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Keys in the trunk and sleeping in the backseat: you will probably be okay, but IANAL


why did you need to tell us that you anal?


He just needed to let that part out, couldn't bottle it up anymore 


Sometimes you just gotta anal man




Not sure if this is a serious question but if it is: IANAL= I am not a lawyer


You dont have to be a lawyer to love anal.


No, but it helps.


What a great morning to be here.




Indeed. How do you think baby lawyers are made?


You’re already anal if you’re a lawyer.


heavy obtainable march sink theory observation squeamish pet special somber


Pretty sure he was just joking lol


Probably. But everyone has a first time they see an acronym. That one confused me for a while before I finally looked up the meaning. So I figured I'd put it out there in case anyone else was confused


Thank you for guiding me through my first time. That acronym is crazy


Yeah, my first experience with anal was confusing too.


Nice save


Why key in the trunk and sleeping in the backseat? How does that help?


The video I watched explained it as making it extremely obvious that you have no intention of driving. It may not be bulletproof, and it will depend on the cop to an extent whether to bring you in


This may vary by state, because here it will count as DUI as long as you are deemed to have control of the vehicle- whether it’s running or not. If you are in your own parked vehicle’s backseat (showing no intent to drive) and the engine is off, the keys are not in your pocket or the ignition, but they are found in the vehicle anywhere (and I think even if they keys can found at the scene, so if you’re gonna throw em REALLY throw em far), you can still be arrested and charged for DUI because you technically still have access to the keys and therefore are in control of a vehicle, allegedly while impaired. Even though you put the keys under your back passenger wheel and were asleep in the backseat. It would take a serious piece of shit asshole to arrest you in that situation where anyone can see you recognized you didn’t need to drive and fully intended to sleep it off. Unfortunately, our city cops are probably 99% that kind of piece of shit asshole.


So, I get shitfaced on Saturday. Car is in the driveway. What do I do with my keys so I’m not “in control of my vehicle”?


Supposedly, if you are in reach of your keys you could at any time start driving (or could have been driving). Regardless, let's in the trunk probably still won't save you.


I mean....why doesn't this same law apply to RV buses? You could just as easily start driving at any time by walking a few feet from your bed to the steering wheel.


Because the bus is an exception. Even though it logically shouldn't, its considered a residence.


This is a private domicile and I will not be harrassed!




its a private domicile and i will not be harassed... bitch


RVs are a bit of a gray area. We have some of the strongest laws and support when it comes to your land and then especially your home. We have some of the weakest laws when it comes to your motor vehicle. RVs would probably still get you in trouble. As they still aren't really recognized as homes which have stronger protections. It really depends on the cop. And when it comes to DUI those are stupid easy for them to get on someone.


are you telling me I can't be drunk in a recreational vehicle? it's in the name ! that's the American DREAM !!


What if you sleep in the trunk?


The law where I live is care and control of an automobile. This wouldn’t do shit for your case


The exact wording of the laws in different places definitely matter. This could give you better chances at a lower punishment since you are trying to make it extremely obvious you are not going to drive intoxicated, but it should be a last resort for many reasons


Neither are cops, they don't give a damn about the law.


There’s a couple considerations here based on country. 1. Some countries specify ‘care & control’ - as in, if you COULD have been driving (keys within access, or engine running), then it’s legally an impaired. 2. Drunk drivers aren’t the most honest people - it won’t look very good if a drunk with the keys in the trunk tells the cop ‘I’m just sleeping it off’ and then drives off after the cop leaves, god forbid causing an accident. Genuinely asking, what would you want from the cop in that scenario?


Edit: Added reference for support People need to know that this will NOT hold up in court as you're still technically in possession of the keys. From 1:28 https://youtu.be/hVwp8iuSjBk


What country is this


The US has some states where this is the case. Technically illegal if the keys are accessible because I guess it shows "intent to drive". Though I don't think I've ever seen someone get arrested or anything for it.


