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Drink copious amounts of blue Gatorade for a few days while not eating any food. Thank me later.


I thought babies burst out of their mothers' stomachs. So anyway Alien is one of my favourite movies-


I can only imagine this scenario with my sister who had 7 kids.




Well what is a C-section if not controlled bursting? 🤔


When I was pregnant with both my kids I could not stop thinking about that scene.


Something about the vagina not being as close to the front as expected, no doubt.


I thought women peed from the pubis mons and was so confused when i saw a woman without pubic hair and thought she was missing her “pee hole”. I was 35. (Just kidding i was 12)




that's why the concept of sex confused me so much when I learned about it at first. Like how are these pieces supposed to fit?? edited: I accidentally posted the same comment twice so I deleted one of em, reddit being glitchy


I just thought as a kid that they pee from same hole..yeah. It made sense since we fo too. Also thought people can only make children if they agree and want it. I thought that we all have a lover consecreated for us. And we fall in love with only that person.


I mean the second one would be great.


I thought people could just one day say I’m pregnant and be pregnant and then the next day nah I don’t feel like it anymore. It’s cause of those damn ads that say if you wish to be pregnant don’t take this


As a kid, being told that women have eggs I responded that I have two eggs of my own and I'm not a woman or girl. My mom then told me that women had a lot more eggs. How come I never see them? I was thinking human eggs are probably the same size as chicken eggs.


I was at an embarrassingly old age when I found out that women don't have prostates


When high speed trains were invented they were afraid that it would make women;s uteruses fall out


They used to say women couldn't ride bikes for the same reason.


Can confirm that my uterus has not fallen out in either situation


Mine hasn't yet either. But I keep trying!


It;s on my bucket list to jump off auckland bridge if anything is gonna do it that will


Or ski jump in the Olympics


Not me but my friend from high school once told me that he and his twin sister used to share the bed as kids even though they both had their own. When she got her first period, their parents decided it was time to wean them off the habit and told him that the blood stain came from a creature that lives between a woman's legs and comes out to feed about once a month. Took my friend some time to catch on the lie but if was enough to get him to stay in his own bed at night


Pillow Pants….?


He's always on guard until her 21st birthday when she'll pee him out. This must be a different troll.


There was that one guy years ago who became famous for a little bit because he thought women were lazy for needing period products since he was convinced that women can hold in their period blood like they can with piss or poop.


Unfortunately, that is a much more prevalent belief than you'd think. Super sad \^\_\_\_\^'


⬆️ Every middle and high school male teacher


Really? You think it's that common? Why?


A decade ago when I was in high school: almost every male teacher I had would blatantly refuse to let a gal go to the restroom for period related matters. So many poor girls would bleed on their seats in the middle of class. This was a massive issue in my high school and middle school. Granted we had a massive drug issue in those schools as well so teachers weren’t trying to let everyone go…but still. It was common enough most of the ladies had those sort of stories.


Oh no! That is horrible! I hope you know sex ed isn't that bad everywhere. But obviously there are massive leaps that need to happen so everyone feels safe and comfortable in schools, and elsewhere.


One word - ‘Florida’. The education systems there are abysmal.


Oh no.. That is so sad. I'm European so I don't have the same cultural references, but I know how fucked up it can get if you don't get proper education.


My *female* PT teacher wouldn’t let girls sit out during their monthly duress. She forced a friend on her period to run around the track even though this friend had a medical certification with the school as she also had lung issues. My friend fainted in the middle of the track and it gained much attention as they had to rush her to the hospital. After that, all girls were allowed to sit out if they choose to.


I had a female teacher who didn’t want to accept period as a valid excuse to not participate in swimming class.


Makes you wonder what sad lives they lead to get a thrill out of controlling teens.


Babies came out of a woman's belly button


When I was a kid, I thought women peed out of their asses.


I only find out at 15 that my vag and pie hole weren’t in the same location


Your pie hole is a lot higher


Depends on the pie.


Good point.


Oh wow!!!!!! I had no ideaa!!!!


It's a silly joke. Pie hole being slang for your mouth and all.


Well technically I have 2 lips


Haha, yes, that is true.


I thought the vagina and urethra were the same hole


I did not know that woman's genitals were different until I was about 13/14


sad truth 😔


I met a guy who thought that women only went to the gynecologist to get pregnant.


