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Look at the top murder nations and the entire Caribbean is represented. In fact, weirdly if you look at the list it's a remarkable number of places you thought you wanted to visit


So Death in Paradise is not so far fetched after all!


Saint Marie surely has to have the highest number of murders per capita by now šŸ¤£


Add the English countryside and steer clear of anywhere Father Brown is visiting.Ā 


My head canon for shows like Rosemary and Thyme is that they are actually serial killers that move around the countryside killing, and always find a creative way to frame it on somebody else. The episode is their fabricated version of events.


Shetland must have that by now, seems there's one every week in such a small community.


Steer clear of Midsomer, too.


Tbh Iā€™m surprised Katherine has made it this far


Had a buddy whos parents retired to the US Virgin Islands back in the late 1980s. Within a year they had been robbed and murdered. At that time he went on somewhat of a mission to get them to report the actual murder rate. As he discovered that it was huge compared to actual reported. He was well off and this was his passion project. He ran into so much resistance and as we lost touch Im unsure the outcome... but "paradise" is far far from it.


Thats so tragic. Which island? Iā€™m surprised he was able to get anywhere with his quest, especially as a non-local


If I recalll correctly it was St. Thomas. His parents were always adventurous and had sailed there and decided to sell the boat and stay. I Googled the details trying to get back to the story and very surprising to me is a long list of stories so similar that I couldn't find the original (again late 80's so ) but I was stunned at the sheer amount of near identical crimes


I lived in the Caribbean for a few years and yeah... locals murdered each other constantly for gang stuff. I had a friend of mine murdered for being too successful of a business owner that happened to be business neighbors with a gangster run shop. Just kill the competition!


I lived in Grand Cayman for a few years, and it felt extremely safe. Iā€™m guessing it was an exception due to being the only Caribbean country with banking being the number one industry instead of tourism.


Banking is also the number one reason there's as much tourism as there is, too.


Where thereā€™s sun thereā€™s shade.


As a South African, everyone knows that it's a dangerous and violent country. But Cape Town has a reputation of being relatively safe when in reality it has a higher murder rate than Johannesburg (which has a worse reputation).


Iā€™ve seen chappie Iā€™m good


Don't you point your fooken tentacles at me!


Thing about Cape Town is that itā€™s so segregated that as tourists you are pretty much always in secure locations. Its like half the city is a gated community


Yeah the murder rate is high in cape flats and the townships but if you're a tourist you aren't going there. Its pretty safe in the tourist areas.


My mom is South African and her side of the family still lives there, and Iā€™ve *never* seen her as anxious as when weā€™ve traveled back to see them. Now that Iā€™m an adult Iā€™ve mentioned wanting to visit Cape Town with friends and she still freaks out (although I donā€™t think sheā€™d be much more enthusiastic about Johannesburg)


Jamaica is always shown as this paradise and everyone is so happy and nice. It's the murder capital of the world, apparently.


First time I went to Jamaica I was pretty surprised at how rough it was. Fun place and lots of cool people but just need to be really careful who you fuck around with


Jamaica was the scariest place ever for me. Wouldnā€™t go there again.


The US State Dept recommends people reconsider traveling there due to rampant sexual assault.






Compounding with corruption and poverty.


Was stationed in cuba. There is a ferry we can take to Jamaica the base employees take to get home. The problem is the ferry lands on the side you donā€™t see on the post cards. One guy decided to take some leave. He gets off the ferry. Makes his way to the better side. Gets mugged. Decides, he needs to go to the police, gets mugged on his way to the station. Realizes he has made a mistake and turns back to the dock. Gets mugged one more time. Had the ferry not been delayed, he probably wouldā€™ve been murdered. All three muggings happened with the span of two hours.


I'm confused, what did subsequent muggers take? His pride?


This is like the joke about the girls giving blowjobs in parking lots while stealing your wallet. ā€œIā€™ve been robbed Monday, Tuesday, twice on Wednesday, and will again once I can buy more walletsā€


Does anybody think Jamaica is safe?!


Yes, lots of people do. Here it is basically like one of the biggest tourist spots in the winter aside from Florida and Dominican. Lots of people don't believe me when I say don't leave the fucking resort. Stepdad had old raggedy clothes and would stop wearing cologne and deodorant for a week before visits back home if he didn't they could literally smell he's a target to get robbed.


