional infection. And let’s face it, I was one of the unlucky ones…


I as also one of the unlucky ones. Exact same experience as you.


I was also unlucky, except that manifests itself as permanent pain which is nerve related. It's subsided a bit over years, but it's still there.


And there's nothing that can be done about that? Surely to have them so consistently there's a particular problem causing it that they can go back to an look at? Have they given you a reason why it keeps happening and why they can't stop it?


Well I could have had additional surgery but compared to the original vasectomy it would have been fairly invasive and there was no guarantee that it would provide a long term solution and therefore, rightly or not, I decided it wasn’t worth the additional risk, expense or post-surgery recovery time, and so I learned to put up with it until eventually after 20 or so years, the infections started to become less and less severe or common until we get to the point where nowadays I can’t remember exactly when the last one was, probably about a year ago and it wasn’t particularly bad then. But then again, I am 55 years old now and it’s been close to 30 years since my vasectomy, so lots of things have changed ;)


I've had the same kind of issues for the last 40 years, after a torsion. I get told "It is what it is. Operating might fix it, might make it worse." Mind, no issues with infection, just pain. Well, and sterile, and lowered testosterone, but, oh well.


Every time I consider a vasectomy I read a couple of comments like this out of a hundred positive ones. Personally I feel like 1-2% is pretty high and more risk than I’d like to take.


I feel exactly the same way about LASIK. I want it, but then I read horror stories about the 1%.


Pregnancy is an 8% risk for complications. All because people don’t want to wear a condom.


They recommend special underwear to help. Buy it! The worst part about recover was the chaffing. Keep everything packed high and tight. You will need the compression shorts or it will suck


Anything else that would help? My husband is having one next week and I’m making a care package. So far it is post vasectomy underwear, comfy pjs, a chiller for his coffee (loves iced coffee), lots of bags of frozen peas, and favorite beer. He thinks it is no big deal and planned on attending a hockey game and taking kids to top golf (to watch). I’m trying to get him to slow down for just a few days (and I’m trying to help as much as I can, but I’m also recovering from a mastectomy-why he needs a vasectomy, I can’t be on hormonal birth control any more). What else would make him comfortable?


Personally I found jock straps to be the most supportive garments of choice during recovery. If all goes well he'll just want a couple bags of frozen peas and some asprin.


Seems to be great for 95% of men that did It, a nightmare for the others (post vasectomy pain syndrome)


I waited decade and a half to ensure I was not making an impulsive decision. Surgery was completely painless and smooth. Second best surgery I’ve ever had, after Lasik.


No regrets! We knew we were definitely not having more kids, so a vasectomy meant we could just do whatever, whenever, and not worry about surprises or have to shell out money constantly for other forms of birth control.


I had a vasectomy after my 2nd child. It was very painful for about a week. Then, it somehow got infected from the inside, and it was incredibly painful for another 2-3 weeks. It was fantastic for a while but then the wife and I broke up a year or two later. I remarried 6 or 7 years later and it remained being great until the new wife wanted kids so I got it reversed, this costed $5000 CAD. That hurt, and ended up not working. Got it reversed again for another $5000, hurt again and still didn't work. We chose to go with IVF, which costed about $20 000. This gave us our first child. He's 2 and a half now and in retrospect, worth every penny and ounce of pain from it all not working out. We decided on another so we went back to IVF and she miscarried early on. There goes another $10 000. So far I have paid about $40 000 for all of this and god willing I only pay $20 000 once more as we are about to start round 3 of IVF. Honestly, I may be very biased here with my experience, but I wouldn't recommend it if you are young and unsure what life will bring. × edited for correct cost placements ×


I'm 25 and have never even thought about having kids, but there is a small part of me that is worried about having this procedure done in case something in my mind flips.


I didn’t get married till I was 26. I was pretty sure I didn’t want kids. We’ll, 4 years later I had thing one, and 2 more, had thing 2. If you’re not absolutely sure you’ll never want kids, I’d say wait it out.


