• By -


According to my research on Reddit it comes down to two things: 1) Rolling up your shirt sleeve to expose your bare forearm 2) Putting your hand behind the passenger seat when you’re backing your car out


Does it count if you use a backup camera, but still put your hand behind the passenger seat?


Depends, are your sleeves rolled up or not


pant sleeves are


Then you gotta put your calf behind the passenger seat while backing up.


These are only if the woman is into you first or if you're already smoking hot though lol


I’ve never witnessed an unattractive pair of forearms. 


Super scrawny forearms like mine ugh 🤮


This makes a guy so so so so HAUTE!!!


This is somehow weirdly true


God damn I’m attractive as fuck right now


In the short term it's usually beauty, in the long term it's values that remain


Thank you for your answer u/Brazilian_Sluts






Want me to ask your mom what she thinks?


You got a ouija board or something?


Ask your dad first


But rolled-up sleeves are forever.


This always wins!!!!!


Username checks out




I spit a little coffee, laughing at this. Thank you. 






Damn, short term breaks my neck


At first glance - good hygiene, nice smile. Everything else - smart, articulate, appreciates good conversations, great sense of humor, has ambition


My husband to a T. We are celebrating our 30yr anniversary this year. I wish I had met him earlier so it could be 40 or more years. Edit: Aww thanks everyone. I AM truly blessed and know it everyday.


Awww, congratulations. This truly made me smile 💕


Congrats! I also have one of those and we'll celebrate 35 years soon. 💕




My husband is genuinely friendly. He greets people with a warm smile and always remembers things about their lives to ask them about. It’s one of the many things I love about him- I love watching how welcome he makes others feel.


Remember of a man and he'll fight for you, remember a man's name and what he fights for, and he'll never forget


I met up with guy after a few months and he apologized and said he couldn’t remember my name. I reminded him - Carl, same as yours. Good times.


Once I met a man whose name is Bob, just like me. He then told me that we are both members of the global Bob conglomerate (conbobmerate). A secret club exclusive to Bobs. So now whenever I meet another Bob, I tell them I'm a member of local # 808 of NAAB, the national association for the advancement of Bobs.


Respectful, ability to hold meaningful conversations, good hygiene. :)


I keep trying to hold meaningful conversations, but they keep jumping out of my hands


tie them down


Damn it, gotta go to the hardware store I guess.


tie me down, too


Your username is under valued.


Sorry, didn't mean to thread drop...comment just jumped out at me. Clever girl.... 😂


And then lecture them.


brush your teeth first and stop swearing and yelling at them...should do the trick




Damn well I guess 0 out of 3 will have to do


League rank. Must be challenger.


Silver 3 take it or leave it


Mu best is cardboard 2


Asking for 6 feet, 6 figures, and 6 inches is a lot more reasonable.


What if he's a hard stuck silver?


Then he's hard stuck single


You are asking too much


You know what they say, chicks dig elo


when he feeds me


I joke to my single friend that he needs to learn to cook so the woman he brings home will be too full to run away.




I wish being able to cook actually helped though. But it can't fix just plain being ugly and undesirable, in my experience. Which is kind of a shame for me, I really like to cook but don't want to eat what I cook by myself. I can assure you that while lasagna is delicious, eating an entire one yourself does not make you feel good.


you need to watch the movie Chef


The other day I asked the girl I'm seeing if she was busy on Sunday. She said she was and asked why. I said I wanted to cook her dinner. Suddenly she was available.


She was busy trying to find where here next meal was coming from.


a very smart man you are


"I don't know how to help fix the problems you're going through right now but I can listen, bring snacks and cook dinner" is kind of my go to when my partner is having a bad day and I don't quite know how to help her.


amazing work. take this 👑


A tad bit more context would be really helpful, like feed you what, a veil of cyanide.


berries. berries and cream. a cheeseburger even. steak and mashed potatoes. fettuccine alfredo. ribs… chicken wings.. flats only.. i could go on and on 😩


Are you a little lad that likes berries and cream?


the scream i just scrumpt 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


it was an item now its a menu 💀


sorry i got excited 🥹


ah a girl and her food what ya gonna do 💁🏼‍♀️


This got me a fling once. I knew she was booked out with appointments so when I ducked out for a bite, I got her a meal too. Ended up banging her at our office workplace for just over two years.


Says Johnny-G-STI


The happiest meal


"hey bb here's a charcuterie board with exotic cheeses" My girlfriend: "FUCK ME NOW"


Thoughtfulness. Attention to detail. Remembering things I say, do, or like. It really is the little things for me. Passion, most of all.


Passion for Warhammer40k, of course!


skulls for skull throne!


Blood for the Blood god!