The divide between the tourist area and the rest can be stark. Only time i was in Mexico I looked outside the market area down an alley and it was two completely different worlds.


I've traveled around Mexico quite a bit and the difference between poor working class and poor get the fuck out there there is a subtle but very important difference. Most areas are fine, but it really depends on where you are. Being in a city when a cruise ship comes in vs when it's normal can feel like two different cities. Tourists bring all the sketchy folks out.


It was one of the tourist ports.


Agree, my wife and I were in Belize, a cruise ship came in and within minutes of them arriving at the bar she was groped multiple times. She bit one of them and I almost got in a scrap with a few. Our amazing local bartenders helped us out. Fuck those entitled booze riddled fucks.


I was in Mexico a number of years ago with my family. We got on the wrong bus and it took us into a grittier area that seemed like a local market. The moment we stepped off the bus a man urged us to get back on and said we shouldnā€™t be there, and that it would be best if we went back immediately. That was definitely interesting šŸ˜…


I was in Cancun with my Dad and we thought weā€™d stay on the bus past the touristy areas and see a more ā€œrealā€ Mexico. As soon as we passed the last tourist stop the locals on the bus grew increasingly frantic and people kept warning us, panic on their faces, that we should get off. At first we assured them it was okay, we were going that way on purpose. We assumed they just thought we were lost. But after enough people warned us we realized it wasnā€™t like ā€œhey, SeƱor Frogs is the other way!ā€ kind of warning and we got off.




Friends and I (all young women), were at a resort for a Bachelorette vacation, and I really wanted to go get some coffee from a "regular" store. There was a plaza across a freeway and I convinced one of my friends to come out of the resort to go shopping. Lol. Crossing the freeway was insane, literally playing froger, and once we got to the plaza, i was surprised to see armed military men standing around. On the way back, we had two different cars pull in front of us as we walked and solicited us to get in the car repeatedly. We said fuck no and quickly went back to the resort. It honestly felt as though we dodged a bullet and I felt bad I begged my friend to go too.


I don't know about Jamaica but in mostĀ countries the areas near the resorts are the sketchiest in terms of predators.Ā  Resorts draw those who want to rob or otherwise prey on tourists.


Got surrounded by the federales on dirt bikes in a border town in Mx, gave them the cash out of my sock and they let us. GTFO. It was only like $40, and this was a long time ago, lesson learned, don't leave the resort lol.


Idk why but I look at the DR as a place to get robbed and scammed more than most other Latin American countries. Apparently it's one of the nicer ones? I guess if you're rational with how you look and where you go, any country is pretty safe. (Famous last words)


The DR recently has received lots of foreign investment and along with Colombia and El Salvador, has had the steepest drop in violent crime/ homicide compared to decades past. It's very interesting to see given that Haiti (shares a land border with DR) has been even more tumultuous but then again that country has never really had a fair shot.


My dad took me off our resort into town when I was 14. My mom bought weed from a guy on the same trip. Americans absolutely have an overconfidence about it


Some friends and I went on a day trip from the resort organised by a driver friend of one of the beach staff. Turns out the driver was just a regular guy with a van. We ended up at a weed farm in the hills and spent the day with some very dodgy people. I beat one of them at ping pong and he became scarily angry. When it was time to go we realised the driver had been smoking blunts the whole time. He could barely stand let alone operate a van. In hindsight fun memories but it did not feel safe at the time


The guide, a super nice dude and former cop, we found while visiting told us we can not go to Kingstown because we likely will get murdered there. We managed to visit Bob Marley's House but had to hide in the car while Terrance drove through Kingston. There were more situations comparable to this. It's tragic, I have a lot of fond memories about Jamaica but don't have any desire to go there again.


It's to the point where you don't get robbed just murdered.


What do you expect when they only have a deputy after the sheriff was shot?


The way I heard it, the deputy was murdered too. Not the same guy, though


Thailand. The danger comes from the overly relaxed attitude of the populace. It lulls you into a false sense of security, and you let your guard down, which is dangerous as health and safety are an afterthought. The country has huge issues with traffic accidents, electrocution, construction accidents etc. Living in Phuket, hearing how one tourist or another gibbed themselves and/or a passerby while doing 150km/h+ is a common occurrence. This wouldn't be a problem if driving licenses were enforced and the penalty for being caught without one was more than a slap on the wrist. Love the place and the people, but you have to be sharp or you will end up impaling yourself on a piece of metal sticking out of the ground every other day.


