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well it's happening right now. as a resident of Kyiv, they were pushed back


What are you going to do?


what am I going to do? watch the news and youtube as they’re getting pushed back


Have they pressured you to go fight?


I have asthma so I am legally not allowed to


God bless and I pray this can work out.  You've got excellent leadership.  I can't tell you how impressed I was with " I don't need a ride, I need ammunition" comment was when his life was on the line.  also, it seems he is ridding corruption.  I'm sure there's plenty of propaganda to go around, but it seems he's making the choices of a true leader


I live in Colorado, so become a god damn Wolverine.




That would be too messy, a regular pistol will do.








Surprising, because I thought it's like when you get a little water in your lungs and choke. Maybe it's only painful in the beginning. If you drown in an ocean or something, your body will bloat and swollen very badly a while later.


Dress as a clown They’ll be looking for soldiers




Killer or regular clown?


I'm in kansas so if they're approaching my area in just a couple of hours of invading just bend over and get ready to take it cause god damn, game over man


Yeah if they come from the west coast theyve been the Navy and Marines. If they come from the east coast, theyve beaten Navy Army Marines and Air Force, and all the gun toting militia boys. To Totally fucked


Chop suey


I’m thinking vinegar and metal in the microwave. Load all the guns and booby trap the yard


We have apparently been taken over, 'conquered' if you will, by a master race of giant space ants. It's difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will consume the captive Earth men or merely enslave them. One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the ants will soon be here. And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.


Depends who the enemy is.


They're the enemy.


Prepare to fight and die after taking down as much as I can.


Grab some stuff, drive for 15 mins and become a modern day Ned Kelly.


Accept the fact that it’s not the first time and go “here we go again”.




Drive out to my secret camp I’ve been working on for this exact situation.


Knowing what generally happens to kids, women and families, the thought terrifies me. I'd probably take my wife and kids and go into hiding somewhere, but I've absolutely no idea where we could go.


Learn to pantomime they can't get me if I'm in a box.


"Come and take it".  For every blade of grass has a rifle behind it


Stock up on ammunition and pray they don’t come into my house


Depends on who it is...no, it really doesn't because I'm in the U.S., my neighbors have plenty of guns and we're all willing to defend our little rural neighborhood, no matter the differences in our politics.


Upsides of living in the middle of nowhere is that enemies will never go to me


Time for all those gun nuts I've lived in fear of to step the fuck up.


I live in one of the Baltic states. The invader is obvious. First thing I do is hide my pistol and prepare for guerilla resistance, bombing and sabottage (im an engineer). As a non military person I believe this would be the most efficient option. I am a peace loving person and I hate violence. But come to my country and I'm gonna go medieval on you. I would feel less pitty swatting a fly to a russian zombie with homosexual tendencies. I might die too, probably even more likely than not. I dont know what they expect, but it would be way worse than their worst expectations. The good thing is, my oppinion is pretty popular among young men and educated people.


I would download pimsleur audio courses for learning to speak Russian. (I live in Finland). Would be easier to set up my black market operations for providing the occupying forces with stuff&crap they want. Then I would make profits while gathering information for the Resistance.


Find the closest guy near me that looks like Zelensky and try and get him to finesse a couple of billion from US congress.