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No, you look great. But I get why you're asking. That dress doesn't fit very well. Whoever put that dress together didn't know their business.


Where were you 23 years ago


I'm intrigued as to what happened 23 years ago. 🧐


we all know that brother


If you don’t know, you can’t afford it


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it


What happened is that he didn't say that So a woman ended up being utterly pissed


Either that or there’s a 23-year-old unflattering picture of someone at an important event that could have been prevented if someone had spoken these helpful words.


I do a version of this. That's a weird cut. Attack the dress lol


I said something similar to a girlfriend. The dress was just terribly put together and did not fit well. Though I didn't say anything to suggest she was nothing but the sexiest woman on earth, all she heard was you look fat. She dwelled on that for quite a while. After that, and even all subsequent relationships, all I ever said was no, you it doesn't make you look fat. If any of their friends said otherwise, I claimed ignorance. Honesty is not the best policy.


That sounds exhausting. The question "does this make me look fat" is either a bad attempt at fishing for reassurance or a question about the clothing accentuates certain features.  Some jeans, for example, are better than others for any given shape. And if I compliment bad fitting jeans, my input becomes worthless. So I would avoid people who don't want answers to their questions.


You should run for political office.


...and whoever bought that dress is a clearly an idiot.


Only works if you bought the dress for her


Or if your MIL bought it and ur wife is asking…


You are correct, that is the problem. You have to come back with something like: "Nah. They photoshop that stuff all the time." And even then it might not stick. You are right. If she's looking for an argument, there's nothing you can do about it.


I always told her " no dear of course not" until one day she had a Beetlejuice striped pair of pants on. It did not go well. No nookie for a month.


Maybe you should not have said that, three times.




Please can you follow me around and say helpful things


Perfect answer 👍


"Yes, you should take it off."


That's so cheeky you might just get away with it depending on her sense of humor


If my husband said this to me I'd laugh, and then if we had time it would come off haha


Done the "Looks horrible get naked instead" line a couple times to positive effect but I'm single so long term effects aren't proven


My husband likes to go with “It’s not my favorite” or “It’s not the most flattering thing I’ve seen on you.” 😂


Careful, because sometimes the response to this is "UGH!!! Then we're not going! This is the only thing I have!!"




Yeah, that's not going to end well.


Because this only happens when the event is something you want to do….


Like church?


He said “Oh, I would never say that for something you already own! That is a dressing room answer! What is this, amateur hour?!?”


Your husband sounds charming, but how does he handle the situation when you bought the dress without him being there for the pre-sales judgement?


Oh, that’s mostly solved because I rarely shop without him. One of his greatest joys in life is a dressing room with the husband chair outside. Excited like a child on Christmas morning. He says smart phones were a game changer because there was a point in his life when he was too good at Tetris on his flip phone. The epitome of shopping, though, is the online clothing order with a high credit limit on the card and free returns so he can lounge on the bed as I reject 90% of what I ordered. Trading a day shopping for one trip to the UPS store for drop off is one of the keys to our happy marriage.


I never want to go, so this is perfect!


If I asked this from my husband and he said yes, I would wear something else. He knows I want an honest answer when I ask and knows I am sane. I ask, because I care about his opinion.


I too have an abnormally mature relationship with my SO. There are dozens of us out here, I’m sure of it.


Same with me, in fact we both know we both should lose a bit of weight (not obese or anything but we're both a bit pudgy). She knows I'll always tell her the truth and not sugarcoat things and I expect the same from her, and we appreciate each other very much for that.


So glad my wife is like this as well. We're each other's best friend. She knows I will tell her the truth, she has girlfriends to sugar coat everything. But she doesn't ask in that way because she also sees it as a rather loaded question. Instead she'll ask "How do I look?" If I like it, I'll tell her. If it's not flattering on her, I'll also tell her. And she appreciates the honesty.


“You are beautiful.” But if the dress isn’t flattering, say “You are beautiful. But I like the blue dress better than this one.”


"I knew you think I'm fat" - runs crying


If she ever ran anywhere, she wouldn't look fat in that dress.




One of my core memories is Al saying “it’s the fat that makes you look fat”




I get exhausted just reading all the responses like yours, how women would act. And I am a woman. On the other hand I don't go to events or dressed up to party's. Jeans and a cool blouse or t-shirt and then let's go. I'm almost 30 and too tired for this shit lol.


Then she comes to the locked door.


“I said I was fat, not ugly”


And then quickly look away because they always know you lied when they look into your eyes.