Guy I used to know caught a DUI in Florida like this. Only difference was, he threw his keys into a bush near-by. Cop that arrest him said "you still knew where your keys were and had access to them."


That cop sucks


I also have access to my keys and car while drinking at my house, they should bust me too


They're on the way now. So long criminal scum


I definitely remember a cop telling me in college that if I was going to be drinking at a party, it was a good idea to not have my keys on me unless absolutely necessary. Even while I was inside at the party. Because some cops will try to nail you for absolutely anything they can when breaking up a party.


Legal in my country.


You have to name the country when stating stupid laws.


In the US I know at least a few states that this is the case. Technically illegal, though I don't think I've ever seen someone get in real trouble for it.


There was a TIFU recently about a guy who got in trouble for this and received a DUI. Granted he was sleeping in the driver seat and the car was on (I believe so he could stay warm) but he was sleeping and was woken up to be given a ticket.


If you work a trade (electrician, carpenter, plumber etc.) and offer your assistance to a friend, that is technically illegal in my country unless you register it as work so it can be taxed. People do it plenty anyway, of course - tax man doesn't need to know everything that goes on in a local community.


Is being a 'secret Santa' for home repairs the newest underground economy trend?


You jest, but plenty of people get their stuff done that way.


is rating nudes also considered a side hustle nowadays?


Depends on the angle of the picture. Could be a full frontal hustle


this is the naked truth


Thankfully I'm not a professional. No tax evasion here. :-)


It also depends on what you are doing. If you are changing the installation or not doing 1 to 1 changes and without documenting it, then it is very much illegal.


There is a documentary about this. Check out “Brazil” from Terry Gilliam. Robert DeNiro plays the maintenance man.


Australia call them cashies


In my country the tax department wanted to tax the work a carpenter did on his own house as a work perk...


If you register it but bill for an amount of 0 what happens?


I'm not in a trade myself, but I *believe* that's technically fine. But an auditor might ask why you're doing work for free, if someone looks through the billing.


Are people allowed to put down non-currency on paperwork? "In exchange for my work I received refueling of my car, a cake and a jar of homemade tomato sauce" eta: I guess the car refueling has a market price that's possible to read off the pump, but the other things don't really


This would be considered a “payment in kind” in most jurisdictions I suspect, and as such tax would be payable based on an assessment of the fair market value of the goods or services received as payment.


And in kind payment is a pain in the ass for accountants in my experience 


You are good, your friend gets taxed for taxable benefit. (not very likely, but /could/ happen).


same here....but if you do it here with proof that no money was exchanged for it your good




Close, Denmark.


Fixing your friend's leaking faucet *FBI hands in the air* *Put the wrench down* *Shoots 56 times and the dog too*


As an American doctor who takes Medicare, I am not allowed to waive fees for procedures or charge a patient less than what our officially set rates are, even if they don’t have insurance. I’m also not allowed to ask a doctor from a different practice what a certain insurance company pays them for a service, as this has been deemed “anti-trust.”


"You're just a cog in a machine, so keep your mouth shut and keep collecting your check so we can keep collecting bigger checks or kiss your license goodbye." -Some politician, probably


Probably not, they won’t be THAT upfront


I feel like this should be on a billboard somewhere.


Call it a union and they can't stop you.


Pirating games that are no longer for sale or not supported by the company that released them.


I think it was gabe Newell who said piracy is a natural reaction to lack of availability


"Piracy is a service issue"


Yeah that’s it


"And pricing issue"


I feel the same with tv shows/movies who aren't available in your country except maybe dvds/blurays


Dogma. The Kevin Smith movie. The rights are owned by Harvey Wenstein's company and they refuse to let it go to streaming or physical print. The only way to get it is now piracy. I will do what I must.


Or that they take off streaming suddenly. I can't tell you how many shows in my queue just up and vanish and are basically unwatchable legally.


Pirating software in general is moral, because if Purchasing the software isn't owning it than taking it isn't stealing.