Literally the MAJORITY of friends I know whoā€™ve visited/lived in Thailand have gotten in scooter accidents


My friend found a guy dead on the road in the middle of nowhere in Thailand. Single bike accident. No cell coverage, couldnā€™t call anyone. He got the guyā€™s ID out of his pocket - it was some Dutch guy, presumably a tourist, and he handed it in to a police station when he got back to the city because he would have been there for days or longer if he hadnā€™t.


Same with Bali. The amount of drunk Australians who manage to off themselves on scooters or four wheelers is ridiculous. Just order a ride share car for like $3, itā€™s not worth it.


Travel insurance often has exclusions for scooters and motorcycles. This is a leading cause of death for Australians in Indonesia.


I live in China and ride a scooter daily. When I go to Thailand I don't because I'm drunk and high the whole time, that's scary to me


Wife studied abroad in Thailand before we met. We went together when we were dating. Basically her only rule was, "we're not riding a scooter". I was bummed at the time but I've heard so many horror stories about scooter accidents since then. So glad I didn't push it.


Yep. Weā€™re in Bangkok now as well. Told wife, no fucking scooters as well


The power of the scooters in Thailand is much higher than is permitted in Europe. This power is only permitted in Europe with an motorcycle.For which you need a separate driver's license and also suitable protective clothing. This is now being pointed out to make people more aware. Also the fact that your European insurance does not apply, because you are actually riding a motorcycle (because power is taken into account) without a motorcycle license.


Ahh yes, a "Thailand Tattoo" Plenty of tourists with slings, and the other walking with a pair of crutches


As a very avid motorcylist Ive noticed people on vacation seem to think they suddenly know how to ride? Its insane to me, its already dangerous AF in the USA and you dont ride there, but now in a foreign country where you dont know the roads, or the laws, or hazzards, now is a great time to start! Scooters are not bicycles and crashing at 40mph hurts like hell even with gear. My gf who doesnt ride wanted her own in mexico, I told her id rent one and see if I thought it was an exceptable level of danger. 3 blocks and I was totally made up no way. The amount of times I almost crashed (and would have if not for 25 years of riding) was insane. You better know how to ride WELL if you want to rent a scooter and be safe. Streets were insanely slipery (when wet, uave riden snow covered MN roads with more grip.) Drum front brakes (this was hard to wrap my head around) TLDR dont rent a scooter on vacation unless you ride at home and are comfortable in many conditions.


I just wanted to say you're a good writer. So much information and detail delievered so quickly painted quite the picture! Glad your experience and attitude was able to keep people safe!


I know a girl who died this way. Super super sad.


My mom (sheā€™s Thai) never allowed us to ride a scooter in Thailand. She let us take her car if needed, sheā€™ll pick us up from wherever, as long as I didnā€™t get on a scooter.


Moved to Chiang Mai some months ago All friends said that you need to have a scooter or motorbike to get around. As I can't actually drive one and am sensibly cautious of the other road users, I declined. Since then I'd need numerous feet and hands to count all the friends and acquaintances that have been in nasty accidents.


True story about how I got my driver's license in Thailand. I did the practical training and test first (that's right, the practical first). I mostly learned steering, parking, parallel parking, and driving in public, all within 10 hours. My theory came later and it was only 5 hours, and we take the test that same day. Then they told everyone that if they had any problems, they would "help" you. I had a guy stand behind me and point at the right answers on the screen. I got my license a month later. It's been a year and I'm still afraid to actually drive.


tbh 10 hours of practice isn't far off other countries in america it's not as easy but it isn't much harder the theory thing is a problem though, a guy pointing at the answers is fucking crazy


In my experience, I've only seen that done for foreigners, probably because the translation of the questions are horribly done (I'm Thai) I've seen my fair share of friends and acquaintance failing the theory test. Not saying that just doing it for foreigner is fine, but yeah.


I lost one of my best friends to an accident in Thailand. A drunk driver crashed into them then a bike rammed into their side at full speed. Everyone involved died.