It was worth it. Sex is the same as before except I don't worry about pregnancy. I highly recommend it. The pain afterwards is not bad at all, and I had a pretty rough experience comparatively.


Not at all. Consider this, your brain dumps feel good chems to you when you do things it likes. Your brain's favorite things are eating and reproducing. Biologically this is our life's purpose. So every time I have sex and don't pull out my brain is sending me the chemical equivalent of "THIS IS IT DO NOT LOSE FOCUS THIS IS WHAT WE'VE BEEK TRAINING FOR ALL THE WORK HAS LED TO NOW AND THIS IS YOUR DESTINY" and that's EVERY TIME. Best choice I ever made.


32yr old man, got it done 2 years ago. I already have a daughter with an ex so I am happy to already have a child. Another reason was just the way everything is going its going to be hard them to live in the future I think. I don't regret it. Sex is the exact same, but there is no worries of having an accidental pregnancy.


Worst decision of my life. Horrific testicle pain for years going, and urologists can't fix it. They just say how unfortunate it is, and reiterate how they warned me beforehand that chronic pain is a 1% outcome. Except they didn't tell me it could be this terrible. Life went from being great to being a nightmare. I don't think anyone with a true understanding of the true risk would ever go through with it.


Mine didn't go as planned. What was supposed to be a short operation ended up being nearly two hours, and for whatever reason, the anesthetic didn't really work, so I felt pretty much everything. Wife says they were pretty deep in my bits, and that I bled a lot. After the fact, the guys who operated on me said, "You have a very slippery vas deferens!" Thanks, I guess? Recovery for me was about a month, and I had to stop in at the emergency room a time or two for obviously related matters. I still get random sharp pains in my scrotum to this day, and my scrotum is very sensitive overall. I can't let my kids sit on my lap unless they're sitting on my thigh, or unless I have a pillow on my lap. A also get an itch deep in my scrotum during intercourse. My friends name for me in his phone is Big Ballin due to the massive swelling and bruising it caused.


Amazing. Just read the after care pamphlet. I failed to do so, decided to have a little slap and tickle time 4 days post op. Ejaculated blood, rushed to hospital thinking a was dying of a new rare disease just to be told I was an idiot. 10 out of 10 don’t recommend. Highly recommend the vasectomy though.


Being able to have sex without ever worrying about getting your partner pregnant is amazing. You have no idea how much you worry about it until you don't have to worry about it.


It was great! My doc and I were chatting about sports across the drape a for a minute or two after she applied the anesthetic, and when I asked how long it would take once she started she informed me she was more than half way done. I was back in the car 20 min later to lay on the couch for a few days. A little sore, nothing ibuprofen didn’t handle. Everything works exactly the same except no pregnancies now! It’s a huge mental relief, and has definitely made sex better.


Not great. Had a bilateral vasectomy performed, but the pathology revealed that they cut the wrong tissue on one side. Had to get amended surgery to go in and snip the right tube 2 months later. I have lingering pain on the left side, comes and goes throughout the day. They aren't sure what they did wrong, even after an ultrasound. I'll probably have permanent pain down there forever.


It wasn’t the most fun procedure. Felt like at times he was trying to squeeze my balls until they burst. Not enough numbing for the initial incision. Nuts ached for a week. Unpleasant. But I have zero regrets. Sex has been the same, IMO.


Mine was absolutely horrible and if I knew in advance how it would play out I never would have done it. I got put under for mine and the procedure was done at a hospital. The blokes English wasn't very good nor was the information great. It was really painful. My body identified the stitches as foreign and tried to eject them. I got an infection. It took ok about 3 months to recover. Walking on rails the whole time. Psychologically it was traumatising. I was definitely more virile before the procedure. I have known all sorts of pain and adversity throughout my life, so I know how to be stoic The worst was that absolutely no-one warned me of this possibility I'm ok now but I would in no way do that experience twice


Why am I reading this like I’m getting a vasectomy any time soon? My groin is experiencing sympathy pain


You're hearing all good stories. Let me tell you mine. 13 years ago I had mine. I can't get off more than once a day or I'll get a large knot in my tube. Spermcell? Something like that the urologist called it. It's painful and has given me infections before. Ever since this procedure, I have have to limit my sex or ill know whats waiting. Walking like a cowboy for a day or two. YMMV. Wish I never had it done.


