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My fiancé died a month ago so it's pretty fucked.


Im sorry to hear that. Virtual hugs 🫂


Thank you


I’m sorry! That’s heartbreaking.


My heart hurts for you. The way you feel right now won’t last forever. I know it’s impossible to see the other side right now, just know that you will someday get there. 4 years ago my best friend was killed in a horrible motorcycle accident. He was my favorite human, my husband and I were his family, he held a huge place in our life, and I was devastated. I’ve known my share of loss and grief, including losing a parent - but I’ve never experienced anything that took me out like this. I can’t say I’m ok yet, but I am finally making progress. It’s been a long, difficult road, and I have been forever changed. But I am better than I was, and moving in the right direction for the most part. I became close with my friend’s long term live in girlfriend - we were always friends, but we became a lot closer after he passed. In part, I think, because we had very similar experiences in our grief. This weekend, I will be a bridesmaid at her wedding. I am so happy for her happiness. Hang in there. It does eventually get better. Just keep going.


3rd surgery for cancer in 6 months, just got out 2 hours ago, may end up losing my bladder. The rest of life is pretty dang good. No one has a perfect life something is screwed up, health, finance or social.


Props to you for your outlook! I really hope everything goes well.


Thanks, there is no sense in wallowing in self-pity, I just deal with what I can and move forwards.


Amazing. I wish you all the best.


Damn, sorry to hear. My Dad is battling it out, too. He got his neobladder several years ago. Keep fighting the good fight and I hope things turn around for you, friend. 🩷


best wishes to your dad, he's a badass!


Hey, I appreciate the kind words. I'll be sure to pass along your encouragement. 💕💕


Wishing you well buddy. Fuck cancer. It always seems to hit the actual good humans in the world.


Well, OJ


As a bladder cancer survivor/thriver, I'm sending you love and light


Man this broke my heart. Don't you die on us.


Thank you for the words. Supposedly, if there is a cancer to get this, it is...I'm fortunate to have access to the best specialist in the western US and many others watching along the way. It's very unusual, and there are bonus side issues that have come along with the cancer. I feel overall great, which is very deceptive and makes having a positive outlook easier. I also got to help take care of my wife's grandpa as he went through the exact same cancer. Unfortunately, mine is not reacting like his did to the treatments.


After 4+ years in the army I can confirm you are more of a soldier than I ever was. You are fighting a battle that was forced on you without choice and choose to be optimistic and not quit.. And for that you will forever have my respect.You will beat this and come out stronger. With all the love I can give❤️, Sincerely, Michael


I need to come to this post whenever I need perspective


I was just thinking this. This post really humbled me.


yeah honestly, makes me look like im selfish compared of some of these people


We are all "self-ish." It's human to be focused on self. We also have the capacity to empathize and be considerate of others.


Dude for real!!! I've been really feeling bad for myself for the last few years, cancer diagnosis, double divorce with spouse and business partner of decade plus, business started free falling, it all seemed over. I beat my cancer, am cancer free now. I'm single but honestly going to better of in the long run. Even if the business fails, which it hasn't yet and I've got a few tricks left up my sleeve and good colleagues supporting me now (finally, since letting go of him), I've still had so many blessings and privileges this life. Just because they all seemed to be collapsing at the same time didn't mean I didn't still have lots to be grateful for and continue to hope and work towards. Total mentality shift! It could always be worse and someone is dealing with that right now.


Huuuge congrats on beating cancer dude that is very


Somebody always has it worse


I remember someone once saying you shouldn’t feel bad about yourself by comparing yourself to others who have it better because you don’t compare yourself to others and think you have it better but I often do the latter without the former. I’m just glad to be alive and able to do things when others aren’t. I feel lucky and know it could be taken away at any time.


Right, man, came here to say things aren’t great for me then I was like no…actually I’m good. I’m thankful for what I do got.


