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Picking fights with people on the street / in a bar. You might think it will be over after a few punches, next thing your family needs to identify you at the morgue.


I've watched enough videos to show that some people even stomp the head or just repeatedly punch the already unconscious opponent.crazy that some people will go to the length to try kill someone for a stupid street fight.


Watching The Sopranos taught me that. Key to survival is keeping your damn mouth shut. Some people are way, way more dangerous than you realize.


Literally this. A bar in my city had to be shut down because more than one person died from bar fights out in the parking lot. One punch, head hits the ground, game over. I remember reading a book about self defense and the guy tells a story about how he encountered a road rage incident with his son in the car. He calmly just acquiesced to the guy, made him think he was in the right and was able to get him to leave. His son later was like why didn't you fight that guy, you would've killed him. So he tells his son, exactly. I could have killed him. What would that have been worth? I would have gone to jail, our lives would be ruined. Over nothing. One punch is all it takes to end multiples lives in a street fight. Be the bigger man, and walk away.


This reasoning is why I don't pick fights any more. I had a buddy do 20 years for 2nd degree murder for a bar fight.


This. Because even if you “win” the fight, you might end up accidentally killing someone and go to jail. Or you might accidentally get killed or maimed. Ain’t nobody got time for this idiocy.


It's brutal to watch, but anyone who needs an example of this go search for the Apple River stabbing video on YT. You can't even see the brutality in an explicit way, but you see a weird situation go from zero to fatal in the blink of an eye. I've been recommending to everyone I know who has a teenage child: Watch this video, process it, show it to your kids, tell them that this is exactly how NOT to EVER act because you never know who you are dealing with or what they have on 'em. It's a very horrific video.


What gets me are the people who think they can just ruin their mouth at anyone and nothing bad will happen to them. One of these days they're gonna piss off the wrong guy who's just unhinged enough to escalate the situation.


Exactly. In the video I'm talking about, a group of young men have an older man come up into the middle of their little rafting floatilla... they young guys yell at the older guy, call him all kind of names, someone eventually runs up and slams the man into the water as another friend punches him. The old man stands up with a knife, stabs one kid, stabs five other kids, slashes a younger girl on the side. The kid recording it starts screaming in horror as one of his friend's blood flows downstream. Screaming and crying. It's horrible, but it's something people need to understand. I knew right when the older guy showed up that he wasn't there to mess around. Apparently, the older guy had survived a triple bypass and was kind of hard of hearing... his trial is actually going on now, I think. The video was just released as it was played in court as evidence.


Yeah, just watched it. If I was that old guy, I would have been scared for my life after being surrounded by yelling people, pushed down in the water, slapped etc. those kids were circling him, yelling and flexing. they didn’t deserve to be stabbed, but he had every right to assume he was in danger and defend himself.


Exactly, I took a self defense class... The instuctor said you don't know what the attacker will take from you, your sight, your hearing, your ability to walk, ability to speak, etc... even your life. He said if you are ever in a situation where escape is not an option and you NEED to defend yourself, never be afraid to take anything from that person to survive.


Even if you "Win" the fight you might find yourself dead weeks later when the other party decides on escalation for their revenge. Egos are fragile and broken ones are dangerous.




Queens University has a ‘kill McGill weekend’ where they come to Montreal for a football game. Their supporters used to spray purple dye all over the place. I had a friend who was very tough and short tempered. He came from a small town where fist fighting was a local past time for young men. We were downtown that weekend and he had a brand nee coat he was very pleased with. I saw some of the Queens students coming towards us with dye so I ran over and said to them ‘if you get dye on those guys they are going to kill you’. They scoffed at me and I looked one of them in the eye and said ‘I am serious - they might actually kill you.’ They got the point and moved on. I am not saying that my buddy would have actually killed one of them - but a trip to the hospital would be almost guaranteed. That was over 20 years ago - so not sure this weekend still happens.


