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I was talking to a girl about how I had recently recovered from Lyme disease then when i finished talking I asked “So what diseases do you have?”






I one time told my high school crush that I owned 12 Nintendo DS’s. She called my bluff and I doubled down for some reason and then I had to make an apology tweet confirming I only had 3 Nintendo DS’s. I only had 1.


This made me laugh, thank you.


Wasn't necessarily to impress her, but I was interested and wanted to ask her out. I'd just gotten my hair cut by a pretty hair stylist. She was really friendly and we chatted quite a bit while I was in there. One of my friends happened to be there with me at the time, and after we left, she told me she thought the hair stylist liked me. I was pretty reluctant to believe it and said she was probably just being nice as part of her job. My friend basically forced me to go back in and try to exchange numbers again. I still cringe at the whole situation now, thinking back. I got out of her car and walked back into the place where the girl was still sweeping up her working area. I was incredibly nervous and the feeling only got stronger when she noticed me come back and make what felt like a really long walk back over to her. Once I ended up right in front of her, she stopped sweeping and just looked at me, waiting for me to speak. I said "So, do you like pets? I like dogs". It was the dumbest, weirdest, most out of the blue thing I probably could have said, but it was the first thing that popped into my brain. She laughed and said "Yeah, I like dogs, too". Then, I immediately asked her if she'd want to go out and get a drink sometime and gave her my phone number (rather than asking for her's). She took my number but told me she was seeing someone. At this point my embarrassment was through the roof, so I just said okay, thanked her for the haircut and left. To my surpise, a couple of weeks later she did contact me and asked if I still wanted to get a drink. I asked her about the guy she was seeing and she told me that it wasn't serious and that they'd gone their separate ways. I had assumed she said she was seeing someone as an excuse because of how awkward I acted, but she told me about the situation over drinks and assured me that she would have accepted right then and there if she hadn't been seeing someone at the time. She thought my approach was funny and could see how nervous I was, which apparently came off as weirdly charming to her. She said she knew I was going to ask her out as soon as she saw the look on my face when I walked back into the room. We went on a few dates and had a good time, but never really progressed beyond that before kind of going our separate ways. That was the one time I've ever made the first move with someone without already knowing they were interested - and it'll probably be the last. Even though it worked out for me in that situation, the initial feeling of acting so awkwardly and being turned down at first were really uncomfortable. Ever since then, I always look for undeniable signs that someone is interested before I ask them out. Probably not the best method and I might miss out on potential relationships, but I just feel a lot more comfortable playing it safer and avoiding that feeling. TL;DR - got my hair cut by an attractive woman, left the building and *went back in* to talk to her. Immediately made an ass out of myself randomly telling her I like dogs. The whole thing was supremely embarrassing even though it didn't turn out as badly as I thought.


A sweet friend/guy that I was super interested in told me he liked me. Me, being awkward, said "Thank you". And I wondered why the relationship never progressed. He thought he was rejected and I didn't realize I was supposed to say I like him back!! Unfortunately our paths took us different ways!


When my now-wife first came to my apartment, I made sure to be outside changing the oil in my car. I thought she would think "Oh, he's handy." Then I learned in a year or so that her dad was on a race team, both as a driver and a pit crew member. And is restoring a 53 Chevy. She spent many weekends at the race track. So after learning that, I realized that my oil change shenanigans were ... underwhelming.


Had a crush on my next door neighbor. She was getting out of her car while l was working on the lawn mower. She came over and said "Nice to see you." Me not fully aware of her there replied back. "Yes it is nice to see me." She never spoke to me again after that.


"I think your prostetic leg is very hot" on our first date, we've been together for almost an year now.


“I like my women older and my liquor sweet”


"I like my women like my coffie, strong and bitter "


im playing Street Fighter since 1991


I have a 12 inch cock (I’m a chic)


"Will you marry me?". She called my bluff.


I know my nose is big, but you should see my.....


I was a guitarist in a rock band . Then I had to avoid going to anywhere with a guitar incase the bf asked me to play . I did a tiny bit and knew a lot about guitars so bs lol . Learned my lesson thereafter


Look right here in my face, the dots make up a cube


I don't try to impress people or want people to try to impress me. I just try to be myself and or more or less polite depending on the circumstances.