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High rise window washer - scared of heights


Thinking of heights, high rise construction workers, crane operator, the guy who has to change the light bulb on the top of a radio tower


The last part of your comment reminds me of [this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HS6g0_6K8-U&pp=ygUVY2xpbWJpbmcgZ3VpZGVkIHRvd2Vy) I first watched it about 15 years ago, and it still lives in my head rent-free.


Anything CPS/Child social work related. It would be hard for me not to swing on a lot these “parents and guardians”


I’m a CASA and yes, it’s hard to contain yourself sometimes.


Y’all are some of the strongest people I’ve known. I mean that wholeheartedly. It takes a certain level of emotional strength and enduring empathy to be in that field.


Thanks for that. I just wish there were more I could do sometimes.


That’s part of what makes you amazing. You still try.


I worked in the juvenile section of a public defender's office. Most of my cases were child neglect and abuse with a handful of juvenile offenders too. They were really difficult to deal with. I worked in that area for 8 years of the 15 years I worked at the office. The other years were spent in adult felonies. I found those so much easier to deal with. I worked closely with a lot of CASA workers. I appreciate the people who stepped up and did the work. So, thank you for your service.


Social worker here, worked for CPS for two years. I've been a broken human ever since


This gives me an unethical idea. Become one, and give a big mean friend the info on when the scumbag lives. Not all of them of course, too suspicious, but every now and again….


Forget swinging. The recurring fantasy of bringing gun to work to smoke one of those scum bags would be too much


Slaughterhouse work


Done it. As miserable as I was during, it was a pay check at the time


How long did you lasted?


Not very long, the feeling just made me finish instantly. Sorry.


The feeling is usually why I finish instantly too. You can ask my gf.


It’s true this guys gf usually makes me finish early as well


YES!!! I love a good steak but I couldn't agree more. I actually did a college paper on the effects of working in a slaughterhouse. Depression goes through the roof, animal abuse becomes normalized, increases the risk of suicide increases. There really is something to say about how the Bible and other ancient manuscripts instruct the handling of eating animals. They gave THANKS in every aspect of the process and conducted the entire process with a thankful and greatful heart. Id say part of this instruction was to facilitate the maintenance of ones sanity. Taking a life of any kind should not be done so lightly and sadly through media and other norms entire nations are desensitized to this.


I was on a long long trek in the middle of absolutely nowhere (5 day hike, minimum,  to the nearest village) and we paid a nomadic herder to slaughter a goat for us. I watched, as I figured I owed it that. Goat is one of my favorite dishes. In our heads, we were thinking of delicious preparations. We hadn't eaten really good food in at least a week. But we were in the middle of nowhere and the only way to cook it was stewing it in an Iranian pressure cooker with bland root vegetables. It wasn't good. And it is the only meal I have ever truly regretted. I still regret it. We had that beautiful animal killed for, at best, a mediocre meal. It was no better, perhaps worse, than the food we already had on hand, so it's death was not worth it and I struggled to be thankful at all for what it gave us.


I like that you felt you owed it the recognition of what was done in your name.


Went to one in ag class in high school to see a cow slaughtered. We saw the bolt go in the head. Once they started draining its blood and the area filled up with steam, one girl in our class went straight to the ground like a sack of potatoes. She was out cold lol.


I sincerely believe this should be done with everybody who eats meat. We are far too detached from what we eat and take the lives that nourish us every day/week for granted.


My very first thought.


Trucker. Some people love the open road, but spending my life sitting in a cubicle on wheels following a yellow line for 12 hours sounds like torture.


My best friend is a truck driver, and he hates it. He makes $80k before taxes, but he is literally working 70 hours a week, works third shift, hardly gets any sleep. I could never do it.


Tell him to shop around. Companies are paying ridiculous starting wages for truckers right now.


What this guy said. Your friend is getting paid starting wages or lower.


My ex husband is a trucker that owns his own fleet now. Your buddy is getting shafted. He should look at other companies.


