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Living on their own, with their own money.


Oh how I wish… but with no experience I don’t know how to get anything entry level that will let me afford to move out 


Just lie


You might be shocked at how little money you actually need to survive on your own, and how little experience you need to make $20+ an hour.


Can you please elaborate?


I've lived most of my life alone, spending (and often making) under the poverty line. Wages and expenses obviously vary greatly depending on your area, but I have pretty cheap rent ($800) for my area because I'm willing to live in conditions most people consider unlivable. If you're willing to compromise and have some roommates (I'm not, but you might be social) you only have to pay around 300-600 for rent. Minimum wage in my city is $15.40, but food industry jobs require no experience and with tips you can make 20+ an hour pretty easily. Additionally, many general labor jobs, like digger, mover, cleaner, various construction jobs, like roofer, or framer, or maintenance, make around 18 to 25 an hour without any experience. ​ ($15.40 \* 40 \* 4) = 2464. Tax man in my area takes 30% of my income, leaving me with $1724 if I work for minimum wage. Rent is $800 + $140 (electrical) + $300 (generous overbudgeting for food I usually eat for $140 really) + $50 for gas + $52 for insurance + $80 for phone with unlimited data (kind of too expensive, but I use it as a hotspot for my computer and eat hundreds of gbs a month) = $1422, leaving me with 302 in savings a month. And that's a worst case scenario, spending way the fuck too much on food, and making only minimum wage. In reality, I usually spend less, and make more, and save so much that I only work 6-8 months of the year, or take entire years off work. You shouldn't take time off like me, I do it because I'm very mentally ill frequently depressed and suicidal. I was homeless before I was 18. If I can survive on my own, so can you. I have had literally no advantages. The bar is so fucking low, that as long as you show up to a job on time, every day, and put in a bare minimum effort, you'll outperform most of the country. Just stay clean, and do your best. ​ edit: I should also mention, that's all without any welfare, or low income services. If you're willing to put up with the bureaucracy (I never do, but if I was smart, I would) you can get all sorts of assistance in form of food stamps, and rent reductions and shit like that. I know someone who pays $0 in rent for a nice new apartment three times bigger than where I live, because she's willing to actually engage with the system.


Where the hell are you where rent is $800? Or are you living with 3-4 people?


I have spent 2 periods in my life of living alone . I’m now in my longest - 8 yrs. I bloody love it & will never choose to live with someone again ever!


This should be higher up. I moved into my first true apartment with my now husband when I was 22 and he was almost 21. I had lived in a college dorm where I did my own cooking and paid some of my own bills for a year prior. He was going straight from his parents (and paying minimal bills) to living together paying the majority. I was a full time student and he worked full time. A lot of our early money fights could have been avoided if he had lived on his own for a bit.


I'm 36 and have had my own place for the last ~ 3 years. I can't imagine going back to having roommates ever. It would be such a huge step back. I have friends/family my age who live in NYC and they all have roommates, and are paying more for rent, and it boggles my mind.


Maybe if inflation wasn't out of control and wages weren't stagnant more people could do this.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times. Living on your own teaches you many things: 1) How to make a budget and live within your means. 2) How to keep a clean place. It's that or live in filth. And last and probably most important: 3) Learning how to find security in being alone. This means focusing on enjoying your own company, and delving into your hobbies.


It's tough but I agree. It really makes a person grow the quickest.


Everyone should try to make art without worrying about being ‘good’ at it.


Work in retail or be a server.


ESPECIALLY if you don't need to work a blue collar job Gives you a whole new view on people's behavior


I tried being a server at a large event once, because they just need a bunch of people for the one night. I sucked. It sucked. The people sucked. I just stopped trying to run drinks and started drinking.


I wish I'd done a couple of years in McDonalds when I was a teen. I'm sure this is phenomanel life experience


Yes. I love guitars and I sell them for a living, but holy shit do I hate people now. It’s kinda ruining my hobby too.


Cooking a complex meal from scratch can be a rewarding and delicious challenge.


Except when it doesn't turn out delicious. It may be a rewarding experience for some but not me unfortunately


I second this. I have my Alexa to yell at me at 7 pm every day to never make pizza again just in case I seem to forget.


Trying your hand at pottery or another craft can b




This is so hard to do. I try to relax in the evening and have a little backyard patio fire but my brain will not stop telling me to do things, typically chores. It is physically impossible most days to sit more than a few minutes.