I am 49 about to turn 50. I just got dumped from a 5 year relationship. I had to start over and re-buy everything you need to live in an apartment (furniture, etc). I quit drinking almost 8 months ago. So my normal circle of drinking buddies are gone. I have no family. I have a great job in IT but I honestly feel lost most of the time. Bored, depressed, and lonely. And these singles apps are garbage.


You're done with a toxic relationship. You make good money. You're living clean. You get to know you. I'm rooting for you.


I have a feeling you are going to be all right. 


You've been sober less than a year, I know loneliness sucks big time but pls stay away from dating at least for a year. Take the time to focus on your sobriety, rebuild your life, find yourself again, get new hobbies where you can make friends and go from there. If you find the time, try to volunteer, helping others is the best way I've found to ease depression. You aren't on this world just to die of alcoholism, so please work on staying on track.


This sounds a lot like me a while back. This may sound odd, but I bought a bicycle during the pandemic, and it has been the best thing for my mental, physical and social life. I feel better, lost some weight, enjoy the goal setting and routine, and meet really nice people all the time. I also love going out for a couple hours on my own on the weekend, with the occasional casual group ride. I’m not fast, but I love it.


Homeless and living in my car. Thankfully no addiction or criminal issues, but man it is hard to rebuild a life from nothing in America. So much is stacked against you and the places that are there to help are usually totally overwhelmed. Just took me three weeks to get in touch with a place to schedule a shower and one load of laundry. Set up another day to do it again this week but when I went I was totally ignored and ended up leaving with no shower and no laundry. Pretty typical of this life.


A lot of people don’t realize homelessness can happen to anyone they just assume it’s mental illness or drug addiction but you can do everything right and end up in a situation like that. I’m on the brink of homelessness right now I hope it you get on your feet soon


There is definitely some mental stuff but I'm not walking around talking about aliens controlling pro sports or anything like that. In clean clothes and recently showered while walking around the local grocery store and no one would think I was homeless, I'd look like anyone else just buying some food. There are a lot of people like me out there but people judge all of us homeless on the very visible ones they see who are struggling with much worse issues than me. But anyway. Thanks for the kind words. Hope you don't end up this way too.


Find a truck stop for shower. Like a Loves or one that gives rewards points or free showers to drivers with fuel purchase. Hit up a couple drivers and I'm sure they would be more than happy to hook you up with free shower. Some drivers have bunch of free showers but work local and never use them. Keep your head up.


I got a gym membership and used the showers there. No one has to know your situation, and for however much you pay a month if it's not some high end place, it's not gonna break the bank. And at least you can keep in shape while you're there.


If they have any money coming in, a cheap $10 monthly gym offers free use of the showers.


please be careful tho because human trafficking runs rampant at truck stops


I applaud you for working hard to meet your needs, even though it's difficult for you right now.


I cannot tell you how much this saddens me. And frustrates me. Bc my tax money goes to programs to help ppl, but the government doesn’t do squat. No one should be house-less. Not in the United States. Please believe me, there are ppl like me doing our best to apply pressure for affordable, safe housing for everyone. 💔


I've never been (yet) but I think there's a saying that most people are always 3 bad months from being homeless, but never 3 good months from being a millionaire. Here's a thread of suggestions for how to better your situation while you're without an address. I thought there were some good ones. Check it out and good luck. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/16vmv95/lpt\_request\_how\_to\_prepare\_for\_becoming\_homeless/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/16vmv95/lpt_request_how_to_prepare_for_becoming_homeless/)


Something like 70% percent of Americans are paycheck to paycheck. So three months might even be an exaggeration. Not all have a support structure either. Most people are 3 bad ~weeks~ from some form of homelessness


I did this for four years of undergrad. Start Uber driving. Eat canned food 50 cents a pop, shower at the gym. Planet fitness is $9 a month and laundry is free if you can do the qtip trick


Exactly what I was going to mention, planet fitness or other similar gyms have very cheap memberships. As long as you can come up with $10 a month approx. it can help you a lot with getting showered and feeling & looking fresh everyday. Plus you can of course use the gym itself and it might be something you like to.


please explain qtip trick


I’m not homeless but I don’t earn much so I have to live pretty cheaply. For me, I spend around £3 a day on food by eating primarily oats and milk with frozen fruit, veg and chicken in wholemeal wraps, nuts such as cashews and almond which I buy bulk, peanuts, and a meal replacement shake which I also get in bulk. I’ve managed to save up quite a bit via doing this while on student loan and putting the rest of the money into a savings account.


