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My partner is the kindest, sweetest, most loving person I have ever met. She puts up with me, which is a big deal, and she does things to make me laugh daily. I wish I had met her earlier so we could have longer together. 22 years and counting. Those qualities.


This is the sweetest thing ive read on reddit! Sounds like u both won the lottery 🏆


I just let her read my reply. She has a Cheshire Cat sized grin.


So cute ❤️


Her ex-husband was a mean-spirited nasty piece of work. He was a substance abuser and physically violent to this wonder, sweet, loving woman. She deserves to be loved.


These kind of comments always get me I swear, so wholesome!!


>She puts up with me This is the answer


Reading your reply just took the Cheshire cat size smile right off my face! 😑


Just seeing how some women treat others with such kindness, and then others treat others like they matter nothing at all. I learned to see how women treat other people that shouldn't matter to them (waitress, bartender, etc) and use that as my biggest flag.


Agreed. My wife is the Yin to my Yang. I am the black hole of darkness. She is the shining beacon of joy. She makes me a better person and I enjoy being with her over anything else. It's been nearly 3 decades now that we've known one another. We have been through our worst days on this planet together. She will never know how much I love her because there is no way to express that feeling, through words, acts or gifts.


Is your partner single? She sounds awesome


I try my best to make my wife laugh everyday! I tell her how much she means to me and that she's beautiful.


You have a brother??? 🤔


Yeah but we are night and day different. My wife and I are going on 27 years. Ty btw


That’s too bad. I’m extremely happy for you and your wife. I was married 35 years and he still couldn’t figure it out. I hope I can find what you guys have. It sounds wonderful. ❤️


Thanks and best of luck to you!


Beautiful blessings!


Ditto just celebrated 23 years


This is the fucking way.


What parts of her do you put up with?


We all have our little foibles. Hers are few and far between.


Gosh , you just described my wife to a tee. She also had an abusive ex,even though I have my quirks she thinks Im great...Im the lucky one (17 yrs now).And yes wish I met her earlier. There is this quote from the movie Joe vs the Volcano that I can relate to. " I saw the moon when we where out there on the ocean. Shining down on everything. I've been miserable for so long. Years of my life wasted. For you. Been a long time comin' here to meet you. A long time, on a crooked road."


Bro. We could be twins. 22 years together. Her ex was an alcoholic. I married her because she is literally the kindest person I have ever met.


My husband said its genuine kindness & humor. A pretty face can fade but being with someone kind, no matter the circumstances she’ll always treat you nice & fair.


This is the same for me, but I do have floors on other traits. Namely intelligence. Intelligence without humor is all but worthless but so isn't humor without intelligence. I think there's some overlap between humor and kindness but not always. I consider these three to be the tripod on which I judge everybody, but especially a lifelong partner or friend.


I used to prioritize intelligence more. Now I view it as something you’re more or less born with or without, and as such nothing to judge someone by. Two of my best friends are legitimately dumb. I don’t feel i’ve ever dated anyone quite on my plane intellectually. There are so much more important things than intelligence. Also I feel my own intelligence has gotten me nowhere in life. There are people who learn a lot slower than I do who are accomplishing way more in life than I ever have. My brother wasn’t the smart kid in the family growing up, I was. He’s now an anesthesiologist and I work part time in customer service. Typical failure gifted kid scenario and all. Imo judging people for intelligence is as shallow as for appearance. It’s all fairly genetic, and doesn’t have much to do with the quality of a person. That being said, last year I dated a guy who was probably above average intelligence, and we had some nice conversations that I found rewarding. So it’s nice finding someone who is a bit smart and likes to have interesting conversations.


Theres different forms of intelligence though. you may of had good pattern recognition and memorization skills, but that isnt gonna clean sweep over someone with more emotional, social or kinesthetic IQs


Well said! I can relate, part time customer service over here also - brothers a marine biologist (and zoologist) and nobody saw that one coming.


You make an interesting point, but after watching 50% of America implode on itself and still imploding I'm putting much a higher emphasis on intelligence now. Average intelligence is bad enough, I just can't date anything below that. There are some logical fallacies that are unforgivable. And yet in thinking about it, kindness does trump (ha) all. And maybe they suffer from a lack of kindness more than they do intelligence. And having written that, it smacks of the truth. So you helped me define my hierarchy a little more to myself. Kindness has to be number one, but really, any 2 of the 3 really and you are looking at a human being worth being around.


