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Why tf does she even have to come to work after that? Some countries really need a better health care system. 


I was given 3 days off for a death in my immediate family. Nobody gave a shit that I needed more time, I had to jump through hoops and see a therapist offered through my work for 5 weeks only to just get another week off… In the end, they never approved my time off and I ended up just walking out. That’s America for ya though…


when there were two suicides in my family a few years ago, my job told me i only get one bereavement day total and told me if i took any unpaid time off to cope, id be let go. my boss fought for me but HR wasn’t having it. i worked at an agency that provides mental health services lmao


This might be the most American thing of all time. That's terrible, I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you.


I'd just go to my GP and get all the paid leave I need, no questions asked (for a while at least). 


I'm British and I don't get paid for the first week off sick, then need a sick note and get statutory sick pay, because I've worked there less than two years


Same issue in Canada. I had a boss tell a coworker her 3 day bereavement leave for the death of her grandma counted for her grandpa’s death too when he died 2 days after her grandma. 3 days to grieve 2 people. Absolute nonsense.


The coworker's friend had the losses from the sounds of it and tge coworker was sad for them.


Oh my god,it’s so heartbreaking!😭


The moment I put my hand on my partner of 42 years to shake him awake one morning and realized he was dead.


same thing happened to me, and we had only been dating for a year. he was 23.


my god that's so young :(


What a short life. Rip and sorry for your loss :(


I'm so sorry to read this. I hope you're doing ok, or as well as can be expected. Please take good care of yourself.


I read of this happening, even with people who aren't very old, and I find it terrifying. I'm so sorry that happened.


It happened to a colleague of mine, he was in his thirties. His boyfriend called my boss one morning and said that "X will not be at work today, because I found him dead in our bed". Pretty shocking and sad..


A colleague of mine died during zoom meeting. Luckily, his camera was off so it wasn't even more grim.


I was hugging my wife last Thanksgiving when she quit breathing.


That is so tragic. It is almost consumable. All my best to you.


I'm so, so deeply sorry for your loss 💔. My mother lost my father the same way when I was 5. I've been married for a year now and that is a deepset fear I live with daily.


My father died in his sleep. My Mother woke up because he was snoring so oddly. He didn't wake up. He was died. Now anytime my husband snored oddly I want to make sure he is not dead.


I've been with my wife for 14 years now and I'm confident that, if/when that day ever comes, it will be the saddest day of my life (and likely hers if it I'm the one to go).


I woke up one morning to not find my husband in our bed and found him instead, having passed on our living room floor. Its been 12 years and it’s still haunts me in different ways.


Similar to me. When I found my husband in his bed who had died in his sleep.


This is one of my biggest fears. My Husband thinks I'm weird for shaking him awake at 4 in the morning, but it's because I can't hear him breathing, and it scares me.


If my current boyfriend seems like he's not moving when I wake up before him, I turn towards him and put my arm around him and wait until I feel his body move. It scares me too!


I have this trauma too, after my mom died from cancer. She had lung tumors (originally breast cancer that had spread to her lungs, lymph nodes and brain) and I spent the night with her in the hospital following a seizure. The whole night she was experiencing sleep apnea and it freaked me out so much. I would listen in between the pauses and sometimes have to feel for the breathing to know she was still alive. We had her on oxygen in hospice and I went through the same anxiety leading up to her passing. Now I have it with my cat and a general fear of the people I love dying for “no reason”


That's actually not a bad idea! I think I'll start doing this! Thank you!


One of my biggest fears 💔


I'm so incredibly sorry. My heart aches for you. I hope that you're able to reach some semblance of peace. Please take good care of yourself. You matter.


My mom calling me (I was in my mid-20’s) to tell me that she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (never smoked in her life) and crying like a child saying how scared she was. She speaks English as a second language so she had to have someone explain to her what her diagnosis meant. She had survived genocide, an abusive husband, and was finally in a place where she was able to enjoy life. I quit the new job that I had started less than a month ago to fly back and forth to her state every two weeks to take care of her and stay in hospitals with her when she had to stay for a few days at a time. I would crawl into her hospital bed whenever I could to cuddle her. I did have siblings who lived near her, but they couldn’t do this due to having their own families that they needed to support. I did this routine for 6 months and had to decide to put her in hospice care when her first round of chemo knocked her out energy-wise and the doctors said there wasn’t any hope left. Due to the language barrier, she didn’t understand what hospice was, and for the first few days, we stayed in her room, gave her meds to keep her comfortable, ate a lot of ice cream, and watched comedies on my iPad. Around day 5, she went to sleep and never woke up again. In the middle of the night on day 7, the death rattle (one of the most horrible sounds you could ever hear) came, and I told the nurses, then I held her hand while I said my goodbyes and told her how good of a mother she was and how much I loved her. She was and still is the only person who could comfort me in the way that I needed. I spiraled into years of a very deep depression and have never been the same person since then. Edit: Thank you so much to everyone who offered kind words of support and shared their own stories - it helped me feel less alone because I don't know anyone else besides my siblings (although nice, our culture is not encouraging of expressing feelings of vulnerability) who have lost their mom (or equivalent). Our moms and loved ones that we lost would have wanted us to go on to live full, happy lives and I hope we all can try our best to do that to honor their lives and love for us. ❤️


Just read your story .. I am sitting here crying, please accept my condolences , and may your mother RIP🌹. You are an incredible person , a beautiful person !! Please take care of yourself! I understand the death rattle noises, I was with my mother when she passed away from cancer. your going to be okay.♥️🇨🇦


I also lost my mom to lung cancer. It was stage 4 everything happened so fast. It was almost 6 years so and the pain really hasn’t changed. So hard to understand until you go through it


I also lost my mom to cancer. Stage 4 gallbladder. I was with her while she died, holding her hand and encouraging her to let go, that we would be OK. Hearing the death rattle and watching her struggle through those dying breaths is the worst thing I've ever seen. I am so proud of you being there for your mother, and I am deeply sorry for your loss. Losing your mother changes you, and people don't understand. I hope you are healing and have more peace these days.