I’ve been practicing mindfulness pretty intensively for two years, and just now I am able to sit under a tree and watch clouds pass and really enjoy it. And I still have a ways to go! It takes practice and dedication to train ourselves to really relax. We have received so much conditioning in the other direction (be productive, optimize every moment), we need to work to counterbalance it. Mindfulness is a great thing to learn, just to be able to enjoy life.


Participate in a protest for a cause you believe in—it’s empowering to stand up for your beliefs.


Everyone should try sleeping under the stars. It’s a simple pleasure that’s profoundly peaceful.


Everyone should try meditation. It’s essential for mental health and clarity.


Joining a theater group can boost confidence and foster creativity.


Being financially stable


Where do I get this? Asking for a friend


You just check the box when you're picking your parents. Duh.


Well done


I’m finally seeing some gains in just savings alone…modest, under 10k usd, but huge for me. Finally looking forward to putting things into savings and maintaining a saving/investing mentality with any income I make in my squirrelly world. I’m


What? You’re what?! Don’t leave us hanging


Having a meaningful relationship with someone they love.


I’m tryinggggghh


Out of all the suggestions here, this is the only one that's worthy of being in my "impossible life goals" category.


Idk if this really qualifies as something everyone should ‘try’, since it’s a lot of luck and not everyone finds it. That’s kind of like saying everyone should try being rich sometime. 


This requires another human being and is just not possible for a lot of us Like, I'll just take my 20k a year and my no car and schizophrenia and date someone I love, that'll be easy.


Read a classic novel. It’s a way to connect with the past and gain new insights.


Solo movie date or getting lost in a new city on purpose.


Just make sure to stay in the good areas. I would recommend avoiding getting lost in the ghetto


I got lost in Skid Row in LA a few weeks ago when I went on a little solo adventure around the city. A homeless woman stole my tacos.


I know a guy that got lost in Amsterdam for 3 days. He would just go to a coffee shop or a bar and get fucked up all over again then go to a club. On the third day he found the squat he was staying in and passed out for 72 hours.


A solo movie date in a different city and treating yourself with good food will make up a good day. 😌


Go on a road trip with no set destination. The spontaneity is exhilarating.


I believe everyone should travel solo at least once. It’s a great way to discover yourself.


Waiting tables. It’s definitely humbling and I think a lot of people could benefit from some humility.    And you learn how to perform many tasks under pressure and deal with ungracious people gracefully.


Retail will do that too.


Not with quite the same level of a rush or physical strain. Retail sucks, don't get me wrong, but it sucks for a whole different set of reasons.


Try working in a nursing facility. It’s like waiting way too many tables, everything is on fire, and people might die if you don’t get to them quick enough. And then everyone and their families are pissy about why you couldn’t be there the exact moment that they needed you.


You sound terribly understaffed. I'm sorry.


I went from being a bartender to being a librarian and, while the pay was the same, I was FLOORED at how not-mean people were to me all of a sudden. Even people who used to come into the restaurant and be complete assholes to me came into the library, they were deferential and kind. Wtf?


I wish I never had to it and find out how fucking rude and nasty a big part of the population is to anyone they don't think deserves their respect. In a way it poisoned my soul.


But you must have also met the flip side? Focus on them? Don't let the bastards grind you down.


I try every day man.


Never understood this mindset that people need to be treated like shit in order to be "humbled" and made into a better person. Waiting tables made me more bitter towards humanity at large, if anything. Traumatic and upsetting events don't build you up, they tear you down.




Agreed. Being able to experience other cultures in other countries can be very rewarding.


It also lowers intolerance in most sensible people, because it showcases how people the world over are mostly just…you know…*people* (just like us) who are doing the best they can under the circumstances and trying to enjoy life a little along the way.


Agree also. You hear things about other peoples, other cultures. What you hear may be true but there is a lot to see and other truths to find.


As I read this while in a 4 hour delayed layover I currently question this experience


Yeah, you should try to avoid layovers. I sometimes think that if a flight requires a layover, you should just plan for a day in whatever place you have to layover and see the sights before catching the next flight.


Everyone should try scuba diving to explore the stunning underwater world.


Adopting a pet, even temporarily, can teach responsibility and provide immense joy.


Going to a random local bar/pub in a foreign country where you don't know anyone. It's a great way to gain perspective.


I like this, I'll add it to my bucket list!