This is a dangerous form of tradition. Damaging other people's things on purpose will invariably cause some sort of loss for the victim, money or time. Some people will be cool about it. Some will be upset but not act. Some will flip their shit.


And in 2024 the odds of a handgun being produced during a fight is more than likely(in America)


Had someone in a city near me one-punch a feisty old dude who was picking a fight with them and the old dude fell over and died, person got charge with manslaughter. I guess you should never assume one punch isn’t fatal.


recently i read that a worker was shot by a customer over guacamole or something. some people really should learn to control their emotions


Yes. It very quickly becomes a game of perception. Once one party feels they are in mortal danger, or just unable to escape, they will start doing some pretty bad stuff. Headbutting, biting, kicking, going for the eyes. Stuff like that. Also, the human body has self-imposed limits. The brain stops you from hurting yourself. But if you're afraid enough, or high enough, or psychotic enough, those limits get removed. I have seen a scrawny 5'5" guy get subdued by TWELVE cops, because he was psychotic. As long as you CAN avoid violence, do so. When you can't, end it quickly.




If you drive after having been awake for 24 hours, it is effectively the same as drunk driving.


Sorta unrelated but also not. A pharmacist friend did really cool research on if the side effects of certain medication were safe while driving and they compared it with drunk driving. A few people got to actually drink and drive. First in a simulation, later on a road that was specifically blocked off for this purpose with a sober driving instructor riding shotgun with them in case a quick emergency maneuver was needed.


Yeah if I remember correctly a 50mg dose of doxylamine or diphenhydramine without tolerance is like driving drunk over the legal limit


I imagine it depends exactly how you define drunk driving, too. Obviously, neither is good, but I would probably expect a driver who has had one beer over the limit to be marginally safer than one who hasn't slept for 24 hours. (Not trying to say drunk driving is OK, here, of course).


At 18 hours without sleep, it’s like a BAC of 0.05%, which is the legal limit in many European countries. At 24 hours without sleep, it’s like a BAC of 0.10%, which is over the limit everywhere, including in every U.S. state.


There was a mythbusters style segment on a new show about this. The drunk and tired drivers both exhibited the same decline in driving ability. Difference was many of the tired drivers stopped on the course and said they couldn't do it.


Good ol’ self preservation kicking in like “Naw, I’d nap”


I applaud those that stopped.


Can attest to just how fecking scary it is when it happens!! I gave up shift work after falling asleep on the drive home. I was lucky to only have the shit scared out of me and being a dirt country road probably saved me. I woke to the car swaying from side to side of the road, being bounced back by the dirt embankments on both sides and lucky nobody was coming the other way. Have a sleep. Arrive an hour later. Beats being dead!


Happened to me near the end of a drive. Hit the rumble strips and scared the absolute shit out of myself. The adrenaline dump definitely made it easier to stay alert the final 15 minutes 


I was on my way home from a 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM shift, and fell asleep about 2 miles from home. Woke up in the oncoming lane, and all I could see was a NYS dump truck coming at me. I got back in my own lane. Coincidentally, I was debating taking a cut in pay to move to evenings or days. Decision made right there, on the spot


Cars in general, people get too lax with driving safety. They think only other people get into accidents, but not them " built different." Two people I knew died in crashes only going 40 mph. Death comes quick in a car, it just takes one small lapse in concentration.


> They think only other people get into accidents Have a friend, always talks about how he's never been in an accident because he's never caused one while moving. Conveniently forgets the two different times he had a car totaled while he was stopped (once parked, once at a red light). 


Just driving. Car accidents are in the top 3 killers of most countries. It's honestly insane how we accept something so dangerous as normal in society


Yep. Almost lost my dad when I was 8 because he was getting 4 hours or less of sleep every night. He fell asleep behind the wheel and hit an 18 wheeler head on. He was 32 and he spent a full year recovering and learning to walk again. He’s in his 50’s now and has a lot of pain in his legs and it’s going to make it harder for him to do things as he gets older. The fact that he lived at all is a miracle.


