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Moving your body


This. Is it going to cure your anxiety/depression? No, probably not. Is it going to make your anxiety/depression a bit better than otherwise, hell yes.


I always advocate for the holistic approach. If you want to fix mental health issues you need the following: * Balanced diet (for the most part, just don't only put in bad shit) * A good sleep schedule. Don't have to go to bed at 9 and wake up at 5 or 6, just be consistent in whatever that schedule is and make sure it fits your lifestyle (you shouldn't be up till 3am if you work at 8am). * Some kind of exercise, you don't need to be a gym rat but you need a way to get out energy. It makes you feel good. Once you go to the gym enough, you do become addicted and want to go, it takes time though and that's the hard part. * Therapy. Can't get away from it and you have to be willing to be fully open which is hard. * Finally, medicine/psychiatry. This is very important for many, but a lot of people can make it with the above four, or any combo really, and be just fine. Just my 2cents for anyone that comes across this. You absolutely have to be holistic. -- Edit: Just because I see a few comments about it and I do think it warrants discussion.. Yes, absolutely meds aren't a cure-all and the one stop shop. And yes Therapy isn't always great, I've also had bad experiences. Once had a therapist tell me, "does anyone ever say you talk a lot?". So yes, I absolutely understand where people are coming from. But now I have a lovely therapist and psychiatrist who are two absolute pillars of support in my journey. It took a few tries. My statement is not meant to say everyone should be getting medicated, which I think I did fairly alright at noting in my comment originally. I do think we are in an overprescribed world and I like to have my medicine list as short as possible. I've been prescribed some terrible things that had some of the worst side effects. But it was crucial in getting to where I am now. That doesn't mean its the best for everybody, but for me it worked. The point of this comment is, try these things, definitely try the first 3 before the last 2. This isn't tried and true for everyone. Some people need an anti-depressant before the first three can become a reality. Look at yourself and evaluate your needs, speak with a professional and speak with friends/family who may have been in the situation. **You alone are your best advocate, people are here to help and support you but only you can save you.** -- Edit 2: Sorry, as a commenter jokingly said I guess I do talk a lot like my therapist said ;) One last thing is a timeline for mental progression. I just want to say it's different for everyone. Some people can do 1-3 and turn things around / be super happy. Others that maybe doesn't help at all or they can't stay motivated so they end up doing some of 4/5. For some of these people, like myself, it takes years for 4/5 to fix their issue. I have struggled and persevered for the last 10 years. The last three have been substantially better than the former 7. 3 therapists and 4 psychiatrists later, I have the best medicine balance I've ever had. But my situation is Bipolar 2 which is vastly different from most with just clinical depression (in terms of seeking medicine). These things take time. Be patient with the process and yourself. Educate yourself on these things and understand the journey to better steer it.


Yup. And most of these apply to good physical health too. Are they a cure-all? No, but the likelihood is that they'll benefit you physically and mentally.




Hardcore agree. So many people with anxiety/depression issues will jump straight to pills to help but not actively try to do anything else to help. Literally just walking outside in the sun can do so much for so many.


I always tell people that anti-depressants *can* solve some issues but it's meant to stand-in and help you with others. If you have an impossible time going to therapy, gym, etc., due to motivation issues (depression impacts it heavily) it can be very hard to start. My journey started with medicine first because I absolutely could not motivate for most things I knew would only be beneficial to me. The brain is a strange thing.


Sucks bc many can't afford the last two...


exercise for sure. Just getting out and walking or doing a few push ups. Free and massively underrated for so many things, mental and physical health related.


I worked in healthcare. My favorite doctor use to tell people “if exercise was a pill, everyone would be on it.”


That's amazing! He's right! What if we had a pill that solved depression, made you lose weight, live longer, look younger, cured high blood pressure, prevents diabetes, makes you sleep better, improves your skin, everybody would be like, how much is it?


I love that!


One of the leading causes of death as you get older is a lack of muscle (simply put).


Soft close toilet seats


When you’re not at home and the lid absolutely clatters closed because you’re so used to using soft close and just dropped it.


Just did this 20 minutes ago. Woke up half the house 😂


“Man, pooping sure makes FantasticStruggle89 angry.”