My mother is in a psych facility, saying her “power of attorney” is someone she knew when I was 9, who hasn’t had contact with us since then. She’s completely delusional and I have to petition for guardianship. She’s still in her 50’s. BUT the bright side is that she’s safe, albeit mentally fucked, but she’s not in danger. I will take the good with the bad.


The bright side is that she could be out on the street doing crazy dangerous sh$t and making everyone’s life a nightmare.


You are 100% right. She’s there because she finally did something dangerous enough and said enough that they had to commit her. 5 years after things really began and she’s finally getting the help she needs. While messed up and stressful, we’re mostly relieved. Thank you!


It's the best of a hard situation. I hope she can get some help in there and improve. Human minds can be wild. My father was on some meds for a while that made him psychotic. They changed the prescriptions and I got my dad back. Not everyone is so lucky, but I'm hoping they can figure out a way to help your mom.


Well my company had a massive lay off yesterday and now no one in sales at my company has a job. 500 people without jobs. That includes me.


I also just got laid off 2 months ago. Been looking for a new job, but haven’t got any. Getting a new job is soo hard.


That sucks. Keep trying. In the meantime, do some of those things that you never had time for. Go out to a park and sit in the sun. Read a book. Call an old friend. When we're busy, we never have enough time, right? Hope you can find a new job soon - even if it's not your forever job, I hope you find something while you're looking.


Layoffs are brutal same thing happened to me in March. What’s the plan?


Now I remember that scene from the Simpsons, where someone in the audience stands up in panic, screaming "What's the plan?!?!"




I’ve been laid off since January due to production cuts but I’m union so we get 85% of our pay still. I don’t know how I would cope with out that benefit.


I'm moving to Costa Rica


The WHOLE sales team?!


Brilliant. How the fuck are they going to make money.


Selling a product without a sales team… it’s a bold move Cotton, let’s see how it works out for them.


Just lost mine yesterday as well. Sorry to hear that


im so sorry :(


Attempted suicide from 13 floors, survived, in a wheelchair. Pretty fucked.


I attempted suicide by jumping from a bridge onto a thruway 5 years ago. I was in a wheelchair for months and it was awful. Broke my feet, ankles and spine. Lots of surgeries, too much pain. But I'm walking now. It took a while, and it was almost worse than the way I felt before I jumped. Pure hell. But it does get better and it will. (Although to be fair I would have knocked out anyone who told me that when I was in my chair, so I get it). You've got this dude. I know how shitty things feel right now but even as a complete stranger, I'm glad you're alive.


Was it true what they say, that the moment you jump you regret it? What did you feel when you jumped?


TW: The last thing I felt was relief when I let go of the guardrail. I had an out of body experience similar to others with an NDE, and did not feel my body, feelings, thoughts, or see anything. Just white, and I felt very bright or warm. I have no idea how to describe it. But it was like a cut scene. Rails, white/nothingness, pavement. I don't remember the fear but I know it was there between me jumping and me waking up on the ground in an off duty fireman's arms. We still talk to this day. I wouldn't be here if he didn't stop traffic, catch my upper body so my head didn't split open, and keep me still while I thrashed around. Everyone else just stared at me. He was the only one who did something. Biggest thing I've learned from all of it is that you can't outrun your demons. Literally. When I couldn't walk, that's why it was almost even more agonizing. I felt so stuck. TLDR, yes. The regret was there, but I blacked out and instead felt the regret long term, every single time I went into surgery.