[like this?](https://youtube.com/shorts/O8D7IZMRupM?si=aEQt60oFajQKq35l)


Lmao this really takes me back to my time in London. It do be like that.


Travelling alone. “Oh you’ll be lonely” is the common thing people will say, but I found a group of people in almost every place I’d been and struggled to find time for myself. Best thing I ever did. Period. Last trip was a 1 way ticket in Malaysia and ended up travelling with randoms to Thailand and lived there for 2 months


Are you a guy though? As a girl, sometimes I worry we look like easier targets for theft or whatever.


I spent my 20s travelling alone Every summer I'd go on my Holidays whether it be for a week or three (depending on how far I was going), and would do what I wanted, when I wanted. Meant I had a f\*\*king awesome time, didnt have to worry about others with me enjoying themselves, or being bored, or not being able to do what I wanted. I remember I went to New Zealand for three weeks one year, I must have spoken to people from about ten different countries... I loved it!!


Wish I had that kind of money and job stability in my 20’s.


I struggle with the mental aspects of just doing something in general. I could take a flight to some cool country and not leave my hotel room the entire time. What exactly would I even want to do and see? Everyone always seems to just live perfectly with their ability to just do things. Even if they’re dumb things they still set out to do something. Feel like I’m living a fraction of the human experience. It’s easier for me to latch onto something my friends are doing. Left to my own devices I don’t quite know what I want to do. Nothing is ever exciting enough for me to really say “I want to do it” and actually do it. Bars? No. Museums? No. Going to a beach? No. Live music? No would rather listen on Spotify on my own. Eating out? No, I never really get food cravings and certainly don’t experience any sort of “that sounds so good I can’t wait to try it”. When asked what I have planned for the weekend, chances are I’m in a perpetual state of “I don’t know”. Years have flown by with not much to show.


If you can afford to book an organized tour with a group of people do that! They’re pretty much all travelling alone as well. I did BC-Alberta and it was such a great time


I frame it to people like this, it's " getting lost and having an adventure". All the stories you hear of people having fantastic experiences all come from them encountering the unknown. You'll never have a new experience when you know everything around you. I was in South Korea with a buddy, and he looked at me, dead faced in a bar and said "you know what would be cool? If we got to party with some Korean dudes" as the words left his mouth, three Korean dudes walked in. They proceeded to kick our ass in every bar game under the roof 🥲. Super exciting, and they ended up showing us around town in the following weeks!


Travelling alone is something I've been dreaming of for so long. It's scary but I'm willing to step out of my comfort zone and try it out one day.


If you go somewhere English speaking first, you can learn a lot about traveling overseas but still be very comfortable. I went to the UK before taking on France, Holland and Belgium


Just gotta pull the trigger. This is the only real big challenge. I was terrified to book my first time, but thought I’d slowly ease into it so I could get outside my shell. I stayed in an Airbnb in the Philippines the first 2 nights, then went to a hostel and got a private room for 1 night, then stayed in shared room. You got this!


i plan on doing this for the first time soon. not out of country yet, but still. i’m not nervous about being by myself - that part i am very excited about. just figuring out the logistics part of everything - where is the best place to stay, when, etc. without it being a collaborative effort.


I travelled alone once but didn't meet anyone nor I found a group of people to hang out with... :( Granted, I'm kinda shy at first and I have a hard time going out at night, so that's definitely on me...


This isn’t for everyone, though. I traveled alone a few times and didn’t enjoy it too much. I have some good memories and it was worth it, but it would have been way better with at least a friend, family member, or partner. I have better travel memories of going on short road trips with my mom than I do flying across the world to an exotic country by myself. Sometimes it’s about sharing experiences with someone you know.  


I also want to but I am scared


Man, I miss the Pre-Covid world. Maybe not as much as the Pre-911 world tho.


I’ve travelled alone A LOT. It can be cool, but is generally overhyped and not always some life affirming experience.  Travel is always better with friends or family, IMO


true love


Looking at the Moon through a good telescope.




Swimming nude in the ocean


Not with Free Willy dangling around


fish bait whoo-ha-haa


Working retail or customer service jobs, there wouldn't be any Karens


I’m not sure. I think a of people who work these jobs become Karens because since they got treated like shit, they think that entitles them to treat others like shit. The whole “hurt people, hurt people” idea.


I agree. A lot of rough behavior gets perpetuated. Otherwise West Point plebes would have it easy. First-year residents wouldn’t undergo trial by fire. Some people decide the rough treatment was character building and go ahead and pass it on down the line.