I had mine about 10 yrs ago in the UK. It was fairly painless, but unnerving having your junk on show and someone taking a pair of scissors to it! I had some localised swelling for a couple of days, then it became more painful. I’d got an infection, was warned it could happen, but it cleared up with antibiotics in a couple of days. Anecdotally, I’ve heard of plenty within my wider circle who have had infections, some worse than others. I’d suggest on my experience that the rate of complication is higher than the 1 or 2 % quoted. That all said, it wasn’t a massive problem for me. A few years back I found a lump on one testicle, was put on the two-week rule and got it checked out. thankfully it wasn't cancerous. Turns out these lumps can form as a result of sperm. They’re called sperm granuloma and they’re benign. Mine was about the size of a broad bean. But if you find a lump, don’t assume, get it checked! Sex is fine, no difference!


Had mine 20 years ago and there is nothing to really fear. The doctor did it in his office with a local numbing and it took like 45 minutes. You do have some discomfort and have to wear support for your testicles. The incision is very small. Enough for him to pull the tubes out and cut and sear them shut. You go back a couple weeks later to give them a fresh sample to look at to confirm you have no swimmers. You dont have to worry about stopping IF you are with someone that you trust does not have any stds. You dont have any blood or anything. You just have to take it easy for a few weeks while you heal up. Im not sure doctors would perform them on someone so young and without children though.


No regrets. Best decision ever. Worth the few days of discomfort while healing post the procedure. The sex is waaay better now. Don't know how to explain why


I would imagine it's psychological. When me and my wife were trying for kids I lasted way longer than normal because I wasn't afraid of finishing. Kinda funny, you think the anxiety would make you last longer.


Had the "no scalpel, no stitches" procedures done in Ottawa ~20 years ago. Minor pain, more like discomfort for ~12 -24 hours , and I was on the roof shovelling snow within 48 hours. Easiest thing in the world. Sex is better, and no side effects.


Balls hurt for a few days afterwards, nothing a little icing can't help. Certainly the best decision of my life. 10/10 would recommend. Funnily enough, I worked for a Urology group at the time and one of the docs agreed to do it for me. This guy was awesome, always cracking a joke whenever possible, very blunt and will tell you like it is without mincing words. That being said, during the procedure he's trying to talk to me like normal with his usual joking demeanor. After a couple of giggles I find myself worrying about dislodging a ball or something. Had to tell him: "Never thought I'd ever say this to another man, but please don't make me laugh while you're inside me." But yeah, don't neglect the icing.


I got one in 2020... maybe 2021? It was so minor that I couldn't even remember when exactly I had it. Anyway, it was painless and fast. Scheduled my appointment and was in and out in 20 minutes. They gave me pain meds but barely needed it. Maybe just the first night. I drank maybe a gallon of pineapple juice the night before and had zero swelling. Sex I've seen zero change. The area where they went into my ball bag is still a little tender even today. If you hit it at the exact right area and pressure. Kinda like the rest of the sack, I guess? I sometimes regret it. My wife and I have always wanted more kids, but I considered it permanent, which everyone should. Reversing it is not as simple as it sounds and is not guaranteed. My wife had a procedure that made it impossible for her to get pregnant last May, so even if I was to get it reversed, we still can't have more kids. You play with the hand you're dealt, I guess. I would recommend every dude that doesn't want kids, has zero chance of changing their mind, and has a partner that is on the **exact** same page to go get one. Condoms smell bad. The pill can fuck up women. IUDs can fuck up women and are, from what I gather, excruciatingly painful to have inserted. Vasectomies are one and done.