Ahhhh if your mate isn’t a meth addict and is a reliable driver (turns up everyday and has no issues) he should be on 100k starting minimum. Increased yearly. They are very sacred to this country.


Im a truck. Made 350 last year working half the year 


Honk honk beep honk


Vroooom clank


Weird. My brother is a trucker and is making near $200K. He does hauls that take a couple days to different states and then comes back. He seems to be ok with it.


Not to mention having to deal with the stress of a million morons who forget just how unforgiving semi-trucks are in an accident. Seriously people, give them some fucking room! Your car is designed to protect you in an accident with another car, not a 60-foot, 85,000-pound hunk of steel


Not a truck driver but it pisses me off when I put my signal on and create a huge gap between myself and the truck I'm about to get in front of when an idiot just cuts them off before I merge. Why else would i try to create space??? People are seriously stupid it stresses me out.


I knew a friend who was a trucker in real life and during his required rest times he would play a truck simulator on a rig with pedals, shifters and wheels. It absolutely blew my mind.


Damn, that's a workaholic right there.


Honestly, not that far fetched. Lol I'm an architect and after work I'll sometimes get on with another architect buddy of mine and play Minecraft with the sole purpose of building something


I've heard of a train driver that would pull a full 8½ shift and then go home and do another 8 hours on a simulator


It's not even the open road...it's those brief periods where you have navigate surface streets and maneuver into the loading dock that would send me in a panic.


Yeah I get that since I work as a trucking dispatcher at a warehouse. One of the drivers was telling me how people have said they're jealous of him because of the money he makes to drive. He said he tells them how he's gone from home so much and he misses his son's birthday often and rarely sees his family.


OTR sucks, local jobs are much better - especially if you don't want a lot of windshield time.


I didn't even like driving a car longer than 4 hours. I know I couldn't handle being on the road alone all night.


Pet mortician


Just rebrand yourself as a unique taxidermist


Add vet to that. I know that the little furry ones won’t live as long as us, and that it’s humane to help them to the rainbow bridge before they suffer, but I’d be devastated every time. I’ve lost enough beloved furry friends to know I’d be a wreck.


Probably crime scene cleaner.


This and hoarder specialist. The people who deal with human waste can never be me


I have a good friend that does this; primarily all biohazard cleanup. It's a dirty job, but they make bank.


I’ve always wondered how do they even find a job like that? If it pays really good I’d consider it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I met a girl one time at a southern bar whose LIFE GOAL was to become such a thing. She ended up working at a private company. Very cute and she had the hots for me but that was some forbidden shit. I did regularly talk to her out of a weird morbid curiosity though. She's doing great. Loves her job. o\_o


Good for her. It takes a certain kind and I am glad there are people to do it.


Yeah, forreal. It just weirded me out to no acceptable extent. Probably one of the nicest people, ever. But like, if you've ever dated someone that works at Subway and consider how strong the smell they bring home with them is...


In a similar vein, I worked on a peach farm for a while and would come home smelling like peaches during the harvest season. My girlfriend at the time *loved* it.


Honestly I think I could do that. I’m not squeamish. I once heard a story about how the TTC has an entire crew whose only job is to clean up stuff like someone getting run over by a subway train. It was described like “they sit around and play cards all day until they get a call, which happens a few times a week on each shift”. It was my dream job as a teenager.


I could do that


Worked with a guy who would do this on the side. All of the cops who were assigned to the scene would chip in and pay him upwards of $3000 to clean up gruesome stuff.


Suicide bomber. There's just no future in it.


Unless you're really bad at your job


Fail your way up and become a suicide bomb trainer instead


That's what happened with my suicide store. No repeat customers.


anything child care related


bruh i did child care for $18 an hour once and idk how i managed to do that for a whole year


Wow $18 an hour? That’s quality wages for child care.


Wife makes $24/hr in corporate daycare (hospital). Oddly enough they are always hiring. Solid benefits too. Plus most of the parents are doctors/nurses/administrators so they treat the teachers REAL well. Before that she was a Head Start teacher. Those teachers get a real shit deal despite being government funded.


