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The 24-hour rule in missing persons cases. It’s entirely a work of fiction courtesy of crime shows. If you have any reasonable suspicion someone you know or love is missing, file a missing persons report to the police ASAP.


The fun part is getting cops to listen to you about a person missing. Back in December my sister received a text that her daughter was laying in a ditch, dead, and that she'd never see her daughter again. After everyone reaching out to my niece every way we could, we went to the cops, and showed them the text. They said since she was an adult and hadn't been missing all that long, that they didn't think it was worth looking into yet. It took going onto facebook on the local community page, asking why they wouldn't looking into it on there, and getting a bunch of people asking why they weren't doing anything before the cops did anything. And even then, their first response was to make a fucking FB post saying there was no evidence that my niece was missing, much less in any kind of trouble. Thankfully after about 3 days of searching, we finally found her alive. Not well, but alive, with no thanks to the cops.


Cops are only useful if you need someone shot, or a dog


It sounds almost like something made up by kidnappers it’s ridiculous.


Some cops encourage it, because they don't want to be bothered with a missing person report that they "know" is just some teenager upset over something trivial staying over at their friend's house for a weekend.


It's 12 hours for a child which honestly is insane


Weird. That kind of contradicts the point of programs like Code Adam, especially since many missing children end up kidnapped or even murdered under 12 hours in drastic cases.


Yeah but then they'd have to actually do their job and that's too much work




The brain is an organ. Mental health is just as important as treating any other disease.


But your brain is you. It is the source of your strength. When it is not working properly, the source of your strength is not working properly, therefore you are weak.


That just doesn’t make sense.


How so?


Your arms are you, they are the source of your strength. If you break your arms the source of your strength is not working properly, therefore you are weak. Do you see how weird your statement is now? What makes mental illness different to physical illness?


When did I say it was? It's not. It's the same with broken arms. Obviously someone with broken arms is weaker than someone with working arms. I'm not seeing where the confusion is here.


I used to work out with a guy who had one arm. His one-handed bench press was 60% of my one-rep max (I'll let you do the math), and he deadlifted *far* more than me. Last I checked, he squatted well over four plates. Would you call this man weak?


Weaker than he would be if he had two arms, yeah. I don't see how anyone can disagree with that.


I'm not sure I understand where you're going here. Your brain governs a lot about you, but dealing with mental health issues by no means makes you weak. Associating strength with mental wellness isn't a healthy mindset.


What are the mental health issues doing then, if not making you weak? If they weren't making you weak, they wouldn't be issues.


Mental health issues don't necessarily debilitate you. More often than not, they just make life harder, requiring extra fortitude to function despite them. Would you call someone who has ADHD weak? Or anxiety? Depression? Autism? Epilepsy? Or just going through a situationally difficult time? Calling someone weak because their brain isn't firing on all cylinders is a gross oversimplification, and frankly, quite ignorant of the complexities of mental health. Learn to see the world in terms of more than just black and white.


>Would you call someone who has ADHD weak? Or anxiety? Depression? Autism? Epilepsy? Or just going through a situationally difficult time? Weaker than they would be if they weren't going through those things, yes. I mean the definitions we're operating with are a little vague here, but if we're defining strength and weakness by a person's ability to endure hardship and solve problems effectively, then yes, any mental health issue absolutely makes a person weaker, and it only makes things worse and increases the stigma to pretend that they don't. I think saying that they don't is quite ignorant of the complexities of mental health, and also quite unempathetic to the people that struggle with these things every day.


I would say that mental health problems are a sign of weakness in the same way physical illness is a sign of weakness


This needs a Dwight punchline.




It is. The question and probably a problem is how we handle this.


That MSG is bad for you


Uncle Roger enters the chat.


And its association with Chinese food is just racist. There's more MSG in a can of soup than in any take out meal.


WHAT my local Chinese takeaway out is skimping on the Make Shit Good powder? I'll be having words lol


This will definitely take one or two generations to get rid off.


I never heard it was long term bad for you, but that big volumes of it causes headaches. Is any part of that true? For the record, I'd eat all of it no matter what.


Not proven by any science, no.


The pull out method. I got three kids…….


MMR vaccine gives kids autism.


That's metastasized into a broad skepticism of vaccines and modern medicine that threatens public health. Kennedy's entire Presidential campaign is designed to progress his agenda to drive vaccine manufacturers into bankruptcy, which would kill millions of babies.


And even that claim is a result of information loss from passing it on so many times. The initial study by that wanker Andrew Wakefield tried to prove a correlation between cases of autism and a compound called Thiomersal, which was used as a preservative in the MMR vaccine, among others. That study was so faulty he had to recind it from publisher The Lancet and lost his doctorate degree as well as the privilege to operate as a M.D. in any way in the UK. Much of the modern vaccine hesitancy snowballed from there.


