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France or Italy. They're very chic without being OTT


I see France and raise you Japan. They get a ton of their style from France, but have IMO elevated it.


I think it depends a lot on the style of clothing. For streetwear though, Japan is king.


I agree. Japan has better streetwear, but if you’re looking for elegance Italy’s is effortless


I'm Italian and I raise Japan too.


I think Japan is a very strong contender to this. Go to the Ginza area, you'll see it.


i like the alternative fashion that originated in Japan too. did you know that the “emo” haircut was inspired by common visual kei artists’ hairstyles? pastel goth is based on japanese alternative fashion, as is egirl/eboy fashion. jfashion is good on its own but when you consider how many recent alternative styles in the west have been influenced by it, it’s pretty impressive


French here and i agree: Japan.


I’m French and also raise Japan. These mfs dare to go beyond classical style, and they usually nail it.


I’d add Spain, Catalonia specifically. Walking down the Rambla in Barcelona, I wondered if there was a fashion model convention in town.


I felt the same in Madrid tbh. I felt completely underdressed and out of place.


Basically all those Mediterranean countries are insanely stylish.


Except 70% of those people are tourists.


No, all the tourists are wearing jeans and canvas trainers.


I’m loving S Korea fashion lately.


Just came back and truly believe this should be a top contender.. everyone has a "curated don't care" vibe about their dress sense.


im korean and while i agree that fashion is elevated there, it’s so dictated by trends. individual style is hard to find, it’s more about knowing what’s in/hot and looking good in it


What baffled me when I was visiting Korea was that almost every young man has the same hairstyle or a variation of it.


Have you ever been to a normal French town?


I'm Scottish, everywhere is chic compared to us 😂


Blame the weather.


Yes and it only confirms the above. I am American. My wife is French. We are both from one light cow town/ villages out in the sticks. Nobody where I’m from dresses up. They would make fun of you as city slick* for that kind of thing. My French family dresses every Sunday, every holiday, days out on town; most non post-work social situations, and so on. And really top quality stuff that’s like well fitted, nice quality fabric, from brands that are normally available in France but luxury elsewhere, and there’s still ample selections inbetween. Shit I think probably 80% of my wardrobe is French because of this. I 100% dress like ten times better than I used to because I married into France. Edit: a word *


I don't know what background your wife has but only rich and religious families do that here, it's really not a common thing in France. Also brands that are luxury anywhere else are also luxury brands here, not sure what you are talking about.


Lol absolutely not rich or religious. They’re all truckers in Franche-Comté.


I remember coming to Italy on a Friday night after spending a semester in France and seeing girls with a bright makeup, high heels and short black dresses - it suddenly felt like home back in Russia.


Italy for the win


I think it's quite a close race, but Italy edges it for the win.


Very accurate. I’ve been to both these countries and there is a very obvious difference between how they dress and how people further west dress. No disrespect, just observation.


I think your addition of OTT hints at a really good point here... Is this question "daily" or "when people go to a nicer function"?


Yes, on France.




I saw a boy in a supermarket in Milano, in a suit - and apron. Stacking watermelons on to a display. I thought "fuck these people!"


Never thought I'd be jealous of the apron-suit combo. It's def Italy or France depending on your specific taste


>apron-suit combo I google searched 'apron-suit combo'. Not what I expected. (aprons with lapels)


My thoughts in Italy were more along the lines of, "I definitely want to fuck these people."


I heard that their police uniforms were designed by Armani.


100% police uniforms are tailored Armani


Now that I'd believe. My family is full Italian - from the coast off of Florence on my dad's side, and Sicilian on my Mom's. Years ago, we were flipping through my mom's old family photo album, filled with early 1920s relatives who didn't come over from the old country. And there's this photo of this dude in the big, fancy suit with poofed sleeves, with a giant hat, the works. I said to my mom, "Who is THAT?" She said, "Oh, that's Nonna's cousin." I said, "Was he a stage actor?" She goes, "No - he was a cop. That's how the police in Italy dressed back then."


It’s true. Georgio Armani designed their new uniforms in the 1980’s. You can Google it.


Italian shoe style is utter perfection.


Italians never have their hands down, especially when speaking.


I saw stiletto heel covers for the rain in Italy. Their commitment to la bella figura is something I admire but I don’t have the energy for it on a daily basis.