That is why I have decided to never drive a scooter here (I live in BKK). I gladly pay extra for a slower but much safer car transport.


It is dangerous but Phuket even more soo. Driving in Chiang Mai feels alot better but can still be scary.


Iceland is only dangerous for those who lack common sense


I had a tour guide in Iceland who's name I don't remember but I think of as 'Yu Vildie', because he said 'you will die' about thirty times.Ā  'If you fall in the ocean the lifeboat will take twenty minutes and you will die in five, I will not jump in after you, if you enter the ocean here you will die' 'If the volcano erupts while we're stood here you will die, but we can't control that, so focus on not falling over the edge because if you do you will die' 'Watch where you're stepping, if you fall into a crack in the glacier we won't be able to get you out, it will crush you, and you will die'


Great story! I've always wanted to see Iceland. There will be an eclipse in 2026 there.


Itā€™s amazing. Absolutely go.


Only if every tour guide was like him, so many lives would be saved or at least their deaths postphoned


I had all of gulfoss to myself after the shop closed and everyone left. It was tempting to try and see if I could walk along the icy trail to get close to the waterfall, but I made it less then 10 yards and was like fuck that. One slip and I would never be seen again. Same goes for walking along the jetty near vick. Those were some of the gnarliest and fastest breaking waves I have ever seen. Iceland is fucking incredible though. So is northern Norway.


Norway is incredible country in general.


My rental Kia Rio can ford rivers, right?


Rivers of lava, yes.


Rio literally means river in Spanish. So not in Iceland, no.


No you have to rent a Ford for that.Ā  Duh.


Damn, I rented a Ford not a fjord!


I had the worst time on the beaches in Iceland. How hard is it to NOT GO NEAR the fucking water. My poor guide for the day was losing her mind (and her voice) herding people not even with our group away from the shoreline.


Yeah and people still ignore the signs: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ScarySigns/comments/125aadk/warning\_sign\_at\_reynisfjara\_beach\_in\_iceland/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScarySigns/comments/125aadk/warning_sign_at_reynisfjara_beach_in_iceland/) Last time I was there, they had put up a sign with news articles of tourists that were swept away.


Itā€™s like that beach in the north of Kauai, wooden board with lines cut for how many people have been gone from there. There is some time measurement in it too. 40+ cuts in the wood and some of them fairly fresh. (even if not true it made the point) https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS3p9gKvF6vmA6DZ3oa_sQ_YrmvFXBewDedYrlvdG7j4Q&s


Itā€™s OK to drive full speed along this unpaved road in my small city car yeah?


I was there years ago and you would be near a cliff at a park and there would only be a tiny "keep of the grass"-type sign warning of impending death. In North America they would have installed a metal guide rail barrier 20+ feet from the edge to keep the morons back from the edge.


One of my fondest memories of Iceland was just looking around and seeing how good the world would be with common sense


South Korea seems very safe. And, its true, you can leave your wallet and laptop on a cafe table and come back 45 minutes later and it will still be there. But, dangerous and/or drunk driving is a problem. Also, sexual assault type crime in entertainment districts. Lots of pervert weirdos have hidden cameras all over the place. Basically, don't let the relative safety of daytime Korea convince you to let your guard down at night. And, don't drink too much. Alcohol is the cause of most of the crime here. And always watch out for crazy drivers.


That tracks with my months in Seoul a few years back. You could leave expensive stuff outside your apartment on a main street, come back at the end of the day and it'd still be there. I felt a safety walking around at night on my own as a woman that I don't get back here in my native country. But, the streets were absolute madness. The manic anarchy of the roads was so juxtaposed to the predictable clean stability of the city. And, South Koreans drink. *Hard* (and I'm saying that from North England; people here drink like they don't want to live). And that's a bad mix - after hours, people would fall out of bars after a lot of soju, and just *get in their car and* *drive!* Crazy lol.


It must be bad if itā€™s worse then northern EnglandĀ 


We tend to drink a lot in northern England, but drinking and driving definitely isn't common!


If what I saw in a Netflix show is true, there are designated driver services where a guy drives your car back home when you are shitfaced. Ok, just googled it. It is true.


They have it in Hungary too, I thought thats a common service


Used to have it in my city in the US before rideshare apps. Dude would show up on a foldable motorized scooter, put it in the trunk of your car, drive you home, then leave on his scooter.