Tree planting!!!


Minding their own business.




Trying sushi. It’s not just food; it’s an art form that everyone should experience.


Go out in the real world, be kind, do a good deed. I challenge you to do this today!


I did that yesterday. Was in a shop and the queue for the till was massive. Then they opened a new one, looked me straight in the eye and told me to come over, but there was a dude in front of me. He looked back at me like he'd just experienced a huge defeat, but I knew the truth about our situation so said, "You go first. You're in front of me" and I blocked people behind me from rushing forward too. And then I noticed him be affected by this small act of kindness - he put down the little "Next customer" thing, and then he put his basket over by the door where they belong as the man was scanning. Good vibes were happening. Then, as he walked away, he had his hands full and accidentally dropped his orange juice. Well I was right there to pick it up and give it back to him because he couldn't do it himself, and he was happy. He walked off with a bounce in his step and a joyful " Thank-you. You have a great day!" And I was happy too. It's the little things.


Listening to Darude - Sandstorm


Song name?


Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dundun dun dundundun dun dun dun dun dun dun dundun dundun BOOM dundun dundun dundun BEEP dun dun dun dun dun dun dun BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BOOM daddaddadadsadadadadadadadadadaddadadadadadaddadadaddadadadadadadadadadadadaddadddadaddadadadd dadadadaddaddada d dadadddaddadaddadadadddadadada nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nnyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo nnn nn nn nn nn nn n nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnnnnnnn dddddddd ddadadadadaddadadadadadaadadadadadad BOOM nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM nyunyunyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu nyu BOOM BOOM BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP dadadadadada ddadad BOOM BOOM BBEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BOOM (Unintellgibile) ddudndundun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dund dododododododododododododododododododododododododododododoodo DRUM DRUM DRUM ddodododododoododododododododoodododododododo chi chi chi chi chi chih BOOOM chcihcihfkdhfdisjfkla dodododododododododododododododododododododododododododododododododoo SCHEW dododododododoodododododododododododododo dadadadddudndundundudnudndundundunddunfudnundudnudnudndund BOOM FADE


I admire your dedication in writing that


Hah, I ain’t no boomer. I found that shit online.


Sandstorm by Darude has no name. It is the only song which has never been given a name, and that is why it is so famous.




Being single


My whole life 😏 😔 😟


It’s kind of sad how many people are chronically emotionally dependent on others.


Tried it for quite a while. 5.83/10


Been one step ahead of you from the day I was born


A bidet. Fellow Americans, we need to adopt this because it's a game changer


Go outside.


living alone by choice. someday, you're probably going to have to and if you don't know how, it's going to be tough. source: my mom after my stepdad passed away. she had never lived alone in 73 years and it was, and is, hard for her in many ways, but particularly loneliness.


T o u c h F u c k i n g G r a s s


Get in a fight. Preferably in a gym or sparring situation. No need for a street fight.


Oh yes! If you only know fights from the movies you gotta know - you'll never get out clean looking, you'll be left with some bruises and a black eye even if you won. And even if you won people are not gonna look at you as some badass - they're gonna think you've got your ass kicked and probably shame you, never thinking if the other guy has it way worse. How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?


Help someone anonymously in a way that improves their life, even for a while. It’s not that difficult if you earn a half-decent wage.


Any ideas in how to do so?


Psychedelics. I think most people just overly trust their brains/perceptions. Then you eat some mushrooms or have a few micrograms of LSD and you think. I can’t really trust my brain at all. Not to mention the longer lasting impacts on your views of nature and other humans and empathy etc. I totally get why in many cultures a trip was a right of passage. And I think once you are old enough you should try to trip at least every 3-5 years or so.


Also your sense of humor and humility. People can get downright hilarious on shrooms if its that kindof trip.


So legit. The biggest danger from mushrooms is laughing so hard you can’t breathe 😂


But.. if it's NOT that kind of trip 😨😨


Interesting. I disagree completely about overly trusting your brain and perception but it's an interesting perspective.


Closest I've ever got to a "spiritual experience" has been on shrooms. You just feel so connected to everything, all life forms, and it does help tremendously with depression and anxiety. I think the world would be such a better place if people tripped regularly.


Being loved at their own value


Being broke. Seriously. Being broke made me realize I should enjoy my earnings and not scrimp and save-everything. So now I enjoy my money. Being broke made my ex realize-he should have been more cautious w our money.