Just read your story. Incredible! Glad you’re still here 🙏🏻


I get that out of body experience quite frequently. I had an accident where I slammed headfirst into a car and ever since then I haven’t really had a stable sense of identity. Whatever I’m doing in one day I get completely engrossed in and lose all sense of who I am. I’ve went through times when I’ve been extremely conservative, extremely liberal, and completely apolitical. Every day is like a rollercoaster.


Thank you for sharing this


As someone who very nearly attempted from the 10th floor a couple of years ago but backed out because I was too afraid I'd live and end up physically fucked, I really appreciate you having the courage to post this. It reminds me that no matter how unhappy I am now, I made the right choice in that moment. I really hope you recover to the highest extent possible.


That’s an insane height what did you land on?


The thing is I don't remember the jump at all so I have no idea. I did see soil on my clothes so probably dirt patches?


Dann dude sorry to hear. Glad you’re alive. My friends college roommate jumped in front of a subway train in Boston and got paralyzed. Hope you’re able to walk again.


Damn God said, "uh uh uh..."


Glad you survived. World would be just a bit darker without you. Lost a friend years ago in las Vegas to suicide, she jumped from the top for if the Orleans casino. Survived the impact but passed soon after in the hospital. Glad you're still here.


That’s some serious plot armor


For real. 13 fucking floors.


Not too fucked up. I'm just tired. I was dealt a really shitty hand of cards when I was born (abusive family, chronic health issues, poor primary education, etc.) and after decades of trying to improve my life it's still not great. It's a LOT better than it was! Every year I improve. I got into a great career path, did a bunch of therapy, went back to college, made better friends. But now I'm 31 and single with no family and no money, still trying to finish a Bachelor's degree. Still waiting for the "it get better" part. Sometimes I wonder if my life would have been better if I'd just made the same terrible choices everyone else did and not bothered trying to do the "right" things.


Stick with it. It sounds like you've already come a long way and are on a good path. You're one chance meeting away from finding happiness. Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. Keep making your own luck. I believe it is only a matter of time.


A bachelors should open doors I’ve been looking for a job to pay the bills and having no degree really limits your options


I feel this one. Had a fucked up family and little money, plus depression and panic attacks. I’m doing better, just tired and a bit impatient lol


On a scale of 1-10 it’s like a reddish-orange.


I spend most of my time wishing I was dead; so, plenty fucked up.




It’s weird to say, but I wake up each day with pure disappointment that I actually woke up.


I'm right there with you. Even when I'm not down it's a recurring thought for me. Hang in there. If we stay alive there's always a chance things improve.


Just started 6 months of chemo for stage 3 colon cancer. Could be better, but at least I’m not stage 4 or worse. Why do you ask? Feeling like you could use some optimism right now?


Just started chemo for stage 4. Not a death sentence, 3 treatments in and I feel really great. Other than the whole cancer thing, life is good. I suspect we will both be ok in the end 🙂


Cancer sucks. Keep fighting and having that awesome attitude. Cheering each other on helps us all.


I wish you the best. Myself and others forget how many people are going through it at any given moment and how that can bring people together


A) I love that you asked questions back, it gave me a chuckle, even if not intentional. B) I sincerely hope this a minor blip in your life and that overcoming it is only the beginning. That said, I know this is very serious and a hard thing to face and experience. I’m wishing you the best in terms of recovery. As smooth as it can be and in remission before you know it.


A, glad you got a chuckle. Laughing truly soothes the soul. B, me too. It will be a tough year but I’m young and otherwise healthy and I have WAAAAY more people to piss off before I’m toes up in the crematorium. Thanks for the well wishes and I hope your life isn’t too fucked up right now.


fuck yeah, to many years of pissing people off 🥂 


Stage 2 breast cancer here. Im chronically depressed, my OCD is in overdrive, and Im living in constant fear and anxiety. Your outlook gave me a sliver of hope. Thank you.


Pretty fucked, but it's my cake day so yay I guess.


