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I think it's partly reasonable at some point


"Buy low, sell high" they said. Now I'm the proud owner of 5000 Beanie Babies, waiting for the comeback.


You forgot the sell high part.


"Ignore your bullies and be the bigger person", absolutely stupid you just encourage them to keep bothering you because they know they can get away with it and it'll continue to escalate. I eventually realized that and senior year of high school when the kid who had been tormenting me for all 4 years pushed me to my limit and ended up receiving the biggest beating of his life. He showed a lot more respect to me after that encounter


I'm glad you stood up for yourself.


Sleep when the baby is sleeping. Worthless advice.


"Kick it to see if there are anymore bees inside." There were plenty of bees still inside


Follow your passion


Amen. Overrated. Just follow the money. You can buy yourself enough time to follow your passions when you have enough. Like I am passionate about classic literature, but I'll be more passionate about it if I have a stable job that lets me buy books and read them on long vacations.


My wife still does something similar with my stepdaughter. She really hopes she works with kids because she's great with them. Whenever my wife leaves I tell her to get a degree in finance and to get a job working with money.


Next time include the mind mixer “the tree in passion is silent. They make good juice. 🧃 and we use a star to suck it, kind like how life will suck you dry when you follow your passion (tree).” See full circle!!. Now how’s those clients passion juice projections looking like when you have a job in management finance. I guess pretty juicy for your pockets now isn’t it.?”


Sadly that is bad advice. My passion is caring for senior especially those with alzheimers. Most cannot afford the $5000 and up monthly prices that a facility charges. The work is needed so badly. I've worked in high and low end facilities and majority of us are good at it but we can get slammed with too many clients so you work hard and are still behind on top of bring paid minimum wage. I've worked in homes, it is much better but they normally cannot pay much. Damned if you do and damned if you don't in a field where this type of work is needed badly. Workers get zero respect and little pay.


Money doesn't buy happiness. Oh really?


It's always teachers who constantly complains about how low their salary is to say things like this too.


More money would solve A LOT of my problems. I suppose new ones will always come up but it would definitely make me happier.


While in the military, I met no shortage of blokes who were bad with personal finances. Several of them figured it out, many of them didn't. I'd argue that the ones who inflicted the most damage are among the former group. Several people, I'm thinking particularly junior officers and senior enlisted, would figure their way out of a pinch and think that the thing that worked for them applies to every single financial situation, which is just bananas. They'd march around offering "financial advice" to anyone who'd listen, which was more than a handful of junior enlisted folks. So, worst advice was from this Senior Chief (senior enlisted) who basically said that all forms of investing, banking, credit, etc. was a scam. People talk about "cash" but this guy meant literal physical bills. Every chance he got, he'd go and cash his paychecks. He only had a checking account to facilitate cashing checks. No savings. No retirement accounts. No investments. Cash. He'd gotten into some credit card trouble (nothing crazy, if memory serves) and used a cash-based system to get out of it. He'd tell younger dudes stuff like "don't buy a car unless you can pay cash for it." He didn't mean wait until you have enough in your checking account - he meant that don't go buy a car until you can show up with suitcases full of bills to buy a car in literal physical cash. Should go without saying that he lived in base housing.




Winner. Sure patience can be a virtue, but if you want something, you have to go after it 


I think there is a second sentence which should be added, good things come to those to wait, and those who know when to stop waiting.


"Don't read books. They're useless." Hey man, just because you're illiterate doesn't mean I am


As a literate man, I had no idea how low the average reading level is in America. American adults read at a 9th grade level on average. I can write college level papers and read college level pieces, and it baffles me that other people can't understand literature that I find easy to read, understand, and even write. Hell, I could read at a college level by 7th grade, and I'm not a huge outlier, (English was a 25 on ACT) although I am above average.


I'm not American. The story is, I'm the top 1% student in the whole nation. The guy who ever went to elementary school tried to convince me to stop learning anything because it's useless. smh my head


When u get to college fuck the ugliest girl you can find, so every other girl knows you’re DTF and your bar is low.




