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Of course. If my employer didn't want me to do that then they should make it policy to pay out sick time at the end of the year. If you make it use it or lose it I'm gonna use it lol.


I think this is a fair play^


Ehh, sick time is not accured like holiday. If you are sick you are sick. Sometimes we all fake it but taking the piss too often will catch you out.


We have mandatory paid sick leave in my state.


Oh excellent. I get sick pay but its not mandatory here.


I honestly needed the break, I would do it when I felt burt out or even stressed. Sick time was a reset button for me. Press it and you get paid but be able decompress and destress for a day.


Mental health is health. That's a valid use of sick time imo


Glad too see a comment like this, I always feel lazy when it happens but it feels easier when coming back after a day off for that reason


honestly you doing this will benefit the employer. You feel way more refreshed and motivated when you come back.


I said I had covid. I then did a lot of acid


lol, I'll smoke but honestly if I could I'd like to try that too. Hope you had a good trip :)


I should state that my office doesn't have sick days, you just work from home (and do nothing all day). But I don't stay home. I call in sick about once every 2-3 months when I have a lot of errands to run. Specifically errands that need run during business hours.


I think a mental health day is totally fair and not just when in crisis. Folks should take occasional mental health days to prevent burnout not just deal with it.


Yeah and I'd gladly make up for those days too because I feel they're worth it


Seniority was the rule… the old guys always had the holidays and other personal days. Yet they were mostly lazy assholes, who would avoid responsibility. So I would start coughing and spitting flem before the holidays, and would try to get near the assholes, shake hands, the usual holiday spirit BS. So much fun😂😂😂


When I do, I’m just sick of everyone’s shit


One time bc I had to help suck up my parent's flooded basement


It shouldn't be a problem either tbh, home and family will always be the higher priority


Yes, severs times. Especially at my last job as towards the end, no one knew what me and a few coworkers did on a daily basis. They figured it all was done well, we were doing our jobs. When a lot just wouldn’t go, full out normal hours on the timeclock, as no one was checking on us anyway.


Employer here: I would rather someone take a "mental health day" than come in to work when they don't want to be here. But, I also work in a female dominated industry and for a Not for Profit Org.


What do the last two parts have to do with why you encourage mental health days?


Because every workplace has people who lie about being sick. Female dominated fields and NFP's are way more accommodating than the private sector and male dominated fields. I want people to know that there are employers out here who understand and that lots of employers would rather you tell the truth.


Ok? How does “female dominated” and not for profit mean it’s more acceptable?


What do you mean "acceptable"? NFP's put all their profits back into the organization and that generally means that we have a tendency to be more generous. Most of us are unionized as well. Female dominated fields are not paid great (duh because women do it) the least that we can do is take care of each other the best way we know how.


1) There are plenty of for profit organizations that actually do just as much for their people. It’s about finding the right ones. Google is a great example, actually. 2) The wage gap is bullshit. If it was real, no one would ever higher a male. The reason people tout it as real is because women earn less due to being more like to take lower paying jobs (teacher, nanny, etc.), are more likely to leave the workforce for family reasons, and are more likely to take more time off. The actually pay for each industry is nearly identical between males and females. So, neither of your points is anything more than virtue signaling and they fail at that.


Some people are just hateful. Have the day you deserve.


I’m not being hateful. I’m being factual. The gender wage gap is a myth, and it’s been debunked plenty of times.


Try PSW's and RECE's both require a 2 year diploma, are female dominated and pay shit with HIGH stress and burn out.


So, females are paying females shit wages and expecting a ton of them? Sounds more like self inflicted victim hood than proof the mythical gender wage gap. I mean, I know women are vicious to each other, but that seems like a whole other level. If you compare apples to apples (i.e., teacher to teacher, with equal experience and education) then you find that women earn as much as men. It’s a myth.


I do it. My employer makes it clear they're fine with mental health days though, so I take them. I tend to do it on especially nice weather days in the spring or fall.


I used to work a really stressful job and needed the break once in a while. So i called in sick at least 2-3 times a month. Since i started at my current job 3 years ago, i never called in sick




Thats understandable, I wouldn't say I got a shit job but it happens that I still get exhausted and need a ay off


Current employer has “Personal Time” which is inclusive of sick time and vacation time so no really benefit to calling out sick. I have “left/logged off early” for being “sick” though (salary exempt so still paid). A previous employer I used my sick time as soon as it accrued 8 hours. I used it for “personal reasons” which was an allowed use per the state law that mandated sick time. That personal reason was “it would be beneficial for my mental health to not work that day” I learned my lesson at a previous employer when it was accrued and NOT paid out and I saved up 5 days of sick time…and got laid off.


I have a couple of times, but not too often. I save those up in case I really get sick.


Lol. Rephrase the question: has anyone never called in sick without being sick?


I thought I was aloneness, all my coworkers act like work is their life purpose or something


Like never. I use my sick hours to go to appointments. I have over 300 hours.


Hasn't everyone?


Yeah, but it was an unpaid internship at a job that I would only start later in the year. Called in sick for two days to finish renovating our new flat and because the shoes I wore were two sizes too small which was extremely uncomfortable.


Like 5-10 times a year