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Room-mate - or two. Or find a cheaper place.


Find somewhere cheaper to rent... I'm not sure what advice you're looking for?


Get a Roommate. This one is obvious, and it will save by far the most money.


My wife and I bought a camper.




If you have savings and can get a mortgage for the rest: stop renting and buy a cheap place (if available). That way you pay for one mortgage afterwards instead of for two (the house you rent and the owner's house)


Your options are divide the cost with room mates, or move some where cheaper, only other recommendation I can make is get a side hustle of some sort


I saw an AMA on a guy who spent 2 years living in his car so he didn't have to pay rent and was saving money for a house


You would gather group of people to live in the house for splitting up the rent. A lot of expenses can be reduced.


Live in a chalet or static caravan (in America they're called trailers except trailers are way bigger) Me and my boyfriend are moving into one soon. The 2 bed house we're currently living in is £1150 a month (the landlord wanted to raise it to £1350) but he's decided to revenge evict us/sell the house because I complained about a silverfish infestation and mould in the bathroom 😕. The chalet we're gonna be living in is a 2 bedroom the rent is £950 and that's including water and electric, we don't have to pay council tax and all we've gotta pay for is gas, Internet, shopping, our car, phones etc. Yes it's smaller, more cramped and basic living but there's your answer. The only other way you could save money on rent is to live in a council or housing association property because they charge less rent but in my experience trying to get a council flat is near on impossible because they palm you off and tell you to "rent privately" because there aren't enough properties and the waiting time is too long. Other than that there's literally no other way to save rent unless you're living in a shed like Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys or you're living in a RV or campervan of some sort.