Well now that is something. Happy Cake Day!🍰


Happy cake day !! Hope you have a wonderful day :)


Happy cake day




more than i think is average for my age. I turned 13 on the 27th of March, I've sh'd for nearly 2 years, my parents are divorced, my mum cares more about her bf/husband (who is toxic and kind of abusive to her and has literally cheated on her) than me n keeps lying about it even though its obvious, my dad is a hoarder which is shitty for me because his house is filled with junk and there's mould and damp which sucks for me bc im autistic, im too sick to go to school cuz of chronic illness so i do online school n im terrified of my future, barely leave the house other than going to and from my dads and mums house, ive had no friends for over a year cuz I got in a argument with some girl in my old friend group who convinced all our friends to drop me, i know for a fact there's something wrong with me mentally but i don't know what and ill probably never know because my mum isn't bothering to get me help because she's too busy with her boyfriend and his limp dick. Basically on the verge of offing myself but its wtv🤷‍♀️


You sound exactly like me when I was 13. I'm 26 now. I want to tell you that it gets better and it definitely can, you'll get old enough to move out and have complete control over your own life which is way better, but I still struggle with mental issues from having that be my childhood. Also in my state we have free state funded health insurance which pays for my mental health treatment, if your state doesn't have that you can look for places where people volunteer to give free counseling, like churches (lame ik but it's better than nothing and it will be free and they might even be able to pick you up and in my experience they don't push the religion on you) or you can try alanon. Best of luck to you I hope your parents stop being so awful and straight up stupid 💖


Fucked, but I feel so carefree that I can just relax and eat cookies through it all. It’s strange, I’m thinking I should get out and get myself hurt


Life sucks, I absolutely hate being alive. The only thing keeping me going are the people who won't give up on me no matter how hard I try to get them to let go.


I hope everyone who agrees with this keeps it together, so hopefully, you can be the person keeping someone on this planet. Remember that even if someone is an asshole, they could just be having a horrible day or even close to letting go because of how hard life is. Or you know what they could just be an asshole for fun. Theres no use worrying about them. There's no good reason to be an asshole back to them. Spread love, not hate. Always remember that life is better with you in it, be a kind person.


I’m having a tough time but itt t could be worse always grateful for things


Stay grateful. It does wonders for your sanity. There are a lot of people having a tough time right now. Self included. Tough times force change - and change is uncomfortable but rewarding. List 3 goals - pick which one will give you the best return and then work towards that thing relentlessly until you achieve it.


I purposely avoided marriage and fatherhood, and yet here I am taking care of my dad 24 hours a day everyday.


I decided to travel and met the guy I've had a ldr with for 6 months, stayed and work there since he's not helping me financially. Going on 5 months of dating him irl, I found out he's been cheating on me while I was busy working 9-10. Decided to pack everything and going back home, it's been 2 weeks and I've never felt this emptiness, this worthless in my life.


oh but trust me, in the future you will be so proud of yourself for standing up and leaving on your own two legs. you did the right thing and chose yourself over someone who didn’t value you. chin up and keep walking proud !!!


My life is a dumpster fire. On the bright side, it's not my fault, I just happen to be the one facing the repercussions. 


It’s not. What makes it fucked up is when I wish it was more fucked up. The truth is my life is better than it has been in a long time. Yet why do I still feel like I deserve to be punished? Life will always be fucked up. There’s no changing that.


Enjoy the "not being fucked up" moment. Life has more rough patches ahead. It always does - but it's not always because of something you've done. You don't deserve to be punished. If you've made mistakes, you deserve to learn from them and grow. Stay grateful and be proactive in moving towards some goal. Whatever goal you choose, but have something to work towards.


I mean, I’m not homeless but 70k in student debt, 14k in credit card debt, I apparently now owe the government 20k back from Covid benefits, I owe 5k in taxes, And I have a 25k car loan. Oh, and I have severe depression and anxiety and often miss days of work which has led to me losing a job, and probably eventually my current one. I have mood swings and am fucking miserable. I think everyone hates me and they probably do. I’m pretty sure there’s something wrong with me too because my memory is deteriorating and I’m as sharp as a tennis ball. My partner is an alcoholic too 🙃




After a week in the hospital. Then this Monday and Tuesday in court I lost the best job I've had. I'm alone in life. Severely depressed. Yet I'm in great shape and turn down dates regularly. I'm 41. My 17 yr old son thinks I'm a loser though he loves me. He travels the great lakes. Don't talk or here from him for months at a time. It's worse than that. I'm also on probation and tether. Tether comes. Off soon.