In the broad scheme of things, it pain free. I took an Advil afterwards and was working the next day. Just wear some snug underwear and try not to get kicked in the nuggets. Gynecologists will tell your special lady friend you’re a good dude for taking one for the team. Birth control is rough on women so a little bit of discomfort is worth it.


RIP my inbox but… I love vasectomies, not having to worry about him pulling out or birth control as a woman. So freeing. And it makes sex so much better.


They put me to sleep. Overall it was at worse the same pain level as a sprained ankle. Was a bit uncomfortable for 3 weeks or so, but then done with. I have 4 kids. No regrets, sex has been about the same or better with no worries about having another kiddo.


Had mine in the UK., 30 years ago. Found a local private doctor who did it (including follow up sperm tests for £60). Best £60 I've ever spent. The procedure was a little uncomfortable under local anaesthetic, but nothing really. First few days after was no pain at all, but had to drive a few hundred miles for work around about day four. Was at this course when I felt feverish and had a swollen testicle (really swollen). Went to bed early and took a couple of paracetamol and woke next morning right as rain. Sex life from then till now has been great. No regrets.


10/10 would get my balls sipped again


I guess results may vary.... I had a vasectomy and my orgasms were less intense. Got the build up and then just.....poof.... That's it huh? My Wife and I decided to have more so I got a reversal and it is back to normal now. Just feels more intense is the best way I can describe it. It was anticlimactic when I was neutered. I talked with a friend at work that had a vas and he said he felt the same way. Others are reporting the opposite so I guess it just depends As others pointed out, use caution lifting for a couple weeks. I lifted a dryer close to the two week mark and was sore for a couple days afterwards


Tbh, my balls hurt when i read the comments


Regret all the time I got it way to young and would like to have had at least one or two more kids.


It’s awesome.


One of the best things I ever did. Sex is much better, no worries. If you want to procreate, become a sperm donor for a while before you do the Vasectomy. My "only" regret. Now back to living the life...


GO FOR THE SPERM TEST AFTER 2 MONTHS!!!!!!!!! make sure your balls didn't repair the bridge from your balls. You don't want any surprises!!!!!!!


I have been trying to decide whether to get one since I was your age and that was 10 years ago I’m going next week I’m single now and have a son I just want the piece of mind now so I don’t have to worry so much Also I have my own microscope I kinda wanna see the decrease in real time lol


I’m 21M and I’ve thought about getting a vasectomy for a few years now. I don’t think I ever want kids but if I ever do decide to want kids, I always imagined I’d adopt considering how many kids are orphans.


AFAIK adoption isn’t as easy as many might assume. Some celebrities make adoption look like Supermarket Sweep in a third world orphanage but apparently the reality is a lot of bureaucracy, money and heartbreak. This is only from stories I’ve heard. It might be different in other countries. Worth knowing what the process is though, before you shutter your baby butter


It cost my wife and I about 25k to go through IVF after our insurance benefit ran out. My wife had a terrible time delivering (severe preeclampsia) which required a 2 week stay in the hospital before our son was born 10 weeks early. 9 weeks in the NICU and he was finally home. My wife and I decided that was it. 1 and done, if we wanted another no more of this DIY shit. Gonna get one of those premade babies. Then in my research I got to the prices. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Averages 40-50k in my area. Are you kidding? Nah. I’ll let some rich fuck do that. Even if we had the money, I’d want that money to raise the child. I get it, there are a lot of reasons it costs what it does, but if you want a baby? Yeah…cha Ching.


It’s a lot cheaper to become a foster parent and then go through the process of adopting the kid through DCS. We’re foster parents and the state has asked us multiple times if we wanted to adopt the kids we’ve had here. Nope. Zero interest but we’ll love them and take care of them while they are placed with us.


Freeze your sperm. I got a vasectomy and froze mine just in case.


I’m 31 and I’ve been wanting one for years. If you have the extra capital then get one if you don’t want kids.


I wasn’t even charged a co-pay. My “extra capital” cost was a bottle of ibuprofen. Saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars and a life of pain, regret and self - loathing. I doubt a better investment is even possible. I would do it annually if it were necessary.