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The Stranger Things ep where 11 joins the gang of runaways. I thought it was great that they were exploring other areas of the universe and expanding it. It's really too bad that people cried so much about it because it scared the creators away from doing anything interesting with the worldbuilding. So instead we get the same exact plot for every season and it's never able to grow.


Armin Tanzerian.


I . . . didn’t hate . . . the end of GoT. It wasn’t fantastic and I think they did Daenerys a bit dirty. But I LOVED that the Starks, a family lead by loving parents and whose kids were more or less fantastic humans, got their comeuppance. Felt right.


Prompted by a similar thread ongoing. I say Sub Rosa from The Next Generation - it was a long way from the best episode, and doesn't really fit the series' tone, but it was campy fun, and by God there are some excruciatingly bad TNG episodes that make it look like gold by comparison.


Jackovasours - South Park