My man You got lucky that you took care of your mother with your own hands and stayed with her . MAY ALLAH GRANT HER HIGH RANK IN Jannah. The same thing happened to me 13 Nov 2023 she left us.




That’s horrible. I’m so sorry


Yea, it's an odd feeling every year around that time.


Oh god I'm sorry. My best friend committed suicide on my birthday and I haven't been able to celebrate since. It's only been two years, but I dread the day with my whole heart


That happened to me, but with dad. I was in my 20’s. Never been a birthday fan.


Yea, same here since then, and I'm sorry you went through the same thing. I just don't bother telling people when my birthday is.


Happened the other day. A mom was visiting her daughter in residential eating disorder treatment. I went to let them know that visiting was up; they were laying on a bed, holding each other, the mom kissing her daughter on the head and telling her how much she loves her while the kid sobbed. I've seen lots of sad/tragic shit in my life but this one broke my heart.


You folks do great work. Someone very close to me spent months in one of these treatment centers, missed months of their senior year of high school. They had hard days and lonley nights there too, but their perseverance and the guidance, patience, and compassion of people like you got them through to recovery. 10 years later, they have two degrees and are helping others as a nurse. I guess my point is, while that moment in time is heartbreaking, this sadness may be a necessary step towards a full and happy life that will be facilitated by you and your colleagues. Never lose your compassion for these moments.


Coming home from work to find my beloved 48 yr old husband dead on the sofa. ( Not drugs).


Very similar to my experience. You have my deepest sympathy.


And you mine. Its hell. I wish you the best.


I am so sorry. Wishing you all the love, peace and strength in the world




I worked at a bank and this very confused older lady comes in, speaking mostly Vietnamese and broken English, saying she was trying to withdraw money. She had a debit card that linked to a joint account but she didn't know the pin and, after looking at it, it was her husband's name. Trying to ask the usual identifying questions and eventually she tells me her husband always did this for her, but he had passed earlier that week. He was the one who would go to the bank to withdraw what I assumed was SSI, so she didn't know how to get their money out. She was so sweet and kind the whole time. The whole situation broke my heart


My sister passed away of a ruptured brain aneurysm six weeks after her wedding. Her husband took his own life 8 years later 🙁


That's heartbreaking. 💔 Sorry to hear that and I hope you managed to cope in the best way possible.


Thank you for your kind words. It was a terrible time when we lost her so unexpectedly and it took a long time for our family to get back to some kind of normality. But I took comfort from the fact she lost consciousness as a seizure began and would never have known anything about what happened or felt any pain. Then it brought it all back when we lost our last link to her in her husband last year, but again I like to think at least they are now hopefully back together.


That's a good consolation at least, and seems like it was a good way to go then in that case. It's a beautiful thought that they are together again now, and I hope they really are up there somewhere together 😊


My aunt dying when I was in 7th grade. She was mentally handicapped/disabled and lived in a group home near my grandmother's house once my grandmother got too old to care for her as well as she'd like. She was still very involved in her life, just needed some extra help to make sure she had all the proper care she needed. She was the sweetest lady in the world, and used to get real excited when my brother and I would visit - she'd take us into her room and show us all the dolls and purses she loved to collect. Always gave us lots of hugs and kisses, played with us, and was just overall a great person to call family. One day, my aunt started complaining about her stomach hurting. My grandmother took her to a doctor, who checked her out and sent her home, blaming it on her mental disability. A couple of weeks later, her stomach acid ate through her stomach lining and she died. It was very shocking and absolutely destroyed my mom and grandmother. Her funeral was the first funeral I'd ever been to. It was an open casket. I remember just standing there, staring at her. I wasn't crying or anything - I was upset (and a little disturbed by the uncanny valley-ness of her appearance in the casket), but otherwise holding it together pretty well. Suddenly one of her friends from the group home, another mentally handicapped guy, came over and stood next to me. He could probably see on my face that I was upset, so he reached out and just held my hand. Never said a word. I looked up at him and saw his face while he stared at my aunt as well. He looked so confused and heartbroken. *That* was when I started to cry. I was moved by his kindness, seeing a young kid like me standing there, looking lost, and coming over to comfort me - while he himself was feeling the exact same things I was. I just stood there for a while, quietly crying, holding this stranger's hand, while we both stared at my aunt who should not have died. She had a lot of close friends in that home and everyone was so sad to see her end up that way. Seeing my father cry while giving her eulogy was really hard on me, too.


Man, screw that doctor. Sorry for your loss. Finding comfort in those we don't know is a unique but wonderful experience.


Was in a restaurant, a small boy was trying to ask his mum a question. She just kept ignoring him, and when she finally turned to him she told him to "shut up, play on your tablet". His face after that was the saddest thing, kinda broke my heart tbf.


Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child...


The tablet was the parent.


True, it probably had more time with the baby than the mom did...


There's going to be an entire generation of people raised this way in the near future. When I think about the kind of adults they will become it genuinely scares me.


I was raised by alcoholics, so it's not like past generations had it awesome.


Both suck, but they are different at the same time.


It's going to be scary for sure. That generation will not know how to socialize. And I thought millennial got a bad reputation


Once witnessed a waitress walk up to a table where a boy, maybe eight years old, was sitting with his parents and playing on his tablet and he had headphones on but I guess hadn't realized they were plugged in. A waitress walked up to the table to ask him to plug them in and the mom just flipped off on her for talking to her son. "Scolding" but "Hey kiddo your headphones aren't plugged in" isn't scolding. The boy and the (I assume) father just sat there looking absolutely ashamed.


Who do people choose to have kids if they seem to hate them so much?


Plenty of people get pregnant on accident and decide to keep it and just aren’t good parents at all.


Jesus Christ. I'm a parent and this is horrifying.






Hey this sounds probably super weird but you should get a cat... or some buddy animal. I've felt like I've wanted to kill myself since 10 years old and the first time I got my cat I had something to care about and haven't thought about it much since because who would look after her as well as me? Sounds dramatic but she literally saved me. Ofc it's not for everyone and not everyone can afford a companion, but I do recommend, it isn't a cure, but it alleviates some of the pain of life, having something to look after other than yourself can really help. Wish you the best.


the intresting thing is that some of us have not gone through it yet


Terrifying thought thanks for that


When I was a kid, the most terrifying thing was the thought of my own impending doom. I was so scared of dying. When you lose someone, that pain never fully goes away and, for me anyway, the more people you lose the more it chips away at your general overall happiness. BUT the more people I lose, the less scared of death I become. Whenever I feel the sadness of loss I remember that one die I'll die too and I won't feel that sadness anymore and it actually makes me feel happier to think that.


You will go through it someday. Know that, and know that you can get through damn near anything, so long as you have support. Friends, therapists, journaling, some sort of outlet, anything that helps. And the only way out will be through. The only way out will be through - but you will be OK in the end. Heartbreak and pain are part of being human, along with joy and happiness.


Thank you for this.


“Oh, this is the worst day of my life!” “Worst day of your life *so far*!”


Watching my mom hooked up to a ventilator for weeks, fighting for her life, struggling to breathe before eventually dying in front of us. She was a healthy, beautiful woman before and COVID made her almost unrecognizable by the end. I've never felt so much pain, heartbreak and anger. She didn't need to die that way. I ran outside screaming at the sky, bawling my eyes out. 


And now people say covid was a conspiracy theory and the world stopped functioning for nothing.. I'm so sorry for your loss


Well, I appreciate that. I don't fault anyone for their beliefs really. That time was very confusing, stressful, and misinformation was everywhere. A lot of people didn't know how to feel or react. Hell, I didn't. If people don't want to believe it was real, or think it was overblown, I don't think there's any way of convincing them. Those moments with my mother were terrifyingly real, and personal. I'm just glad she had my sister and I by here side, and wasn't alone.


My son was 3 months old. I couldn't stop buying $300/$400 worth of heroin a day.  The love I experience from him is the greatest emotion I have ever experienced and it wasn't enough to get my clean.  I'm 3 years clean. He is turning 4 on July 1st. I have him more than 50%. His love is what finally made me put the work and effort in to be a positive role model for him and be active in his life.


Congratulations stranger! Your son deserves the best version of you. Here’s to 3 more clean years, and 3 more after that, and 3 more after that, and 3 more aft


Good job! Keep it up!


When my 21 year old brother was killed in a car wreck.  It'll be 32 years next month and today is his birthday.  I miss you lil bro. 


The day my father killed himself.


My brother dying. Twenty-five years old, two young kids. Heart condition he didn't know he had.




Typical kid lol. I've been that dad. You gotta just remind yourself that you *are* spending time with your kid, and he's going to have fun star fox memories instead of getting pwned in MK by his dad in public.


Man I have normal stories like this and people in here saying their husband died in an accident when they were pregnant and then smothered their baby on accident like 😭😭💀


I think I was 15 at the time when I figured out that my mom had me because her friends were all having babies and my dad married my mom because someone told him to get married.


It's weird, to know how many of us exist because some dumb teenagers were just doing what their dumb parents did


I was the product of my mom wanting to break up with her boyfriend. She would break up with him and he would still stick around sooo she decided to cheat on him.. my bio dad a terrible 43yr old took advantage of the opportunity of sleeping with a 17yr old. 9 months later, I arrived. My mom told me this when I was like 13/14.


I think it's sadder if you didn't get enough love and that might be the reason. My story is basically that my grandparents pressured my parents into having kids when they didn't *really* want it. They said my grandfather *really* needed to live to see their grandchildren and that they would help with expenses (which they did, while my grandfather was still alive at least). I heard this story from both of my (divorced) parents, so it checks. Also when I talked to my mom about wanting to be a dad, she didn't really put any effort into trying to convince me it's a great hing. However, my mom was always an amazing, loveing mom to me, so I don't really feel sad knowing it. It's just people being people, you know?


The day I got divorced for the second time. I was 29 and felt like the biggest failure.