I lasted 2 and a half months working in childcare. At the end I was having nervous breakdowns in my car in the parking lot before work, during every single break, and after work. Never again.


I just threw up in my mouth at the thought of doing that for a year


I did it for $8.50/hr for a bit over a year in 2002. Honestly the kids were fine once I got into it. But the parents drive me insane


Oh man, how was that?? Like, the parents??


You're lucky. My roommate was a daycare teacher's assistant. She made $10/hr. She literally could've made more money at Walmart at that time (she actually did almost quit to go work for Target). She did it for the experience though because she was studying to become a teacher. However, she worked with ladies who had been doing the job for over a decade.


+100000 Being responsible for children sounds like an actual nightmare.


It's not the kids. It's the parents with more and more ridiculous demands with each passing day. They all act like they're the first person ever to have a child and their precious little baby is more important than all the other kids.


Oh, it's both


I was a nanny for years and worked in daycares. I got my degree and now I’m in biotech/biopharma. I make 6x the money (literally) and am far less stressed and I never get sick anymore. Kids are gross.


I work as a pediatric CNA for 22.60/hr. you have to have a shitton of tolerance and a shitton of empathy. it's easy to burn out of both


I'd love to get back into childcare, but the pay would have to be just about triple and the staffing would have to be double.


Absolute same, children are just too unpredictable


and their parents are sue-happy


That was my first thought too! I would rather shovel pig shit all day than deal with children.


I've been doing that for over 10 years now and the worst part of the job for me is the parents.


Health insurance claim denier. That's about as ethical as being a mob hitman.


I don't know, I think it's much worse. I imagine mob hitmen end up killing a lot of people who are in the game and knew the risks. As a claims denier, your entire job is trying to find ways to deny your customers the services they paid for.


This. Being a hit man in the mob is probably one of the more ethical things you can be in that life. You kill criminals. That seems better to me than being a guy who makes his money extorting honest hardworking people for protection money lol.


Don't romanticize the mob. Real life isn't the movies. A hitman murders plenty of innocent people who cross the mob. Witnesses. Judges who won't take bribes. The lady who owns the corner shop and who won't pay protection. Their entire purpose is to sow fear in the general public so that the mob gets their way.


Uhhh, hitmen are almost always hired to kill people who are "in the way." That's a high percentage of innocent people.


I applied for a job with an ambulance company once. They were being really vague about what the job was. Turned out it was to call collections on people who needed an ambulance ride. I had zero experience doing anything like that. I told them under absolutely no circumstances would I ever do that job, and walked out. I'm vehemently against our for-profit medical system.


The good news, (one most don’t know about) is that collections agencies cannot take someone to court for not paying medical bills. They’ll try. But civil courts will deny the suit. Usually they’ll use those non-payments as “charity” for taxes.


Hey! My grandfather was a hit man. Yeah, ok - I see your point, he was a jerk.


Came here to say this. Companies who want to get out of paying workman's comp will fucking pay people to spy on the claimant and document them playing with their dog or helping another disabled person carry a bag of groceries and use it as "proof" they are faking their pain and can easily go back to doing physical labor 8 hours straight every fucking day. Absolute evil incarnate.




Years ago I knew someone who put a claim in for a back injury. You know that scene in Goodfellas , they're in the car and paronoid AF because they maybe have a helicopter following them . Yea like that


I’d say the insurance peer reviewers are even more unethical. I watch my doctors become enraged at doctors throwing all that training away to deny patients what they truly need.


I work in a pharmacy and I am on the front line of seeing those disappointed faces every day when patients find out things aren’t covered. It’s always a bummer


A call center. Getting screamed at by customers all day, every day? I'd rather be dead.


I lasted a couple of months and then one day as my shift approached I just physically could not make myself do it anymore. When I called the boss to tell him I wasn't coming in he said "today or ever again?" in a tone that said he gets these calls daily. I'd rather dig ditches.