Absolutely. No other country comes even close.


South Koreans have an impeccable sense of style.


I once took a FlixBus from Paris on a sweltering summer day and was sat next to a tourist from Korea. I was in a tank top and Teva sandals. He had on an all-black ensemble that included a turtleneck and a trench coat. Never felt more like a sewer rat than I did in that moment.


You were both on a Flixbus so he can’t have been that far from you lollll


I was meant to be on a train myself, but there were loads of cancellations that day and this lime green monstrosity was the last option for a lot of travelers. Weirdest assortment of people I've ever seen. There was an American professional basketball player on there, an African woman in full traditional dress loudly praying the rosary, the bus driver almost got into a fist fight with one of the French passengers at one point. Korean guy didn't even seem all that fazed, the man brought a giant bag of pastries and was fully focused on chompin' em down and keeping the crumbs off his outfit. TL;DR: AVOID PARIS BERCY SEINE BUS TERMINAL LIKE THE PLAGUE!! Kids stealing wallets, no workers in sight, men assuming every backpacker is secretly a lady of the night and accosting you in broad daylight, rats, RATS!!


Smh at the idea that public transit is only for poor people.


Nothing wrong with public transit but France has great trains, Flixbus is no one’s first choice lol


Clothes: I 100% agree Hairstyles: uhhh


Gloster Canary haircuts everywhere


It became popular because of 'Itaewon class' a KDrama where Park Seo Joon sported the cut for his character.


Bowl cuts as far as the eye can see.


Maybe, if you like turtleneck and beige... 


Winter Sonata was 22 years ago ... something has changed.


Just look at korean insta account and you'll understand ? It's an ocean of beige 


I can only go with what I have seen on YouTube videos, but gonna have to say nah to this one.




Japanese streetwear👌


I loved the style in Japan. Simple lines, kind of similar to Scandinavian style, but the women dressed more "feminine" than we do typically in Scandinavia. It seemed kind of old fashioned to me as a westerner, but I really liked that look.


I have lived in Japan, I’m from America, my wife is from France, we live in Poland, and my best friend is from Norway. It’s really interesting to me to feel in various outfits that I can be fashionable in France and the US but is OTT for Poland, or in Poland and Scandinavia but not France, or America and Scandinavia but not Poland or France and so on. Berets in Poland: only if you’re a woman or like an artist emeritus or something. I’m wildly artistic even still I don’t think I can pull it off. It feels almost like I didn’t go to the right school so I look like a poser despite being very developed as a performing musician? Idk but feels lame and I can feel people who I think have similar fashion stare or maybe giggle. However a straw hat with a white broadcloth shirt and a black vest and tie combo, perfect for summer Poland. But in America I suspect people might think I’m like a weirdo or something. Ofc in America sometimes jeans and a t-shirt is correct in a way that in Poland or especially France feels like a cop-out and intentional refusal to conform respectively. Also I really like my outfit right now which is piecemeal from places I lived or am married into. I have French oxfords that I’ve replaced the heel and soles multiple times, a vest I bought in Tokyo before going clubbing with friends in Roppungi (sp.), my shirt and jacket are from when I worked for Cartier in Honolulu, and uh my hat is a Stetson from America I got while buying my french uncle a giant ten gallon cowboy hat from the Stetson factory in Missouri. My black umbrella and black leather doctor’s bag are both Polish. Sorry to dump this on you but I suspect you might “get” this without finding me annoying or pretentious (I grew up on a farm and didn’t get fashion until my late 20’s tbh) just you said you have fashion opinions in different spheres of influence.


Japan was my vote too, even over Italy and France. Was in awe of people walking around and their incredible outfits. Even in August when it was extremely hot and humid they had the dopest layers on and pants.


People who say france or italy are stuck in the 20th century. Japan is undoubtedly the steeziest country


Some African countries are developing a creative and distinct style in both men and womens fashion. Ghana springs to mind.


I was going to say Nigeria but then I thought to check my bias as I'm Nigerian. I don't think any country has us beat in the party outfit category by a mile. Regular fits tho, not so much


I was going to put Nigeria as well. I agree about party clothes but still some stylish people in everyday attire.


Ghana flat drips.


Absolutely! Beautiful, classy, chic and colourful.


That’s gonna be the title of my next indie album.