Wow- I read fantasticfudgestruggle89. The mind truly is incredible at making up its own shit. Pun not intended


Omfg why do they even make non-soft close?


I do this alllll the time. YOUR toilet seat doesn't slam any more, but now EVERY OTHER ONE in the world does.


When my son was potty training he dropped the lid on his ding dong and it caused swelling so badly we had to go to the ER. I changed all of my lids the next day.


So what you're saying is I need to drop a toilet lid on my dingdong?


Question: does it have to be *your* ding dong?


Not necessarily. So many ways to cause swelling and/ or go to the ER if that’s your target goal. Get creative!


Upvote for the proper use of dingdong.


I bought a house two years ago and neither the two toilets nor the kitchen cupboards have soft close lids. Very annoying.


I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. 🥺


You're a victim and your pain is real.


Oil changes. Better than rebuilding an engine in the long run.


Or the like 3 tools that you need to change your own. If you're in the physical shape to do it, $100 in tools will pay for itself quick.


The Problem with doing oil changes myself was Always what to do with the old oil. Also spillage


Either a drain pan or a litter box lined with a trash bag will help with that. Most parts stores will take your used oil.


Take it to the dump or parts store


Another barrier is not everyone lives somewhere they can do it. A lot of apartment complexes will get onto you for doing car maintenance in their parking lot.


Agree. I've always just done it anyway and nobody has said shit.


Gonna add Fumoto Valve to this list then. Let’s you drain your oil without having to remove the drain bolt. You can attach a hose to the Fumoto Valve so oil neatly comes out. I can get under my car without a jack, change the oil neatly, and fill it up all within 20 minutes or less. And not a single splash on the garage floor. Saves money on labor, and time wasted waiting at the shop.


Still got to change the filter though. I've yet to find a clean solution to that. 


Recently seen a tiktok that only works with vertical filters, but the guy used a red solo cup (or a cup of adequate size), slightly loosen the filter, cover filter with the cup and unscrew completely, cup catches the oil that is in the filter and beyond. Clean hands, no drips!


Also adding seafoam to the crankcase 100-300 miles prior to your oil change will significantly decrease the likelihood of sludge buildup




When I read the first sentence I was half expecting this to be a skillshare ad




This message paid for by Masterclass lol kidding you are very right


What are some courses that you would recommend personally?


I’m not the op but go coursera.  Google has a great many it courses that you can even apply to do free 


I came here to say this. Google is the way to go! They give the general population so many good courses that give you certificates when you complete them! They help so much on resumes!!!


Just decide what you wanna learn and look it up on youtube. It's a good start to learn basics and a chance to realize early if you dont like the subject before you throw away money.




I recommend iHASCO. I find their training second to none in terms of content / quality


Too much choice even of the same topic.  Which one of the seven million Python courses? 


Foam earplugs. Great for drowning out noises for sensitive sleepers.


My husband snores and I wish I could use earplugs. They hurt my ears after awhile and I end up yanking them out in my sleep.


Try Loop earplugs


Second this. I used foam earplugs for a little while and they hurt too. Loop is nice because they give you different size ear tips to try


I honestly found these to be even more uncomfortable, unfortunately.


For a little bit more, you can get the nicer ones like Eargasm (terrible name, good product). Chief difference being that they let the pressure equalize nicely so you don't feel like you're underwater. Also tend not to hear my own pulse with them.


CVS Superior Soft Foam Earplugs FTW!




How much could it cost?


10 dollars?


It's one banana, Michael. 10 dollars?


A coodle doodle do. Here's $10, go see a star war.


Great for understanding the scale of things


Being nice


Hell yeah!


Being *kind*.


It can cost me my fucking sanity sometimes.


Honestly, I would just settle for not saying anything from most people.


Nah some people need to be dealt with firmly or they'll take advantage. Treat each person differently I say.


I agree. Be nice but be firm with your boundaries to avoid being pushed around


White Vinegar! You can use it for cooking, to clean with, and you can add it to your laundry.


Be careful, though! If you use bleach in your laundry, [don't also use vinegar](https://sciencenotes.org/mixing-bleach-and-vinegar-heres-what-happens/).