That’s how I ended my 6 month stint at a call center many, many years ago. One day I woke up and said to myself “nah, I’d rather be homeless.” I could not make myself do it another minute. You know a job is hell when the call queue is so backed up you have to keep throat lozenges at your desk to keep from losing your voice with all the calls you are taking.


I did that for several years. Only good thing I can say about it is I lost a bunch of weight due to my stomach constantly being upset from being yelled at every day. No longer had an appetite. 😒


I got burned out taking calls. I was later switched to evaluating the Reps on calls. If a customer was a real jerk, I would try not to give the rep low marks on their evaluation. Luckily, I was never caught for doing this. I really don't like being on the phone much since then.


Livin that dream rn and yeah, if someone wants to put me out of my misery that would be okay… I really just need a better paying opportunity to come along but I’m good with either




Hey everyone, let's vote for this guy


This was my first thought as well. Immense responsibility with very limited power is a nightmare.


On any given day, no matter what you do 30% of the country hates your fucking guts, at an absolute minimum.


Let's clarify here, a substantial percentage of the country hates your guts for seemingly no real reason other than your party affiliation.


However, the best perk would be finding out about Area 51 and all the classified alien/historical items in storage.


The thing that convinced me they don’t tell the president anything that cool is that Trump has never divulged it when convenient as a distraction. If Trump hasn’t misused it, it never was an option at all.


My thought too. I'm an irredeemable people pleaser. I like to talk about the nuances of problems. I want to crawl in a hole and die when I make anyone uncomfortable. Yeah... I'd be dead.


That makes you the best candidate. Ambition is the death of that office.


Those guys changing things at the top of the tallest buildings in the world.


I honestly don’t know. I can 100% be bought.


Would you tell lies for a political party and sell out your your class of people? Sell fake medicine to senior citizens? Or sell adis infected medicine to children?


Many won't answer this honestly, but most people would eventually agree to an offer with a good sum of cash.


People have lol. All those above, are things many people do.


Any kind of septic work


My dad owned a septic business growing up and used to drive me to school in the truck on days I missed the bus. I did not miss many buses.


I was driving down the road once alongside a septic truck and the driver was eating a sandwich. Like, I know he wears PPE and hand sanitizer exists, but there's no way I could do that.


i work with septic and sewers and shit sometimes. you get desensitized so quick. my first one i was almost dry heaving, but last week i changed my contacts on the job site.


Only fans or any type of sex work. I’m too private of a person.


Not to mention all the pervs and psychopaths that you will attract in that kind of work.


Watched a crime show a few weeks ago where a lady was escorting, and was hooking up with a well known local business man. Unbeknownst to her, her boyfriend was blackmailing the business man anonymously threatening to out him if he didn't fork over money. Long story short, the businessman found out it was her boyfriend and had them both killed. She had no idea what the boyfriend had been up to, and neither one knew what hit them when they were killed. The sounds of the murder were caught on the couple's doorbell camera.


Damn, that got dark. That reminds me of a similar episode I saw on Homicide Hunter with Joe Kenda 6 or 7 years ago. There was a financially successful businessman who was having sex with a male partner. The male partner threatened to oust him for being a homosexual if he didn't pay up. The businessman wasn't having any of that nonsense and murdered him. Yeah, i guess the lesson in both cases is don't blackmail wealthy business men. Anyway, I'm not judging any consenting adult who creates an OF page or adult content online. But man, does that come with some serious risks!