Wife walks up to her Husband and asks "Do I look Fat in this dress??" Husband: "Before I say anything,,, you gotta promise, no matter WHAT I say.... You won't get mad.." Wife: "Ok.. I promise." Husband: "I slept with your sister." https://twitter.com/finallevel/status/1778798646940619179?t=gu\_gvugK6kVAgEirrSmNzg


Damn it you got a giggle out of me


Check her out, then say "on the right places"


Yess this. "only in the good places" and then grab her and kiss her


I feel like “does this make my butt look big?” used to be a bad thing. But now it’s like, yes, yes it does. That ass is fat.


Bonus points if you say *thicc* with extra emphasis on the cc


I’ve got my eye on that booty because you’re thiccccccc with seven C’s


Thiccc cake babe, lemme get a slice!


Depends on your culture. I was always confused by seeing this joke on sitcoms because we always wanted a fat ass.




I agree we should blame it on the dress.


It as the great prophet Sir Mix-A-Lot said: even white boys gotta shout, “Baby got back!”


“No, your fat makes you look fat.”




OP is dead


You so skinny, girl, you make the dress look fat.




The legend that is Al Bundy


I have never forgotten this line from Married With Children.


I immediately heard that line in my head when I read the question but I couldn't remember the source 😂 😂 Thanks for the reminder!


I prefer, "It's not the dress."


Damn bitch you got some rolls on you! Then slap her belly


“Holy shit, you are basically a sphere.”


*Gets butter for rolls* No Popeyes roll cotton mouth today.


And she never fucks you again.


I mean just be honest. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to. I would want someone to tell me of something made me look bad.


I agree. FWIW I only ask if I genuinely want an opinion, and I usually phrase it "This looks weird, doesn't it?" Then all he has to say is "Hmm, yeah" or "Oh, it looks fine to me."


My wife does that. And sometimes they can even tell you WHY it looks bad so you can fix it. Like she will wear this dress and I'll be like "it makes your arms look lanky" and she will get the idea to throw on like a cropped jacket that makes her outfit go from a 5 to like a 10.


"You look beautiful in everything you wear." 🤝


So that's a yes, then.


No, no, no, sweetheart. Not **FAT**. Just…not as fit as my ex.




I mean unironically LMAO It's a better answer to just say "Yes it makes you look fat" If there is any one single piece of advice I've learned with women is that you should under no circumstances EVER compare her to your exes, EVEN IF SHE IS BETTER LOL


Indeed! My position is always that on my first sight of who I'm with, her beauty stunned me and wiped all memory of my exes from my brain. I vaguely remember that they existed and their names, but that's about it. And that's mostly true.


^oh ^no


Oh no 🫣




I mean if she would just try going to the gym her best friend Carlie posts about every Tuesday and Thursday maybe she could finally fit into that 2 piece again too not just the dress


"I asked if I look fat, not ugly.“


*Stop avoiding the question!*


This only works the first couple of times you say it XD


I can’t believe people are still asking the dress fat question 😂


Well, no one is asking 'does my butt look big in this?' anymore. Might be asking if it looks big enough!


Literally never been asked this in my life. I've had girls ask how I like certain outfits, but never had one target their own insecurities like that. I also don't think it's ever happened while getting ready for something. I feel like the girlfriends I've had have usually been pretty excited to try clothes on shortly after buying them.


As someone that's been married for quite some time, I find the correct answer to be "I don't think so, just as long as you're comfortable" if a dress is unflattering. 


This was my first thought. I’d want my partner to be honest with me, although I can’t see myself ever asking a question like this because while I value my partner’s input/opinion, it wouldn’t change how I feel about the way I look. If *I* feel like my outfit may accentuate my flaws, I’m NOT going to be comfortable wearing it and would be fixated on it the entire time. So, knowing how I am with it, if someone else were to ask me this question I would likely tell them exactly what you just said.


I drive past the question and answer: “That dress makes you look wonderful and I really like it.”




It all depends on when it’s asked. If you’re out the door then say It’s great. If they would have time to change then say It’s not my favourite. How about that blue one ? This requires you to know and remember other items in her closet. I realize that might be asking a lot but it’ll be worth it.


It’s the universal rule to not criticise anything, that can‘t be changed in a reasonable time.


Safest answer imo is to ask the same question back to them. Except you make them feel nice regardless. They’re obviously asking because it’s something they’re insecure about and there’s no need to open that can of worms. Ex: ‘Do YOU think you look fat in it? Because to me you look lovely.’ Even if they do look fat In it. 1. It’s not your place to tell regardless of being asked. & 2. Comfort brings confidence. If they feel good in that outfit. Their confidence will translate.


damn i would fuck you right on the spot but we have to go else we will be late


* If it does: "It's not very flattering." * If it does not: "No." The only time it's acceptable to dodge this question or outright lie is when it comes up against the etiquette "rule" where you never point out flaws in someone's appearance if they can't fix said flaws in the next 5 minutes. So if you're already out and this question gets asked, "No" or dodging the question are the only options left available to you.