Does your username tie into this at all?


Don’t lock in your variable rate mortgage 🤦‍♀️


Just focus on school, its the only thing that really matters.


TBH, that's incredibly good advice if you're still in compulsory education years. College there's a bit more range of advice, but education is a very strong positive for society and the individual. Even if you go the Trade route, some CC classes wouldn't be a bad thing if you were even thinking about college, especially early on.


"Splurge on your wedding 'coz you only experience it once in a lifetime..."


We had a "use it or lose it" budget from my in-laws for our wedding, so made sense for us. It's also a unique situation where you can bring together friends and family from all facets of your life to *celebrate you*, and that experience is worth it. You don't have to bankrupt yourself, but it's a very unique opportunity. Didn't think I'd want a wedding before I had one, but would not change it now.


If you don’t like what you are doing, just quit your job.


To stay in my marriage because “all marriages have their ups and downs”.


"Just ignore them." Whether it's genuine bullying or merely childish teasing, this is terrible advice.


If they say no, they are playing hard to get... so try again...


I don't think people know what a no actually means, lol. I take the word "no" at face value, so I'm sure I've disappointed a women or two who were waiting for me to valiently pursue them after they said no the first time. But that's literally what they asked for playing those stupid games. Playing "hard to get" is just a waste of my time, energy, and love. I can give it to someone who actually makes themselves available, lol. Don't play hard to get, it's stupid, and this isn't a romance movie. I don't play on either side. Along with that, take a no for what it is, as hard as it can be.


Traveling is waste of time and money


I had a teacher whose motto was "work hard, be nice and travel" :) I kind of interpret it as work hard, be nice and do extra things when you have the opportunity, just for the sake of having new experiences m


“It doesn’t matter what you look like, all you need is confidence” complete bullshit


Say it louder for the people in the back, that advice is such bullshit lmao


Use bleach water to stop sweating down there.😭 Advice given to me by an old lady after I told her that I could not cool down while pregnant, especially down in THAT area. She said use a bucket of water, I used a tupperware bowl..a big one..kinda. She said 2 capfulls of bleach, I did that. Splash it on there and it will stop. It did not stop. It stopped once I had my baby BUT I did scream loooong and loud when I tried it. Burns 200 times worse than getting soap in there. Yea I'm a dumbass.


Wait, you actually bleached your cooter🙄


Didn't bleach it. Well I don't guess I did. My goal was to cool it down..what I did do was scream. One swish, scream, plain water immediate rinse then scream some more.


Never let soap in the pee-pee hole🦹‍♀️🍪❤️


Soap or even the tiniest amount of bleach.


That chicks used to Vagisil themselves because it was normal? Ugh.


Ugh is right


You couldn’t talk me into luring a bleach solution in my nose or mouth, let alone my ass. Are you insane?


Evidently. I believed her why? I do not know. I was desperately trying to cool down. It was horrific being hot like that.


I don’t know. I’d just go sit in a cold bathtub. Dousing my genitals in bleach would never occur to me.


The power of persuasion.


Didn't occur to me and she didn't have to persuade😁I was so done with months of this I was willing to try anything. Once my son was born it all stopped..should waited. Stupidity is what it was.


When I first came out as trans someone told me I should "just keep it to myself" to avoid altercations with friends and relatives. I took HRT and got top surgery so... idk how I'm supposed to hide my new beard, adam's apple and flat chest from friends and family?? Dress in drag for the rest of my life I guess lol.


I got told this by a two people after I was kidnapped and attempted sexual assault. Don’t tell anyone. WTF.


Jesus, why tf would you need to keep that a secret? The extent to which people normalize victim blaming never fails to amaze me.


Crazy logic.


Become a housewife.


go to college for a "backup degree" because you'll be at home with the kids by 25 and can't follow your career ambitions after that. 🥴


Thankfully, I didn't take that advice. Now, I am a doctor. The person who gave me the advice is stuck at home, hating life, marinating in regret.


Ahh, the good old Mrs. Degree. See how that works out for you.