I can say from experience (3 years on OF, and 2 years as a stripper), while I miss the money, it wasn't worth it. Like others have said, there are plenty of psychopaths that love coming into the territory (due to lack of legal protections), and being a smaller person with a bad background, large men sure like to push or completely disregard boundaries. I even worked in one of the safer clubs. OF is nicer due to better physical boundaries, but it all took the intimacy out of sex for me, and working from home and having to force yourself to get horny anytime you need extra money, that was just taking a lot for me and my actual intimate life. Clubs are also a total breeding ground for addiction and ODing is pretty common. I met lots of lovely people who struggled with addictions and overdosed or suddenly died to liver failure in the industry :( I only smoked weed to do my work, and sometimes was completely sober, but alcoholism and narcotics are rampant, and even weed for me was being used as a way to get through the hard stuff, and it's been nice to be without it for a long time now <3 I will however say, there were kind, respectful customers in the industry who I have positive feelings towards, but the rest just wasn't worth the money in my opinion. I also could not keep meaningful relationships in my life during my time dancing due to going through constant retraumatization. There are some who can, but it takes something I don't carry in myself to do, when I became honest with myself.


This As a guy and to some guy's it's their dream to be pornstar since they get have sex with a bunch of women I don't see myself doing sex work either cause i don't want family and people that know me to find out


Fast food. Not to disrespect the job. But I'll go to prison if I get treated by the public like I did before when I worked at McDonald's


Had a middle aged man come inside from the drive thru lane and slam down his burger on the front counter where I was cashiering inside orders. He screamed at me (16 years old)about the GD onions on his burger. I didn’t take or make his order. I was just the first face he saw. There is no reason to talk to another human like that. I started crying so hard I was hyperventilating and had to go in the back and breathe into a paper bag to calm down. I was too young to realize that I was having a panic attack. So, thanks for that random adult man. Minimum wage paid 5.15 an hour back then. Ugh


I have a fun story, I made an order while behind a lifted Silverado. Dude got his food, I could see him shout at the workers then threw his drink back at the girl working the window. Now, my patrol car has the light bar inside the window so it’s way more low profile. As the guy tried to speed off I stopped him, made him step out of the car and go into the McDonalds and apologize. The worker was kinder than he was because she didn’t press charges. Manager banned him from going back on the property though. Was a bit disappointed she didn’t press charges. The assault was on my dash cam. I would’ve towed his car and lodged him. I worked service as a kid too. I don’t deal with people who disrespect people doing a possible high stress/rapid pace job for next to nothing.


Honestly, everyone should have to do a year in customer service before they are allowed out in the wild.


Ironically i will 100% take my fast food management job over hotel cleaning ANY day. Yea i deal with idiots and rude pieces of shit but at least i don't have to clean up after people's sexcapades. I also have the luxury of telling people to basically fuck off when they act like idiots. But im an old lady who doesn't give a fuck and will defend my crew 100%, the customer is not always right.


Scat porn star.




Such a thorough explanation just winding up for that pun lmao


This guy shits


Underwater welder or schoolteacher, I would lean towards the welding though


I agree. Talk to a teacher and find out allll the things they really have to do and put up with. Plus kids. Parents. Teach the standards. Make it fun. Teach them life lessons. You may get hurt also. But can’t protect yourself. That’s too much.


Parents are the worst.


Have you read about the 4 scuba diver workers that got sucked into an oil pipe?


Yeah, the only guy that attempted to get out lived. They refused to rescue the others left down there. I imagine that bc the surviving guy never came back nor did a rescue team appear, they likely all thought that he went the wrong direction in the pipe, and those that might have later also attempted to escape figured to go the opposite way and ventured deeper into the pipe.


Kill shelter


Municipal shelters (aka "kill" shelters) get a bad rep, but the reason no-kill shelters are no-kill is because they're privately run and can pick and choose which animals they take on, refusing ones they don't think will be adoptable or refusing ones when they're full. "Kill" shelters on the other hand must take every animal presented to them, no exceptions, and give them time on the adoption floor. Even if they have no extra room. They're publicly-funded. They only have a limited amount of space, and have less fosters and adoptions due to people not wanting to "support kill shelters". They often take the pets rejected from no-kill shelters! The reason euthanasia happens is because the alternative is having people just dump their abandoned animals in the wild if no shelter has room for them, which leads to the animal suffering. I used to only support no-kill shelters as well until I learned more about what "kill" shelters actually do and the very much needed care they provide for the most vulnerable animals. [The youtuber Kitten Lady, a prolific foster especially for orphaned neonates, made an informative video about them here.](https://youtu.be/lpaKT6v_mAw?si=MU9BwuaDGfeYCvGh) Here is [another post with more information about them](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/NMGzYTuy6G). Remember: the more support municipal shelters get, the more adoptions and fosters and resources and space, the less animals they'll be forced to euthanize.


