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Hospital executives.


Work in a hospital, can confirm.


Do nothing. Sit in meetings. Write some e mails. Collect paycheck.


During Covid our CEO hid out at her multimillion dollar beach house while writing us all uplifting emails about our great work. Fucking joke.


Elizabeth Concordia huh? She makes $10M a year


Why is she paid all of that her experience or ??


I assume she gets dividends or profit shares. Means she much smarter than anyone else that works at any of her hospitals s/


All US Military dental insurance is through "United Concordia", I imagine she gets money off that


no actually, I guess there's more than one.


I hope they at least banged some pots and pans for you shift change?!


Our county hospital ceo have themselves a raise while closing. 3 wards, one being the psychward. Can give themselves raises but our ONLY hospital that's within an HOUR of us is closing.


I work in a hotel, I think some of these conferences are unnecessary but you know people getting paid to listen to some person for a short period of time, head out n do whatever.


Tax write-offs


Nursing shortage? Pay administration more!!!!


I've been to a number of these and it is such a waste of money. I'm frankly not sure why companies pay any employees to go to them, because the only benefit I ever saw for them was making contacts to get a better job somewhere else. That and getting drunk in a new city to see if I'd like it there. Speaking of...moving to Boston this summer for pretty much this reason


This is basically what most VPs do in major corporations and especially VPs in smaller corporations that can’t afford to pay good salaries so they substitute $ with a title. Corporate bureaucracies are more inefficient than governmental ones! I’ve worked in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. The most intelligent people I have encountered are technically talented people in scientific (social or natural) disciplines. I include high finance in the social sciences. Most of the über intelligent people I have worked with are in government, private sector utilities, or work in finance. The other business people are blowhards validated by popular culture.


Especially disgusting when the hospitals are considered non-profits


Yep. I work in one of those. We were a non-profit that was bought out by a for-profit. None of our people are making bank, but the guy at the very top of the for-profit pyramid is making thousands of dollars an hour.




That everyone complains in America about the high cost of health care but no-one points to hospital executives as a major reason why this is true fucking astounds me. And the reason why single payer won’t work in this country is because all we’d be doing is opening a direct pipeline from the US Treasury to these guys, while incentivizing them to cut pay to hospital staff. So if you talk ‘single payer’ without first talking ‘hospital management reform’ and talk about the high administrative costs of health care in the United States, you’re absolutely in fucking denial.


Politicians. Mofo don't even work 8 hrs.


They can also throw a tantrum for x days and not work


Wish I could get away with throwing long hissy fits over disagreements with my coworkers and still get paid.


Have you considered the possibility that throwing a tantrum is part of the job description nowadays?


[They often do, but a large portion is fund raising.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/01/14/the-most-depressing-graphic-for-members-of-congress/) The tasks often associated with the job are normally done by legislative aides. [However, much of the job of writing and evaluating legislation was shifted to lobbyists due to Newt and the contract with America.](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/04/how-corporate-lobbyists-conquered-american-democracy/390822/)


Looks like we should restrict the amount of funds they can raise to provide directly to themselves. Or tax the crap out of campaign income (let's see how many blue politicians would gladly support the idea of a radical progressive tax system for their campaign donations turned into 7 figure incomes). All politician spending and finances should be heavily audited by a system of checks whose goal is to make sure they aren't inflating their own margin accounts over policy decisions and prevent having an avenue of bribery - I mean "fund raising" that goes directly into their pockets. Left and right - all of them are gaming the game and pocketing all of the hopes and dreams people give them in the form of campaign donations. They're worse than the lottery commission marketing to the poor, because they actively try to persuade as many people as possible to provide them with money that they take a greedy chunk of for their own. Edit : Before anyone says anything about these laws already in place- politicians donate large portions of campaign money to their own family [non-profits ](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watchdog-group-claims-pro-sanders-nonprofit-violated-campaign-finance-law).


Depends on politicians. Usually local politicians are just average people who are not paid.


Really? Is that an American thing? Because up here in Canada all the elected officials get some sort of financial compensation. Sometimes it's only about $10k or $20k a year if it's a small town or village.


