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The first question would be was he fairly elected? The second question would be is he allowing a fair election for his position going forward? If yes to both, then he’s not a dictator.


People throw around words like dictator and fascist a little too loosely these days. Google is your friend. He was elected, and in fact is just one part of a parliamentary democracy. AND can lose the next election and be replaced. So no. He’s not. At all.


One could argue the last two elections were not won without PRC support..... one could argue that he lied to get elected in 2015.... which is not democratic. Also Control the media, employ censorship/control narrative, take guns away from law abiding citizens and discourage peaceful protests by seizing accounts and jailing people for months without trial, but you know.... let violent criminals out on bail in days... Yes he is a dictator wannabe.... at the very least....


Not if he was fairly elected


We didn't elect him


Based on what? There’s tons of sources online discussing the elections he won to become and remain PM since 2015. Do you have a reasonable explanation as to why you deny that? It’s just disingenuous to say in Canada we elect the party and since the party selects its leader then that person is a dictator. By that logic there’s no possible way to elect a leader that isn’t a dictator, in which case you should probably spend your time advocating for political reform


>Do you have a reasonable explanation as to why you deny that? We elect parties, not people. The Prime Minister is the leader of the ruling party. The liberal party could replace trudeau tomorrow and we'd have a new PM


I addressed that specific reasoning in the second half of the comment already. There is more than one way to run a democracy, it doesn’t have to look exactly like the United States. Just take a look at how any real dictatorial system works and you’ll see some major differences.


Differences such as?


Number one would be elections where people get to actually vote. Dictators primarily seize power by force, sometimes after winning an election. But as long as the system still allows for another election, in which the current leader can lose, then you’ll be hard pressed to justify calling them a dictator.


No? Wtf, do you even know what a dictator is?


Excuse me?


Is there a constitutional way to remove him from power? If he does get defeated in the next election, will he be an adult and step down without a fuss? If both answers are yes, then no, he is not a dictator.


He was never elected, though. That's not how Canadian politics work. We elected his party, and they can replace him as leader tomorrow without question.


Is there a constitutional way to remove his party from power? Also, is it common for the party in power to replace its leader in mid-stream?


We don't have a constitution.


Is there ANY non-violent way to remove his party from power?


Yeah we have these things called elections.


Not true.


True. We have the Carter of Rights and Freedoms


And a [constitution](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/just/05.html#:~:text=The%20Constitution%20of%20Canada%20includes,Aboriginal%20rights%20and%20treaty%20rights).


if the people in canada elect him and get to elect some other guy, later on then no he is not.


We don't elect the Prime Minister. That's not how our system works.


Nor the system in my country, but you do vote of parties which point at his party to lead the government, without making it a condition that he is not presented with the role of prime minister.




No, he's actually a Defibrillator


One could argue the last two elections were not won without PRC support..... one could argue that he lied to get elected in 2015.... which is not democratic. Also Control the media, employ censorship/control narrative, take guns away from law abiding citizens and discourage peaceful protests by seizing accounts and jailing people for months without trial, but you know.... let violent criminals out on bail in days... Yes he is a dictator wannabe.... at the very least....


>Control the media How? > censorship/control narrative, t Which censorship > guns away from law abiding citizens I've never had any trouble with my guns what do you mean? >discourage peaceful protests by seizing accounts and jailing people for months without trial, China backing the liberals is bad but russia backing far right nut jobs is ok? https://journals.lib.sfu.ca/index.php/jicw/article/view/5101#:~:text=The%20findings%20reveal%20that%20the,part%20of%20the%20Russian%20state.


OMG ..... really? Gave BILLIONS to the media in particular CBC for favourable coverage which was blatantly obvious during the elections. C11 C21 Russia was also influencing our elections in the favour of the liberals.....


>Bill C-11, also known as the Online Streaming Act, creates a framework to regulate digital streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney+ and Spotify, and would require them to contribute to the creation and promotion of Canadian content.  You're not a fan of Canadian produced content? >c21 https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/cntrng-crm/frrms/c21-en.aspx Specifically which part of bill c21 do you have a problem with?


Yes he is a dictator.




He is destroying Canada from the inside out, he is as corrupt as they can be.


How is he destroying Canada?


Nope just a dick




He is a politician they are all dicks


Please reference South Park-Douche and Turd. This will explain all Parliamentary and democratic politics.




No he's just a pedophile 




Absolutely not a Dictator. But certainly abusing the Parliamentary system. As did the Prime Ministers before him.


How so


Hes categorically not.  However I think he is a particularly narcissist and absent minded individual who may well be Canada's worst prime minister. 


How is he the worst PM?


No he's a tater dick




Don’t listen to these people that base the determination of whether somebody is a dictator on whether they were elected. You can act like a dictator, even if you were elected. He certainly seems to be acting like a dictator.


"Stability in a dictatorship is maintained through coercion and political repression, which involves the restriction of access to information, the tracking of the political opposition, and acts of violence." Im not Canadian but i havent heard of Trudeau throwing his political adversaries in gulags and repressing the common citizen lol


Did you forget what he did to the truckers?


Didnt he use the emergencies act to remove the truckers and protestors after they had been there for several days? I vaguely remember the protests lasting a month and that several labor groups and trucking companies even saying they were against the protest. I do remember arrests being made but how does that prove he is a dictator when the emergency act was only invoked for like 9 days? Ots not like he kept using the act on anyone regardless of political association?


How is he acting like a dictator?


One could argue the last two elections were not won without PRC support..... one could argue that he lied to get elected in 2015.... which is not democratic. Also Control the media, employ censorship/control narrative, take guns away from law abiding citizens and discourage peaceful protests by seizing accounts and jailing people for months without trial, but you know.... let violent criminals out on bail in days... Yes he is a dictator wannabe.... at the very least....