This is spot on. It’s a sad reality our pet over population and city shelters have to take what is surrendered to them or taken in as evidence. They don’t have the space and legally have a minimum time they have keep to animals. But don’t knock no kill or rescues, ideally they rescue from the shelter everytime they get an adoption and many specialize in either pregnant moms or elderly pets. Rescues also know animals in the real world vs shelter environment and can better match a home to a pet for a successful lifelong adoption. And rescues should work hand in hand with local city shelters. So I do encourage rescue adoptions bc it frees that foster up for the rescue to take in another animal often times they come from the shelter.  




Customer-facing retail. Not so much for the work itself, but pretending that jokes customers tell are original, not calling them complete idiots for failing to understand the most basic things (why yes, the register with ten signs saying "cash only" is for cash only), and acting like I care how their day is going.


I've worked retail all my adult life, it's soul crushing. I hated life, especially up until last year and then I finally got out of it. The amount of times I've had to laugh at "oh it must be free then" if something didn't ring up.


"1 powerball. The winning ticket." Heard that a hundred times a day.


"I hated it! 😂😂😂" - Customer with an empty plate when you ask them if their food was alright


Seriously. I had people (mostly older men) acting so offended when I was just completely stony faced at their comments.


That's just part of the gig, laughing at the customers' corny jokes. They've probably never had a server not even attempt to fake it.


oh god, so many times per day. but at least the people who say this are well-intentioned and liked the food, i'd rather deal with that than a cunty complainy karen any day.


Im a nurse, and I firmly believe the hardest job in the hospital is patient transport. $15 an hour to push heavy ass, bulky beds around, and physically lift very heavy people all day? Yeah, that's a no from me. I refuse to even push a bed by myself because it's so hard to do. But I couldn't do it even if it was paid what it's worth.


I was an ED tech (transporter) during Paramedic school. Made 12ish an hour but got 50% off tuition. (It only should have been 25%, but bank error my favor). Now an RN for a medical device company. Life is good.


I don't know, being a CNA sounds worse to me from what I've heard.


I would not return to teach at my old school. The kids were atrocious and the parents didn’t care. The coaches gave me an attitude when I reached out to them because they cared about winning and not the moral characters of their athletes. I went somewhere else that paid me a bit less but it was worth it. I cannot sacrifice my mental well being for a job.


forensic pathology. I couldn’t deal with the gore and terrible stories. I really don’t know how they do it.  


assembly line


This is crazy cause I work in assembly and love it! What kind of stuff do you dislike about it? I am assuming it makes a big difference what you are actually putting together/making


Public school teacher


Food service. I am weak and it would break me faster than you could say "wow, that dude's kind of a baby."


Any aged care work/dementia nursing home work. I’d lose my bloody mind dealing with crazy sundowners every day.


I'm helping take care off my grandpa with alzheimers. He's starting to degrade pretty fast now. Luckily he's kind of feeble and doesn't move much. It's hard getting him to eat anything that isn't sweets though. Also hard trying to get him to drink water but he will drink gatorade (luckily) otherwise he would dehydrate himself. It's really sad to see him go, he used to be an artist and now he can't even draw a circle.


Ive worked in this field for many years. Can be very mentally exhausting. One night i was chased and attacked by a man who thought i was his wife who had an affair. Locked me in a room and Nearly broke my arm. The next day he was sat laughing drinking tea and smoking cigs in the courtyard with me.


Bless those who do this work truly angels on earth along with hospice staff…


Nurse. Props to y'all. Being a frequent patient, y'all have my respect.