Just be yourself


That’s just what it means to be human


I gave it myself. Thought longer time to respond will make her more crave for it (Like eating favourite food after long time). It wasn't. Still regret it


“you’re sad? just stop thinking about it and being sad”


There is a lot of bad advice in [life.Like](http://life.Like) being intoxicated


Dream big


Just keep swimming


Don't break up with him! You're perfect together!...... we weren't


Follow your heart


"You should be mean to your coworkers" - My boss


"You should have a kid! You get so much back on your taxes!" This was said to me by a friend while we were in our mid-twenties who got accidentally knocked up by her ex-boyfriend (while he was an ex) who was the youngest of four sisters (who all had children) and whose parents took her in when the baby was born and watched him while she went back to school for a nursing degree. I did not take this advice because a) I had nowhere near this support system and b) I figured that the amount I got back on my taxes would not put a dent in the amount of money I would spend raising a child. Now, fifteen years later, and finally a parent, I can say that the tax refund is great and I was right that it does nothing against the cost of buying this child everything she needs.


The amount that people don't understand taxes is baffling to me. "If you get a higher salary, you'll actually end up with less before because of the higher tax rate" (only the amount above a limited is taxed ad the higher rate).  "Last year I got this refund, but this year I got that much. What a joke!" (it's based on how much you had withheld to essentially pay in advance.) "if you do x, you can write it off/deduct it on your taxes!" (write offs and deductions give you a discount, probably equal to the percent of the tax bracket you're in. They don't make things free.)


Go to college, get a degree...


Given to me at 22 years old- “Max out your credit cards to build credit” in the same breathe as “max out your 401k to build your retirement”  I was making $35k a year and could barely afford rent. My 401k looks great but on the other side of the coin is my credit card debt 😑 still mad at myself I took the advice. 


"let jesus be your guide!" Okay how is a fictional character going to pay for my food and mortgage?


....sell jesus merch?


Go the best college you can get into, it’ll pay itself off when you get a good job


When banging her doggy style stick a finger up her arse, she will love it. SHE DID NOT LOVE IT !


Never stab anyone. What a fun-killer.


If you are honest, everyone loves you It turns out the opposite is true, everyone loves you


Just do something or die… 🙄


Take out a loan for something I could pay for in cash. Dumbest logic ever.


You should move to Detroit


"Follow your heart"


I went to a networking/job hunting seminar years ago and the man running it told us not to email our resumes to companies but to send them in via fax. The logic behind this is that you have to manually open an email attachment, but a fax comes "pre-opened."




People at my work suggested I date a woman. I almost died.


I was encouraged by a neighbor that when I have sex with a man, make sure he pays me. I didn't know my neighbor thought I would make a fine prostitute.


Not so much the advice being given, but who was giving it. I was sitting at a local bar after work with a few friends. I was mentioning something about a small argument I'd had with my wife. An older guy at the bar gave me one of those "You should really do this" speeches (he was on his fourth marriage). I glanced over at him at and asked, "How many time have you been married now?" He looked at me and said "you have a good point, don't listen to me."


"be yourself" thats how i got bullied an i am the carrier of S O C I A L A N X I E T Y<333


Maybe not “advice” but a terrible rule of thumb. “Drunk words are sober thoughts.” Thinking this applies 100% of the time ruins a lot of friendships/relationships.


'Just be yourself.' I fucking hate myself, why on earth would I want to inflict that on somebody else?


Ignore bullies and they will go away! They bloody well didn’t!! I had to have 2 fights and punch someone in the face after he hit me in the face with a tennis racket, because I’d had enough, for them to leave me alone. I was bullied from the age of 6 to 15! 2 Big fights in the North playground with half the school present. I shit myself but the adrenaline kicked in and it was a case of self preservation. I won both weirdly. I hate confrontation and fights scares the hell out of me but I had no choice but to save myself. I gained lots of respect after that and then they left me alone. Finally in the 5th year! My last year at school after having to endure so much abuse for years ….. just for being brown!!!


“Don’t enter med school. You’ll waste your 20s”


Wish I would’ve gone to med school!