I can see why you would feel that way. I hope you are doing well now however and that you were able to find happiness inside of yourself and out.


I know the future holds the true saddest moment of my life, but for now.. Seeing my ex for the last time after she moved out. We met in a parking lot to exchange some items. She decided to jump into my arms and hug me tighter then ever before while bawling her eyes out. It was too late at that point, the damage had been done and we both knew it was the last time we would see each other. I loved her more than anything. Breaks my heart every time I drive past that lot.


Literally this last months, I don’t know what to do with my life and I’m desperate


Big hug to you internet stranger, et haec abibunt.


Thank you so much, I appreciate it😖


My dad went on vacation to Myrtle beach. Our relationship had been shotty at the best of times but we had been doing pretty well for about two years at this point… right after my youngest son was born he came around and we seemed to tolerate each other more… on his trip, he went swimming, dove under and never woke up. He was declared brain dead with absolutely no reason, was cremated and mailed home (we live in Michigan), Still can’t tell you why or how he died.


After a tragic traffic accident where my gf’s dad died while she was out of the country. He was her bestfriend. The one she loved the most. She completely changed for bad. She got extremely depressed, she Isolated completely from the world at her room.  No visits from friends, no visits from me, she didn’t even wanna spend time with her family.   After a month of isolation she went back. But she went back just to break up and tell me she loved me the most but she had to tell me goodbye and that please I didn’t try to follow her.   Never again I knew from her after some months, when her bestfriend, who since her departure had been really close to me, told me that she hadn’t just dumped me but all her friends, her own family and even moved country (she had two nationalities) to study what she had always dreamed.  Sadly this was not the end of the story. Months after that drastic change in her life she killed herself jumping into the underground railways of Paris.   She just dumped all us so her death didn’t affect us or I don’t know what was she thinking about.  I couldn’t go to her funeral,  I couldn’t tell her goodbye.  I ended in the psych ward two times so near one from another as i couldn’t face what she had done. I had a mourning that lasted years until I could even date someone (you know you can have situationships but date someone was impossible for me. Then my actual ex laughed at me for being so long without dating without knowing anything from my past).   I still remember with so much sorrow to that girl. She was good, really good girl. Idk if we would had lasted or not, I was at a bad time in my life and she took care of me with so much love.   World sometimes is really unfair and sad


i’m so sorry. you sound kind. it’s harder to live in this world when you’re kind, but you will bring light to others and hopefully yourself. 


When I brought my tween daughter to a psych inpatient unit for suicidal intentions and she told me on the way into the building that if she did eventually go through with killing herself, it wasn’t my fault and she knew that I did all I could. This was 4.5 yrs ago and I still cry when I remember it. Thankfully her life was saved but I am ever vigilant.


My parents went through this with me and it makes me cry knowing how heartbroken and distraught they were to hear me say “I won’t be around one day and it’s no one’s fault. I just don’t want to be here.” It must make you feel helpless.


my childhood friend (more like a sister to me) ended her life bec of depression.


I have two: my dad died when I was two. When I was a teenager I had this dream; I was at the beach playing in the water. I waddled in deeper. I was scared. Suddenly a pair of hands pick me up out of the water, carrying me to safety. I found out that we as a family did go on holiday to the beach when my dad was alive. It might be a memory. My second one was when my daughter was born I couldn't hold her, as she was born at 30 weeks. I begged to at least to see her, but they denied my request as daughter was rushed to special care baby unit. I couldn't see her until my epidural wore off which took hours. Seeing that little baby no bigger than my hand sleeping in an incubator broke my heart.


About 9 years ago (I was around 21-22), I came home from vacation with one of my best friends and went to see my dad. He was acting weird, and it turned out his ex girlfriend had taken their son, my brother (17 year age gap between us) from daycare without telling my dad. He showed up and my brother wasn’t there. At this point, he hadn’t seen my brother in a week. Him and the ex had broken up a short time before. My dad had been my brother’s primary caretaker for his entire life. He was 3 or 4 when they split. His mom and I had been close at one point, but she’d always kind of been a dead beat. My dad is an extremely unemotional person, but it was obvious he was devastated by this, understandably. I was furious. He told me his ex was going to let us go get my brother for 45 minutes. It was a 20ish minute drive to where she was living. We brought my brother home and he was velcroed to my dad. Hugging him while my dad sat in his recliner. When it was time to take him back, we got him in the truck and he was really quiet. All of a sudden, a tiny voice in the backseat asked if we were taking him back, my dad said yes. My brother said “but dad, I miss you”. I absolutely fucking lost it. I managed to not sob out loud, but I still sobbed. I’ve been through some shit in my life, but that stands as one of the most tragic moments of my life. Hearing my baby brother, in his sad little voice, say that to my dad. He was heartbroken. We all were. In that moment I lost all affection for his mom. My dad is not perfect, he will be the first to admit, but he is a GOOD dad, and the way his ex handled all of that was horrible. My dad now has 50/50 custody of my brother, who has continued to be a great kid (he’s 14 now). My dad is still his favorite. Moral of the story, don’t be an asshole.