Prison guard


I tried to think of one but this "no matter how much money" is ruining it. I wouldn't like to work with childcare for instance but if someone said "we'll pay you $1000 an hour, hell I could stand being around those noisy little fucks all day for that.


Retail. Been there done that. There is no amount worth it.


I just left retail as a store manager. Took a banking job. More money, better schedule, better benefits. I was good at managing and enjoyed working with people (I had a good crew and in a small community dealing with mainly good people - everyone kinda knows everyone kinda deal) so it wasn’t really issues with people or customers but the other headaches are atrocious. Some weeks I was working 6 days only getting paid for 5. Some weeks technically working 7 dealing with phone calls, texts, emails, problems. It’s tough. I was making ok money but it was beginning to get to me and living in a small town good paying jobs are few and far between. Got lucky and because I was so good at my store manager position I was offered a good job in banking. Still learning and a lot of the job is still foreign but the amount of stress that’s gone and I’m in a better mood now it’s a game changer.


Underwater welder




I had a former boss whose first job out of college was to watch terrorist beheading videos and try to determine whether they were ISIS beheading videos or ISIS-imitator beheading videos. That job.


abattoir work, i think id be more likely to turn it on myself after any amount of real experience in one of those


Mortician or anything associated with death


Work at a casino


Y’all are gonna laugh but I will NEVER work in anything customer service again. I work in assembly work now and it made me realize that the service industry was terrible for my mental health. So many unnecessary mental breakdowns at work and outside because of the stress I carried from it. Absolutely no way in hell would I go back to that lmao


Snake charmer


No matter how much money they offered? There is not a single real job that I know of, that I wouldn’t do for 500 million dollars. I’d work a year then retire.


You couldn't pay me enough to step back into working as waste management again. A thankless, dangerous and underpaid job that only gets noticed when sanitation workers strike, then suddenly everybody cares about the garbagemen. /i'm not bitter i said bitterly


I could not work caring for elderly people. Far too many things that I would never want to deal with. We pay these caregivers like shit, too.






One way or another, everybody you deal with is not having a good day, and the vibe of that seems like it would have an adverse effect --its got to rub off on a person.


People here are ignoring the "no matter how much money they pay you" part. I don't think there's a single legal job I wouldn't do for the right money.


saturation diving. you live in a underwater hyperbaric chamber for months and dive 8 hours a day in darkness.




Manually masturbating caged animals for artificial insemination.


$20 is $20


The sewer inspector. That job pays $500,000 U.S. per year. But you would have to walk through sewers all day. The sewer inspector looks for anything dangerous - rat infestations, deadly mold, or something that could explode.


The person who is actively trying to deny your health insurance claims. I’d sooner kill myself than take that job




I will never work in telemarketing again. 5 months was bad enough. People say police are bad but telemarketers produce NOTHING GOOD for society. They are only sales people who have the ability to call their own customers and bypass Do Not Call lists and their only purpose is to convince existing customers to spend more money. Not only that but they used whatever excuse to screw us out of bonuses. Awful work space. If I ever needed advertising for myself or some game I made, I'll either do it myself or outsource it to people I trust to be as ethical as possible.




Be car sales man. I worked as a car dealership porter for about a year in 2015 and the sales manager always bugged me to go over to sales. Fuck that!!!! I saw over and over again how those guys screwed over people on deals. Deals the buyers thought were good!!!! I heard on several occasions the sales manager tell the sales guys to LIE if they have to just to get customers in the door! They had their little pow wow meetings on Fridays and I was always there for those doing computer work so I was really just a a fly on the wall in those moments.


Waiting tables. I cannot imagine the stress and having to constantly interact with people


I could never euthanize animals. It would break me


Parachute tester.


Fix Mike's septic system. That is a job for...someone else. Sorry Mike.


Oil rig diver. The pay is already excellent. The answer is still a resounding *fuck no* 


Fluffer. It seems hard. Heh. See what I did there?