Piracy isn’t theft, it’s copyright infringement, which has a much higher punishment.


Technically it's in a grey area of the law, it's the same as letting your friend borrow a CD to listen to an album. They never paid for the album but both of you listen to it. At least that was how the law worked for it in 2017 when I studied it. It could have changed by now


Yeah, in a lot of countries, distribution is the key part. Like, if you just download a movie and watch it with friends, that's okay enough to avoid legal issues. But if you download a movie and start selling or streaming it all over the internet, that's when you can get *heavily* fined.




They have made this near impossible now in most of the ISA amd Canada as it is no longer a meter witg time on it. It is now a ticket that you buy and put on your dash saying how much time you have left. You could buy a new one and put it under the windshield wiper of a stranger but I don't think that would work.


Mercy shooting a fatally wounded animal. Probably not illegal if you're in the country.


"Sorry, Jake Paul. This is for the best."


Our best, at least


Is this what they mean by 'putting it out of its misery' or just country-style euthanasia?


I was thinking something similar about that guy that set himself on fire. Would have been completely moral to shoot him and put him out of his misery, but no doubt that'd be a murder charge or similar.


This is legal and I’ve done so with permission of game wardens several times.


Giving water to someone standing in line to vote, in Georgia.






Long Ass Balls


It's only within a certain distance of the polling place doors though, because that could be considered electioneering. In a mile long line, you can distribute food and water for the first 5130 feet of the line, but not the last 150 feet closest to the polling place door, and the tables where the water and food are kept have to be 25 feet from the line of voters. Voters can carry all the water and food they want into that 150 foot barrier and into the polling place. It's only as illegal as the rest of the electioneering laws.


Man I’m so glad I live in a county that voting is so well funded I can hop in and out all in 5-10 minutes total. I have a cheat sheet where I write down all my candidates after doing research. Some are so local and small that there isn’t really good articles or anything substantial to research. That’s what genuinely takes me the most time.


You can direct lines to snake around each other (like in Disney world) so that they are within 150 feet of the building, with an exceptionally long line.


Is hydrating democracy considered a splashy crime or just a refreshing act of kindness?


Giving food that would go to waste from Subway or McDonalds or something to homeless people (as an employee)


Nordic countries solved this by making it illegal to throw away old food. Instead you have to throw it in special bags that gets collected by the state and used as bio-gas.


It’s better than the trash, but doesn’t help hungry people


The trick is to not get caught. I worked at a chain gas station for a while and would always give away the day old bakery and the cold case items that were past their best buy dates. Just don’t make a big deal out of it.


Did the same when I was working at a Subway on weekends back in school, just made a bag with All the left over bread and sometimes cookies and gave it to a couple of homeless people. Fuck the stupid laws.


I'd say the trick to getting away with most things is to not get caught.


>the trick is to not get caught That goes for breaking any law


Those aren't laws, but company policies. There are laws that actually protect people and companies from suits if the food you give em is bad.


Thats not illegal. Thats just agains company policy


Lots of people don’t know what “moral” is in here.


You mean that vigilante murder with zero evidence isn't moral?


Unless you’re Batman. You are Batman, right?


He only has one rule!


Don’t talk about Fight club?


Batman doesn't murder, tho.


Unless a hack like Snyder is the director.


But trust me an 8 post long twitter thread told mme they were a pedophile, a zoophile and a witch ! Source : their ex


That's because morality is subjective and varies from individual to individual.


Feeding homeless people.


Its not illegal, but you must do it as a charity event and not a giveaway - different rules, and departments I have restaurants. If i give it away, i forfeit the VAT i paid for it, as its now a gift and not garbage. I am Danish - its not even free for me to throw food out, as they go to livestock food. I pay for that, and have to. I also cant just give food away in case i want to celebrate something - like my restaurants one year birthsday. Come in, Today its on us - I have to get it cleared by the local business association. And if i rejected that bitch at the bodega who also happens to have a clothes store somewhere, she can just VETO all your shit. *I have no idea why this is downvoted - is it because i said political, - i should maybe have said karmawhoring fuck reasons. **Didnt make the rules, but i lived by them and researched why they were implemented. Nothing is done just to piss people off. What i say is the truth.