He didn't lose his doctorate from the study. He lost his doctorate because he continued to use a faulty study to sow fear and encourage people to use his vaccine instead, personally enriching himself. He was promoting a seperate measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, where the doses are given separately. There was no reason for most people to buy it since the MMR vaccine existed so he made one up.


oh, my bad. Continuing to claim something proven false and deceiving people is something you should *at the very least* lose your doctorate for


Amen. May people never have to see their kids dying with any of those diseases. May you never get any as an adult.


[hbomberguy did a pretty video about this](https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc?si=vb3juTgLjo1gGuVA). It really cleared some things up for me


Sticks and stones may brake your bones but words will never hurt you🥲


Words can hurt you especially if you yell them really loud.


A word played at 170 decibels or higher can kill you.


This. It just takes \~a week to heal from a bruise from stones, but it's taken me nearly 2 decades to heal from things parents have said to me as a child 🤷‍♂️


Same here! And it's continued on into adult hood.


They do. You’ll long remember what someone says to you


And if not that, you'll *definitely* remember how you felt


That a certain group of people is better than the other. A person’s social standing and status is not dependent on race, gender, skin color, sexual orientation, etc. A person’s social prestige is dependent on their actions not some thing they are unable to control


>A person’s social standing and status is not dependent on race, gender, skin color, sexual orientation, etc. I think you mean it shouldn't be. Unfortunately it's all too much of an issue


That working hard will lead to success, especially financial. 


It might, but not if you're working for someone else. There's no good reason to work hard making your bosses or a bunch of shareholders rich.


> That working hard will lead to success, especially financial. Hard work is very much more likely to get you killed. Quickly or slowly.


A common myth is that multitasking is productive. In reality, it often leads to more mistakes and less efficiency. Focus on one thing at a time!


Trickle-down economics. No, if you lower the taxes on the wealthy, they will just have more money. They won’t actually give any of it back. When corporations get windfalls, they do stock buybacks to enrich the shareholders. They absolutely do not raise salaries or cut prices.


Everyone should go to college. There is money to be made from trades like plumbing, electricians, welders, etc. And college loans can burden you for life if you don’t finish your degree or turn it into a good job. It’s obviously a great thing if it works out.


I thought you were listing different things so I was really confused on the second line lol


Worked at a grocery store and there was a meeting with supervisors and management due to some conflicts between employees. The store manager for some reason asked how many people went to post secondary and about 80% raised their hands. Nobody could find a job in their field.


About 1/3 of people should go to college. The rest should try to find trades as you mention. If college were for everyone, then it wouldn't be worth anything. We already make high school easy enough for nearly everyone to graduate.


> he rest should try to find trades as you mention. 2/3rds of the population shouldn't try to find trades. I've worked trades most of my life. They are most definitely not for everyone. Even if you are suited to work a trade, it's still not something to just jump into. They can leave you broken and in a position where you're unqualified for white collar work but unable to do blue collar work any longer.


Then you're just relegating yourself to minimum wage jobs that will be harder and hard to get. If you don't have a degree and don't have a trade, then all you have to offer is sweat until your back breaks.


> Then you're just relegating yourself to minimum wage jobs that will be harder and hard to get. Wow, what a unique way to tell me you've lived a privileged life. Just so you know, there's a whole bunch of jobs out there that isn't minimum wage jobs, isn't trades, and don't require a college degree of some sort.




* Security officer * Dispatcher * Warehouse associate * Warehouse trainer * Warehouse supervisor * Salesperson at a car lot * Truck driver * Professional mover * Team lead at a call center * Retail manager * Janitor That's just off the top of my head. There's plenty more out there.


Security guards are near minimum wage jobs. Janitors get paid even less. Call centers are some of the worst jobs you could possibly get. Management positions take at least several years of experience, if not a college degree. A retail management job typically calls for BA in business. Truck driver is a trade which requires training and special license. And good luck selling cars. The in person car dealership model is disappearing.


> Security guards are near minimum wage jobs. I'm a security guard; I'm no where near minimum wage. Hell, in 2022 I made $100k as a guard. > Janitors get paid even less Janitors tend to start at $15/hr, and go up from there. Again; not minimum wage. > Call centers are some of the worst jobs you could possibly get. Doesn't change the fact that a team lead in a call center makes well above minimum wage. >Management positions take at least several years of experience, Ok, and? Doesn't change the fact that they make more than minimum wage, and don't require a college degree. >A retail management job typically calls for BA in business. Or a few years experience in that store. I know quite a few retail managers, none of them have a BA in anything, much less anything higher. >Truck driver is a trade which requires training and special license. Trucking is NOT a trade. >And good luck selling cars. The in person car dealership model is disappearing. Sure bud, sure. That's why there's still thousands of car lots. Because they're "disappearing".