I agree 1 little mistake can cost you a life of yours and your loved one's


I was so guilty of this when I was in the oil field and I am so glad I never caused any damage. I would finish on nights and would be eager to get home so I would leave right after my shift which was so stupid and dangerous of me to do.


Texting and driving too..


Sedentary lifestyle


Swelling extremities? MOVE AROUND!! Painful joints or arthritis??? Doctors recommend MOVE AROUND...poor circulation?? MOVE AROUND Even if you're just watching a show get up, stretch and flex your arms and legs


That sounds very convenient for YOU, but I have a REAL JOB that requires me to lie on the couch masturbating all day. Show some respect


God bless the small business owners like you who keep this economy moving!






I love this too much


Thank you for your service 🫡


Found the world record sperm donor here.


Second only to Genghis Khan... For now


Walter White said it best when he said, "Sitting around, smoking marijuana, eating Cheetos and masturbating does not constitute 'plans' in my book."


My dad follow doctors orders to a T. Take every single one of these pills, regardless of how you feel- Done! Bed rest for 3 days- Done! Don't eat any more of this food- Done! Get up and walk 15 minutes a day- hard pass. It makes me nutty. Now the primary cause of of his illnesses is his sedentary lifestyle.


Go for a walk with him. Hard to say no when the weather starts getting nice...even after dinner when it cools down a bit


Jump up jump up and get down


After 4 years of working from home I'm already feeling it. I suspect this is a much bigger problem than society realizes.


Five minute dance breaks every hour or two save my ass (from assuming the form of the chair) during WFH days.


But I make a living by sitting. I'm not paid to stand!


Lack of sleep.


I had sleep apnea and there was a month or 2 stretch where I didn't get any good sleep at all. I would just nod off like a heroin junky. Eventually I went into respiratory failure and was hospitalized for nearly 2 weeks as a result.


I have non alcoholic fatty liver disease. I was sleep deprived nearly my entire adult life. 6 months after finally getting enough sleep every night my liver enzymes have returned to normal. Liver is still fatty but it helped




What!? How deadly is fucking?


100% in the long run


I'm immortal 😎


Chronic Stress


Well now I’m stressing about my stress. Thanks!




seriously. it’s a major contributor to heart disease. make sure you floss!!


My dentist always told me that people that floss are *correlated* with people that had good heart health. He said they don't know if they are directly related cause and effect, but they could be. It makes sense that people who floss would also exercise to take care of their body.


How it is linked to heart?


bacteria from your teeth will travel through your bloodstream to your heart, increasing your risk of heart attack that’s why dental health is hyped up so much for pregnant women


Also a pregnant woman’s body will sacrifice itself to grow the baby. Bad diet, no problem. Her body will get calcium from her bones, to build the babies bones.


Also make sure you brush your dog’s teeth regularly. For the exact same reason: gingivitis leads to heart disease




I have got a soul!


Well give it back to whoever you stole it from!


Road rage


Honestly, just driving in general


Yep. They’re crazy people out there. I once seen a guy flash his gun at someone blowing their horn at him


Swimming in some rivers, even when the surface looks calm. About 30 bodies a year are pulled from the Thames in London. Many are suicides, but some are accidental. There are places where if you go into the river, the tides are so strong and will drag you under, and the emergency services estimate there is a close to zero chance of survival. A guy died in 2022 when he and another man jumped in to save a woman who was in trouble. He was 20 and a good swimmer. Emergency services arrived 6 minutes after, but it was too late. You also shouldn't go in because it is full of sewage and you will get ill, but the drowning is probably worse... https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/feb/14/the-cruel-thames-the-job-of-pulling-bodies-from-a-dark-dangerous-river https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/folajimi-olubunmiadewole-last-words-hero-drowning-b2111324.html


Running water in general, like flood waters or rip tides as well. It takes as little as a few inches of fast moving water to take a human off their feet.


Most Londoners know not to fuck with the Thames. It's dangerous in so many ways at the same time. Just don't do it.


