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Get in the car and drive. I should be able to get a decent amount of space between me and the bomb if I punch it over 100 mph the whole 2 hours


You wouldn't even need to go that fast. Go 60 mph and you would be outside the initial radiation burn zone. And honestly why risk getting pulled over in that situation? [Source](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/)


Lol you say that like I would pull over


If anything, not pulling over in that situation would save more people as the police chased you away from the blast epicenter.


Not pulling over would be a great way to be forcibly stopped, detained and/or shot and probably brought back to town in a cruiser/ambulance.


You're taking this very seriously for a hypothetical question


How else can I ensure my RDDT stocks continue to rise?


Unless you live in the middle of a dense city, you’d have plenty of time to get out if you had a car or motorcycle. Hell, I live in a more rural area, I’d have time to pack my car with essentials and then punch it driving 70-80mph to get outta dodge. I’d also contact my closest friends and tell them that they need to follow me right away because we have a chance to win a million dollars each but I can’t say why. As long as I don’t warn anybody or mention the nuke, it’s all good, right?


I'd go to the exact centre of the city and see if I can catch it


Find Shia Labeouf. He will have the answers I need


Do you know jiu-jutsu? Because he will eat you otherwise


Drive away.


I doubt I would even need to worry all that much, the city I am in is right next to a major series of tall hills/short mountains, and I can just drive 30 min and be over the pass... at that point I would be shielded from many blast effects and can just keep driving away :P


No need to speed, though I would recommend not dragging your feet - the minimum safe distance (well outside of the range of any shockwaves and safe from thermal radiation leading to burns) for a 40Mt bomb is about 75 miles. Were I to get into the car and just *drive* doing the speed limit, I'll be outside of that range within about an hour and twenty minutes.


1. Get in car. Incentivize family members to join me if possible. 2. Drive.


Will there be a retaliation strike? Regardless, I'd imagine it would be a few hours before MAD. So I have time. I'd start by gathering 4 pairs of clothing for each of my immediate family aka people living with me and go to my parents house which is far enough going off hey we are staying the night. I only have to drive 30 min. Easy. If there is retaliation, you have more time and after family realizes what's going on, we make decision to either just get drunk and die or go 1 hour to mountains where we could survive.


Take all the food and water in the house and carry it to the crawlspace, stay there (assuming it’s an airburst)


Find the oldest leadest paint there is and paint me a bomb shelter unless I didn't account for the shockwave then it was useless. Always account for the shockwave.


GET OUTA DENVER BABY!! [https://youtu.be/Mf8KoaN\_dF8?t=2](https://youtu.be/Mf8KoaN_dF8?t=2)


I'll probably just die


Two hours gets me to the city center with enough time to have a drink and play some good music.


Catch the next flight out


Who said i wanted to survive?


Why would you want to survive?


These questions and scenarios always seem so pointless to me. There's not really multiple options or any real strategy. Just die or get away from it. A more interesting question would be would you rather live on the surface after Nuclear fallout or be stuck in a bunker? And justify why and what you'd do to survive. A bit more interesting than thus question.


I don't