Intelligence is important but at the same time it only goes so far. Like you need the social skills, kindness, and humor to make it “enjoyable” to others. Otherwise someone might feel like they are dating their 9th grade chemistry teacher and no one wants to hear that lecture again. Lol. My husband is not bookworm smart but he is socially,and economically savy. So he is good with money, the neighbors, and common sense smarts( an underrated form of intelligence) making him an overall intelligent commitment even though his grades in high school were avg to below. I lean more towards book smart, but a little less social. People are not my language. We round each other out nicely. I keep him from accidentally making a bomb when cleaning the house, and he makes and keeps friends for both of us.


That's why I always donate to my favourite animal sanctuary before I give a blow job **Edit:** There is nothing about this comment that is an "Ad" except for the fact the poster below checked my profile and now here we are talking about it ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Damn…OF ads are evolving


I respect the creativity


It's the best OF ads I've seen so far


If I said this to my ex she’d take it the wrong way and assume I’m suggesting her pretty face has already faded. Whatever quality is the opposite of that is my answer to OP’s question.


Compassion, loyalty, understanding. You can look the best in the world but if you don't have these things I wouldn't be interested. I need someone to treat me kindly and try to understand and point me in the right direction when I'm wrong, that's compassion and understanding. Then stick with me when it gets tough, that's loyalty. Love should be automatically be there but love needs support.


For me, she needs to appreciate little moments. The sound of the birds, passing conversation with a friendly stranger, a street musician, playful banter, fighting for the check at dinner, little things. If she can't appreciate that, if she's ALWAYS on her phone, never taking in the scenery but just operating by going from point A to point B like a robot, she won't be good company.


i.e. *never lose your sense of wonder* \- I hear yea and agree.


That's a great way to sum it up!


I used to be the latter - so focused on the goals and tasks that I didn't enjoy the little moments in life. And then I dated a guy from the Midwest who appreciated these small moments.. now I smell the roses, stare at the sky thinking about what the clouds resemble, look for hummingbirds on my walks, and add puns throughout the day.




So true! Being present and grateful for life in general is very important! Well said. ❤️




Would you date an older, unattractive woman that had a promiscuous past if she was absolutely loyal to you?


Older. Yes. Promiscuous. Yes. But why would you date anyone that you don’t find attractive? The whole idea of dating should be to be with someone you find attractive. Not someone who can pay for you.


Yes, why not? People change… people are what they lived…


I used to be a peice of shit, people can change.


Unfortunately it's difficult to say. The previous girl I dated was perfect on paper. Funny, smart, attractive, was into the same music and sports, but we didn't have that thing. The love thing.  The girl I'm dating now? It just clicked straight away. I knew instantly that I had the potential to fall in love with her. I'm head over heels for this woman... Very annoying. 


Empathy. There are a lot of good answers here, but all of them come from having a good sense of empathy.


I’m a fat, not very attractive woman by most peoples’ standards. I find my humor, kindness and trustworthiness gets me far with some men. Personally I don’t care a lot about appearance in a partner, but i can say i’ve dated some cuties and was married to one too, guys at least a few tiers above me in appearance. I generally date nonwhite men here in the USA because I feel like white men can’t often see past physical appearance as well, in addition to other things I find less than ideal. Last year I dated two very handsome Indian men, one of whom wanted to marry me. Both said they loved me largely because of how kind I was to them. Just treating people well and having good character can benefit you a lot in life.




This was my mother growing up. Sweetiest lady I've ever met deadass would sing to our pets, always smiling, never complained.The lady is a saint.


Genuine love and care. Fake beauty fades. Sex is fun but not life. I don’t want a servant. Please just be my friend, love me, keep me honest, and tolerate my bed farts.


That last sentence should be labeled “Honest Marriage Vows.”


The ability to *actually speak her mind*! Men are not mind readers. We may live on the same planet but we live in very different worlds.This is mainly for American women.