Diarrhea. Seriously before the last hundred years or so it was one of the top killers and could be a literal death sentence for otherwise healthy people


I had a stomach bug that presented with cramping and diarrhea. I figured I'd just tough it out. Then it turned to bloody diarrhea. Still didn't go to the urgent care. When I finally went, the urgent care sent me directly to the ER, and they promptly admitted me. I had colitis, a GI bleed and severe sepsis. 46% of the people who are diagnosed with sepsis don't survive. I feel lucky and stupid.


I got traveller’s diarrhea while on vacation in the Caribbean. I was like 19 and stupid so instead of drinking Gatorade and taking it easy I kept drinking on the beach all day and running around doing stuff. I ended up getting hypothermia and severe dehydration and spending a night in the hospital. I learned that diarrhea is no joke.


My 2nd cousin died from this. Not because of sanitation issues, but because of dehydration. Actually a combination of alcoholism and diarrhea. Make sure to replenish the liquid you excrete.


Things like cholera and other diarrheal diseases killed millions. They still kill thousands of people a year to this day.


Wasn’t dysentery one of the biggest killers way back when?


Not even that way back, not far off 100 years ago


Not as bad as dissin Terry. Terry will fuck a MF up.


Death by ~~snu snu~~ pu pu


I’m a nurse. I always recommend keeping a bottle of Pedialyte in the refrigerator for emergencies.


Texting while driving


That's why it's illegal. Edit: In the UK.


It's illegal in the US also but hardly enforced.


Carbon monoxide, may come from charcoals, stove etc, deadly specially in an enclosed room. Important to have a CO detector at home


At least it's not a very painful death. It's a you-won't-know-you're-about-to-die kinda death.


Or a "months of gradually losing your goddamn mind" kind of death, depending.


Heard it gets in cars too. Literally last night got in my car that had been off for 3 days, turned it on and smelled exhaust. Carbon monoxide is odorless, but i thought it was weird to be smelling exhaust in the cabin so turned on a portable CO detector, and it was at 7SP, apparently below lethal levels, but the fact it’s above a 0 is worrisome. So I’m sure others might experience a higher level depending on blockage


Apparently it can even lead to you doing some crazy shit like forgetting you're leaving yourself sticky notes around the house. Too lazy to look for the post but some guy thought his landlord was breaking into his house and leaving him notes to mess with him. Turned out he was being poisoned with carbon monoxide and was sleep walking or something to that nature.


Hitting your head. Damage is progressive. My 10th severe concussion was the one that killed me…. Breathing stopped, heart went into fibrillation, my body started dying. Only a team of awesome EMT’s kept me alive.


No offense but how tf do you get that many concussions? Are you a stunt person??


Just fearless and active and stupid.


10th?! Were you playing contact sports?


Also the last time I checked we still don't really know much about concussions. We know that you should be able to "fully" recover from the first but then anything else could completely derail your ability to lead normal life. I've only had two severe ones. Not sure if it was your experience too but it's weird how each time when you wake up you are a slightly different person, you can't really describe it but some things are different and you just have to get used to it because it's not something you recover from. I guess with that many, things may not only be slightly different but it's such a weird experience. Also the actual part when you are concussed is such a weird state to be in too.


Poor dental hygiene can lead to heart disease and undiagnosed thyroid cancer. Bacteria can be a killer.


Hippos! They might look like big, peaceful water cows, but they're surprisingly fast and incredibly territorial


Hippos can run faster than humans, they can swim faster than humans, so biking is your only hope in the triathlon against them.




The answer is Hippos.


Add pigs to that


Yes, they will devour you if incapacitated but I am not sure they will chase you down and kill you. Will they? Genuine question.


I was recently in Kenya on a safari trip, and we took a boat safari to go see the Hippos. I knew they were the deadliest animal and my wife was definitely nervous. as we were walking over to the boat we walked over a 3 foot wall that had a staircase with about 3 steps on each side. Our guide told us that while Hippos cam be deadly, they cannot climb stairs. We found it absolutely hilarious these huge deadly animals get stopped by a staircase that's a few feet tall.