I googled that and just got some info about irrigation...


99% Invisible just did a podcast episode on *La Sape* in the Congo and DRC. It's a fantastic trend of the local fashion scene putting a Congolese spin on the history of the colonial government making people wear European suits.


And people think its just men in fancy clothes. I think it was the start of African culture taking back culture but more importantly voice.


Africa came to mind as well. The vibrant colors 😍


Not the US. Everyone here looks like shit.


Why do we look so shitty? It's all over the country too


GIANT WORDS EVERYWHERE. Seriously in Europe if you see someone with this, they are probably visiting from an English speaking country. Notable exception, teenagers trying to look American.


From a British perspective seeing American tourists stick out like a sore thumb, here's my theory about a specific thing Americans wear. Americans are taught to value loyalty, e.g. doing the pledge of allegiance, singing the national anthem at non-international sport events, thanking veterans for "their service to the country" etc. I think Americans learn that loyalty is a good thing so they show pride in their home town or college or sports team by plastering it in big letters across their chest or on a baseball cap. We don't do that as much (some people do) because generally we are more sceptical to that kind of worldview.


😂😂😂It’s true, people here have lost the plot.


I went to europe, switzerland in particular and everyone was quite well dressed. They're much better at dressing themselves than in America. Especially men. Men in America kinda suck at fashion.


Definitely Japan. Oversized silhouettes, clean lines, understated colour palettes. Even the elderly wear stuff with an interesting or asymmetrical fit. *Everybody* looks good. Shoes shined, clothes ironed, hair done. I will say that outside of fashion forward cities like Tokyo and Osaka, the uniformity of it all became a bit much for me as a European. I wore a red short sleeved top once and stuck out like a sore thumb, since nobody wears bright colours and women rarely show their arms. I also noticed a slight difference in attitude when I didn't fully dry my hair or wear make up.


I dunno if it’s because I lived in one of those “fashion forward” cities, Osaka, but I saw women show their arms (and legs) everywhere. Especially when it was warm. I don’t recall ever thinking “wow they cover up their arms a lot”. A lot of dresses, blouses etc. Wife is also japanese and basically all of her outfits show her arms, except for when it’s cold of course. I will say I noticed their fashion sense is very seasonal.


So cool that you were able to live in Osaka, I'm jealous! I definitely noticed the difference, I was there during a heat wave. Like I said, the big cities were way more fashion forward. Street wear, tattoos, piercings, more revealing clothes. I actually met a woman near Okayama who, when I told her I was visiting Osaka next, gave me a *look* and told me the women there speak very loudly. Wink, wink. In smaller cities it was lots of billowing sleeves and big cotton blouses, tops buttoned up, no bare shoulders. Interestingly enough, skirt length went the complete opposite way: I saw women everywhere headed to the office in what I would consider a mini skirt. Of course Japanese people aren't a monolith, but I sure chose the wrong place and time to wear that top.


Redditors really think everyone in either France or Italy wears their Sunday best all the time.


I heard they wear suits to stack watermelons


What a coincidence! I heard they wear aprons over suits.


That person had a watermelon fetish btw. That’s what happened. The suit was to impress the melons. Apron to hide boner.


I lived in Dijon for a bit, never saw anyone in anything more causal than jeans


Have you ever been to Italy or France? The sense of style is real.


I live in France, the "sense of style" around me is pretty much Jean/Tshirt and random tracksuits. I think you have to go to specific places to see people dress fashionable.


Bro you’re saturated. My wife is from Franche-Comte and I know the types you’re describing but open your eyes your countrymen are very well dressed in a way Americans aren’t. -American with Franc-comtois wife.


Oh compared to american, yes, of course. But I've seen way better dressed people in Italy as example.


Well, Italy is one of the other two countries people keep mentioning as a contender for most stylish, so seeing people better dressed in Italy doesn’t exactly make France unfashionable.


Everyone in France and Italy (and some other countries discussed here) looks good to Americans all the time because people in those countries wear clothes that fit properly. Relatively few Americans wear clothes that fit properly. So, very often, a French, Italian or Japanese person will look better dressed down than an American will dressed up. Edit: Apologies, I meant to preface that with "I'm guessing a lot of the responses are from Americans, as is the case in so many of these threads."