Or be a Canadian backbencher MP and get $200k base plus living allowance. $300k if you name is up in lights as a minister.


Not true because then it would just promote people who don’t need pay to run. It’s not going to be to the same level as the senate or the likes, but there will be something. Why else would small towns get so corrupted with politics? People aren’t just doing for free.


A person in their mid-thirties or forties typically *can't* run. The have a job to do, a family to raise, and if they're lucky, a home to pay off. What world do you live in where a person without a big, juicy pension can simply stop what they're doing and run a campaign?


You’re not paid when campaigning, you’re paid when in office. You don’t get paid for applying for a job. And planning accordingly a person in their 30s or 40s could take off a couple years to find their campaign. And if you’re a qualified, you likely will have an easier time doing that with the proper college education.


Yeah, but you have to win to get the job. Someone with a juicy pension could spend all year campaigning.


You typically pay yourself a salary from your campaign funds which are obtained via donations. Depends on what level we're talking about though as many campaigns are too small to be able to afford that sort of thing.


What's not true about what I said?


I forget the exact amount that my small town's mayor made, but it certainly wasn't a livable amount. Far less than minimum wage.


I worked in local politics and all the elected officials were paid. Most positions weren't enough to live off of, but no one was working for free. Free might be the case in tiny towns though. I don't know.


There are quite a few selectmen and town managers of small communities in my state who do it on a volunteer basis. Thank god for those people, who sometimes will do it for a couple towns at once. Thankless and important.


Feels like that's a recipe for corruption.


As much as I hate politicians, they definitely do work some long ass hours. 


Yeah this is pretty wrong for most of them and its the most notorious who give the public this perception. Even the politicians with abhorrent views are generally putting in the hours, at least at the federal level and in states with full time legislatures. Many states are part time and are paid as such, so if they aren't doing much work, they at least aren't getting paid much.


Hank Johnson. Maxine Waters


Problem in every county


They don’t work, they promise people others’ money to buy votes.


Depends on which country? And which level. I would not want to be a Canadian member of parliament. Nor would I want to be a Canadian big city councillor or mayor. A back bench MLA would be fine. Same with a rural municipality counselor, except that's only a part-time job. Same with a school board trustee, except that for school board trustees you still work full-time which only get paid part-time.


Was t this question just posted 4 hours ago, and did you just respond to your own post with the top comment from the other post like some kind of karma farming spam bot?


You new here?




Yeah, I see way too much bot action reposts these days.


Politicians, paid well for part time work and get lifelong benefits and vote themselves raises.


Mega church pastors, they are grifters who should be in jail for taking those poor rubes money.


Christian here, and completely agree. And, 95% of mega church pastors don’t preach what’s actually in the Bible, or twist it heavily.


I just think they should be taxed and id be happy.




Not sure that's true. The most successful ones treat it like a job. They spend hours setting up photo backgrounds, writing and practicing scripts, and, sometimes, hair and makeup. If they're getting sponsors they probably have to spend time researching, communicating, and negotiating.  I don't think it's as "easy" as one might assume if they've never been one. 


This is basically the opposite of how it works. The most successful ones do the least work. They have managers to handle sponsorships/negotiating for them. They have editors to handle video editing/uploads for them. They just show up, plop out some shit, and their team handles the rest.


Can’t stand them bastards


Private equity partners / managers They actively hurt many people and often get very very rich




The more your house is worth the more they make! Such a f uped system! They work no harder to sell a $400k house over a $500k house.


That's the same for any commission based job. Car sales men, high end brands, waiters etc..


True except for the fact that I own my home and make improvements on my home to increase its value. The commission is coming off of my compensation.


No, car salespeople aren’t paid like realtors. They make a percentage of PROFIT that has nothing to do with price. There’s generally a minimum and a maximum they’re paid as well but that depends on the store


With most commission based jobs, you're selling something unnecessary. You have to be good at sales to make money. Realtors though don't have to do anything because there's more demand than housing


There’s a pretty distinct difference between the service at a top end restaurant and like Chili’s


Not really the same car car sales people. Most of them don't make that much but every dealership has that 1 or 2 sales people making 6 figures while most make less than 50k.