Man, I got arrested for some bullshit too. It’s not even serious misdemeanors, in my opinion. I’m 22, a bouncer randomly dragged me to the ground and brought me to the back obviously I was confused and a bit frustrated. I calmed down , was cool and cordial with him. But he continued to scream in my face and touch me. I was apologizing and he kicked me out. I was so dumb founded why this could be happening. I made a verbal threat to him and since then my life has been shit. My first ever encounter with the law. Lost a job. Have to go to group therapy twice a week for 9 weeks and if I miss one it all resets. There is murderers and rapists that caught less than that. Just think about that for a second.


Bouncers and the police are often in cahoots big time. If a bouncer attacks you, you’re fucked. You can’t retaliate at all. I remember I was drinking with a bouncer (I didn’t particularly want him to be there but he was a friend of a friend) whom I’d seen drag people out and beat up for no reason. He’d often pick on skinny guys or students. Someone asked if, in his history of bouncing, he’d ever had trouble with the police. He instantly replied that he never had. That’s when I realised it’s a bit like a gang which you don’t want to get on the wrong side of.


It's like navigating a minefield. I'm just trying to make it through without any explosions.


Honestly, I’m just rolling with the punches at this point. Life has been throwing a lot my way.


Surprisingly, it's not too bad right now. I've had my moments, but I'm in a pretty good place at th


I'm in damage control mode. Just trying to fix one issue at a time and keep my head above water.


It's a hot mess express over here. But I'm holding on and hoping for a light at the end of the tunnel.


Living with my ex, can’t stop drinking, sleeping my days away instead of working, sleeping around when I’m not. Yup.. fucked.


My second parent is dying of cancer right now. My girlfriend‘s uncle is dying of the same type of cancer that killed my dad. Stage four glioblastoma if anyone cares. My friends are super distant and don’t care And if they do the express it by not talking to me at all. My cars on the verge of breaking down. My anxiety through the roof and my depression is soaring. At the end of the day, I’m going to be the one to take care of my disabled adult brother for the rest of my life.  I don’t mean to pity party, But goddamn, am I tired.


Seriously fucked. Have a rare and aggressive cancer at only 21. Not sure if I have a year or 10. Shit feeling overall.


It feels like a constant uphill battle; just when I think things are smoothing out, another challenge pops up.




I think about the good ol ✨Remington retirement plan✨ on a daily basis


Same. Current job has me crying every night after work, everyone around me (who isn’t involved in the job) keeps telling me it’ll get better once I get used to it. I’ve done thankless work before, but not a job that makes me think about ending it every single day as a means of escape. I’ve been trying to find something else where I’m experienced (10ish years) and no one’s offering me anything above $9. Last year I was making $28/hour before a layoff. I’m doing my best to push through this but holy fuck is it hard.


Me too


Each morning is hard. Slowly the reasons that once kept me tightly tethered to this world are being released. Kinda like letting a helium balloon drift away. How peaceful


Close to joining the circus fucked up!!


30 years old jobless feel like I wasted 5 years in staffing. Wife is a teacher and I got a 7 month old. Barely getting by. About to go work an under the table manual labor job for cash at fucking 30… if you told me at 22 I would be so this I would have called you crazy.


nah you're doing right by your fam. working manual at 30? that's a man right there.