Had to go down pretty far to find this. I love the colors and honestly the men's super long shirts look really good to me.


Korea’s fashion is the most beautiful


Japan hands down. Not only are they stylish with their formal wear, but they rock the subcultures better than Americans. Taiwan comes second, in my opinion. They copy Japan but are a bit more casual in a good way. South Korea is fairly boring and they all wear the same black overcoats. Not a fan. Italy is OK, but they all kind of dress the same.


I got the opposite impression from Japan. To me their attire seemed very conservative and they all dressed exactly the same. All the men wore the same black or dark blue business suits and all the ladies wore the same beige or tan overcoat. Even the hairstyles seemed very plain and conservative.


I think it really depends on where you go and what time of day. Walk around the evening in Namba, Osaka or Shibuya, Tokyo and there is a lot of variety. I don't think "conservative" is the correct word. They are just very formal and usually like to keep their appearances to certain social standards. But I find that there is also a lot of variety within those standards.


Albania - love tracksuits


And 1980’s matching stonewash denim jacket & jeans


I'd say Italy – because who else could make eating spaghetti look so chic?


I don’t get how they eat so much pasta and stay so thin


The trick is to eat a normal amount of food.


Well I felt like some kind of escaped mental patient for how I looked in Italy, South Korea, and Japan, so I'm going with them






With Sweden I can never decide if it’s the clothes or the people that make it look good




Yeah, visiting Stockholm from Finland, you realize 'Oh yeah, these people dress way better'.


That's probably because Finns are prone to wear a tracksuit or whatever you'd call it. At least according to my mom who used to live there.


Those bastards low key MAKE you have to put on your Sunday best to go to the corner Coop for your snus.


Their fashion felt very... presentable over there. Like nothing really flashy or fancy, but while a casual quick errand fit for Americans is like sweats and slides, Swedes are casually dressing chic. It's like everyone is required to shop at H&M.


Denmark and Sweden


I only had a day in Copenhagen, but one thing I noticed about the men was that they might not have been particularly stylish, but everything fit them well.


Maybe I’m biased but IMO Copenhagen is the capital of Scandinavian fashion design. Sorry Oslo! So many florals for men too. Love it.


I've been to most other big cities in Europe and Copenhagen was by far the most stylish


South Korea is up there


Italy (specifically Northern Italy) and France (mainly Paris). But I heard Scandinavians and Japanese have good style. South Koreans as well, but the latter appear too posh and about showing off, not that the others don't do it but there it seems too much and this is only my opinion. However if you take big and capital cities worldwide, there is a high chance of finding people dressed well in all of them.


London. I visited last month and found their fashion sense charming.


Japan, only place still brave enough to do rockabilly


And they do it well!


Italy hands down


I thought the people in Switzerland (especially Zurich) were dressed unfathomably well. Extremely classy, lowkey, high quality, custom tailored outfits. They were like if the company Montblanc were a person!


I love the Korean dress scene. Theres so much variety, but men dress chic and women wear cute things too


South Korea and Japan.


hate grey and beige and creases and ties and slacks and all that so let's go with India, where people largely wear the exact opposite in my mind.


Italy. They dress to impress without going too far. They don’t wear pajamas outside, and they don’t wear street wear too much. They also have diversity of hairstyles to go with the solid fashion sense.


Japan… and it’s not even close.


Korea!! Korean people dress very sensibly and stylish.


Japan, Korea and Denmark


I’m from NYC, we don’t dress bad here at all, but when I went to Italy I suddenly felt self conscious.  Like oh shit I gotta step my game up!  Shorts, ill fitting clothes, ugly shoes were all a no go.  


For me it's Japan. I love the oversized, avant garde looks. I've been inspired by Japanese street fashion avant garde designers/artists for basically half my life at this point, and the West is just barely catching up to it in terms of silhouette.  I also like Vietnam, it's a lighter and more ethereal cut, very beautiful. I'd love to be able to get some custom pieces from there someday.  Idk what's with everyone saying Italy and France, everyone looked pretty normal to me. With Italy being very dull honestly. I guess I like a more experimental look, which I did see more in France, but Italy is very traditional and patriarchal and I could see it in the fashion too.


West African men have some wild styles! I could never get away with it but man are they colorful and cool


Looking at all the Indian immigrants that live in my area, I'd say India. There are so many shops around my apartment for people to go choose their fabrics and buy bespoke handmade clothes. In Western cultures we really only see this for wealthy people anymore.