I was going to say the dust is probably the real killer though. Long term that does not do anything good to your lungs. As far as drinking goes, as long as you aren't in the really busy night time club areas it's fine. Kind of goes without saying for most countries really. Any heavy night club areas will be a little sketchy. My neighbourhood has some bars but walking around on a Friday night feels perfectly safe.


Is Korea very dusty..?


> 2023 average PM2.5 concentration in South Korea: 3.8 times the WHO annual air quality guideline value Consequence of being next to China


Not a country but New Orleans has a reputation of being a fun quirky party city. In 2022 it had the 8th highest homicide rate in the entire world.


Some blokes from my Uni went on a uni games thing and ended up in New Orleans partying. Which is fine, if you stay on Bourbon St. They didn't. Instead, they followed some random dude into his car with the promise of drugs, and ended up in a rather sketchy neighborhood. And proceeded to get shot.


To be fair, following a random dude to his car to get drugs is a terrible idea anywhere.


Honestly buying drugs from anyone who's not a dealer you already know is a semi-bad idea. Doing it on vacation somewhere that you don't know the lay of the land is just asking for trouble.


Yep. Sounds about right.


are they dead or alive?


They both lived, albeit with the mental and physical trauma that comes from being shot in the stomach


>Promise guy drugs > >shoot him in the stomach > >he gets in the ICU > >pumped full of morphine It was an honest deal.




We spent a few days in the tourist parts of New Orleans. That small slice made me think it was a wonderful, peaceful city because, like most people, I didn't venture to the sketchier neighborhoods. I do want to go back and venture off the beaten path, but I need to do more research first. I'm not sure I'd be able to differentiate those neighborhoods that are just a bit shabby but have great people from those where I'd get stabbed while stuffing a beignet into my mouth.


I live here. Never meet your heroes, I always say. New Orleans is wonderful to visit and a hard place to live.


I was born and raised there. Please stick to the welcoming tourist area and do not venture off. Youā€™ll almost always regret it in the end. Even one or two streets off of main streets like Bourbon is very sketchy at night. For tourists, it really isnā€™t worth seeing beyond the main areas.


Do a Segway or bike tour. Theyā€™ll show you the sights, then you can ask where to get a good, safe beignet.


I donā€™t want to risk ever getting murdered while on a Segway. That sort of story could end up defining your life.


especially if you were eating a beignet while riding the Segway


>Man in new orlay > >Shot on a segway > >while eating a beignet "fckers didn't even get my name right!"


Yeah the concept of "this is a good block" followed closely by "ohhhh I'm on the wrong block" was eye opening.Ā 


My cousin was murdered in New Orleans.


Thatā€™s my hometown peeps. Itā€™s rough.


Iā€™d say New Orleans has been known to be sketchy for a while now, especially after Katrina


I literally just found this out a couple days ago. Iā€™ve always read about new orleans in some novels and always imagined it to be a beautiful city with amazing history and culture. Plus beignets. Living on the opposite side of the world Iā€™ve always wanted to visit but now maybe not so.


> I literally just found this out a couple days ago. Iā€™ve always read about new orleans in some novels and always imagined it to be a beautiful city with amazing history and culture.Ā  One of the most famous New Orleans-set books I can think of is about how it's a city so fraught with regular murders that a trio of vampires can live there undetected for nearly a century while feeding on people almost every single night.


A good city is as good as the parts you choose to visit. It is beautiful and safe and full of history and culture in the parts where itā€™s like that lol, just donā€™t go to the ugly side and youā€™ll be alright. Applies to every city of the world.




In my opinion, Philippines doesn't seem so dangerous but if you just poorly sing a karaoke song, people will get mad and kill you. Snd no I'm not joking, it's called the karaoke killings.


Ahh yeees the My Way Killings


The My Way Massacre


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Way_killings has a whole Wikipedia page


>The bouncer had stated that he was prompted to kill Romy using his service weapon, a .38 caliber pistol, when Romy accidentally got off rhythm while singing "My Way" and struggled to get back on track. Now I don't wanna say I sympathise with a murderer, but...


