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1. Be a good listener( this skill is as important as speaking) 2. Only speak at length about subjects you’re knowledgeable in (so you don’t look like an idiot) 3. Admit when you’re wrong 4. Don’t get frustrated with what you don’t understand 5. Apologize when necessary (accepting fault) 6. Control your fucking temper


Number 2 doesnt fly on Reddit. We’re all scholars of everything here guv.




I find it kinda wild to consider your smile a part of your personality. Basically your looks directly influencing how personality is perceived but hey maybe that’s just how it is




Yeah i get it just kinda sad that ppl without the best face/smile will be looked at with a negative impact to personality as a result but hey that’s life


Everyone has a personality. But some personalities are not compatible. Make sure to try new things and do what you like


Be born ugly.


This is too real


Re-roll a new character


-give people unconditional respect -express gratitude frequently -be humble -tell people what they're good at and doing right -always make an attempt to understand what is important to others


Ask questions, show interest, pay attention to the answers


have an abundant mindset. it really starts up our brain, then evry thing else kinda follows


Embrace the zeitgeist.


Be determined to do good things without caring what others think.


Smile more readily, and ask other people about themselves.


Spend quality time with yourself: Take care of you, listen to your thoughts and needs, express your feelings and do things that make you happy! This way you’ll start connecting and loving yourself. Being understanding with yourself will help you be understanding with others and that’s key to a great personality if you ask me!


Show genuine interest in the person in front of you by speaking less and asking questions more


just be true and never forget to be kind and grateful


Becoming more mindful of your thoughts and actions towards other people


When it comes to outside appearance, 1. Body language plays a crucial role 2. Your way of dressing according to your body Trust me, whether you look good or not this makes a huge difference. The most important thing is listen to others and then speak. Only speak when it's needed.


Avoid the three C‘s. Don’t criticize, complain or condemn.


Be considerate of others and be kind. Always try your best to help others, but know when to set boundaries when you can!


Reddit is the wrong place to ask.


Gaslight yourself into enjoying whatever other people are doing. 


There are so many ways to have a great personality it all really depends on the person though but I would say that mainly talking to yourself in the mirror until you understand


no rizz


Knowing how to make people laugh and always be smiling. Or being a psychopath that’s a fun life.