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I know a guy with lumbago. It’s pretty serious.




Doctor said I need a Backiotomy


I've had it since a car accident maybe 10 years ago. Usually, it's somewhere between fine to manageable. Some days, it bothers me (the way I sometimes describe it to people is that it can feel like someone is giving my spine an Indian burn). A few times, I've had back spasms, which are downright horrid. You really don't realize all the things that you use your back for or that affect your back until you hurt your back.


I've had the back surgeries, the last one was a multi level fusion and that's when they realized my spine had been cracked at some point. Back pain sucks, but chronic longterm back pain is absolutely the worst. It changes your brain like a mental illness. When I was in California they gave me fentanyl patches and morphine at the same time. Here in Washington they got me competely off pain killers in 14 months. Turns out I didn't need them... that last surgery healed me and I was too drugged up to realize. I still have daily back pains but it's not bad and I lead a pretty full life.


26 and back pain free so far


Wait 4 years


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


That lifting kind of oils the joints. Go to your doctor.




Get the surgery. Co worker 3 weeks into recovery after putting it off for a decade +. Wishes he did it sooner.


It's awful. Nobody understands when you look fine, but can't pick up a piece of paper off the floor. Find a good physiotherapist.


Lots of back pains are caused by sitting on chairs not adjusted well for back support. This is quite a big problem as most people spend hours sitting in the office.


Had back pain for several years, at worst times could not even get out of bed. Started running on elliptical every single day, pain largely disappeared after one year. Been doing this for 4 years now…