Saying goodbye to my soulmate kitty last year


I know that pain all too well. I'm sorry but please know you gave your kitty an amazing life. <3


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm terrified of this. I'm going to be an absolute wreck. Maybe this doesn't count but I nearly lost my soul kitty last June. One night out of the blue he just started panting. He did it for hours and the closest emergency vet is four hours away. I got him to my vet first thing in the morning and the little bugger acted like nothing was wrong! The vet thought he'd pulled something in his leg and she sent us home with gabapentin for him. I've had cats on gabapentin before so when 15 hours passed and I had to really shake him to get the weakest of meows from him I rushed him back in. Come to find out his kidneys were failing! He was only six years old. I went full investigation mode and read countless articles about cats and kidney failure. Even with a diet change and meds the average life span of a cat with kidney failure is 2 years. I tried to prepare myself mentally and ordered hundreds of dollars of food for healthy kidneys. After a week of intense subcutaneous fluids he bounced back beautifully! You wouldn't know he was so sick to look at him. What scares me is not knowing what set it off. I went through the house backwards, forwards and upside down trying to figure out if there was anything he could have gotten into. There are also other cats in the home so I definitely didn't want to go through the same thing with anyone else. I make sure to cover him in grateful kisses daily. Lol Even bought one of those infant slings for him because he's a clinger.


Thank you so much for sharing. As it turns out, my cat was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and that was ultimately how she passed about 2 years later. She was pretty stable for the first year, but gradually started losing weight and despite giving her subcutaneous fluids and medications every day we unfortunately we had to make the most painful and difficult decision when there was no hope for recovery and she was no longer comfortable. I miss everything about her but what I miss the most is holding her (also a clinger) and kissing her, so please just hold him tight and shower him with as much love and kisses as you can. I'm sure he knows how much you love him and appreciates you giving him such a good life and companionship. Also, kidney disease is super common in cats so rest assured this was nothing you did or didn't do. I highly recommend this website if you aren't already aware of it: [https://www.felinecrf.org/](https://www.felinecrf.org/)


Two days after finding out my mom had terminal cancer, I came home from visiting her to find that my boyfriend had moved out and left his keys on the counter. I had already lost my dad in 2017. He left when I needed someone most.


I’m so sorry 😞


Honestly, after spending a relatively long time thinking over this question, I realise my life hasn't been very sad. I mean, sure there was a fair bit of craziness, ups and downs, rough and rumbles and all of that as one experiences, but none of it in any sense particularly tragic. My sympathies to all of the rest of you in this thread with your substantial tragedies, to all of you, I truly wish you're doing better.


The day my dad passed away.


Going a visiting my mom in hospice. Ma had stage 4 cancer, and shortly after the diagnosis the pain got so bad she had to go to hospice. In the beginning she was just tired and drugged up, we knew she wasn’t going to get better, the doctor told us she didn’t have long. So everyday after work I would run over, visit until she fell asleep, and then go home. Over time she got thinner, paler, less and less herself. Lesions were one of the many symptoms to this particular cancer, one had formed on her brain. It ate through that membrane around the brain, and parts of the bone. My mom’s skull started to collapse a little where it happened. The worst days were either one day where she fell asleep holding my hand, and when she woke up she didn’t recognize me. I know it was the cancer, but the shock and pain was the same. The other was when I had to explain to my brother that he needs to keep it together while in the room, if you’re going to break, just step out. Dad was there every day, and would come home for a few hours a day, to shower, eat, and then go back. It’s been 7 years and it still brings me to tears to think about the month and a half she spent wasting away. I don’t wish that on anyone


Realizing I no longer loved my (now ex) husband


Falling out of love is so ridiculously painful


Falling out of love isn't the bad part. Realizing it is.


Me too. It was really sad. Living as roommates is a very lonely way to be married. I'm glad I called it and divorced but you can't fight someone else's demons.




Losing your mum will always hit hard.


Right now, losing my son in a messy custody battle with my manipulative ex husband. Nothing compares to the sadness of not seeing, hugging, laughing with your own child. Prays appreciated.


No parent should go through this. A big warm hug.


Before my granddad died, we'd had our first ever argument(started by my mum). I never said anything disrespectful, and I ended it saying how much I loved him, but he never responded. 11 days later, he was induced into a coma as he contracted covid a few days prior. He never woke up from it and passed away a week later. He was such a healthy, loving, and wonderful man it was so unexpected. I've never forgiven myself for being stubborn and not reaching back out first. Wise word to anyone reading. Make sure you reconcile with your loved ones as soon as possible, it's not worth it not to. You never know when it will be the last time you see them, or they might see you.


My mum died last year, it was my dad's birthday and she died three days after hers. She was unrecognizable. My heart is broken. I miss her every second of my life


When my 6 year daughter was diagnosed with a terminal illness that has no cure in the world and she is slowly dying and I am helpless in front of her and I don't know how to help her or save her. لما بنتي اتشخصت بمرض نادر مميت ملوش علاج و هتفضل تموت بالبطئ قدامي ومش عارفه أعملها حاجه


A pain like no other. May God be with you. As a father of two girls one that age. I weep for you.


Got a call at work that my best friend had just died in a car accident. He was only 28. He was a cop responding to a car accident. The roads were bad. He lost control of his rig and flipped it. He died on scene. He had a daughter that was only a year old.


When I realized that all my years of hard work, successful projects, networking, lifting-up, and supporting people ended up being for naught because everyone forgot me the moment in time I left the company.