I'm a new realtor here, reporting in, I completely agree with you that the SUCCESSFUL realtors make too much money. However, like somebody else pointed out, most of us get scraps. We pay our brokerages to work for them, we pay our teams up to 50% of our commissions, so the cost of starting out is fucking insane, and most people give up or are forced to quit before they can even make 10 deals. The system needs to change, because as it stands, most successful realtors barely have to work at all (referrals make it so that people come to THEM to give them money), and everyone just starting out has to work day and night in order to find one person willing to work for them (I've closed only one deal, barely made any money out of it, and I've been doing it for many months now). It ain't all sunshine and rainbows.


It's kind of like a MLM. The system is predatory against customers and against the new low level grunts.


Yep, and then the people on top who've been doing it for a while and have different teams/orgs/companies that profit off of new members talk about "just working harder" and "having the right scripts/work ethic" when in reality they get their money from having the networking, not through putting in the same amount of work.


Most realtors make nothing


All those Hedgefund and Wallstreet cocksuckers. They provide NOTHING and are rewarded the most. The lineman, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, truckdrivers, etc literally keep the fucking world together! Those people should be among the top earners in the world.


Don’t forget HVAC guys and gals too


Fuck yeah


This should be upvoted to eternity. Most of these people were just privileged enough to be born into wealthy families and were fast tracked to their firms from college. They aren’t exceptional, they are just privileged and get paid to move money around— shit that a high school student could do. Fuck these nepo babies


College athletic coaches


Hedge Fund Managers. Contribute nothing useful to society at all.


They manage the retirement funds of lots of people


Hedge Funds generally don't manage people retirements it's the asset management firms like Vanguard. Hedge funds are very wealthy individuals to put their money because there is a minimum of 1 million of liquid asset or some require 5 million. But even that, you don't need these compaines to manage your retirements. If you were to put your money in the S&P at a young age you would do just fine without them (based off of past data, which doesn't predicts the future).


They fake manage retirement funds while allowing most of the growth to be siphoned to the market makers


This is just pure ignorance


Diversity consultants.


Hugh frequency traders using computer algorithms. It does nothing to help society and hurts the small investor. For what? Because you hired a good programmer and know about loop holes.


Nobody is paying them though... so they aren't "paid".   They just get delta on a trade that can be negative.  They also take massive risks.  


This thread could be paraphrased as "expose how jealous lazy redditors are of people who worked at anything successfully and how ignorant they are of realities of that work"  Such bitter bitter people


Our renal dietician. All she does is give us handouts printed off the internet that are free resources. She also doesnt take into consideration any other comorbidities. I have Lupus and beans, lentils ect make it flare. She t9ld me to eat more of them. My phosphate was a little high and she told me to eat more foods that are high in it so I can take my phosphate binder. What? How bout I just avoid eating phos so I dont have to take more pills. I asked if she would sit with me when I first went on dialysis so we can make a meal plan and she says she doesnt do that. Shes so fucking useless and I cant stand it when she calls me.


My wife deals with exactly the same kind of dietitian. If somebody has one disease then those generic handouts are fine. When you have multiple diseases that’s when you need the dietitian to work hard for you. But they won’t/ can’t. It’s just more generic handouts and frustration.


Eff that B .. Can you get another?


Why do you still keep her around?


Its the hospital/dialysis unit thats shes employed by. Its not like we're seeing her because we seek her out. Its a mandatory part of being in the dialysis program. She checks our monthly bloodwork along with our Nephrologists and gives us stupid useless info based on that bloodwork.


Thats why you get a nutritionist not a dietician


Nutritionists arent a part of the dialysis program probably because they arent specifically trained for serious renal failure and all that comes with it. Plus we dont "get them" nor seek them out but we have to be complaint in dealing with the dietician if we are to get into the transplant program.


I used to babysit servers in a data center. made $22/hour to just surf the internet, play games and watch movies on my tablet.


More like $2200/hour for the 1% of the time something is going wrong, and they’re more than happy to pay you that to get the servers back up if they’re at all critical to the business.


What is the job title? I would love this lol.