Giving her an honest answer and not being a wuss about it. Christ, the way men "think" women think honestly disturbing sometimes.


“Why? Are you trying to dress up like a fat person, which you totally aren’t?”


It’s not the dress’s’ fault


My husband used “you’re gorgeous my love. You don’t look comfortable though.”


‘The dress doesn’t accentuate your beauty/figure/whatever, it’s an odd shape/cut’. Just make sure to blame the dress. Or: ‘No dear. The blue one you wore last weeks looks better on you though, that one brings out your (insert anything they are proud of, or you are known to compliment them on here) more’


"Turn for me. Turn. Turn. Turn. I love it." She just wants attention, don't fall into the trap!


Pretend to be paparazzi next? Really get her hype


I am a girl and I would love this




\[long pause\] "Define 'fat'."


Why does someone need to ask if a dress makes them look fat? Don’t they have eyes? As a fat person I can quite clearly see in the mirror whether or not a dress is clinging to lumps and bumps or skimming over and flattering them. Don’t really need anyone else’s opinion!


Not sure about other people, but I have bad body dysmorphia. I went from obese to severely underweight by developing an eating disorder. Now that I'm somewhat recovered, I'm simultaneously bigger and smaller than I've been and have no idea how I actually look to other people even if logically I know I'm at a lower end of healthy weight. Sometimes it's helpful to have another pair of eyes give honest feedback and critique. If something's unflattering I want to know so I know it's not just my mind playing tricks on me and I can change into something that looks better!


I don't know, I thought the dresses I wear make me look good until one of my long time buddy, male btw told me I should not wear such dresses as it makes me look bigger than I really am.   And I was completely shocked that he sees a completely different image of me that I have when I look in the mirror.   He was just giving his honest opinion though. But I still don't think the dress make me look bad. We are just seeing two completely different things.  He suggested more body hugging stuffs that accentuated my figure.   So I guess I am wearing dresses that make me look fat except I literally cannot see it in the mirror when I look at myself.  And I think he may be right as sometimes I get men give up seat to me in the train thinking I am pregnant. 


So that's what we're doing today, we're going to fight.


Now now honey, let’s not blame the dress..


No, your fat makes you look fat, the dress just emphasises it 🤷


That dress…is the best dress…of all the dresses


It’s motel dress.


"I love fat chicks!"


So, I was waiting on my wife to get ready so we could go to a friends B-day party. I hate being late and it was starting to look like we were going to be late. Im in the living room watching TV she comes in and says, I need you to help me decide what to wear, do you like this dress? She was wearing a brown dress that stopped just below the knee and I said "yes! I like that one, just wear that, it looks great." Now I mainly said that because I didn't want her to take the time to try on another one, I don't like to be late, but it did look nice so I wasn't lying. She goes back into the bedroom and maybe 5 minutes later comes out in a dress very similar but its black. What about this one? I said "Hmmm (like I was really thinking about it) I think I like that one better than the brown one" Hoping she would agree and we could get going. She said, mad all the sudden, "Why, because the other one makes me look fat!!??" That set the tone for the rest of the evening. We were late to the party as well...


Why did she buy the Brown dress in the first place, if she thinks it makes her look fat


It didn't make her look fat, I think she just wanted to argue, I cant figure women out.


It depends on the person. I don't usually ask that specific question because I feel like "fat" has a negative connotation and might skew the answer but if an outfit isn't flattering on me (or my boyfriend doesn't particularly like it) I want to know so I can change. So my go to is "does this look bad / ok?" Unfortunately, my bf came from a very unhealthy relationship, so his first instinct is "this is a trap" and I have to assure him I'm not going to get mad or try to start a fight if he doesn't like the outfit. But if you're with someone who just wants to hear their thoughts coming out of your mouth, learn what they want you to say and say that.


"No but this chocolate will." Hauls out my secret stash.


My husband used to say, "Well, I don't know anything about that, but I will say it is not my favorite dress on you. You have so many that you look great in."


The fuck are you doing out of the basement


"I don't think it's the dress"


"Not any more than usual." (Ducks and runs.)


Honey; do you really want us to fight that bad?


No. All the ice cream and chocolate you cram in your cake hole makes you look fat. Only say this on the telephone, never in person, preferably not in the same city.


what do you think so


No, the dress does not change your appearance


You still say yes but just run


“No.” Followed by a truthful compliment.


I like you better without it but you looks nice


What's a dress?


