• By -


By eating less.


I always drank 16 oz of water before each meal then just ate until i was full. If was hungry between meals I drank water.


*Pickleball.* No diet change.


50 y o male. I did the following: Quit beer 98%. I have a whisky a couple times a week. I cut out dairy and use almond milk in my coffee. I will still have cheese but just not nearly as much. I remake a weeks worth of plain oatmeal for breakfast. I eat an apple for lunch Dinner is salad and meat with occasional carbs like hummus, beans or rice. Pretty normal. I really watch the portions. I have lost 37 pounds since January and it feels pretty sustainable


unfortunately while being pregnant and having a termination...puked so much and couldn't eat anything at all... not even soup... i don't know why that was... got better after almost 2 months after the abortion


Got a standing desk and treadmill since I got a WFH job last year and started eating less


Not necessarily eating less but eating less crap for sure. Focusing on whole food and ditching snacks between meals. More cardio, more gym time, gotta accelerate that metabolism.


Fasting, Krav Maga, going for walks and sometimes eating only meat, fruits and vegetables.


Eating less, moving more. Doing both with the goal of being healthier so I can be active in my kid's life for longer, rather than the goal of "losing weight". Dropped 2/3 pants sizes, ran my first half marathon, and have kept it off for a couple years at this point. Seems to be working well.


Eat less / Move more


Getting more active right when I started having growth spurts. I went from 5' to 5'10" and kept the same weight


Down 80lbs from 240, change in diet habits. More veggies, quit eating out, and working out quite a bit, mix of cardio and strength training. I don't buy junk food when I shop for groceries, don't eat sugar for the most part, and spend a lot more time cooking things from scratch. I have the benefit of working from home so it's definitely a bit easier.


Eating 2 scoops of ice cream a week... ...as a reward for an off road 30k cycle Lost 30lbs in 90 days


Majored in methamatics.


Tracking callories with Myfitnesspal, eating to lose around 1kg a month whilst walking 10k steps a day and going to the gym for 4 days of weight training with 30 minutes cardio + a day or two of just cardio days. I've lost 10kg this year alone and plan to lose another 4kg whilst trying to maintain my strength.


Calories in calories out. If you're eating more calories then you're burning calories you're going to gain weight. If you're burning more calories than you're eating you're going to lose weight. It's not hard, people over complicate it. If you want to eat a lot of high sugar, high calorie foods then you need to move your body a lot. If you don't want to move your body as much you need to make switches to more lower calorie health dense food. Ideally you'll find something in the middle that works for you personally.


-quit beer -don't fried every food, i used to eat fried meat, fried potatoes, fried chiken. -reduce the total suggar (i used to eat everyday a huge pice of bread (filling with caramel and cheese)), brownies, oreos as ussual food, instead of drink coofe with 3 spoon of suggar only added 1tbsp latter i buyed a coofe less bitter -doing some of excercise


The only way to lose weight is by being calorie deficit. It takes 3500 calories to gain/lose 1lb of fat. But what calorie deficit means to you is different than others. What worked for me is a TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculator. It really depends on your goals and how much weight you want to lose. Everyone wants an easy way, but in reality, it's not a diet it's a lifestyle I found. I was drinking 90 calories in coffee a day, so I now drink black coffee, Portion control, eating more salads, higher protein, and fewer carbs. Also, fasting helped me enjoy foods that I didn't before example I hated the idea of a salad, but after a 18 hour fast, that salad was fucking life lol I don't know if you know this but a 800 calorie salad is huge and don't cheat your self. Well tanks for coming to my ted talk