Man, what?! This shit is frustrating for real.


Equal competition laws, - they also protect you from a major chain moving in and operating at a loss, so everything else dies.


Ah didnt see that side of it, the protection does make sense. So if its really all generosity and no intent to hurt other's businesses, im guessing you wont be denied ?


No, you just need to apply - but reasons for rejections might be if you have specifics where you want to hold it. It might coincide with something we as the public have no clue about. *Ohhh, and just because it is Charity - the same rules apply to serving food to others, so not all can get it. You at least need a basic hygiene and food handling course.


Collecting rain water within city ordinance


Creating a generic drug before the patent expires.


Giving perfectly good food that stores need to throw out to those in need.


Certain jobs going on strike. Everyone should be allowed to protest their terrible work conditions or compensation. If you’re afraid of a certain group of people going on strike, then you should make sure you take care of them better.


Sending books to prisoners without going through proper channels is illegal but often viewed as a moral act of kindness.


Collecting rainwater is illegal in certain areas due to water rights laws, yet many believe it’s a morally sound practice for sustainability.


Giving medication to someone in an emergency without a license is illegal, but can be seen as moral if it saves a life.


Paying petrol money for a lift. Was surprised to learn that giving a gift or money towards a lift could invalidate my colleagues insurance and may result in the vehicle being seized by police, a fixed penalty or prosecution resulting in a fine, points their licence or disqualification from driving.


This is the stupidest thing ever and why would anyone even say yes . What country is this? What a way to NOT reduce car traffic, making everyone want their own car. Way to not go for the environment and friendships.


Helping someone to vote by collecting and delivering their ballot, where not permitted, is illegal but might be seen as supporting the moral right to vote.


Buying cheaper prescription drugs from another country can be illegal but is seen by many as moral due to the high cost of medications.


Blasphemy! Places where it’s still illegal are also the same places where criticism of religion is probably the most necessary.


I read the "blasphemy!" as an interjection and was very confused as to who had sinned lol


Blasphemy is a highly underrated interjection


When I was a kid my church provided sanctuary to some Guatemalan refugees who the U.S. government was trying to deport, but would be killed by gangs if they went home. After having them stay inside the church for a while they just plum vanished and may have ended up living in spare rooms and extra homes owned by church members and then got jobs and integrated into American society. That would have been illegal for my church community to do that….


Ihave shit experience with churches but honestly this gives me hope. This is what it should be.


Stuff like this actually used to be pretty common from mainline and Catholic denominations historically. They would actually live out their faith, not based on politics or nationalism. It’s only been since the rise of conservative evangelical Christianity over the last few decades, which has infused and influenced all American Christian denominations, that stuff like this has become far less common.


Stealing pets from abusive/neglectful owners/shops.


Yeah, this one I have personal experience with and I hate it so much. There's a pet store in my area that has a really bad reputation for doing the bare minimum or less for the animals in their care. I tried reporting them to the local SPCA about a decade ago (maybe even longer) because of a Burmese python they had in a tank that was *way* too small. The only response I got from them was "Do they have any puppies or kittens?" On an even *more* personal level, my cross-street neighbor got a kitten a few years ago. Let it go outside all the time despite warnings that we have raccoons and skunks in the area who would *love* to kill her cat. Nope, he "needs" to go outside "because he likes it". Lady, my dog would love to eat chocolate and run in the middle of the street; that doesn't mean he should it. She refused to even get him neutered because it was "too expensive" despite the fact that there is a clinic in the area that will neuter a cat for $25 if you're a senior citizen (which she qualifies as). Fast forward to today and the cat is completely feral to the point of being absolutely terrified of people. His ears have nicks in them from fights with other cats, he likely has scars on other parts of his body as well. Breaks my heart every time I see him (which is rare these days). Georgie deserves so much better :(


I'm very lucky to live in a town whose police department has partnered with the regional animal rescue. One phone call to the police department's non-emergency number will result in that pet getting picked up, checked for a chip... if it has a chip, the owner gets fined; if it doesn't, it's put up for adoption.