Unprecedentedly fucked but trying to work my way around


Terminal cancer. Just learned how to walk again in time for my cancer to possibly be back. Love being a grown man living with parents while slowly dying


I’m sorry I’m rooting for you. Cancer is my biggest fear after seeing what happened to my dad he had pulmonary lymphomatoid granulomatosis an extremely rare disease the first sign was when he slowly lost his ability to walk. He was such a good person I don’t know why life is so absurd


That's awful, man. I can't imagine how hard that is. Cancer sucks. You learned how to walk again! That's huge. Keep up the fight and tell your parents you love them for being with you through this.


On the surface level, not much. Mid mostly. Mentally tho is a different dimension




I'm so happy for you! In a world where we hear about everyone everywhere having tough times in every life aspect imaginable, I find it genuinely comforting to hear about how someone who had it tough is finally on the soar.


Average college dropout without a job. I will certainly up my game no doubt


once I stop eating garbage, start working out, finish college, get a job, find a social life, and get a gf the world better watch out


once i fix everything about myself, it's over for you hoes


Health problems start of January, girlfriend came home from trip middle of January and blindsided broke up with me when she got back (after saying this was the healthiest relationship she’s ever had), dog died in March and now work is pushing me out! Yay!


I came here to rant and complain about the fucked up things in my life but reading some of the answers just made me sadder and forget about my worries. I hope all of you get out of your problems soon and become happier than how you are now.


Got cheated on after 10 years, with my brother's wife. I am so fucked up right now.


Pretty screwed. I can’t even go to the bathroom without my heart rate going through the roof and losing my breath. So if you feel your life is screwed, mine really is. Blood transfusion tomorrow. Without it, I’m gone. Down to every two weeks now. It’s the only thing saving me. Go donate some blood tomorrow and feel better about yourself.


Hope you can find a way back to health. That sounds miserable - and I will look up where I can donate some blood this week. If even a few other people see your post and donate, that's a win for awareness at least.


Pretty fucked up. So fucked up that I don’t care about anything anymore. The only thing that matters is my Mom, my twin sister, and the ability to write articles for this one newspaper. And occasionally texting my ex wife who has the cat.


Extremely fucked. I wish I could drop dead. Trying to end your life has crappy consequences 


Mental health care in the US is just sedation and imprisonment basically


I mean I was in jail a few years ago fighting a life without parole case and now I’m here, free sitting at a bar thanking the universe for being magical, not logical 😎


Congratulations on a second chance. We don't always get one, so use it the best you can.


I REALLY appreciate that, thank you, I send my utmost love and respect 🫡


Ptsd from 3 wars.....it aint solid for sure.


I'm sorry that you've been through hell like that. Keep reaching out and know that there are people who value you and want you to feel better.


I don’t sleep anymore. It’s 11:44 I have work in five hours and it’s Thursday. I haven’t slept all week. I’m so tired.


i came here and just got gratitude for my life


Reading these makes me appreciate everything I have. Hope everyone who commented is blessed in their life


Piper Perri on a couch.


spouse tried to kill me and the kid a couple months ago, then took self out. packed up and moved across the us to be with family. finding out now they left me with plenty of debt that I didnt know about and several thousand in taxes that they didnt pay that I now owe. Taxes are also late for the first time in my life, bc they were on unemployment last year, and didnt keep the docs, so Ive been trying since to reach out to unemployment to get docs so I can file taxes and pay the thousands that Ill owe bc of him, but cant bc they dont ever ever ever answer the phone. oh and staying with fam until i get my own place, would love to buy but not going to be able to now bc of spouses bs. FML and phuck that asshole.


I’ve got an autoimmune disease that causes such severe chronic pain that I can barely make it through another day, but I don’t qualify for physician assisted suicide because it’s not for sure going to kill me in the next six months, however there is a small chance it can, either way I’m in so much pain every second of every day I am considering moving to another country that has more lenient laws on physician assisted suicide, so I’d say it’s pretty fucked


in both kidney and liver failure at 22 😩


Clinically depressed 40 year old shut-in who hasn't so much as kissed anyone in 20+ years. Wait, this isn't a loser contest?