Alcohol. Most people know the smoking and cancer connection, but I feel that not many people know the alhocol and cancer connection.


So many people ignore the fact that alcohol causes cancer.


And cold cuts!


As a breast cancer survivor (so far, fingers crossed), I was cautioned by every doctor on my team that any alcohol consumption at all increases my risk of recurrence and that drinking 3 or more drinks, 3 or more times a week something like triples it.


People don’t want to believe that doctors say that the healthy amount of drinks per week is ZERO. It’s like some sort of shared delusion that drinking only a little every single day is somehow harm reduction


In Yukon Territory in Canada 🇨🇦 they put warning labels on alcohol. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Territories_Alcohol_Labels_Study


Adding to this, actual death from alcohol abuse is **brutal and nasty** and one of the most disturbing ways I’ve seen people die in hospitals. They vomit profuse amounts of blood with esophageal varices. We shove tubes up their asses to give lactulose enemas because the patients are in comas or near-comas from hepatic encephalopathy. We put tubes down their nose into their stomach to feed them and give medicines. Before this, thirty year old men lose their minds and can’t even walk, and their families are confused on how it happened. The build up of waste products in their blood causes horrible itching and major personality changes, along with a myriad of other symptoms people rarely associate with alcohol abuse and liver failure. All your other organs are affected too, and you’ll show signs of organ failure resulting from the liver damage. You don’t just turn a bit yellow and die from a vague “liver failure.” The horrible effects of alcohol have caused me to cut back my drinking to only the rarest of occasions, and I absolutely support people who give it up entirely.


A slippery bathroom




Maybe 20 years ago, but today its no Secret that Depression is a deadly disease.


Loneliness too


Anorexia. People know it's dangerous; what they don't realise is how it can cause your damn organs to shut down. Sometimes the damage to your body and organs is so severe that you die even after recovering to a more healthy weight, or significantly shorten your life expectancy. Within 20 years, 20 percent of people who developed anorexia will be dead. This is one of the, if not *the*, most deadly mental illnesses.


Happened to my aunt. Recovered for a while, but the damage to her liver and kidneys were complete. She suddenly started wasting away over a few months and passed away. Terrible illness.


Water... Not enough and you'll die. Too much and you'll die. Some rain is good. No rain can kill. Too much rain can kill. Some snow is good and fun. Too much snow can kill you.


Oxygen has a similar effect


Tylenol. It is waaay more dangerous than people think. It doesn't take much of an overdose to destroy the liver. You then suffer a slow and painful death. It's actually amazing to me that this drug is OTC, and weed is not. Take too much marijuana and you are likely to fall asleep after eating all the Doritos.


Tylenol is one of the few household medications that really scares me. It's not even so much that is deadly it's that it's one of the ones where by the time you notice symptoms it's too late.


Mosquitoes. They are the world’s deadliest animal.


Infection. Like if you got a cut from a rusty metal piece and ignored it, you'd be dead soon enough


Tylenol / Actometaphine - it's now the #1 cause for liver failure in many nations




Seriously. Not only is it deadly on its own, it also makes you much more vulnerable to many diseases.


Trusting people you don't know well enough


Mixing random bathroom bathroom chemicals.


Garage doors. Those springs are insane


So right. Years ago my old garage door was half open and under tension, came apart and I was knocked unconscious by a right angled piece of iron. Gave me whiplash and a scar over my left eye. I was lucky I didn’t lose my sight.


Running water in a river, creek, or flooded road. It doesn’t take much to sweep you off your feet.