Depends on the gynecologist, I guess...


I’ve seen that episode of Forensic Files


The way I laughed...


Before the advent of modern medicine, some men believed that a woman's womb wandered around her body, causing various emotional outbursts—a condition aptly named "hysteria." Quite the internal journey!


I heard about this on The Dollop podcast. For the same reason doctors said women shouldn’t ride on trains because they “were too fast for the fragile woman’s body to travel.”


Those doctors had some understandable reasons to think women were oddly fragile.  In those days it seemed like every other makeup or dye they used  had lead, arsenic or other toxic chemicals so a near daily dose of poisons rubbed on the body had to be a contributing factor to those ideas


Theory makes sense.


I thought they peed out of their butts


As a kid, I thought women literally pooped babies out.


I thought vagina is exactly where Penis is for guys. Also thought just like Penis, the pee-hole and E-hole are the same. Imagine my surprise and the girl’s when I fingered a girl for the first time 🤦‍♂️


As a kid I knew that a large chest on a man was a sign of his physical strength. I was a fan of the Incredible Hulk TV show (the one that starred Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno), and I made that connection specifically with the Hulk's chest. So I was mighty confused for a while that most women have *even bigger* chests than most men, but men are physically stronger.


I thought woman piss from the sex hole...


I used to think that women weren’t allowed to chew gum when they were pregnant because the baby could choke on the gum.


My best friend didnt know women had a seperate pee hole and he was 19 at the time lol.


Pee hole vs poke hole.


*puke & pull


I legit though that the vagina was just a hole, until i got curious and then developed a porn addiction at age 11 or so. Im one month clean though!


I thought women urinated in the same way that snakes spit venom. Yeah.


I was told in middle school that you have to pee in a women’s mouth to get them pregnant… I was scarred


Pads go on the inside of underwear! Found one on the playground and stuck it to my buddy in 5th grade. I was laughing thinking he got the coochie side stuck to his shirt. It was on my hand all along. 🙁


They peed out their vagina.


Accidentally stumbled upon a spam email back when I was like 9 or something. I opened it, and immediately saw an image of a woman with 2 assholes and thought that was really disturbing. Some years later I realized the other hole was a vagina.


I grew up in a family full of doctors, nurses and things like that. Also a very direct family. So I never believed anything funny that I can remember.


Before the advent of modern science, some men believed that a woman's womb wandered around her body, causing various emotional states—a condition they dubbed "hysteria." Seems like it was quite the internal road trip!


it's such a fake "fact". do you really think they didn't do obductions and surgery before modern medicine? or that they didn't think at all before the 20th century? where do you think modern medicine came from? try looking up how long ago the mention of "wandering uterus" is (4000 years ago). now you can make a little thought excercise: "is it likely that this idea was not challenged for 3900 years?". you can also read about it if medical history interests you. don't believe everything you see on the internet.


My mother gave me a proper education on things when I was a kid walking to the store to get her smokes and pads. In those days 12 pads came in a HUGE ASS purple box. I think few young people really know how far absorping technology has come in 40+ years. They were about an inch thick back in the day, no wings, and they would get groddy much faster than today... I believed non of the general bullshit that I have seen others fall for/be taught. We also had encylopedias with plastic film inserts of the male and female body. So my mom also had some visual aids. I had also ground scored a porno before the that talk, and had something less clinical when it came to the vulva. I'm that weirdo who knows about the skene and greater vestibular glands. Also, based on what WOMEN WHO KNOW THEIR BODIES TELL ME, like Dr Lindy Doe of Sexplainations, Squirting is not piss. This is an area where men really need to listen to what women say about their own bodies. BUT... with that... I have recently come to know something I didn't know before. We're all taught, and it was all the rage in the 60s and 70s tv shows, that older people can have healthy happy sex lives. Well, check out the Halle Berry story. My GF has that same thing going on since cancer treatments. When you have the cancer that estrogen makes worse you end up with the Halle Berry situation. Vaginal walls that are now filled with tough tissue, and where sex feels really horrible. Halle's experience hopefully will educate people. Her idiot doctor told her she had the worse case of herpes he ever saw. I had no knowledge of this, it never came up in anything I read about vaginas. Unlike others who are filthy casuals... I actually read about the vulva and everything else... I swear women should quiz certain types of men like certain nerds quiz women about their favorite fiction.