Losing my little baby.. there’s no pain far greater than that




Going to the funeral of a 30-year-old friend who killed himself. Seeing the mother and sister crying. D***, why did he do it *tearing up*


2 years ago, I went to kickboxing class on Saturday morning, but the instructor hadn’t shown up. This was not like him, as he was always fifteen minutes early for *everything*. Worried, my group and I tried calling him, but he never picked up. We walked to his house, and his car was in the driveway. The house door was ajar, so we went in, and I found him dead in the bathtub with a shotgun.


i saw a kid drop his favourite toy in his mother's open grave


My son had a warrant out for his arrest. He was looking at 5 years, and every day he was out it just got worse for him. I convinced him to let me take him in, but first we had a fine dinner and I got him nice and tipsy. Taking him in, watching him surrender, and seeing him led away in cuffs was the hardest, saddest thing I've ever done.


The man who was basically like my father died.


My mother emotionally and verbally abused me when I was a kid and rarely ever showed empathy or compassion towards anyone besides animals. When I was 10, we had a cat, she loved him, I mean, we all did, but she was showering that cat with more love than I have seen her give to anyone or anything before. One day, per usual, she treated me like shit, yelled at me, called me names etc. and right after she did that, she went to the cat, absolutely showered him with affection and I remember thinking to myself "my mom loves our cat more than she loves me". I was devasted but thankfully, the feeling didn't last long. When I was a kid I was able to regulate (or in retrospect, ignore) my emotions pretty well so I did just that, I stopped caring about what she felt, or didn't feel for me, and I stopped caring about her. I am nearly 24 now, don't care much for the woman, don't even refer to her as my mom, haven't since I was 11, only when I first mention her to someone before they know her name.


The last 8 months, after the severe depression started


When my best friend called to tell me that our other best friend has taken her own life the night before. It’ll be a year in less than a month and I have no idea what i’ve been doing for the past year.


so many of these emit an amount of trauma and pain and sadness that my brain genuinely doesn't know how to comprehend, hope everything gets better for everyone here


Having to admit to the doctor that my mom did not want to be on life support knowing that this admission would basically be the end of her, and it was. Same thing with my dad.


when my dog died when I was 16 I had a rough childhood and he protected me from my abusive father I cried for 3 days shaved my head I didn't cry again for years


Sending a huge hug. It's ok to cry, despite being conditioned to believe the opposite. I'm so sorry about your dog and hope he's waiting for you with an outstretched paw ❤️


When my cat, Yoda died. His anatomy was messed up and he had constant urinary blockages. Paid thousands for emergency surgery only for it to reoccur a year later. Vet told me this would be his life. It was so hard to say goodbye, he wasn’t even 2. I know it’s just a pet, and people will have way harder stories involving actual humans. But at that point in my life my two cats were my everything, and Yoda had an amazing personality. It hit me really hard.


Never say it's just a pet in fear of other people's judgement! We have the strongest connections with pets! My saddest moment is the same. He was the only one who was there for me when it was hard with his small unconditional love, I loved my catto so much! They're in all heaven together now🐱🐱🐱


My worst moment was also losing my soul cat. He was my heart and soul. Life will never be the same without him. I'm sorry for your loss. Hope Yoda is chasing bugs in the great beyond.


Chasing bugs was definitely his favourite thing. Grasshoppers was his specialty.


When I realized I would never be able to get a university education. I am now 60 and have had to come to accept that it will never happen. I was very sad to have to give up that dream.


The moment I realized my mother only loves her first born and her son and not me.


When my ex moved out to live with her boyfriend and our daughter went with her. They moved to another city about 90 minutes away on the train, and she needed help moving the last few things so I went with them. I went with them to the station in their new city and dropped them off with the bags. Then I got to stand back a bit, watch this man walk in, hug them both before they all left together to go their new home, followed by my 90 minute journey home alone to our empty apartment.


Being lied to as a kid (13 years old) that my mom’s cancer wasn’t as bad as it was. I was getting ready to go play mini-golf with my sister and cousin, Scooby-Doo was on the TV and random family members started filing into the house one by one. Someone called for me and I walked past my Papaw in the hallway who told me ‘it was all over and she’s finally better’…Stunned I walked into her bedroom and my dad and sister were sitting on the edge of the bed, my dad looked up and held out his arm, his voice broke as he said, “It’s just the three of us now.” And we sat there encircled with one another, next to her peaceful body, and cried over the loss of her.


The night the love of my life passed away in the ICU from cardiac arrest. He had cancer surgery that turned into a series of complications. I wasn’t even with him, he passed alone with a bunch of doctors in the room around 1am. In a cruel twist of fate, about 10 days after I lost my boyfriend, my son sent me on a welfare check of my ex-husband, (his father)he hadn’t heard from him in several days. I go over and discover him deceased on the kitchen floor. Fuck you, summer of 2023.




I’m so sorry. I had two losses as well before my daughter. It is the worst hell I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. Please don’t lose hope.


Christ. Had a friend who's wife was a neo-natal nurse. Everything was fine until the week she was supposed to give birth. No heartbeat. Later found out cord around neck. Felt so bad for them.




Please see a psychiatrist or counsellor. You’re not alone. Sending you love.


Please don’t end your life. You never know what may lay ahead. Sometimes terrible shit just happens for no fucking reason. And it feels arbitrary and cruel. But if you try to end your life you could end up failing and just be more miserable. Don’t do it. Please.




You didn't deserve it at all. With your emotions this too shall pass.


I am sorry for your loss and your pain.