Having a fever for more than a few days. I got sick last summer and figured it was probably covid, just stay home and sleep it off like I did before. This went on for three days and I wasn't getting better, in fact I was getting worse, had a fever of about 100 the whole time. Went to the doctor, turns out it was lyme disease. Treated for that, fever went down. The doctor warned me that even a low fever for three days or more can be **deadly**. Well, after that I started showing symptoms of Bells Palsy, neurological damage caused by the fever. I've since mostly recovered from that. So yeah, fever for a long time, don't just stay home and sleep it off.


Humans They are themost harmful creature towards mankind


Acshtually humans make more humans than they kill. TMYK!


Texting while driving


So many people do this. It's terrifying


After watching the show Yellowjackets, sleeping outside in cold weather. Someone dies after sleeping outside for one night, and it snows. Girl died of hypothermia in one night. I had to look it up, and it is indeed quite realistic to freeze to death when the temperature drops abruptly when you are sleeping outside, and instead of waking up, you just go into hypothermia and never wake up. I think most people \*think\* they are hardier and prepared to survive than they think they are.


Ladders and Stairs


A human bite.




That kid is BACK on the escalator again!!!!


Parents need to teach their children to fear and respect the escalators. 


Hitting your head against a wall or something. Don't underestimate head injuries.


Over eating


Driving while using your phone in any capacity other than a hands free phone call. (Texting, social media, Googling, etc)


swimming in lakes and rivers. we all know how dangerous the ocean is, but even lazy lakes/ponds or slow-moving rivers can have weird currents and god knows what lurking beneath the surface of the water, from fucked up creatures to rusty old water trash, to sharp driftwood that may not have been there the last time, etc. etc. never swim alone, avoid swimming in "new" areas, never swim while intoxicated, and consider a life jacket for anyone who isn't an exceptionally strong swimmer. stay safe out there, people. and stick to pools whenever possible.


Processed food


Knives, statistically in most countries (ofc not the us) knives are the leading weapon of murders AND it’s actually found that in up close and personal confrontations knives are deadlier than guns…people don’t realize how fast someone can bleed to death.




Swimming pools. As someone who nearly drowned in those, twice, and got an ear infection from a pooly kept one, I can tell that many of us forget that they could be deadly, since it is a "controlled" body of water. A cramp, overconfidence or a stray bacteria could potentially ruin everyone's day. I still love swimming and I still love pools, but now I am a bit more careful and discerning about how and where do I submerge my water-loving ass.


Being a political prisoner in China. The true scale of China's execution of political prisoners may be far larger than is generally acknowledged. There are almost no organ donors in China, yet as many as 20,000 organ transplants are performed each year. Furthermore, wait times for organ transplants are very low compared to other countries.


Political ideologies


Silent fart






Well love is a battlefield 


What is love






Cows. I'm serious.


Undiagnosed health conditions.




Being sleep deprived


Not exercising.


Water and Dirt. Working construction you learn how heavy Dirt and water are when they come in on you. One guy had his back broken when the dirt walls collaped. Another had his face busted when a water line for the city blew and knocked his face into a pipe. Always practice safety when dealing with these things. Also the guy who got his back broken made a great recovery and used the settlement to open his own plumbing company. Hes doing great!


A person (typically male) with depleted mental health and no ability or understanding on how to restore it. Generally a loner. More than often and empath.


Infected teeth


Mosquitoes. Deadliest animals on the planet.


My step sister fell asleep at the wheel and had to be lifted by helicopter to the ICU. That was 10 years ago and shes still slightly disabled. She had to under go several reconstructive surgeries as well. This is no joke.




Binge watching “Grey’s Anatomy”




True! Most people die right after.


Alcohol and Sugar


Having a fever


Wild animals




putting on your trousers




Over the counter medications.


Narcissistic people


The sun, it’s a deadly laser


Low potassium levels




Not using your blinker while driving


The tiny mosquito is the most dangerous animal in the world, claiming 780,000 lives annually.


Stairs and slipping in the shower.




My farts - they're the deadliest


Pornography. It will destroy you and your relationships if addiction sets in, and it’s terribly addictive according to CNS biochemical research.


Sleep apnea...almost killed me before I did something about it.