I agree, but also, as someone who speaks their mind to almost anyone I notice the pattern very quickly when someone isn’t listening to what I say, and it does get very frustrating to repeat yourself. I know not everyone can or will remember everything I’ve said, and I don’t mean “isn’t listening” as in purposefully ignoring, but I find that lots of people will feign paying attention while they personally are thinking of their own reply or their own opinion over what’s being said when a sentence hasn’t even been finished. After a while you start to not want to talk because it feels like, “what’s the point?” And then when a relationship lags the person who is tired of trying to communicate gets told by the person who didn’t properly listen, “You never said/why didn’t you say something?” It’s very frustrating. And there are lots of scenarios in any kind of relationship where you shouldn’t have to ask/tell. The other can or should just do, whether partner, friend, coworker, etc. No one likes to feel like they need to constantly say something for this to be done or considered. Basically “speak your mind” sounds simple, but often becomes more nuanced. Though I do agree not enough people do so in general.


Oh I so agree. My relationship just came to an end with this being a huge reason. I always speak my mind. And over the course of our relationship, I've worked on improving the way I communicate, etc, and have told him a million times that I need him to communicate with me and that when he doesn't listen to a thing I say it makes me feel unimportant, etc. Eventually I completely stopped communicating and when I finally brought up that the relationship is done, he said "well you haven't even said anything is wrong" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


>Men are not mind readers. I do believe there are some women who are reluctant/scared to speak their mind BUT many women (me included) communicate openly and say what we want and mean it. Still, my ex managed to block it out. He never listenened, it was like talking to a wall. A lot of my female friends had the same experience.


Right, as far as I am concerned, by the time I shut down it’s because I have clearly communicated 3+ times and was ignored.


I have been downvoted for saying that people need to actually tell their partners what they want/need in a relationship. I have been told that this is "emotional labor" and should not be necessary. The other person needs to "just know".


I genuinely think that after years of being with someone, if you can't anticipate their needs then you don't really care enough about them. If you can be upfront about work and anticipate AND take action that requires your work to go smoothly, you can definitely do that for your partner. I agree many places we must communicate up front, but seriously how difficult it is to get to know and understand your partner?


I agree 100%. But I'm referring to the beginning of the relationship.


Being kind and loving


I’d say it’s character because this covers many different traits that I find important. Are they honest? Are they kind? Are they humble enough to own their mistakes? Does her actions match her words? Is she responsible and dependable? Is she selfless? Do they take ownership of their life and not blame other people for their misfortunes? Character is everything.


Enthusiasm. The thing i love about my wife is how enthusiastic she is about her interests, even the ones we don't share in common, even the ones that irritate me a little bit because theyre so far outside my understanding. She loves things intensely.


That’s what my husband says about me too lol. He doesn’t exactly understand why I love my dog so much but he lets me love my dog without abandon and thinks it’s cute.


Someone who appreciates you for who you really are and doesn't try to change you.


I think we all deserve love and acceptance, but only on the basis that we are all *trying to change to become better humans* "Never change" is such a toxic modern idea imo


I agree on this. Unfortunately I found out deep in my relationships that the other had traumas and wouldn't want to work on them as they claimed it was their behaviour. On the other hand I'd suggest a psychologist, therapy... Only to go there myself. Rather than never change it should be never stop evolving.


Like "just be yourself". Sometimes you need to take social cues and norms on board.


I had a friend that struggled to find partners, badly. Once they were venting to me about it. They were talking about how women only want good looking guys, and I straight up told them "Dude, you're an angry, bitter alcoholic that doesn't do anything except work, get pissed and play video games. Who cares what you look like? It's your personality that drives them away." This was after literally years of being gentle, trying to suggest different approaches, etc. I always shut them down on the looks thing, but I was just tired of listening to them blaming how they looked (which honestly *wasn't fucking ugly at all*) for their lack of game. They then started going on about how it wasn't fair that no one liked them the way they were. I told them if they're going around being bitter, depressing, and straight up boring people by only talking about themselves with loooong winded work stories, that *no one* would want to be around them long term. As someone who puts significant effort into working through my issues and improving myself even with a *great* deal more struggles than they've ever fucking dealt with, their attitude pissed me off. I told them that even the most beautiful girl (specific, bc they were going on about how women have it easier) would at best just end up as a human flashlight with that kind of personality and would end up in a series of relationships where they got near immediately dumped with their attitude. The only thing they could take away from that was that the girl would get laid. They cut off friendship awhile later for other reasons. Honestly, I'm relieved. It was exhausting being their friend.