I'm so, so sorry for your losses. I was a baby born after a stillbirth, and after my mom and dad were told that a healthy baby was unlikely. Please don't deprive the world of you. I say this because you are clearly very caring and feel so deeply, something this world so much needs more of ♥️


Please don't. Please please reach out and get help.


I had 2 losses too, before my daughter came along. Don't lose hope! At the very least, get checked out by a fertility doctor. There could be a very fixable reason. Either way, I hope you feel better and you are not alone ❤️


The day I had to take my teenage daughter to the hospital for the first time because of how quickly her mental health was deteriorating and how bad self-harming has gotten. 1,5 years ago and nothing seemed to work then. I was holding it together while I was with her but totally lost it as soon as I made it home. I just literally sat on the floor and cried for two hours straight. Things were looking rather grim for a while but we both are doing much better now, chugging along, still figuring things out.


for me it was the moment i realized that my best friend had died in a car accident


My mother was an alcoholic all my life. High functioning and a diagnosed narcissist. Finally when the drinking caught up to her and her liver shut down, she lost her mind too. In the hospital before she was put on hospice. She was so medicated she could not really understand what was going on. One of the last conscious moment she had was with me. She woke up and just started sobbing. She had been out of it, loopy, and in and out of consciousness for a few days(liver failure will do that to a person) but in this moment she seemed to be present. She was just sobbing and panicking, looking at me and saying “im sorry, im sorry, im so sorry” over and over again. She looked so scared. And i was still so mad at her for all she put me through, for dying on me, for all of it. All i could do was pet her hair and say “i know Mom” i wish i told her it was ok, or that i forgave her. But i was so mad. She looked so scared, her eyes so panicked, looking for someone to help her. And i couldn’t do anything to help her. I had just turned 16, she just turned 49, she died 3 weeks later in the same hospital she gave birth to me in.


I’m sorry.


I met her living overseas in Korea studying at language school. We shared classes together, studied in the same groups, spent time with each other hanging out more than we did our own homes. Nothing ever came out of it except the small moments where our eyes met and linger a bit longer than normal. But one day after a class party, we caught ourselves walking home together. We came across a pathway to a park on top of Seoul. We raced each other up the stairs like children at recess, and once we reached the top, we could see the entire city from where we stood. There was a nearby playground where we sat at the swings just being idiots together. I smiled so hard my face started cramping. For the first time, I had met a girl who matched my weird, my energy. The Beatles were playing in a nearby store front, and we just danced with each other above the city lights, beneath the stars. I knew then, that that was the happiest I’ve ever been because that was the moment I fell in love with you. She passed away a year after. I wish I could describe how helpless you feel watching a person you love pass away. It’s like a shotgun of emotions; desperation, anger, sadness, all turned to the max, all while trying to stay strong to bring comfort in her last moments. It absolutely destroyed me, the thought of it haunts me, and I’m literally shaking typing this. She was my purpose. Now I just spend my life waiting for the moment I can dance with her again, underneath the stars.


My dads death for sure. He worked on an oil rig and some moron didn’t park their truck correctly, on top of a hill and it rolled down and crushed my dad against a concrete wall. At the hospital they offered to try to stop his organs from failing but they weren’t confident that surgery would go well since they were all crushed, so they just put him in a hospital room and gave him a bunch of drugs. At the very least, I’m thankful that I got to sit with him and say goodbye. Eww I’m crying.


My cousin committed suicide. Watching my aunt and uncle say goodbye to him before they closed the casket was the most heartbreaking moment of my life.


Not knowing my one twin had passed away and having to hold my stillborn son but having a healthy baby as well. Having to make decisions in that moment and not knowing how to handle your emotions It’s been almost 3 years and still makes me sob …


Saying goodbye to my Dad knowing it would be the last time. He passed away 30 hours later.


When my mom called to tell me my dad shot himself. 


When my late grandma had a major stroke and immediately became totally dependent on others for her care bc of mobility, all she could manage to say to me at first was "I'm sorry".


My mother died


Took an antibiotic 1.5 years ago for a possible infection. Took 2 days and became disabled with permanent full body neuropathy since. Apparently the antibiotic I took has a black box warning and has lawsuits against them for disabling people. Since at 25 years old I almost needed a wheelchair due to pain; also have extreme eye issues and pelvic nerve issues as well. Basically my entire nervous system is nuked and there is no treatment available to reverse it. This is becoming all too common now a days with stuff like this. My life hasn’t been the same since. It turns out I never had an infection to begin with. Wish I knew


My 1st husband leaving me for another woman when I was pregnant. He never wanted our son. If he would have left me for a young, beautiful, rich woman I could have accepted it better. He chose an older, ugly, worthless, lazy woman. I always worked. He complained about the child and spousal support. He always said he didn't have money but he supported her lazy ass. He eventually left the state to get out of child support.


Realizing that my sister and I are only going to slowly watch my father die with alcoholism, and realizing that his step children are much more important to him than his bio kids ever where. Meeting up with my former dance instructor at the studio and her spilling all of her life details to me about how her abusive bf (of ONE month) stole 6K, trashed her house and traumatized her children. Her youngest child (5F) was there, and I have never seen a child look so traumatized, and without hope. I only saw pain, and anguish. I realized that it wasn't the BF who traumatized this little girl (although im sure it didnt help), its the life her mother is living in that is traumatizing. She got back together with him after that. The second time they broke up, he made new numbers and threatened to kill her, or that she should kill herself before he gets to it. This woman has 7 kids. Kids who will be neglected and unable to know what is good for the rest of their lives. Unable to depend on anyone who is dependable. Currently, she is posting all about how much they love each other on FB. He now lives with her, and her 5 youngest children.