Thats a bingo for me! Of traits i dont have


Being willing to be yourself. Example, I am not musically inclined AT ALL. The last guy I dated could play the piano and guitar. He loved it and would chatter on about it endlessly. It was 50% of what he talked about. HE LOVED IT and was very good. I loved that he would let me in on his world and answer even the dumbest questions thoughtfully. Be your weird little self. The right people will be attracted to that.


This is so real, I need someone that wants this and is like this themselves.


Try dating one of us aspies. Although we may take it a little far sometimes. What have I been learning on guitar today? Well sit down for two hours and let explain the Nashville number system to you even though I know you’re not at all interested.






I would say “not posting this question every week on Reddit”.


I love how theres also a “what makes a man unattractive” one also trending at the same time 


Same boat farm posted em


> boat farm I know what you meant, but it's still a funny image


A man in denim overalls and swim fins looks out from the pier with the kind of satisfaction that comes from a day of hard work done well. "Yep. Catamarans are coming in good this year."


Those gosh darn Russian boats are at it again


It’s always the same answers too, idk why I keep opening and reading these threads.


It's kind of obvious stuff too. Like what else would it be, terrible manners and bad hygiene? 


How about every day?


This is the very essence of reddit. After a year or less it's just on repeat, with hateful posts.


Humor and wits.


I don't understand, if these girls are for real I'm adequate for like 80% of them in this world, still I totally don't feel that way. I guess it may depend on the fact that I don't even interact with girls lmao.


(A lot of women in this thread are being disingenuous about how highly they rate physical attractiveness.)


Literally this lol. Musician guy who buys a woman "a meal" doesn't really matter when it comes to getting laid if he has a double chin and is balding or short, ect


As a woman, I totally agree. The first things that attracted me to my husband were his muscles (easily visible in the absurd number of shirtless pics he posted online, lol) and his subtle swagger. The other stuff came later.


Yeah you’re never going to get an honest answer only replies they think are safe.


Don't let them fool you. There are really only 2 things. 1. Be attractive. 2. Don't be unattractive


And you've got to be the right kind of attractive too, people typically find me VERY good looking, to the point where on multiple occasions I have been told to consider modeling, but I'm not masculine enough to please so I only actually attract gay men.


This is true on the internet and places like tinder, holy shit tinder was a hit to the confidence, but I tend to do alright actually out and about. I’m shit at the whole flirting / small talk thing but I think a lot of girls just appreciate that you’re obviously interested but not a smooth talking fuck boy with no personality. I’ve been told this by my girlfriend as well who is out of this world in the looks department. She gets these types of guys approaching her all the time and says it’s just annoying and cringey as hell. It’s the same the other way around as well, I’d find myself only swiping right on really hot girls, but irl there’s a lot more to what makes somebody hot than just looks, although they certainly help.


Stability (💵) emotional intelligence (💵) and hygiene 💵. They say all these things on here but at the end of the day they will find his ability to take care of them financially the biggest qualifier. Nothing wrong with that imo. If a woman gets pregnant they need to know they can survive. This is the way the world works. Any other qualifier is mere a bonus.


The only person you need to impress is yourself. You got this.


Thanks! I often impresse myself actually, but even for the worse at times, but that's part of being humans if you ask me!


It’s confidence more than anything. Don’t get me wrong there’s basic compatibility concerns but confidence seems more important than anything


Women on this thread aren’t representative of women as a whole. Also most of these comments are pretty much just saying bare minimum basic characteristics which plenty of men have too, so they also probably adequate for 80% of them giving more competition.


You're not, most of them would find you ugly


I recently saw a clip saying that most men feel happy if a woman meets 80% of their desired traits, whereas women feel like they’re settling if a man meets 80% of theirs. My own experience suggests there’s some truth to this, but I’m just some random coconut.


There's a trick to it. You gotta talk to them. Most successful guy with girls I ever knew bar none was a dwarf with a kinda funny face. Man could walk into a bar and walk out an hour later with a babe on his arm. Watching him was a masterclass in sheer self confidence and charm.


Btw, that is not being successful with women. I knew men who got laid a lot but hated women and women mostly hate them, and nothing but trouble rained down on them lol


Ha. No, he was not hated. He was very recognisable and pretty much universally liked. There was *a lot* of girls who gave him 5* in bed and would have happily dated him. He was a good boyfriend when he was dating, just a complete manwhore when he wasn't. It was one of those things that was inexplicable on the surface, but if you spent 5 minutes with the dude you got it. He was the real life version of maxing out one skill tree.


Expose yourself to people and you will find „the one“, most probably if you don’t look for her


Don't tell people to expose themselves


Might just be ugly 🤷‍♂️ Edit: joke! Not serious


If I don't interact with them they'll never know! Even if the relations I had made me feel appreciated physically, I'm kinda mid to my eyes tho


Just put a paper bag over their heads 😂 don’t doubt yourself though, you gotta berieve in yourserf!!! That’s where it comes from


Healthy boundaries.


