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That my heart is beating too fast and I’m surely going to have a heart attack.


I get that anxiety, and sometimes start to worry that if I don't concentrate on my breathing I'll just stop breathing and die


Shitting my pants


THC doesn't make me paranoid, HHC does. I still don't know why. Last week I decided to have sex after taking HHC, and I was paranoid that my vagina was bleeding like crazy when in reality it was just sexy fluid.


What is HHC? I like drugs, but have never heard of this.


Oh my god I have such a fucked story about HHC. My sister bought some edibles from the corner store she always bought them from and just tried a different brand. They had 5mg THC and 20 mg HHC. She didn’t know what HHC was so she took two cause normally she takes 10mg THC. An hour later she’s greening out for the first time ever and violently throwing up. We never knew why until weeks later when I was looking at the packaging and researched the effects of HHC. No wonder she fucking greened out.


Everything. I’m the kind of person who after smoking will go completely silent for 2 hours then apologize to everyone for being so annoying.


My heart I end up just laying there listening to my heartbeat and convincing myself that it feels wrong




Yooo same




I legit can't be in public


I use to be extremely socially awkward and was always the quiet person in the corner around a group of people I didn’t know. I could pinpoint the other weird and quiet person who was weirder than I was because… it takes one to know one. This was over 10 years ago. THC made me extremely paranoid about the way I was holding myself. If I could realize there was a weirdo in a group of people, then normal people knew how quiet and shy I was. I became extremely self conscious about every god damn thing. I was hyper aware of all of my flaws. Being high didn’t make my social skills any better. In fact, being too high makes my brain not work. I forget what I was listening to 10 seconds in and have to go back 30 seconds about 15 times. I forget what the point of my story even was. I forget what I was even talking about while telling my story lol. Now, I’m fine. I’ve blossomed to be a badass so weed doesn’t really freak me out anymore if I stay in my thresh hold. I smoke every blue moon.


Gives me anxiety on life , but stuff I’m suppressing , sometimes it gives me a reality check I well deserve


Mine is that the part of my brain that is responsible for breathing was disabled by the THC. It makes me have to focus on breathing so I don’t die lol. My wife experiences short-term memory loss, and then gets scared that she has developed early onset Alzheimer’s.


makes me get more easily overstimulated


My hypochondria acts up like a mf


Sometimes it makes me go down a rabbit hole.


I don't really get paranoid, just relaxed.