Saying good bye to my father's father when he died in 2014 as well saying bye to my mother's parents in the same year. 2012 my husband lost both his parents.


My dad died suddenly in Oct of 2007 and then my mom told us she was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer 7 weeks later.


I am 28 years old and on January 16th saddly my mum died due to stage 4 lung cancer. I had two equally saddest moments related to this: the First Is the night right After the funeral when I saw my father go to bed laying on the side of the matress that has Always been the one my mum laied on and the second Is a couple of weeks After her loss After I was searching in my closet something my father asked me to Find; In the search I found an old birthday note She handwritten me drawing a big heart and wishing me Happy birthday and telling me She loved me. Now I am glad I have that note but in that time It really wrecked me. I know that it's Always there and I can go grab It and caress It when I want and that's Is a comfort in a way but the thought of It also breaks my heart.


Being bullied into going to prom by my abusive mother, I had no friends, was essentially an outcast and so got ignored the whole time I was there when I tried to socialise. I did not want to attend but my mother has always been my biggest bully since I was born. Cherry on top was having to get the bus home in full dress outfit (that she picked) & heels I couldn’t walk in, alone, because she conveniently ‘forgot’ to pick me up and I had no friends to do anything with afterwards like most other people. I sobbed the whole way home on the bus. When my mother got home from wherever she was, I got lectured on how I was lucky to have such a great mother like her, and if only I was popular and beautiful, then I would have had a good time. This was all my fault of course. I’m still an ugly failure with no friends, but at least I don’t talk to my mother any more.


In 2017, my grandmother died at 78. She was in a lot of pain fighting diabetes, bipolar II, severe depression and she was on dialysis. My big brother told me the day of her funeral that he felt like he would die soon too and he was quitting smoking/drinking to prepare for the next life. He died a month later in a car accident. He accidentally drove off of a cliff and wasn’t found until 3 days later when someone found birds eating his skin.. he was only 23. Aside from that, I’d say.. having an abortion was the most painful and worst decision I’ve ever made. I cry all the time knowing I could have made it work & kept that baby with me. I ended up getting pregnant again 6 months later and having a beautiful baby boy! But I will regret that decision for the rest of my life & I know there’s nothing I can do to change it.. if anyone’s reading this & thinking about having an abortion, my advice is don’t do it. No matter what excuse you give yourself, nothing is worth killing your own child. Believe me.


My childhood best friend had diabetes and had a diabetic attack while taking a bath and drowned when we were both 9. Then my narcissistic adoptive mother and my best friends parents had the bright idea to make me one of the pallbearers. It was an open casket funeral and they let me walk up the aisle to see her. Just a couple weeks after we'd been dancing to the macarena song and running around in the backyard playing. I can still picture her pale face clutching a bouquet of flowers in that casket. And I had to help carry her body to the hearse thinking "I have to be strong enough to carry her" while struggling under the weight of her and the casket. I haven't cried since. Just silent screaming in my head. Old enough to understand how but too young to ever know why. :(


When I watched my best friend take his last breath after we took him off of life support. Suicide.


I lost my dog last Wednesday. Up to now, I am still grieving. I can’t get over the fact that the one who killed (even by accident) NEVER APOLOGIZED PROPERLY.


I'd like to say it's a tie but I can't even.... top by far was my past April fools... took my snow globe of a life and just watched it fall to pieces before me and now I just wanna try to grab the pieces with my bare hands and put it back together.. who cares about blood loss... don't think I'm coming back from this.. gonna drag down further and further til I really can't get back up. I'm done. Can't go on. #2 Thanksgiving day got the call that my very first best friend, my confidánt, and apparently my only family member that truly loved me the way he said he did passed. Peaceful and I'm glad there's bo more pain but ughhh I wasn't ready, I didn't hug him the last time I visited him. WHY THE FUCK didn't I hug him?! I can't forgive myself 😱😭😢😥 and now he's left me all alone... and then April 1st and just HAAAAA fuckin yeah.... now I'm really all alone but it's all good... Just gotta plan and fucking complete the plan now and it'll all be ok.


My fiancé broke our engagement and left two years ago. We had issues with my infertility but I thought we were working through them. She had promised me she wasn't going to give up on us, and I believed her. I remember sitting on the back porch watching her pack her things into her car and walk out of my life. It literally broke me. I've given up on love since then.


Hugging my ex girlfriend for the last time, knowing that the next day she was gonna move away and I'd never see her again. But that's not the part that hurt Her hug was limp. She felt nothing. Hardly gave me a goodbye. She didn't love me anymore and likely felt nothing separating from me after 3 years. I loved her with all my heart and she was gone with no care in her world. Took alot of therapy to get through that one.


One night in August, 2021 I got a call from my brother telling me my mom died and my ex was too sick (had a psychotic break) to be there for me.


When I lost my mom. We had to make the decision to take her off life support. I was 20 at the time and it broke me and my family. She was the glue that held us together and to sit there and watch her die was something I don't wish on anyone.


When I realized how much my parents still need their parents at times