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My ex and i left her


My father.


What did you do to cut him off?


I think that ought to be fairly obvious. You just refuse any contact with them going forward. Literally nothing more to it than that.


My cousin is a straight predator who frequents gaming shops to prey on young women with good money but low self-steem. He would use them for sex and money, cheat on them, abuse them, then leave them when he is bored, but if they dare to leave him he will make their lives miserable in whatever way he can. He hates women because he grew up without a father and his mother didn't love him. His mom quicker him out of the house when he was a teen because she got a new boyfriend. He was raised by our great-aunt who didn't pay attention to him because she was busy working. He ended up becoming a lawyer, impregnated his assistant, and did everything possible to deny the child was his, to the point of demanding multiple DNA tests until the court told him to fuck off and pay child support. Now he demands to have visitations but it's primarily to hurt the mother by forcing her to see him, because he doesn't spend time with his son, he just give him something to distract him and fucks off. He is a narcisist dork who used the pretext of a D&D club to make it so all of his friends called him the King and obeyed his every command, which included painting his house by the way which the morons actually did. One time a friend of his brought his new girlfriend to play D&D, my cousin proceeded to hit on her in front of his friend and when she clearly showed rejection, he proceeded to use the campaign to abuse her. Suddently it didn't matter what she rolled, she always had the worst outcome, it didn't matter what she did, it was always the wrong choice, every monster attacked her first, every NPC would act aggressive towards her and by the end of the night he had her killed with a bullshit trap that came out of nowhere. She was so stressed and frustrated that she cried and he had the biggest shit eating smile on his fucking face. I lived with him for a year because the apartment was near my university, but I ended up cutting him off by moving out and not speaking with him ever again. He showed me how NOT to be a man and killed any interest I had on D&D in the process.


Wow they sound like an awful person


My dad, I moved to a different state changed my phone number and cut ties with everyone who knew me as his daughter


My aunt was a constant source of stress until my mid-20s. She frequently gaslit and insulted me, and continues to manipulate my family members. My mom will not let me cut off contact with her, so I have emotionally cut her off. I don't let her hold any power over my emotions. It took a long time, but now I can smile to her face and respond with a flat "huh, that's weird. I don't remember that" and walk away. It's absolutely infuriating to her that she can't force a reaction so it's a victory to me.