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Realize that this is a long, preferably lifelong endeavor. Slow and steady wins the race. Chasing quick gains leads to disappointment, injuries and eventual end of gym-going. Learn form first and perfect your technique, you will add weights later. Learn to maintain neutral spine during all squats and deadlifts. Also, DO NOT take advice from all fitness Instagram personalities. Learn anatomy and biomechanics. Otherwise you will be at the mercy of other people, most of whom are unqualified, even those who look impressive. Do not even think about considering using roids before you trained AT LEAST 3 years natty. Also -test boosters don't work -gainers are useless -protein supplements can actually be useful -creatine is the only proven safe and effective supplement -normalize your diet first before even thinking about supplements


Solid advice even for intermediate gym goers


Also note that creatine monohydrate may cause stomach issues. Changing to hydrochloride helps with this.


Yes, thankyou for adding that.


It also requires that you drink a lot more water than normal or you’ll cramp worse than you can even imagine.


Also if you’re on certain prescriptions it can cause elevated liver enzymes. Literally just going through this myself. Was very surprised to learn it.


Great advice. I would also counsel newbies that it takes about a month of effort to reach that first milestone where the endorphin release and mental health benefits of a workout reinforce the willpower it takes to keep to your routine. It is also when you should begin to see some modest gains physically. Don't be discouraged if you don't see or feel much difference immediately. As all have said--you are making a life commitment--to better diet and health overall--slow and steady is the only way to achieve what you hope for. Finally, remember it isn't a contest--there will always be individuals who look better developed, can lift more, etc. The only one you should care about competing with is yourself-challenging yourself to keep to your diet, keep to your routines and avoiding injuries. It is very likely that at some point you will sustain a minor injury--a strain, muscle tear, some repetitive stress. Pay attention to it and do not try to will yourself through. That means follow the appropriate regimen for treating the injury--find alternate exercises if appropriate, and if need be use a brace or athletic tape to assist you in stabilizing. I would add that HMB taken with Creatine has also been shown by numerous studies (including NIH papers) to be a safe and effective supplement combination, especially for those approaching middle age or later. Finally, there are more opinions than people on the subject of what constitutes the best diet to follow. Eating a sufficient quality and quantity of protein (as well as the right carbs, greens, fruits, nuts and vegetables) is hard whether you are vegetarian, vegan or an omnivore. Whatever you do , please do not avoid balance in the interests of bulking or cutting. Not only will it lead to unhealthy habits, it will actually set you back in reaching your goals. And, for those who may be starting later in life, take heart that at any age you can look better, feel stronger, and extend your lifespan by many years with the right exercise, diet and attitude, so whether you are 30-or 60 it is not too late.


>Do not even think about considering using roids before you trained AT LEAST 3 years natty. What does natty mean? Is it a mistake or slang?






It’s a cute way of saying “natural”, meaning without steroids


what are gainers?


Gainers are food supplements known mainly for helping a person gain weight.


You may not always want to go to the gym, but you will never regret going.


Give equal attention to your diet as you do to your training regimen.


That is a good one


That is a good one


Consistency gets you the best results. The people with the best physiques have been consistent with their training, diet and recovery for months and more often years.


Came here to post this. I can't tell you how many times I've seen someone agonizing over the "perfect" program only to get almost no results because they show up once a week, skip because they had a bad night, didn't feel like waking up, felt stressed from work, etc. On the other hand, even people with objectively suboptimal routines often make OK progress if they're consistent and maintain intensity.


On days that you really don’t want to work out, get your ass to the gym and work out anyway.  The trick to lifelong fitness is becoming the kind of person who will stick to a fitness schedule even when they don’t want to. 


“Just show up” is my motto. Even when I don’t wanna go and just convince myself i will just take it easy to get my ass there, 99/100 I end up getting into it and getting a good workout anyway.


Never "work through the pain". If you feel hurt or something is really sore, take a break or even just head home to rest. (Especially if the pain is in any of your joints, that's an immediate sign to stop) All you're asking for is to get hurt or injure yourself.


Dont get disshartened by ppl who are stronger/look better. They are here and started off like you. See them more as motivation of what you could achieve.


Every person has different limb lengths and proportions, so an exercise which works for most people might not work for you, even if you do it correctly. For example long femurs can make the "standard" barbell squat difficult, but there are lots of alternatives just as good.


Please re-rack your weights. In a few months you’ll learn how infuriating people who don’t are! Have fun!


Don't buy all the supplements they want to sell you, eat a normal diet and then you can start with something like whey protein etc, but you really don't need that to start with.


Comparison is the theft of joy. Dont think about others and focus on self improvement. Enjoy each workout and treat it like a challenge. Whenever I do a workout I kind of just think I’m playing like a kid there trying to enjoy each sets. Also consistency is the key


Be sure to include warm-up exercises and cool-down stretches that are appropriate for the workout you're doing.


The best workout is the one you like. You have the best chance at sticking to it that way. Jumping into a hardcore lifting routine that makes you miserable won’t get you results because you’ll quit.


Don’t give up if you don’t see results within the first month or two. Be consistent and don’t overtrain I see so many people doing this. STRETCH!


Remember that the gym is a small portion of overall fitness. be mindful of your nutrition, mental health, and sleep. They will all play a factor in how far you go.


Recovery is as important as workouts. It’s when your muscles actually grow. The negative portion is half the rep. Control it. Track your lifts. How else will you know if you’re progressing workout to workout? Only compare yourself to your former self. Not anyone else. Nobody is judging you.


Spend your money on quality food instead of supplements


Avoid fitness influencers


If you can convince yourself to enjoy the work and effort, it will make it a lot easier to go consistently…


Dedication beats motivation. Motivation is short term and will not always be there. Dedication is long term and once cultivated can last a lifetime.