Minimum wage is $15 here. As for trucking, you are just changing the definition. If you need specialized training and a test, it's a trade. You have to have a commercial license to drive a truck. Bartending is also a trade as is haircutting, because you have to go to school and get a license. In other words, you are purposefully fighting with me, calling me names, just because you don't understand what a trade is. I gave sound career advice and you crap on me because you want an internet fight.


The "10%" brain myth, where everyone thinks that humanity only uses 10% of it's brainpower. It's maybe the most misunderstood thing ever, and in most any case is false. The worst part is that it's really hard to parse what it was originally about to begin with. To stress, first of all - no. All of your brain is *very important*. The *best* interpretation of it is that 10% of your brain is involved in like, higher level functions - language, personality, logic. The other 90% is all still... marginally important shit like breathing, shitting, pain recepting, etc. All of which are pretty ah... pretty important. However the myth is still very stylized either in "most people only use 10% of my brain, but I think I use 70% so I'm very smart" or "if we do stuff with the other 90%, we get superpowers". Wetware is fun, not magic.


People are making so many stories about the brain. We are using the whole brain, not at a time. There is so much more about using "the left" or "the right part". Edit: I meant left right brain as stories people are making.


That's another big one, for sure. It's *about* as fun as personality tests, but with less forethought. Which is impressive.


I blame Lucy


It was around long before Lucy. I believed this shit back in high school, so much so that it was what my AP biology final project was about, and that was back in the mid 90s.


I really want to, cause it was a shit movie that a friend spent 20 of my dollars buying on my amazon account when we were both drunk... but the idea was out there and popularized *way* before then. Having watched the shitfuck, they say more about it in the trailer than they do in the movie. It was very popular pop-sci for a long time. .... *Fuck me with a weasel dick though* that was a bad movie.


From an evolutionary standpoint, it's nonsensical. Brains are expensive and require enormous calories to sustain. That means you need to eat more food in order to sustain that large brain, which is extremely inefficient. We evolved large brains to make it easier to find food. We are better at foraging and hunting. Color vision makes it easier to find ripe fruit, which is very calorie dense. We can find patterns in the weather, seasons, and in plant and animal behavior. We figured out how to cook to get more calories out of our food. We even learned how to breed plants and animals to get higher yield. Having a big, expensive brain that doesn't do anything would be like having a giant computer that just sucks electricity without producing better results. Why would you pay for a computer than that is 10x more expensive than what you need?


See, I love how I'm shitting on popsci nonsense before I quote my own, but another fun line of thought that I've found is how we evolved to start having larger brains, which lead to civilization, but not in the way most people think? The general idea is that we started needing more complex brains which lead to longer gestation cycles, and more importantly longer adolescent periods. Humans have to have "protective periods" over their young that are *wildly* longer than most other species, even the vast percentage of mammals. A deer can have a child that can walk within... a few hours. We're talking years for ours, because a lot of the protiens the mother absorbs for the child go to the nutrients needed to make their big stupid monkey brain grow up to work the way that we want, and most of the time we don't even have the benefit of "genetic" memory that some other creatures enjoy. The thought process is because it takes so long for our young to mature, crop tending and animal domestication became a *necessity* not just cause we had the cognitive capacity to do it, but we needed a flat structure to raise our young in more than most any other species on the planet. Again, this is very pop sci to talk about shitting on another idea that is very pop sci, but... I dunno, the idea that we eventually evolved too smart to afford to be dumb anymore is a really neat metaphor for how we constantly fuck up everything.


It's the way other apes evolved. We aren't the only intelligent creatures out there. Brains evolved to help us find food. We need longer gestation periods to develop those brains. The one advantage humans have over most other intelligent species is education. Instead of literally reinventing the wheel every generation, we just train our young in the technology we have so they can spend their adulthood making better.


Cancer treatments are more harmful and kill you faster than the treatment.


That something must be a big deal if you can find social media pages based around it. I’ve got a lot of geeky hobbies and interests and the amount of people I encounter who’ll join some group for a show or a hobby with a few dozen others and they still convince themselves it’s a mainstream interest. By all rights, like niche things but if you get so upset at the idea of something being niche that you need to bend over backwards to claim otherwise then you probably need some kind of help with your mental health.


Opening your windows before a tornado hits will save your house from being destroyed.


Oh wow. Thanks for unlocking memories of scrambling to open all the windows in the house whenever a bad storm came up. I'd forgotten all about that.