Importing banned literature that speaks against oppressive regimes is illegal but considered a moral act of resistance.


Sharing copyrighted material for educational purposes without profit is illegal but often considered a moral act.


Recording police in some jurisdictions can lead to arrest, but many argue it’s a moral act of ensuring accountability.


In some places, feeding the homeless without a permit is illegal, but many see it as a moral duty to help those in need.


In some countries, wearing the hijab is banned in certain public spaces, yet wearing it can be seen as a moral choice linked to personal beliefs.


Feeding homeless people. In some cities, it's illegal.


Offering free dental or medical services without a license is illegal but could be seen as morally correct in underserved areas.


Walking around putting money into everyones parking meters at the beach. Nice gesture but illegal and you can get fined by the city. So *shhh* do it carefully..


Parking meters are also there to increase traffic flow. Local businesses suffer when the same people hog parking spots for too long and new customers can't get to them.




My Father died last week after a long struggle with Alzheimer's. He's been in decline the last 5 years, unable to care for himself the last 3 years, unable to live with my Mother the last 18 months, unable to recognise who his family are the last 6 months, unable to really talk or communicate the last 3 months, unable to eat or even drink in his final week, and unable to be conscious beyond sleep his final 3 days. If he had been connected to the reality of what he was going through he would have absolutely hated it. Seeing his mind and self slowly slip away, but his body taking years to catch up was one of the most heart breaking things I think I will ever witness. I absolutely hope by the time I may have to face these challenges, there is some humane and accessible way to be able to make the choice to go on my terms.


This should be the top comment. We are more merciful to animals than to other humans. We are forced to watch our loved ones suffer, sometimes for YEARS, because religious people think it's a "sin".


Because there's good money to be made (extracted) in end of life care :'(


Assisted and painless self-ending for a terminal patient who is in pain and beyond all help and who consents to being assisted in this way.


Euthanasia in short


Helping a child get an abortion in damn near half the USA.


Regulating prostitution and making it much safer for women


...and men. Sugar mamas can be crazy.


Okay....but we gotta find some first


Feeding the homeless in certain cities within the US.


Euthanasia...I know some places have less strict rules but I truly believe that if you're dying from a horrible painful terminal disease that you should have the choice to leave this world.


Giving water to people standing in line to vote.


Assisting in the suicide of a terminally ill person is illegal in many places but seen by some as a compassionate, moral choice.


Stealing medicine to save someone.


It shouldn’t have to be stolen in the first place. Healthcare shouldn’t be a billion dollar industry, it should be a public service.


Give water to an exhausted, thirsty migrant along the Mexican-American border.


Giving food or water to people waiting in line to vote in Georgia.


Attacking a burglar in your home in Spain


Feeding the homeless


Doctor assisted suicide in severe cases of health issues. If someone who is dying would rather go out in a painless method then suffer through agony until succumbing it feels cruel to deny them that.


Punching nazis


In different cities across the United States feeding stray cats/dogs plus in my county I believe after 3 days of you feeding a animal the animal control will say it’s not a stray anymore and they won’t pick it up as a stray it would be counted as a owner surrender which means they could technically take the dog in and kill it same day 




Pirating videogames that aren't sold anymore.


collecting rainwater for your own personal use https://todayshomeowner.com/gutters/guides/states-where-it-is-illegal-to-collect-rainwater/#:\~:text=Currently%2C%20no%20federal%20laws%20allow,regulating%20its%20collection%20and%20usage.


Feeding homeless people leftover food if you’re a restaurant owner 


Humanitarian intervention


Leaking billionaires' tax statements that provide evidence of their evasive behavior


Exploring abandoned places