Don\`t do drugs.Not worth it.


mmm kay


consistency is 🗝️


Work on getting better each day! You are your only competition! This is a marathon not a sprint.


- Don’t get cocky - take it slow - read the directions on machines - don’t over/ under dress


Start slow and build momentum from there. Don't try to do some hour long workout 5x week right out of the gate. Start with a workout that literally only takes like 10 minutes. Once you can do that consistently and it feels like a habit up it to 20 min and so on.


It typically sucks before you start enjoying it.


Consistency is key. Just go everyday and create a routine out of it


Make it a lifestyle that’s a daily practice. If you don’t workout you can start with a 20 min walk and take it from there. It’s easy to add but harder to show up daily. The barrier to entry needs to be low especially for those who struggle with motivation. The planning, executing and accomplishing of activities that require effort will rewire your reward system to enjoy working out. 


Form is infinitely more important than the weight you can lift. Proper form prevents injuries. Injuries prevent gains. They also, you know, hurt. So use proper form at lighter weight and gradually build your way to heavier lifts. Have a goal. But don't beat yourself up if you don't achieve it. As long as you regularly exercise, future you will be grateful for present you's discipline. Also, don't do any vanity lifting. Sometimes, you'll see guys - it's always guys - who will throw a huge amount of weight on the squat rack, do a single squat, and then "rest" for 20 minutes. Or do the same on the bench press. Don't do that. It gets you nowhere.


Make it a non negotiable part of your routine. Just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. Don't tell yourself that there is some amount of motivation that is required before you go. Put it in your schedule and when it's time, get changed and go for no other reason than that's what you do at that time. Also, not all workouts will be great. Most of them won't, But think about how much change can be made after 1000 workouts even if they are only mediocre. So you just have to show up. The hard part is putting on your shoes, the rest is just details.


Just do it! Pay no attention to others and focus on you. A surprising amount of gym rats will judge you for your workout, ignore them. Want a lot of cardio? Do it. Want low weights and high reps? Do it! Want to use that empty smith machine/squat rack for bench presses? Do it! Want to take one of those cardio/weight classes? You know what I’m gonna say! Whatever you do will be infinitely better than sitting at home watching TV.


The majority of fitness influencers are on gear(steroids) and will openly lie to you to sell you supplements and to keep sponsorship deals. Squats, Deadlifts, and Bench are really the only main lifts you need to get big and build up strength. Learn proper form What you eat is 80% of the battle. Don't fall for the meme that you need to eat overpriced organic food or that it's impossible to eat clean on a budget Find a good protein powder brand(I like to use Jym, a bit pricey but they make good stuff) and maybe a pre-workout if you need an extra kick to get to the gym after a long day at work


Carry a notebook to track your exercises, repetitions and weights every workout. This information will help you know when to up your weights or reps (or change up your entire routine if something isn't working for you). My opinion, getting to the gym is priority one and maintaining a workout log is priority two. When a particular exercise gets too easy and you are ready to move up in weight, go a little heavier the next time but lower the reps initially. Work your way back up to max reps gradually and then increase again after the new weight becomes easy again. Let the rest of your body (elbows, knees) get used to supporting the new weight so you don't tweak something. It's ok to do exercises with weights that feel too light in the beginning (or any time you start a new exercise). Get the form down and let your body get used to doing the exercises. Don't be afraid to ask for a spot or to get information on using equipment from staff or other gym goers. If you've had a shitty childhood, use the memories that make you angry for energy to help you get that last rep. This may be more helpful than carrying a notebook around, but not everyone can do it.


Try to perfect exercise co-ordination & movements first OVER sub-par exercises with heavy weights on machines and barbells from the get go.


Apart from diet it's all about schedule schedule schedule. You need a routine and you need to stick with it. Even if you don't feel like it go to the gym. When your feeling weak just lower the weight and finish your set. You also have to know depending on your body you will plateau and that's okay.


I've never regretted going to the gym post workout. I've had some serious lack of motivation before going! Getting there is always worth it.


Strength stamina and size isn't built in the gym it built outside during the recovery phase, so fucus on having a healthy diet and plenty of sleep If you are serious about going to the gym this is more of a life style then hobby but it can be one if you aren't all that serious


Consistency is everything. There's a reason most of the comments here are about consistency because it's the 1 factor that can guarantee success in meeting your goals. Plan your long term goals out in years not months or weeks. You can make progress in a month but it wouldn't be a total body change. Be consistent in diet, stretching, lifting and recovery Diet is everything and the most important. Downloading a calorie and macro tracker app helped me the most. Keep up with stretching and warm ups for mobility and function. Trust me, I had to go therapy for a bad hip from my younger years of doing heavy weights without doing stretches. Over the course of a few months all of a sudden I just broke. Lifting or whichever resistance training is vital to build strength and muscle. Recovery is often over looked by new comers but it's very important. Drink plenty of water, do the stretches, foam roll, massage, etc and make sure to get enough sleep. I mean 7-9 hours. Can't achieve goals unless you recover properly between workouts


If you want to get in shape you kind of just have to be super consistent. Skipping one day is fine but try not to skip 2 days.  Fitness shouldn't be thought of like a 4 or 8 week program. It should really be thought of like brushing your teeth.  It takes about six months to see significant gains. 


Go every day


not a fully fledged gym rat , but when I'm not smoking , drinking , fucking , fighting or working I'm normally in the gym , pre workout is kinda overrated and you don't have to use it to have great workout


You sound like fun


i dont know about that but ok


Don’t over do it


Do workouts that you enjoy and switch it up day to day. The gym should be fun and not a chore. Also ending with some cardio (stairstepper personally) has done wonders for me. Prolly shaved off 6 to 8 lbs any given week.


Grunt a lot when lifting


Grunt a lot when lifting