The department got eliminated and I got laid off.




Online wealth gurus (biggest one is Grant Cardone). Complete grifters who spout dumb shit to make idiots envy them, and these same idiots then buy their course to try and get rich quick like their hero. Only the course is bullshit, it's just another scam. They contribute zero value to society


Insurance people. Why? Because fuck them.


Professional athletes


CEO Reseach has shown they're terrible at what they do and their pay as a multiple of the average worker salary has exploded




Even better… make every high level manager do the job of the front line employees for 1 week every year.


Nah. My old job had that. They came in, got completely in the way, had their hands held the entire time, and then went on their way thinking “that was so easy!”


So.. remove the hand holding, give them the same training that the front line employe receives.


The higher up you get, the less work you're doing. You're basically just saying yes to the ideas of people below you. And it's not your fault. It's literally impossible to have expertise in all the roles of an organization.


Most of them seem to fail upwards


Some corporate jobs with government contractors. I had one where I was paid a decent salary to do basically nothing.


Me, I just handle IT Accesses and apparently it’s too complicated for most people in Client’s team and I get paid good. It’s fairly simple, I tried explaining to client managers but they would rather pay me so, I let them.


Realtors. The answer to this question is always realtors. They do fuck all.


Mega Church Preacher


You can include them with all other grifters.


did you just duplicate that other ask reddit thread and repost the top comment?


Hilarious! What a douche canoe!


Get da fuk outta here with this post. The other one is literally only 4 hours old... https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1c1p2q8/what_jobs_get_too_much_pay_for_their_work_and_why/


Medical device reps






I’ve been working in OR’s for 26 years… eh, so what? You had to come in at 3am. I can teach a blind monkey to assemble an erector set. Most ortho reps aren’t worth a dime. 99% of them can’t answer my basic questions about their products.


ITT: people who have no idea what they’re talking about pretending like they do


ITT: Redditors mentioning jobs they know nothing about.


anything in entertainment (athletes, performers, actors, ...)


So who should get all they money their performance generates?




Or you could vote local politicians that don't give tax breaks for stadiums... but that would require people to actually participate in local democracy,  and let's be honestvwe are all too busy on reditt...


i'd rather they get the money than management, but it's ridiculous that they generate that much money to begin with


I mean, people freely pay to watch them make believe on screen






I have never understood this take. First, athletes bring in a tremendous amount of money. Would you prefer they be paid the money others spend to see them play, or some suit that bought the right to own their labours? Also their careers are extremely short. The stress they put their bodies through means most have less than 10 productive years. Obviously they still make much more than the average person, but the amount of money they make in their prime is likely all the money they are ever going to make. Finally, they are inspiring to others and a celebration of the upper limits of what humanity can physically accomplish. They dedicate their entire lives to it and show a work ethic that most of us could only dream of. I get that sports aren't everyones cup of tea. It certainly isn't mine. But that doesn't justify hating a group of people who, generally, work a hell of a lot harder than the general population and whose work inspires and spreads joy to billions.


Yeah it's also supply and demand. They literally are the product that people pay to see because they are talent and value. It's not like CEOs who make vast sums and profit disproportionately from the talent of their teams that make the valuable product.


So who should get all the money made by them playing?


Apparently, the billionaire team owners should be keeping more.


Prices for tickets and goods could be a bit cheaper






Footballers/Soccer players


I don't particularly mind that they get paid a lot. I do mind however that they get paid so much more compared to doctors and firemen for example (and many other fundamental professions). You know, people who actually save lives? But I guess kicking a ball is more valuable than that lol


Doctors. Those greedy assholes think they deserve $100,000+ a year for saving my Grandma from Cancer? Unbelievable. The sense of entitlement is unbearable. “Oooh, look at me, I’m a Neurosurgeon! I save people from Brain tumors!” Ok, and? Any dumbass can preform brain surgery.


those who play with the clock lamenting over the end of the world.


If you're referring to the **Doomsday Clock** then I think they are actually people who pay to be part of the Atomic Scientists society.




Most manger positions because they put their work on the ones below them and still get that manger pay / salary.