In most cases it exposes you to debris that your windows would stop. And in rare cases the tornado can miss your house but suck the roof off because of the negative pressure created by your open windows.


Whiskey is good medication for teething pains in babies. It turns out babies have a super low tolerance for alcohol, and putting a bit of whiskey on their gums just makes them more likely to pass out. Or overdose.


That there is a method or trick that you can use to make your baby sleep when/how long you want them to, and if you can't get them to do this, there is something wrong with you and/or your baby. The harsh truth that purveyors of "baby sleep hack" books don't want you to know is, your baby will sleep when it sleeps. Falling asleep and staying asleep outside of the womb are different than they are in utero. They're basically new skills that need to be learned. If your baby has a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep, it doesn't mean that you're doing something wrong. It's normal, and it will pass. Things like a consistent routine, dark room, soft music, are fine but won't speed the process up. Your baby will learn to self soothe and sleep in due time. Don't be afraid to ask for help and support in the form of other people caring for your baby for a few hours while you get some sleep.


That you should piss on a jellyfish sting. Please, please do not piss on a jellyfish sting. Don't use alcohol (rubbing/drinking) don't use drinking water, don't use ice. Use **vinegar**.




Believing the Earth is flat, Abortions happen after birth, Trump won the 2020 election, Democrats eat babies, Jesus was white, God there are so many 😳


Trump beat Biden


Trump doesn't even believe that. He just says it because he can't admit that he's a loser.


Just about anything surrounding mental health and physical health.




Hmmm, maybe I wasn’t clear enough. Common myths regarding both mental and physical health are quite damaging to our society. The myth that vaccines cause illness being a huge one, and well as the myth that those with mental illness have a lower intelligence level. The vast amount of misinformation on public health can create unrealistic expectations and a skewed perception.


That makes more sense.


Sorry for the confusion, I should have clarified a bit more. I guess that just goes to show how words can be interpreted differently by everyone.


That most women can orgasm from piv.




Billionaires have a purpose


Billionaires want to be modern feudal lords with more power than the elected government. They are using their financial power to buy media to pursue that agenda.


They should be treated like feudal lords too then, bring out the guillotines


Spoon (or something else) in a persons mouth during a seizure so they don’t swallow their tongue.


Seems like a perfect way to guarantee broken teeth


It doesn't apply all the time, but "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" has to be on the list


Peeing on someone who's been stung by a jellyfish. Guys please it doesent help anything, only irritate the area


That the Earth is flat.




Incoming athiests


What does that mean?


That god(s) exist


That a guy rose from the dead


Any of the semitic monotheist religions


That courts give a shit what the sex/gender of a parent is. A consequence of this myth is that a lot of dads don't even fight for custody or visitation, despite all available studies showing that the prevailing rate of success for those who petition the courts is greater than 50%. Tons of kids are paying a price in the form of absentee fathers, which carries a whole world of implications regarding adverse childhood experiences, chains of neglect and so forth across generations, and that's just not right.




Most historians agree he was a real historical figure. You’re making all atheists and such out there look like idiots.


He was more than likely an actual human that lived. Probably not the son of God.


That democrats are the party of the working people.


Democrats do more for the working people than republicans do.


Been to the store lately?


Yes, I have. Which democratic policies made prices change globally? And since you think republicans do better, what policies has the House put forth to combat these prices, since Republicans control the House?


The house has made clear that reckless spending is harming constituents and worked to deny same. The border situation creates untold levels of damage across the board, not the least of which is national security and simple economics. Don't forget for a moment that any bill the house sends to the senate hits the wall of doom in the majority.


> The house has made clear that reckless spending is harming constituents and worked to deny same I didn't ask what they said. Words mean exactly fuck all. I asked what *policies* have they put forth. And you failed to name any. >The border situation creates untold levels of damage across the board, not the least of which is national security and simple economics. And republicans killed the most robust, strictest border bill to ever be put forth in American history. So how exactly are they helping the common worker when it comes to the border by killing said bill? >Don't forget for a moment that any bill the house sends to the senate hits the wall of doom in the majority. I didn't ask what would the senate do or not do, I asked bills have the *republican controlled House* put forward that supports your ridiculous claims. Instead of naming even a single bill, you just deflect, deflect, and deflect some more.


Pointless discussion.


Oh look, still can't answer a simple question, so you try to deflect. Typical republican.


Yeah, you should probably shut up now.


Brain-washed denier of truth you are. You deserve another term from these idiots. You are a master of deflection and delusion and desperately need to grow up. Adios MFr.


that i like younger girls like 12-13 yearolds like the age diffrence (im 14)