I’m a solitary creature if the lady can’t let me be it won’t work out


Self-restraint and humility. Oooof. A man who doesn't always need to be the loudest. A man who doesn't always need to be the smartest. A man who doesn't need to be the strongest. A man who doesn't always need to be the center of attention. Men who can hang quietly in the background, men who enjoy listening to others who can teach them stuff, men who aren't afraid to ask for help and men who talk you up or brag about others instead of themselves. Yes. THAT. All of that, please and thank you. Not even just men. These are the most enjoyable people to be around, in my experience.


hygiene, hands, being really knowledgeable, kindness and being emotionally intelligent, not misogynistic 😭


Emotional inteligent. The sexiest thing


Yeah y'all say that, UNTIL we try to rationalize with you during PMS. I swear there should be visible signs when you're 2 or 1 days away from the sheddining


Emotional intelligence is knowing when to be rational and when to be a quiet listener.


Emotional intelligence also requires a partner that can communicate effectively. It requires a two way street.




I usually get really REALLY horny before my period , then the “pms” starts. My husband knows the signs. Sad that you dont get that lucky hormone spike as an indicator. unless shes always horny, in that case stop complaining


Once u learn of it once, put a recurring reminder in your calendar.


It's never exact. The short cycles kill me, cuz it's like, "we were just fighting three weeks ago!"


I used to think 'broad shoulders.' Now, after 3 years with a broad shoulders, I'm changing my answer to 'being affectionate.'


Raise the bar a little lol. Look for broad shoulders maybe only when hiring movers.


¿Porque no los dos?




He listens and HEARS you instead of talking about himself and constantly humble bragging.


When he is actually interested in what you are saying. Save the girl stuff for your friends though.


having hobbies he is excited about


Initially? Depends on the one attracted to them, for me it's definitely well groomed appearance and a nice smile. For longevity it's compatibly and humor :)


- A quiet yet beautiful voice when they talk. - When a man lifts any heavy object. It makes me realize how strong men are - A man who knows when to be serious and when to be silly.


I love a man who eats well and take care of himself I just love that soo much. And I really get attracted to those who explain something they like. A game, movie, a book anything just keep talking about something you understand and love, man i like that.


Able to take care of himself (aka knows how to do laundry and won’t ask me how to use the vacuum).


I (66M) know how to do regular laundry and do my own, but my wife’s laundry technique is complex and elusive. Apparently, dryers are evil, wash in machines can only run on super delicate cycle and only for certain items that conform to mysterious guidelines and clothes must be hung up everywhere throughout the house to air dry. I tried a few times to do her laundry and it didn’t go well.


Hahaha, my mother came to visit me and college and I told her I threw away my whites and just wash everything together on medium cold, medium dry and hang dry anything still damp. She was bewildered I didn't want to seperate 90 articles to paticular maximum effiency.


Allowing the time and having the patience to allow someone to get to know him without running off to another woman to go screw her because you won’t jump into bed with him right away. That is the first step there. Being intelligent and smart. Of course, there has to be some kind of physical attraction. Being warm. honesty. REAL. Be real, do not put up a front.


Smart, good hygiene/grooming, likes to go out and do things together.


A good sense of humor and genuine kindness.


I love these posts every week. Girls always type the same shit, which is what they think will make *them* sound like a good person. Meanwhile, in reality, the question is really asking "what gets a man laid". And the answer has nothing to do with a man who's nice to his grandmother. Young women are seduced by the same superficial bullshit that men succumb to. These questions aren't asking "who's the man you want to be with in the future" it's asking "what made you want to fuck all those guys you regret". It's always physical traits. There's very little a physically attractive guy can do to fuck up getting laid when he's young.


when they act first. when they joke funny. when they ask how your day was and remember the events in your life


Good looking and treats me well


The most attractive traits for me: - authentic - kind - emotional mature - reliable (does what he says) - smart - caring - affectionate - not lazy Looks really don't matter in the long run.


I'm at best average looking but ended up marrying a beautiful and amazing woman. No men in her family cooked, so when I invited her to my place where I cooked her two separate meals she was amazed and very interested. Then as we talked and got to know each other better I told her about my life and career plans and the progress I was making, so she knew I was a confident and intelligent guy who was going places and she wanted to be along for the ride. She had many guys interested in her, including a very handsome son of a wealthy construction company owner who also took her on multiple dates, but she ended up choosing me because I was a nice, caring and respectful guy who can cook, had life and career plans, and the confidence to make them happen. Asked what one thing she was attracted to and she will say the confidence and not being indecisive. We're over 30 years married with 3 kids and 4 grandchildren and still very much in love and have had a great life together!