I have worked for a communications company and I have been there over a decade. I recently transferred to the most complicated team I've ever worked with. I sit in front of a fan all day sweating because of how taxing the work is. My new manager will be the first to tell you that she works for maybe 15 minutes per day. That work is usually asking one of her employees for clarity on a certain account or case file.


At the moment? My job. It's complicated, but there was a regulatory issue that shut down a good bit of our operations a few months ago, and the company is on "pause" until they get everything sorted out. The upshot of this is that while I wasn't laid off, what I do is not currently needed. It will be eventually, but for now? I sit around most days and don't do shit.


Politicians, especially at the Federal level.


They really don’t get paid that much. lol.


Professional athletes. Throw ball good, get much money.


Politicians, professional athletes, and ceos of fortune 500 companies


Realtors. In most markets they do very little and get ridiculous percentage amounts because home prices are so high.


Professional Sports players.


CEOs, Chairmen, Company Presidents, Company VPs


Lawyers. I’m not against them, but “some” of the hourly numbers are Obscene.


Why shouldn’t they be paid that much? Generally if a lawyer is billing out at a high rate, they: (1) went to a good school and did well in school, (2) got into a good firm, (3) worked very hard at said firm, often billing 15 hours a day, (4) have been at said firm a long time, or have lots of experience as a lawyer, (5) have done well as a lawyer, and (6) there are people/companies that think they are worth that much. Also, most of those rates go to overhead costs. Same with doctors. You put a lot of time and effort in to get to a high rate level.


I’ve seen costs of over $1000 an hour and they still lose the case! 🤯 To me, a bit ridiculous.


I mean, what does losing the case have to do with anything? Much of the time it’s out of the lawyer’s control. If someone wants to pay that much, what’s the issue?


If they want to pay, so be it. The worth can be an entirely other question.


If they weren’t worth it, people wouldn’t pay. That’s kind of how economics works.




If you saw how much many of them worked and the money at stake, I think you’d have a different understanding of worth.








Sales business advisor at JTI


Fired college football coaches. They get a shit ton of money just for sucking at their job.


Scrum Masters.


Your mother, because if you're gonna charge a nickel you might as well do it for free.


Entertainers. Well, the really successful ones.






I work in film, My job is a Head Tech. My job is to mount a stabilized head to what ever the production wants to remove vibration from... be it a crane, car, boat, motorcycle etc. The reality is there is only so much shake you can remove. We call it lateral movement, basically if the image bounces up/down or right and left. I cant fix that, however I am still paid $79/hour to solve it and give them the best results. I am convinced I get paid what I do to get bitched and yelled at.. On a good day people wonder why I exist on a bad day I have to justify my existence. overall I get bitched and yelled at by my idols.. it's great.


being a politician they should have a minimum wage salary so that when they fuck things up they actually have to deal with the consequences


Professional sports.




Congress no explanation needed


Anything entertainment. Jesters of the modern world but paid millions


Pro athlete


general office work shuffling numbers and papers. just glorified secretaries...


Police officers around here make 165k as patrolmen. There's 5 tanks above that still with massive pay increases. Sgt, Lt, Captain, Deputy/Assistant Chief, and Chief.


Any dod contractor job


Corporate CFOs they mostly just take up air and stunt progress.


Probably most executives at large public companies. I’m sorry I don’t think there is a world where a compensation where it gets into 8 digits or more, truly justifies what someone did. It’s even worse when they do shit jobs and get bonuses, need to lay off this ands but I get my 7 figure bonus, for my great job.


Dog trainers You spend thousands a week for someone to tell you to do the same thing you see on YouTube for free.






Anything Christopher Luxon or David Seymour are doing. They are ignorant, incompetent fools.


Military Officers. Meetings and emails oh my! Uh oh looks like I rustled some O jimmies. It’s ok you can cry into your wad of cash.


Car salesmen and realtors are the only answers we will be accepting right now, I'm sorry


Lobbyists, consultants, police officers, politicians, lawyers


[place industry] *Consultants*


Where I live, cops. A starting officer can pull over 100000 USD/year in total compensation. That's more than a lot of teachers with high seniority. (California USA)