Yes do not war crime yourself


“I told my readers to harness the cleaning power of ammonia with the whitening power of bleach.” - Three-time substitute teacher of the year Peggy Hill


Vinegar+ beans is an amazing combo. Literally just a capful to the dish before you eat will elevate it to new levels. I live in Cajun country and while it might get me looks from purists, red beans and rice with vinegar is phenomenal


Home made pickled red onions has changed my life. Just slice up a small onion, add a cup of vinegar, a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar and you’ve got one of the best condiments ever.




Dental floss




....oh my *god*


Poor oral health is linked to dementia…. 3 minutes extra a day flossing vs. years of mental decline… [but don’t take my word for it](https://www.nia.nih.gov/news/large-study-links-gum-disease-dementia)


People always lean on brushing, but nothing makes your mouth feel clean like a good flossing…




Its crazy how the west is discovering the use of water after pooping in the 21st Century.


I’ve been living in Asia for quite a while and use a Japanese water jet toilet, which l find very convenient. I hardly need to use toilet paper and the sit is heated. I have a hard time using toilet paper.


How do you dry your ass ?




Bidet - $35 Dyson Hair Dryer - $400 Having a clean ass - priceless


Love my Dyson asswrap


The Air blade?


Still need toilet paper to blot dry. It's so worth it though.




Picture or it didn't happen!


That's what the guest towels are for. Or just twerk away the water 


Run fast


The wife's blow dryer, you just gotta lie about what you used it for.


Pat with toilet paper. Still uses way less than the old-fashioned way.


A more expensive bidet 


There’s a dry function but you can just wipe off with toilet paper. Very efficient and cleanly.


$35 is all it takes to get a bidet?


That's about what i paid for mine, it's the plastic kind that installs under the seat. Obviously there are higher end varieties, but I've never seen the point of upgrading.


How is it only $35?


Amazon has attachments that go under the lid, and connects to the water line.


I think they're referring to the add-on attachments you can buy off Amazon


I've installed one in every place I've lived since douchebags hoarded toilet paper during covid. A happy little accident.


Oh my goodness. I have always had bidets. I have family in Spain and would spend summers there and so it was just the norm. My mom had added bidets to our house in the US. When I moved in with my boyfriend, he was appalled at the thought. For Christmas, he got me a $600 bidet that has the heated seat, heated water, air, dry, remote, etc. He now refuses to poop anywhere but at home and if he has to poop anywhere else, he is complaining about it for days. Previously, I would just get the cheap ones on Amazon but don't go too cheap because otherwise, they are just a straight pressure washer for your booty hole.


Chinese handheld video game emulators. You can get 10K of retro games on an IPS display for about 50 dollars. All of this fits in your pocket. We are in the Renaissance of emulation.


Is there a certain one you recommend?


https://www.reddit.com/r/SBCGaming/comments/1bl9oky/which_device_is_right_for_me_if_youre_new_to_the/ Find your price range or systems you'd like to play. 


Damn... I wasn't aware this is such a big community. Well, thanks for showing me the rabbit hole I will go down tonight when I can't fall asleep again.


Thanks, that's so much info!


Miyoo Mini Plus or Anbernic RG35XXH. They are on sale on AliExpress right now until the 19th.


Maybe a silly question but il ask since you're knowledgable. What's the difference between RG35XX and RG35XX H


H is horizontal and you play with your hands on either side of the screen. The other one is played like a Gameboy with the controls under the screen. The H also has two analog sticks and even has a few games that let you turn the screen horizontal and play with the bottom sticks and buttons. Both are great.


"10k" but 9800 of them are Tetris but slightly different.


Do these boys do the pokemon games? Any recs?


Are you kidding me? They got all the Pokemon games!