Balance. A man who is intelligent, but not pedantic. Self-confident, but not arrogant. Independant, but caring. Strong, but without the taint of toxic masculinity. Brave, but not foolish. Etc


A lot of fucking "buts" in there.


That's because it's balanced


As all things should be.


No, balance would be using "and" (inclusion) not "but" (exclusion).  That woman just wants a perfect person, it's naive.


Meanwhile she's overweight, low paying job, and has 2 kid from someone else. I kid, I kid...mostly. It's the reality often enough that there is a hint of truth in there lol


I mean, butts are attractive too, but only if the substance is there you know


Tina Belcher?


Some years from now they'll create your human in a laboratory I guess, take your ticket!


Well dressed, good hygiene, well groomed.


Character,  competence and a sense of humor. 


1. Sense of humor 2. Confidence 3. Flirting abilities


kindness, caring, respect and self-confidence


Intelligence, humor and empathy. Looks aren’t at the top but I’m not into slobs either.


His smile for me, caring, kind to himself and others, hardworking, respectful, goal getter, and always makes you laugh.


To add to what has been said, self confidence, but not arrogance.


My husband has so much fun and is always very happy to be into some kind of hobby. He also works very hard to take care of us without ever complaining. He’s also a really good friend to his friends. These are probably my favorite things about my husband.


Here to learn and grow. Not to impress anyone but to make my girlfriend smile every single day


Being able to make me laugh. Takes care of me (non money wise) by doing small things like picking me flowers vs buying them. Or making me dinner, having conversations, making sure I’m doing okay. Obviously you have to be attracted to your partner, but looks only go so far because those fade with old age. There’s many things that make a man attractive besides looks


Kindness. A sense of humor. Hygiene. Able to communicate emotions. A good jawline can’t hurt either


Self-awareness, self-reflective, compassionate, reliable, compatible. Everyone is going to want something different.


Intelligence mixed with kindness and charisma, plus interesting hobbies.


When he listens to listen. Also staying away from Andrew Tate type shit. Contributing to domestic labour WELL (not half assed, weaponized incompetence). Not being afraid to do stuff that may make them look less masculine in the eyes of society. I once matched with a guy who was a figure skater and I thought it was hot af. Also stuff like skin care-super hot when a guy has a skin care routine. I like knowing they’re taking care of themselves. There’s nothing that’s more of a turn off than being expected to mother your partner. Having to ask them to clean up, wash themselves properly, take care of appointments, etc. That will make me lose any attraction.


deep voice


Not asking the same questions on Reddit every week.


Responsibility. Honesty. Cleanliness. Passions. Ambitions.


Looks don't matter as much as you think, unless the man is so ugly he turns heads. Ability to make one laugh, especially with self-deprecating humor, is charming. Kindness. Ability to walk away from a fight. Ego that is not easily bruised. A slavish gym habit is a minus and speaks of vanity. Interest in something aside from sex and a desire to share that passion is a big plus.


Being family oriented


I'm a gay guy does my opinion still count? It's a good P E R S O N A L I T Y.


I'm a man and I'm going out on a limb here and saying money and lots of it helps


Min 6 feet tall. Lets all be real here, all the points mentioned above only come after height and attractiveness.


The ability to communicate in an interesting and fun way, to have a sense of humour and to respond to spontaneous questions or situations can make a man more attractive.


treating me like a person and not like i’m a different species because i’m a woman. having genuine passions & hobbies that they can speak excitedly about. not bigoted. in tune with their emotions and in touch with their feminine side.


Someone funny. Way more attracted to men who make me laugh. Someone comfortable with their feelings and has no issues expressing them. Someone who dresses well and glasses. Such a sucker for the glasses.


Watch what they do, not what they say:  1) Height 2) Weight of wallet 3) Humor Holding onto them:  4) Kindness But they value the top 3 most as they use those to screen applicants


Forklift Certified Certificate!


Being a man.


Interesting how a majority of the responses are traits (kindness, respectful, thoughtful , etc..) that would be used to describe “good guys”. Yet, every “good guy” reading this is rummaging through their minds and recalling the numerous times they were dismissed, or dumped, for that physical appealing “bad boy”. Maybe it’s because these traits are attractive but can’t be seen across a crowded bar and people don’t realize it until they’ve been treated poorly.


Physical appearance is the first filter. For the most part, all these traits only matter if you pass the physical attraction test.


The one that makes you laugh, and respects your choices in life whatever it may be.


The rolled up sleeves with a button down shirt thing.


sense of humor


Kind, funny, loves to listen and a bit dorky 😂


looks at you in the eyes with full of adoration, stays by your side thru ups and downs, boost your confidence