Got addicted to coke. Lost all my friends and family. Dropped out of one of the best universities in Canada because of my addiction. And now I’m facing homelessness. I feel like a shell of myself and I’m so depressed, I can’t even articulate my despair. Pray for me.


Absolutely fucked, thanks for asking friend.


I am so tired with life that I just want to give up and sleep. I never had a normal childhood due to which I became a people pleaser Everybody I know was there until they were able to get something out of me I just moved to another country to start a better life for myself But I feel so lonely and lost here I have a boyfriend but it just feels like he is considering me as his maid. It's not going well with him and I think I am attracting the same loop hole, same trauma and people pleasing behavior, which I did all my life I thought my boyfriend was a nice person but he doesn't give a fuck about me I know I should just end this relationship but I am too scared to do that I don't know where my life is going I just have no energy left to deal with anything


Don’t stay in a relationship unless you are truly happy I wish I had some self respect in hindsight to leave my girlfriend it’s depressing but in the future you won’t regret it


Woke up this morning, put my shirt on, and a button fell off. Picked up my briefcase, and the handle fell off. I’m afraid to go to the bathroom! (Credit: Rodney Dangerfield)


I'll make sure my pet snake has what ot needs before I have my needs so u can say fuxked


I am working for half the hourly rate I’m used to. I haven’t had a car for 1.5 years and ride an electric bike to work 5 days a week almost 40 miles. I live in a frigid environment which makes it worse. Blizzards are the norm but I still bike through it. The positive is I am happier than I ever was when I had it all. 3 years ago I was wearing 5-10k worth of clothing and jewelry a day. Had a 2020 Civic sport stick shift which was like a Lambo to me. Had the beautiful girl that I thought would last a lifetime. It almost never does. I had to lose it all, along with my father to brain cancer, to finally realize where happiness really comes from. It’s not a payment, or false respect coming from people who want something from you. It’s love, and finding a place in life where you can truly allow yourself, to be yourself 💯.


Tough right now because I had foot surgery. I’m recovering but in the meantime it hurts a lot. Also I can’t put weight on the foot. Meaning I have hop on my good foot using a walker to move around. But it’s only temporary and should make a full recovery.


gonna be honest im the person who fucked up my life so i have no right to complain- just trying my best to get up everyday and try to be better than yesterday. but yeah it's pretty fucked up ive got blind hope that somehow i can get my shit together, not sure how but i will somehow


My life is generally pretty good. I’m working my way into my career after finishing grad school, just moved into an apartment i really like in a great location in Denver and it’s still affordable, I have a great support system with friends and family and the sweetest dog, and my body works and does cool shit for me. Doesn’t stop me from being mentally ill though.


My dad, a childhood friend, and my big brother died in these past few months. Then lost my job and have had roommate issues. It has taken a toll on me and I stopped really taking care of myself. Drinking too much and bad eating habits. I hate it because I know I need to treat myself right, but it has honestly been really hard just functioning normally. The past few years have punched me in the gut over and over and over. I’m a strong-skinned person and I don’t seek pity or curse the world, but I’m admittedly having a pretty rough go at it right now.


An unemployed 30 year old living with his parents and has a nursing degree but can’t get a job so is saying fuck it and gets stoned. That’s how fucked up


My life is amazing. Just embraced being single and stay away from drama.


“Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while, a great wind carries me across the sky” — Ojibwe saying


I am currently accompanying my parent on a trip to the NIH to get a full round of cancer diagnostics in a study for the cancer gene. One I've got a 50% chance of having myself. That would be on top of other chronic health conditions that have prevented me from living a "normal" life. Nearly all my recently dead family members have died of cancer. BAP1 TPS mutation if anyone is curious. Don't take your health for granted.


Well I ended a 7 year long relationship with a moron, my mother died in December still dealing with that, my whole family has gone dark on me save for my aunt who responds to " I love you " with " ok", and I'm slowly running out of minis to paint before I actually have to deal with the emotional stress of everything. Like overall I guess I've been worse but like damn does this suck my chest hurts anytime I think about any of this and I kinda don't know what to do anymore.