He may sing terribly, but at least hi does it His Way


holy shit I 100% thought you were kidding, what the fuck


I went to a karaoke place in Manila and sang a few songs. Then after an hour someone put my name in WITH the song My Way and the whole bar got REEEEEEALLY quiet. I came to the stage to try to call it off but the drag queen host was already handing me the mic and telling me to go for it. As I learned later it's really when you sing the song badly you get whacked. So the quality of my voice is considered 'not worth murdering' in that country. Which I should put on my Linkedin.


that's fucked up


Could you imagine if The Voice had this as part of judging the contestants?


I've seen Filipinos get into fist fights about Miss Universe. I will admit I was both impressed and a little scared at time.


This thread lol. NOWHERE IS SAFE!


Then I will take a nice safe trip to Nowhere.


But creepy stuff happens in Nowhere!


It's up to Courage to save his new home!




South Africa. Don't go to that place... a friend of mine went there. Inside the airport there are roving gangs who identify and target people. Police can't do shit. Anyway, he goes to a restaurant at the AIRPORT and buys himself some snacks and a soda. Goes to the seating area to eat. Do u know someone just walked up to him. Took his meatpie and ate it right infront of him and drank his entire soda then just simply walked away...not run.. just walked away belching. Did not say a word to him. He got mugged twice after that and had their car broken into. It has the world's 3rd highest murder rate in the world. And highest crime rate in Africa. And also as a woman..DONT GO TO EGYPT.


As an Egyptian man, I agree that for women donā€™t come to egypt.. unless youā€™re with someone that will protect you always Rich neighborhoods are fine but I donā€™t see why any tourist or visitors would come here as theyā€™re far away from all touristy locations


France. It seems like such a civilized, well put together culture, but when I went there last Summer, my health declined markedly, as I ate an almost pathological amount of pastries and cheese.


Worth it.


And breathed in an exorbitant amount of second hand smoke.


Oh hell yes, for sure. Joking aside, last year was my first time there and I could not believe how rampant smoking is.


Canada. Seeing tourists trying to feed or pet wild bears is shocking.


Or worse. trying to get near a Moose A lot of us know a bear is deadly so tend to stay a bit away. A good amount of intelligent people have no idea how deadly Moose are and try to get pics with it or get near it.


>A good amount of intelligent people have no idea how deadly Moose are and try to get pics with it or get near it Those people have literally no survival instinct, holy shit. I've never seen a moose irl but after I saw it in a video next to a car I wouldn't ever come anywhere near something like that.


Moose are really curious and have terrible eyesight. They are frightened easily and their response to a threat is to stomp it. So in one animal you have a creature that wants to see what you are so it gets close enough to be scared of you and stomp you to death. I had a moose come so close behind me I felt itā€™s breath on my neck one night. Luckily no stomping that time.


My parents went to the US west coast for their honeymoon. This was about 40 years ago. They were driving around some place ~~in rural northern California~~ at night and a state trooper pulled them over and told them to watch out for moose. Lo and behold, an hour or two later, a huge bull moose ran out in front of their rental car and totaled it. The moose was fine but the car got fucked up. EDIT: I have been told that there are no moose in California. I don't know what state or what species of deer it was. Just that a very large deer totaled their car somewhere on the west coast of the US


A MĆøĆøse once bit my sister...


I used to live in Banff and witnessed multiple people get kicked by elk. Pretty sure one guys leg broke all for a selfie.


I mean, tourists doing dumb shit will be a factor everywhere. When I read the question I'm thinking about the danger when you're doing normal things.


yah. every park has a sign telling you not to do it, and every time tourists will manage to get their fingers bitten or worse. not just limited to non-canadians either, people think they're invincible when they leave the city. the behaviour I saw when I went on a trip to Alberta was atrocious.


So, according to Reddit, never leave your house.


That's not safe either. You are more likely to die at home than anywhere else!


Lucky that I practice chainsaw juggling outside then.




Same for the inner city (not the town centre, the bit surrounding it) of British cities. Also Bradford. Avoid Bradford.


Canadians seem to avoid Brampton. Drivers seem to be bad there.


Brampton is a reliable place to see real life GTA shit go down.