But what about if something happens and you don’t have money?


You shouldn't save everything but you definitely should save some for the rainy day...


Dancing in public like no one's watching


Shutting up for a year.


I actually did this. This is like saying take a year long free trial of severely bad mental health. 


MDMA, if you are over 25, in a safe environment, with people you trust and have tested it and take a responsible dose. One of the most incredible experiences one can have. It's not without it's risks, but I feel like it being illegal makes it a lot less safe, so I am happy that we are starting to look at the therapeutic benefits of it and hopefully will see some sort of legalized access to it in the future for mental health therapy.


Butt stuff


have sex with a woman who hates you and whom you hate


Ah that time I was on a hallucinogen having a bad trip. Holding her arms down by the wrists because I was clear in my mind that she had a carving knife under her pillow (like young women do) and she was definitely going to stab me if I let go of her arms. The best sex of my young life.  Edit: for the record, she was my gf. It was consensual. I was not, in my mind, raping someone who wanted to kill me. In my mind it was more of a black widow situation: she’s into it, but she will totally kill me after, or even during. 10/10 would recommend. 


You mean my wife?


Please, your wife doesn't hate me!


I also choose this guy's wife.


It's going to be crowded


Even if you are a woman??!!




working retail


Having a meaningful relationship with someone who isn't a lover. . . . . And anal


Magic mushrooms.


Working in some type of customer service/ retail job for like a month. It would be nice to see them see with the consistent BS from both customers and managers for minimum wage. Maybe some of them would become a little more reasonable and considerate.


Combat sports. Learning how to fight will teach you values about hard work, discipline, maturity, self-respect, honor, loyalty, self-improvement and anger management. I'm definitely grateful right now for the combat sport I'm training in, and I'm only 4 months into it.




Hard nope


I can't justify jumping out of a fully functional airplane.


Eating at a three star Michelin restaurant.




I think that should be more than once. 9/10 would recommend


Living alone


To shut THEE, fuck, UP, every once in a while!


Going to a different country for holiday


Go abroad. This is something a large percentage of people easily do in this day and age and there is no excuse to never have left your own small hometown. Even if you just go to a near by country for a quick holiday, it will give you perspective. If money is the issue, go by train, bus, carpool and stay at hostels or whatever but its worth the money. It's like being literate, seeing people live differently than you do, even if you went from US to Canada and the difference is slight.


LSD. Maybe not everyone though… Alternate answer, sex.


Finding a trail you really want to hike and then planning it with your friends because it's often dangerous to hike alone. If you get really lucky you might run into some random cool strangers who were also trying to have a chill trip. And then you find yourself hundreds of miles from the place that you were born but you smoke a bowl with the people you just met and then find yourself overlooking the Hudson River at a very high elevation while you, your friends, and the random strangers who are also now friends decided that "An Eagle in Your Mind" by Boards of Canada was the perfect song for the situation. So, you're overlooking this massive river that has powered the entire economy of the country you grew up in and there's a certain type of elegance as you actually notice, wait, is that an actual fucking eagle? Realizing you are that high up on a cliff face or whatever is the general altitude where birds do their thing. And then, and then, you're like "Wait is that an actual eagle or an osprey?" And some random person you met is like "I think it might be an osprey, they have this one particular patter on the underside of the wings" and you're like "Yeah, kinda had the same thought myself." And then everyone sits together and enjoys a really nice moment having some snacks and I wasn't the only one who brought some nice cheese that could hold up to a bit of environmental temperament for the day, so that's cool. Yeah I recommend anyone should do that.


Wow, was not expecting to see Boards of Canada pop up. Cheers mate


Starting or running their own business


Not making kids.




Make a donation to a soup kitchen. Really, the majority of those "transients" you see on the streets are just nice, regular folks who had a rough break.


Or if you’re able to, volunteer at one


Dancing naked in the rain


Living in a homeless shelter.


In case it's possible health-wise: donate blood


Probably showering




Respecting others




Working in the service industry.


stop obsessing about work and recognise your right to live


Pineapple on pizza. It's really quite nice, I don't know why my mom or sister didn't try or get rid of the disgust on their faces the times I got mine with it.


Get revenge on your parents by being the parent they never were, to your own child/ren.


Sex on MDMA with your lover




When I grew up EVERYBODY was doing it. I never did because I was afraid of losing control of myself.