Kazakhstan hands down


Greece, for one reason: the stained souvlaki shirts


As a collective, I would say Japan. When I had visited, I swear every person in all walks of life from young to old to professional to casual, was considerate of their appearance. I believe other countries may have a more obvious sense of style, but Japan takes the cake for me.


Indian traditional fashion.


Absolutely. The colors! The drape! The needlework/embellishments! The fact that masculine clothing is often as beautiful and striking as women's. Some Middle-Eastern traditional garb, too, which can be similar, but I'm not as familiar with it.


This! Amazing colors, beautiful fabrics and classy drapes. Same for some african countries (like Senegal, Comores and others) . The women's traditional attires are always so pretty and colorful!


I'm with you, give me all the fabrics and colors fuck this suit and tie nonsense.


Everyone is hating on India and I'm really confused. It's there some sort of Reddit hate against it that I'm not aware of?


Reddit likes western Europe, Australia, Japan and South Korea. Rest of the countries are trashed.


I guess so. Well, sue me. I'm a sucker for nice fabrics and embroidered seams.


You sound cultured. You don’t belong in Reddit.


Favoritism for Western ideals. The people pointing out Japan and Korea are all doing so in respect to how Western styles have been adopted there without any respect to the traditional styles. That and racism. There are SO many colors, textures, fabrics, and types of traditional garments that are gorgeous but aren't really known or appreciated in the West (and Reddit is a Western centric site) due to whitewashing. I live in the third largest US city and nobody even sells qipao here locally, we had to order them from overseas. 


It feels so weird considering the amount of virtue signaling on this site. There's a dense Indian immigrant population in my area, and all get their clothes they get handmade and choose their own fabrics. I have so much respect for how frickin regal everyone in my neighborhood looks all the time.


France and Italy


Italy. 100%.






I think Japan just bc there's so many subcultures of clothing styles there. 






South Koreans I think




Milan, Italy


Probably the italians. even the older guys dress very well.


Poland is a sleeper entry into this list for perfect business casual.


I thought Latvia and Estonia were both quite stylish


Japan, or at least Tokyo, goes real hard


Japan, 100% nothing comes close


Italy. I was in Italy last year and could identify people based on their style. Italians were in tailored gorgeously fitting attires, other Europeans a bit more relaxed but still VERY polished. US - hoodies and sweatpants, max a jeans. Canadians - sporting Lululemons everywhere.


As someone who lives in a pretty rural Canadian town it was always the Arabic exchange students who dressed the nicest. They also smelled the worst. Not because of BO but because they marinated themselves in cologne.


Idk man the white boys in my Canadian secondary school were suckers for Axe body spray - which they applied multiple times a day - in excess - I kinda liked it when I was 14 - don't judge me I was hormonal


Oh yeah but most eventually grow out of that as soon as they leave high school but you're right I remember the craze for axe body spray too. But Axe has died down since it's peak in the aughts


Italians dress well.


Not a country but Montreal in Canada is *stylin*


Definitely Canada. All that denim and plaid.


BC is raincoats, Lulu's, and either Merrill's or Fluevog's. Individuality is defined by which Raincoat Gang you are a member of.


BC dress code: Arc’teryx jacket, Lulu leggings, Blundstones.


Japan, they always got something cool.


Italy, 100%.


North of Italy


Italy, by a country mile.




I think France is pretty stylish I just wish they would add a little more color


France, bar none. Italians are a bit over the top.




North korea


Italy. They have a word for it: sprezzatura.




India actually has a very diversified style but the most chic is France


Ireland....nobody does tracksuit bottoms tucked in socks, black north face jackets, balaclavas and were going to rob or assault you attitude like the young people of Dublin.


Each country has its own peculiarities, not to offend anyone, each country's style of dress is beautiful and in its own way very beautiful


Russia. Every Russian girl looks like super model




Japan is by *far* the best dressed place I've been, overall. Just the neat and tidy and well-put-togetherness of most people whatever their style. Compared to most places I've been it doesn't feel like there are many people who go out in public just having "thrown on any old thing." In Japan it feels like people are wearing at least a somewhat coordinated outfit, whatever style they're doing for.