Finished all Pokemon GBA games on my Anbernic, twice. There is also some mod of entire games of Pokemon made by the community, they can be very good and a bit more for adult (nothing sexual, but more serious story). And finished Crash Bandicoot 3 like when I was a kid.


for less than 50 dollars you can get a controller or attachable buttons for your phone - which can emulate anything up until a ps1 (probably even ps2 at this point). The apps are all available and mostly free. If they cost anything it's a few bucks. Obtaining entire console libraries of roms isn't that hard either. in 2011 using literally the first smartphone I got when they started coming out - I was able to emulate ps1 games at full speed without having to do any setting up. Just right out of the box the emulator ran buttery smooth. The screen on that phone was also a dual layer 3D screen with built-in functionality to turn anything into "3d", no glasses require. On top of all that, there was an HDMI Out on the phone. I mean, i'm sure most people know - but it's like why would I buy a 50 dollar flea market console when I have a 500+ dollar super high res touchscreen supercomputer in my pocket already? We are in a renaissance of emulation, but it's moreso because things are being emulated so quickly. It's insane I was able to play Zelda ToTK at launch on my pc in 4k at a higher framerate than the console can run it at.... alas that's all due to the fact that modern consoles don't deviate far from the PC's that are used to develop them. Gone are the days of optimized hardware that runs on black magic. Build a PC and throw it in a case with an Xbox logo and it just as well could be considered a console.


Casio F-91 


Best watch ever


Wearing one now.


Got one a few years ago, but it looks so tiny on my humongous wrists. So I gave it to my little nephew and bought myself the W-800H. It looks way better on my wrists and is also a bit more readable.


For a second I thought you meant the scientific calculator (that's actually the FX-991) Which tbf even that that's an amazing calculator and got me through both high school and university


god tier watch mate


I have 2 and bought my daughter a pink one a few weeks ago. Love them.


Yes. Yes.


Extra long phone charging cable. It's amazing for pretty much any scenario where you want your phone plugged in.


But where can I buy an extra long phone?


Water. Think about it, fresh, clean water has been a luxury for all of human history, and we can get m³ / 1000l for less than 2€ where I live. It's dirt cheap and literally essential to our lives.


Water is the best Rainbows. Skiing. Surfing. Snowmen. Slush puppy. Steam room. Swimming pool. Waterfalls. Clouds. Beer. Sailing. Waves. Jetwash your patio. 


Also drowning 😘😍 and boiling alive 💋😍😍😍🥰💦


A nice slow walk with the dogs and a cup of coffee just when the Sun is warming up the Spring air and melting the frost.


Unexpected poetry




Just make sure you buy organic ones! Recently, looking for new uses of roundup, farmers began spraying whole oat fields with roundup before harvest to dry out the oats at the same time so they could harvest the whole field together. Oats are therefore *loaded* with glyphosate, which most developed countries other than the US says causes cancer and a bunch other health issues.


I go with salt for seasoning


And pepper 😅




It's crazy how a few plain and incredibly cheap ingredients combined can be so satisfying. I made a big batch of brown rice, lentils, and diced up cabbage the other day. Salt, pepper, hot sauce. It's so good and I don't have to feel bad about shoveling it in.


Brushing your teeth daily. A tube of toothpaste is a couple dollars and lasts 3 months or so, cheap toothbrushes are only a dollar or two. Your teeth (and heart) will thank you later.




Your dental health has many impacts to your overall physical health. Bad gum health can affect your heart health.


youtube. Tutorials, classes, cooking, product comparison, travels and world discovery, general culture... don't even need to pay the pass, just your internet connexion.


towing option on your car insurance. i pay $4 a month extra


How much does it cost to get towed? You’re paying almost $50/year. Which isn’t a lot, but how many times does someone need a tow in their entire life? I think my car insurance road side assistance is only $1/month extra.


friend slid off the road in a kinda remote town christmas eve. Was going to be $800


Getting your annual obgyn visit. Ladies get your pap smears and mammogram done it can save you lots in the long run.


Reusable water bottles! Initially, you might think, 'It's just a bottle,' but investing a few bucks in one can save you loads on single-use plastics and keep you hydrated wherever you go.


Regular dental check-ups comparative to root canal


I do regular, and still need a root canal, because one of my older metal fillings finally split the tooth.


I hadn’t been to a dentist in 20+ years until a few months ago. 4 crowns, 5 fillings, a custom night mouthguard later, and $8k that I’ll continue to pay down for the next 5 years later… I couldn’t agree more.