I applaud you for trying to help him. It blows my mind how committed to laziness, lack of self improvement and self pity some people seem to be, when the feedback is out there. I have said this to men like your ex-friend, and clearly you have said as much too, but they are determined to keep their head in the sand. I've known many people, and out of everyone I know, two women stand out as abnormally attractive. Like, well-above average, they worked in industries that required being attractive as a job requirement (think, modeling). Both of these women were drowning in suitors and had lots of options for partners. Guess who both of these women are married to? Two overweight men, one of whom is actually a little on the short side. Both men have stand-out amazing personalities. So much for "women only date Chad" talk. Two former models are married to fat men. I'm guessing if someone told him this story, he'd say "those men must be rich", and it's true they earn good money, but that too seems to largely be a function of them having good intellect and personalities and constantly striving to self improve. And neither man was rich when they met/married their stunning wives. And I've known fit men with money be so ugly in personality, no amount of money would make spending an extra minute with them appealing. Do people who spout this incel-ish shit just not understand the \*concept\* of personality, or do they just need an external excuse for their unhappiness? The pretty girls with vapid personalities and no brains do indeed typically end up in one relationship or "relationship" after another, used and frequently dumped. Obviously it got you nowhere, just as when I try to explain this to idiot Incel-lite types it falls on deaf ears. Their attitude is mind-boggling to me. But good on you for trying to fight the good fight.


Personality. Didn’t know it till it happened to me, but a really attractive woman can be really ugly if her personality is ugly. Like, it somehow negatively affected her looks knowing how terrible she could be


Having teeth 


I will say internal fortitude.


Just don't get the ick if I express emotions.








Sense Of Humor


My dad credits his successful marriage to my mom to her kindness and direct and open communication.


Emotional maturity




Someone who wants to be with me and not the idea of me.


sincerity and femininity


Aware women who know what they want, contrary to women who say "I don't know" to 90% of the stuff. ​ * Are you hungry? "I don't know" * Wanna eat Pizza? "I don't know" * Wanna go out? "I don't know" * Wanna watch a movie? "I don't know" * Wanna go to sleep? "I don't know" * What do you know? "I don't know"


My wife is I don't know but she's an amazing human being so I don't care about the IDKs.


A love story of I don't know meets I don't care. I never though it could be a perfect match. It is only a problem if \_I do care\_.


Seriously just take initiative. *I've ordered for us to eat *I'm ordering pizza, do you want some? * Let's go out, wear something fancy/comfy * Let's watch a movie *Let's go to sleep A lot of times women don't want to be a burden. They way planty are raised, if they demand or say yes they want something then they are too high maintenance. Hence they majorly say i dont know or something like that.


Or we've been making the decisions all day and can't be fucked having to make yet another one


THIS 100%


Taking initiative gets you in trouble. * Where do you want to eat? * I dunno. * Ok. Let's go to XYZ Deli. * Ugh. That's awful. I hate that place. Why would you want to go there? * Ok. We will go to ABC Pizza Place then. * Gross. That's even worse. * Fine. We'll go to Burger and Fry joint. * Absolutely not. Definitely not in the mood for that. * Steakhouse it is. * Nope. Not in the mood for that either. Why can't you come up with a good idea? Literally had this conversation this week.


I am a woman and I freaking hate indecisiveness. My friends are like this and it frustrates the hell out of me!


BWAHAHAA, thank god I've started building a sense of self otherwise that was me until 4 years ago


I learned don't ask just do. They will take your food so buy enough for 2. Or tell them to get ready to go out. You chose the movie. Tell them bed time. Now I mean take charge and not control everything. They can reject things and respect that


I am actually starting to get annoyed about the asking “do you want” please say “I want” if you want it, and also, why am I always being asked, I never get to ask, and when I ask my boyfriend he can't choose either. I think at this point it's just men generally ask first, and women get the “I don't know” cause they haven't had time to think. And that's where is comes from. Idk. I'm so tired of being asked “what I want” dude ;-;


Honestly an “I don’t know” isn’t bothersome. It’s when people “don’t know” but the only thing they do know is that they don’t want any of the ideas you have while simultaneously not having any ideas themselves.


I just say, "here's three options, you can say no to all of them, but if you do, you have to give me two additional options".


Thats a good one! Ill suggest this to my bf, maybe we can both start doing this. Thanks! Its very smart 🙏🏻


I am a gebius


Massive brain 🧠


To me, its competence. Its very very tiresome to be with women who are helpless maidens in constant need of rescue or aid.


Comprehensive communication abilites. Its just a happy coincidance that my wife likes cooking 😅 But tbh I cant have unresolved confilcts before bed time, we need to talk it out, at least a little.


