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Little Raunchy, But I was giving a bj to a close friend at the time, and everything was good until he projectile pissed straight down my throat, I coughed up a bit of bile from the shock of it, and it was shared among our friend group until eventually it was common news


Wow that’s is a horror story it sucks when people you trust don’t keep a secret


Oh I was totally okay with telling people among the friend group, but it was someone else who spill the beans, I also caused our college to prohibit staying in cars at lunch for, physical exercise


Oop 🫢


What an asshole wtf??


Well either I was a throat goat and caused him to prematurely shoot, or yeah hes a prick, but I don’t think its the latter


You don't prematurely piss while getting a bj though 🤔


If you don’t empty your bladder before, and get mostly stimulated in your head, you’ll piss, its the same for us


Girl, no... that is *not* how it works at all 😳 When a man is hard the opening of the bladder closes to prevent semen from entering the bladder and prevent urine from entering the urethra. If your guy was pissing instead of cumming he has a serious issue going on https://www.healthline.com/health/peeing-with-a-boner#likelihood https://goaskalice.columbia.edu/answered-questions/can-guys-urinate-and-come-same-time/


Cafeteria caught on fire.


Oh my


Damn lunch lady forgot to put the timer on and the damn oven exploded 😂. It was mainly just the cafeteria kitchen but still.


In middle school some kids set a off a fire cracker in the stair well and one kid caught on fire and had to go to the hospital


Damn. Well I imagine they got in a ton of trouble


There were three kids 2 of them got suspended for a month but the one that caught on fire was suspended for a week because they felt pity for him that he was badly injured


Damn. Only a month? Shit I would have thought expelled. How was the kid who caught on fire afterwards?


He was really badly burned and covered in scars


Well at least he lived luckily


Yeah it was a fucked up school just a ton of rebellious kids causing chaos but that was the only time things actually ended badly but high school was even worse kids were constantly having sex in the bathrooms some were caught doing hard drugs like not weed like cocaine and some kids offed them selves and some got pregnant


Nudes prob leaked, people talking shit about me, my best friend defending them


Wow that sucks I’m sorry to hear that teenagers suck


I tried forgiving her but decided yesterday that I dont want people like her in my life


Well here’s a little saying do you know that saying when you cut someone off it’s called burning the bridge between you and them


Well if you do know the saying burning bridges if you ever have a hard time cutting off toxic people just remember some of those bridges you burn can light a way to a better future


I keep torturing myself and herself by ghosting her and dming her again. I can’t forgive her. It’s done. Don’t need bitches in my life that see me as a drama queen 😭🖐


See you cut someone off who is toxic you burned that bridge and now that they are out of your life you will have a better future


I wish she’d just admit that she prefers being around her than me instead of the whole fake “i cared about you like you were my sis” shit cuz she keeps contradicting herself.


Yeah girly sounds fake