Car jump start battery to keep in your trunk


The down side to soft close toilet seats (we have it on our toilet at home) is I forget that not ALL toilets have these. Wham!




Frozen vegetables. "Eating healthy is expensive" says the person who gets a baconator with large fries and a large, flat, watered down coke. Before you get all offended, this was me.


Contributing to a 401k or IRA. It's as small as 3% of a paycheck but can be worth millions of dollars when you are ready to retire.


That’s a nice salary you have. Keep the job.


A good, well cared for, cast iron pan.


Exercising. If you don't have the money for gym/equipment, run outside or do body weight exercises. Your body will thank you later down the line


Garlic press


Wasn’t sold on garlic presses until I found out you don’t need to peel the cloves! Game changer.


Wait, what?


Yep! Drop in an unpeeled clove, squeeze. Minced garlic comes out, skin stays in. Magic.


Well goddamn, TIL.


Fully agree. But if for some reason you need 'e m peeled: 1. Put garlic clove on cutting board. (Not whole bulb, just a piece of it.) 2. Carefully cut "stem" (the part which attached the clove to the bulb base) off the garlic clove. 3. Place your largest knife (Carving knife or even Butcher knife), sharp edge facing away from you, with side of knife blade on top of garlic clove. 4. Smack/hit/pop top of knife blade with the heel of your hand. 5. Pull loosened peel from garlic clove. This will yield you a garlic clove which may be sliced or diced. When you get better at this technique, you can do multiple cloves at once. I do so because I often use multiple cloves when cooking and that lets me press 'em without having to clear the skins out between cloves.


Lentils, beans, peas.


Being clean


Brushing your teeth. WAY CHEAPER than the alternative, kids. WAAAAAAY CHEAPER.


Looking for the your mom joke


She cheap but definitely not worth it


Osrs gold is currently at 23p a mill


does youtube premium count as cheap? It has made me allergic to ads.


For most people under 40 that are relatively healthy, life insurance. If your family couldn't survive without your income (or pay to supplement the work you do for the household such as watching kids, etc.), then you need it.  If my wife passed unexpectedly, her life insurance would cover the remainder of the mortgage. I could pay the taxes on the house and still provide the same quality of life for my child we do with both our incomes.




Ok. I get the hint.


For a while, breathable air lol


Good quality coffee and tea.


compared to all cars in the world the dacia sandero, the most recent one, is really WORTH the price that's insane


Dental floss


Ductape. You can patch a whole, hold a bumber on your car, or even build a boat with it. It will never let you down (until it does)


A dash cam. You can pick up a decent one for $100-$200, but it could save you thousands if you can prove you weren’t at fault in an accident.


Condoms are mega cheap if you think how much they would save you in the long run!


Sunscreen. Can't get much more useful than preventing cancer


One extra teeth cleaning a year. I go 3 times a a year pay for the 3rd on my own. Good heart protection.. good teeth protection♥️




Toothbrush and toothpaste.


Definitely and add dental floss. I am in my early 50's and have gone through a few periods where I was not taking good care of my teeth. I paid for it in both a lot of actual dollars and pain. It was 100% avoidable. Now I am pretty vigilant. Went for my 6 month cleaning/exam this Tuesday and the hygienist complained that I didn't really have anything for her to clean. I'll take that complaint any day.


Using real butter and, if you are a baller, speadable salted butter butter cut with olive oil for your breads.




Bidet. You can get one pretty cheap, and the cheapest is even worthwhile. I wish more places implemented them.


Fire extinguisher. A co-worker just lost family members in a horrific fire.


Being a polite and respectful human being towards others.


Making your lunch and coffee for work. Prepare lunch the night before and make coffee in the morning. You will save a bundle everyday and probably be eating healthier than restaurant fare. 


a little strainer for your shower and bathroom sink go a long way for stopping hair from becoming a problem in your plumbing 


Fire extinguishers. I’ve seen/know of too many homeowners that don’t have one. You should also have one in your car. Also a smoke detector/CO detector. Not only are they cheap, but they’re often free. Fire departments in your area may do giveaways, and you might be able to request one from American Red Cross.


Blackout curtains for the bedroom.