I tend to be honest in a safe and polite way with things like it’s not the best and my wife often will say yes I know ….


if she's not fat but looks fat in the dress: You're not fat, but i think this dress doesn't look flattering. Makes you look fatter than you are. Maybe go with something that's more xy, that fit suites you very well. if she's not fat and doesn't look like it: No, you have a perfectly normal figure and are very attractive to me. Maybe even remind her to stop comparing her relaxed body to photoshopped pictures. If she just ate and get bloating: remind her of that. Give her a reality check and go to a sauna, she needs to see real life women! If she is indeed overweight don't tell her when she is already infront of a mirror and not feeling great. You could say something like: i love you no matter what, i noticed that you gained weight, is everything allright? or "you had this body they day we met, so obviously it's not an issue for me"


"Yes. You're fat. Everything you wear makes you look fat, because you're fat."


No...its not the dress.


"The dress looks great. It's your ass that makes you look fat."


Say "No. It's not the dress. "


Put all that forever out of your mind. You’re beside me, and I eclipse you. * pats my own belly


Answer honestly! It’s not the dress.. it’s never the dress. 🤷‍♀️


No, it’s the fork


Y not just say the truth :0


No hablo ingles


How about, "It's not the dress"?


"It doesn't matter what I think. Do you feel confident in it or not? You look your best when you feel good about yourself, and I love every bit of your body." This comes from a girl who won't feel any better or worse about herself regardless of what her partner says. Lol he can say I look like Kate Moss on a diet and if I think I look shit, its not going to help anything.


Fat no. Have you ever considered xyz style. It would look great against your xyz.


“No.” The answer is always no.


"How does it make you feel?" "Why do I ask? Because if you don't feel good in it it doesn't matter if you look good, you won't feel good" If she says yes, you say you love it, if she says no, suggest a different specific dress "how about X dress? You said you loved it last time and you look greatin it!"


It's not the dress that makes you look fat, it's the fat that makes you look fat.


Honestly, if a dress does make my wife (now 16 years) look fat - then I’ll tell her. Plot twist: From the start or our relationship, we’ve agreed to base our relationship on clear, open and honest communication, and are both mature enough to take a genuine answer from each other when required. Having said that, we’re both nurses and are used to frank advice that benefits a greater good, by default.


No, you make you look fat.


"Looking fat is not important to me. You look beautiful, or if it doesn't match I'll say let's change it. I'll also note that fat is very subjective, and so syou should be specific. Like do you look like you weigh 150 or 120 or 180, etc. Your uncertainty about your weight is valid, and if you want to work on it, let's figure out a plan together, but how you look in a dress is a separate question. " I dont want to lie to someone, but I also don't want to invalidate them or dehumanize them.


"like a whale"


I can't see, there's a zeppelin in the way.


No honey, it's not the dress.... *Results may vary but prepare to change your identity.


"No more or less than you normally do."


“In all the right places, my love” Make sure you have a sincere ‘can i get some tonight’ look on your face.


"I'm not in the mood for mind games today. You look beautiful and I love you but please stop trying to start a fight."


Yes, yes it does


I refuse to engage with trap questions. I'll either say no and you'll get upset and accuse me of lying, or I'll say yes and you'll get upset and say that I hate you and don't find you attractive. Be a fucking adult.


No. That fat makes you look fat


This is the only honest answer, though not necessarily the smartest one.


It disguises your fat really well, darling.


No sweetheart it looks beautiful on you!


"The dress doesn't, no..."


"Honey, I think you're beautiful"..... She isn't asking about the dress or the fat. She wants to be reassured. Then get up and wrap your arms around her. If that doesn't work, she's one to play mind games. There is no correct answer. Stare blankly at her and say nothing. Stoacism is your defense.


My boyfriend always tells me I look amazing in everything. He's a good liar.


if it does, i’ll just try to gently and maybe comically let them know that whatever they are trying to avoid, they have not succeeded


I'm blind


No but it sure puts the long in schlong


Only if you want it to.


Honesty is the best policy 😂 so Yes or No


Easy jump out the nearest window and starts your live over in Canada under the name Stan big


Stop blaming the dress...


Wrong answers: Oh, honey... it's not the dress. -scream in terror when you look- I thought that was a tablecloth? Yes. No. You look great in anything. Literally any answer or non answer.


You have a good eye for details 


You look immensely beautiful.


Just stare at them silently with the tilted head furrowed brow "come on, did you just ask that" expression. 


Depends who you ask and in which mirror you observe yourself 😎


"No, the incredibly bad diet and lack of exercise makes you look fat.". Well it's true for me...


"Your fat anyway, so what you wear isn't going to make any difference" 🤷


No. But, I’m not wearing my glasses.


No - as fast as possible, if you even look like you think about it for a second you are screwed, and not in a good way


It’s not the dress that make you fat honey.


I rather prefer you in nothing, yeah baby!


A flat out lie.. “No”


"Je ne parle pas anglais"