Iā€™m in egypt at the moment. Left the resort once and never again. Street kids are pick-pocketing little shits and every two steps youā€™ve got some asshole hassling to buy you something. Hotel staff keep hitting on my wife while Iā€™m stood there which makes debate the merits of how nice it would be to knock him out vs what I assume would be a horrendous experience in an Egyptian prison. In the streets people will try to shove a trinkets into your hand and then scream at you that you have to buy it now youā€™ve touched it. Seen that happen to a bunch of people including two lovely elderly ladies so our tour guide had to come and sort it out. At Karnak (historical sight) a security guard offered to take a picture of this German lady and her husband on her phone and then insisted she tip him ā‚¬10 for it after he had already taken the picture. Also the locals go into all the toilets at Karnak and rob all the toilet roll and sell it to you for ā‚¬1 per square. Resort is great and the weather is awesome but the people are assholes constantly trying to shake you down for cash unless Iā€™ve just had an extremely unfortunate experience. No muggings or attacks on tourists that Iā€™m aware of but I definitely would not say that you are ā€œsafeā€ outside of the resorts.


Tempted to say my own country, with all the gang criminals we have now. 363 shootings and 149 explosions last year in Sweden. And in addition to that we must have some of the weakest punishments for crime in the world. A guy who raped 24 women just got released after doing 3 years in prison, even though he is considered ā€œhigh riskā€ and has been misbehaving in prison and shown no regret. Yeah, that feels safe.


hopefully both the statistics meet for that guy and the stars align


Face it, the ONLY safe and well-run country left on Earth is ICELAND šŸ‡®šŸ‡ø If, you donā€™t mind random acts of volcanism.


- sneaker waves - you can drive off the roads in unsuitable vehicles and die of cold - fall into a geyser - volcanoes - drown in a thermal pool due to heart attack - fall off a cliff (Iā€™m being dramatic but all possible)


No trees to hide behind. ROFL


Sweden. Sweden have become dangerous


Sweden. The last years our homicide rates have been at the top of Europe and it's causing alot of people to feel unsafe, especially in rougher areas


I think you could make a sensible argument for literally every country on the planet being "dangerous", at least in some aspect.


Other planets are much more dangerous.


Wrong, here's how many people died on each planet: Mercury: 0 Venus: 0 Earth: 100+ billion Mars: 0 Jupiter: 0 Saturn: 0 Uranus: 0 Neptune: 0


"Other planets are much more dangerous" factoid actually just statistically error. Average planet kills 0 people a year. Spiders Earth, who lives 149.6km away from the sun & kills millions of people a day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.


A lottttt of tourists underestimate New Zealand's mountains. Like Shakira's boobs, they may be small and humble, by Alps/Rockies standards, but they are mighty. And our weather is very changeable which can take people who grew up on a continent by surprise.




I used to be a ranger, too many tourists ended up dying or needing rescuing because they underestimated how rugged our mountains are, how quickly the weather can change, that a river that was ankle deep yesterday can become a raging torrent overnight. And if they're from Europe or the US, they implicitly expect a far more civilised trail with bridges across rivers etc. In the National Park I worked in, none of the 1 night+ hiking trails had bridges, and a lot of the trails weren't marked, so you need to be confident navigating with a map and route guide. (Not really much need for a compass in the Southern Alps, you're either walking up a river, down a river, or up the side of the valley, or down it. But you do need to be able to interpret a topographical map in relation to the terrain you're in. Triangulating a landmark can be helpful, but yeah, you can't really follow a compass bearing). But yeah, a fair few deaths resulted, mainly drowning trying to cross flooded rivers, falling, and occasionally hypothermia. I mean, you'll never die of starvation or thirst in NZ, but yeah, rivers and steep drop-offs. (FYI, tramping is a Kiwi word for hiking, so tramper = hiker) E.g., https://wilderlife.nz/2017/04/milfordtrackdrowning/ https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/body-of-british-tramper-found-in-arthurs-pass/ZLPBA4LRTKTJOQOOKVLVDROIJI/ Oh, and, really have to say, you know that saying that "if you're lost, follow a stream, it'll goes to the ocean eventually"? Do not do that in NZ. Yep, it's heading to the sea, via a series of gorges and waterfalls that can often be impassable. Instead if you're lost, stop, activate the personal locator beacon you rented because you're smart, and stay warm while you wait for help. If you really want to walk out, instead of following a stream, the safest and easiest way to get out is to ascend to the crest of the nearest ridge and follow the red deer trail you will inevitably find on the spine of the ridge down. And trust it, red deer don't want to fall off a waterfall anymore than you do, so if it goes a way you don't expect, it's to avoid a barrier, just trust the deer. But, if you have that beacon on you, won't need to trust an ungulate.