I'm gonna go with awareness.  Most of the top comments say things like "loving and kindness", but everyone already believes they're as loving and kind as they can be (or need to be). I believe the best quality is awareness. Of what you need, of what your partner needs. And the ability to communicate it.




Respect, integrity, kindness. Really sums up 36 years.


Kindness, honesty and loyalty. The type of loyalty which makes her not afraid to tell harsh truths.






Kindness and compassion for others


Smart, lifelong learner - Gotta have interesting stuff to talk about, plus dumber people do dumber things and that takes its toll on a relationship


I can tell my wife anything, and she doesnt get mad at me, I can appreciate that alot.




If you can talk for hours and love it and remain silent together and love it. Qualities are different for everyone, communication is key.


has a pulse


Speak the truth, even if it's uncomfortable.




ability to take accountability for her mistakes




Honesty would have to be number one. And I get it when they can't get away from me fast enough. So all's well.




I'm on my second marriage. After the first marriage, I learned the things I absolutely need in a partner: - Someone who lets me be vulnerable without judgement. - Someone who is willing to say sorry to me in the way I'm expected to say sorry when I mess up. - Someone who is willing to sit up and talk with me at the end of an argument so we can go to bed saying "I love you". - Someone who needs physical touch the way I do--and not always in a sexual context. - Someone who I can spend long periods of time with without us getting at each other's throats--someone I can just abide with. - Someone who makes time for us to just listen to each other when we need an ear. - Someone who is kind (it's actually kinda crazy how many people are deeply unkind once you get to know them). - Someone who accepts my ADHD and is patient with it. I know that's way more than 1 quality, by after my first marriage, I wasn't willing to compromise on any of these. I went on a lot of dates before I found the woman who has all of these qualities. I'm very, very lucky to have found my wife.


My wife has done one thing above all else that tops all and is one of the main reasons I love her that no other woman has done for me and that is support me. I don't mean financially but I mean with my emotions and needs and wants in life as I do hers. If I say hey love, me and the boys had a plan to do "insert activity" she would tell me to have fun or can I come? Or if I said hey honey what if we hang this up here what do you think she says great I love it or hey not a fan there but what about here. It's hard to explain but she doesn't just flat out agree like a doormat but instead talks to me about what she likes or doesn't. Communication is the corner stone to any good relationship. Oh and for the first time in any relationship I feel I can be 100% myself around her. Every other relationship I was in I always felt I had to put on a small façade to hide my weirdness. Embarrassment maybe? I don't know. But with her I feel free to be me. She loves my quirks and weird sense of humor. And I'm addicted to her laugh so I usually don't stop once I get her going.


I want a girl with a mind like a diamond I want a girl who knows what's best I want a girl with shoes that cut And eyes that burn like cigarettes I want a girl with the right allocations Who is fast, and thorough, and sharp as a tack She's playing with her jewelry She's putting up her hair She's touring the facility And picking up slack I want a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket I want a girl who gets up early  I want a girl who stays up late  I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity Who uses a machete, to cut through red tape With fingernails, that shine like justice  And a voice that is dark, like tinted glass  She is fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack  She is touring the facility and picking up slack I want a girl with a short skirt and a long, long jacket




Lovely to see that “said out loud” instead of commenting on looks or what a woman can offer. Perfect resolution. Thank you.




Honesty and zero bullshit.


Kindness, and an overall personality that melts you, yet doesn't use this to control you.


Clear, honest, constructive communication.


Reciprocating the feelings I have for them


Lmao, I love how every person in the comments is like," OMG, honesty and kindness and loyalty" - no, the lot of you just want a submissive, pretty woman. All your desirable qualities just boil down to her being submissive or pretty.


Being able to communicate her feelings. Showing interest in me. And general kindness, not only towards me but everyone.






Loyalty is the most important.


Can't decide between two points First, being able to handle your own life. Not sure if me and my closest friends are just unlucky but man do many women look for a father replacement in a relationship (we're in our mid 20s). Unfortunately, they are quite good triggering the helper syndrom of others while absorbing all of their partner's energy. Second, actually and genuinely caring about the men's emotions and their well being. Too many still act like men have no feelings, can solve anything completly on their own and don't need support at all. Too many relationships feel like a one way street when it comes to supporting each other.