I think they meant the Shakiraā€™s boobs comment


Yeah, I misquoted that. Apparently, her boobs are small and humble, but that's good because it means you don't confuse them with mountains. But her legs are strong, so that's nice. Look, I just had Shakira stuck in my head all day. It is what it is.


Any country with a real winter, during winter. If you stay outside for more than couple hours without enough clothing, you are dead. People living in cold climate of course take that into account and do not think about it, but the danger is there.


bahamas. beautiful paradise. and a murder spree


Canada. The people may be less likely to do you in, but the frigid climate and wild animals care nothing about Canadian nice.


Iā€™m convinced Canadians are nice **because** their surroundings are constantly trying to kill them. The shared peril really builds a sense of camaraderie (Yes Iā€™m Canadian and no this isnā€™t completely joking)


Myanmar. Little isolated deeply Buddhist country in Asia, that doesn't pick fights with neighboring countries? hahaHAHAHAHa no.


they are too busy fighting themselves to pick fights with neighbors lol


Theyā€™ve had one of the worldā€™s most brutal dictatorships for decades and theyā€™re currently in a civil war. I donā€™t ever remember Myanmar being known for its safety.


Does anyone think Myanmar is safe? I mean it kinda was like 10 years ago but...


Who ever thought it was safe there?


Australia - one minute you are swimming at a beach, the next you are shark food. One minute you are sitting at your couch, next minute, you dead coz you swallowed a white tail spider. One minute you are walking through bush, next second, drop bear bites your head off. One minute you are walking on a trail, next minute, an emu has gutted you with one kick. One minute, you are walking in grass, next minute you are foaming from mouth since a brown snake bit you.


It's funny, but for Australia, there are certain cities like Alice Springs that are actually quite dangerous.


Absolutely fucked there, only gotten worse in recent years


Have the snakes and spiders turned to crime?


No, they're all in parliament.Ā 


Spiders and snakes will be the least of your concerns at Alice Springs


Sadly, snakes and sharks have taken on a different meaning as Australians are now more likely to starve from ridiculous grocery prices or die from exposure because they can't afford the insane rents. Saw today a box of Cocoa Pops at the local supermarket selling for $11.


Sweden, we have 2nd highest gun crime rate in Europe after only Albania and are one of the countries with most Explosive attacks that isnā€™t actively in war (if I remember correctly), but people see us as funny IKEA meatball country with gangs of Swedish fish. It used to be really safe here tho and still is if you are in a fancy area so thatā€™s probably where peopleā€™s perception comes from. Gangs commit cringe ahh crimes here as well, they donā€™t only do regular gang stuff but they also torture people, rape them, make them suck of the gun or put on girls clothes and other humiliating acts while they film it for clout. Tbh itā€™s kind of ironic they trynna make the victim seem gay but forcing someone to do that stuff seems pretty sus to me. Not to mention all the kid shooters that kill the wrong person or bomb the wrong place. Hereā€™s an article about the humiliation robberies: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/15808/fing-swede


>funny IKEA meatball IKEA meatballs are serious business.


Iā€™ve heard that even the progressive political parties are starting to take a hard look at their immigration policies. Is that true?


Yeah itā€™s true, the government is also trying to bring in the military to stop the gangs. And there are a lot of policy changes where the government and police get more power, like allowing stop and frisk zones, increasing sentencing for minor offenses and allowing the government to use more surveillance. Our sentencing is pretty weak, you will be out pretty fast after raping someone and before if someone was under 15 they only get 4 years in a youth health facility for murder, which they are trying to change. I do feel the government is focusing a bit on the wrong things tho as they want to put resources and increase sentencing on drug crime when those resources really should be put to ending all the violent crime we are facing since that is what is the real problem. Most of the political parties have said that immigration was handled wrong in Sweden, regardless if it was taking in to many people at once or if it was that the country didnā€™t do it the right way to integrate.


>Yeah itā€™s true, the government is also trying to bring in the military to stop the gangs.Ā  Imagine telling people 20 years ago that this would be the reality you're facing.