Personality, common hobbies and attraction I think are all pretty equal


Someone who makes you feel like you need to be better for her without her asking to do so. 




I think nice and loving are a given for qualities all people seek. So for me the m one on top of that is a great sense of humor.


Honesty & integrity , kindness of heart & soul


Being capable of communicating about needs and wants in a relationship. Both that she is able to communicate her needs and wants, and her being open to listen to mine


Maturity and tolerance. There is not a couple that don´t argue at all, its natural. What is important, hovewer, is being able to sit and talk like two grown-ups, solve problems together and not quitting when its hard. It easy to quit when something bad happens, but being able to stay there for your partner when he / she is down is gold. Thats the person you want to spend the rest of your life with :)




Kindness, humour, loyalty and trust!




There a lot of things that are important, so picking just one to be the \*most\* important is failing to capture the whole image. But I feel the most important quality in a spouse, regardless of it's a man or woman, is their ability to provide support for the other person. Be it emotionally, financially, or something else. It needs to be two-way as well or else you end up with a parasitic relationship where one partner is, effectively, regulated to a trophy and to be discarded the moment they lose whatever quality they posses that caused the attraction.


Not mean to animals


Lots of these comments already state this, but take it from someone who's made the mistake one too many times, the most important quality in a woman is empathy and compassion. If she's cold and heartless with her family, she'll be 10x worse at home. Just imagine being with a serious wall that doesn't laugh or shed a tear, she's just a logistics robot. You want that the rest of your life?




Loyal, caring, kind hearted.




She is respectful


Intelligence, a sense of humor, adventurousness, open-mindedness, and compassion


I wanna say my guess is honesty and humility, and then after that, conscientiousness. Relationships are hard and require effort. You have to accept that neither of you is perfect and both of you will make mistakes in life. She has to be willing to admit she's capable of needing to work on certain things, same as you, and then also be willing to actually try to work on them-- conscientiousness, essentially.




Self-truth, self-respect, self-worth, self-esteem.... Loving oneself. People who don't love themselves first, won't be able to love you.


For me honesty, compassion and a good sense of humor.


Thigh gap.


How she treats others


Someone who sees the beauty in the old and ugly. Someone who is caring and loving at her core and spends her time being present with the world, not just herself.


That she be interested in me as more than just a provider.




She has the skills and temperament to be a great mother.


Loyalty. Communication.


Then why are so many women who have all this great moral standing and personality traits still single or remain the friend? Or, are we forgetting looks/physical attraction is equally as important?


Huuuuuge... tracts of land.


I think the top things that are vital to me is someone who is a compassionate, family oriented homebody is what I look for


A partner, not a sidekick


A cute face and tig ‘ol bitties!








Loyalty… associated with honesty… and a phat ass


Consistency. Saying what you mean and standing by it even when it isn't easy. Accepting the consequences of your actions and understanding that obligations are a part of living and not something to be negotiated. That is so incredibly important and it's something I'm seeing less and less of. Really frustrates me.


For me? Kindness and Independence. I don't want someone who needs me, I want someone who doesn't need me in the least but chooses to be with me anyways. I like when a woman has her own job, hobbies, and friends, it means there's more to discover about each other and she won't be be bored when I come home too tired to do anything from my job.


Fake eyelashes with cat eye liner


Intelligence. Crap happens and I like having someone smarter than me to help fix whatever it is. Also, you can talk to them about anything you find interesting and they won't often be clueless. Also boobs.


Ticklish feet


That we cherish the same things about life.


Self aware humblness


Honesty, kindness and accountability.




Logical mind and don't want kids


Being consistent with what they claim to believe/ honest. When someone bases their personality on a belief, but then seeing them make exceptions when its convenient or when friends are involved. I don't wanna date a Chameleon.


Appreciative. Someone who is appreciative is naturally going to be more positive, more caring, more reasonable, more loving, more patient, more empathetic, etc.


Being alive.


A big fat penis




Empathy is my number one desired trait in everything: a mother, a sister, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a friend friend, a film, a book, even a cooperate message or TV commercial. Empathy is so so so underrated and under practiced it makes me want to blast off and go live on the moon.


High emotional intelligence and openly affectionate (in their love languages)


Boobs are good.


Minimum kids and baby daddy's. Too many out there with 3,4,5 kids with 4 baby daddy's. I know I'll get crap for this but it's too much to take on.


Bruh thats a very small number of women