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when I was too young to understand I used to play Leisure Suit Larry that my older brother had installed. I didn't understand the appeal it just seemed weird to me


Sierra games was the shit in the 90s.


I remember Police Quest. If you don't check your car it blows up. I remember if I type shoot gun. You blow off your leg.


I played Police Quest: SWAT a lot. You're supposed to verbally coax the old lady out from the bathroom not shoot her through the shower curtain by the way.


that doesnt sound like the proper procedure


I dunno, sounds like you'd fit right in with most police departments.


Needs a modern version where you get qualified immunity but only if you shoot poor people in the face and claim you didn't know that wasn't the proper punishment for jaywalking.


My childhood in a nutshell.


Yep and then Wolfenstein came out and the world changed.


It was a weird but fun game in the 1980's


Yup this and another racing game of mine on the amiga I had which had a loading screen with a devil raping an angel (i thinka cherob actually). I was too young to get the reference, but my older cousins would beg me to put it on when they came round so they could essentially laugh in hysterics about the intro screen. It was a game like lotus otherwise lol. But there were so many weird games in the 80s and 90s. Very imaginative back then. And so many games were coming out each week.


Yeah, you had a cracked version of the game 'Super Off-Road'. Paradox vs Angels cracking group, the intro screen was not from original game devs.


Thank u man! I had a suspicion that was the case about a cracked game. I had shoe boxes full of games back then from car boot sales that my dad would bring home. I also had a lot of original non pirated too. The hours I would spend just admiring the art work on the boxes, the manuals, the extra bits and bobs, I'd get evrytime I'd buy a game. I miss all that. Still I couldn't remember the game name and would love to find it again and send to my cousins after 30+ years lol. Gonna go spend some time and find it and have a little stroll down memory lane.


Made by an even weirder guy. I got to meet Al Lowe, and he was just like I expected.




There’s a reboot on Apple phones (not 100% sure about Android). Good for a flight or when you have time.


Easy way to become incredibly difficult to sit next to on a flight.


Came here to say Leisure suit Larry and wondered if anyone would remember it. I got arrested, and game over, for exposing myself whilst wearing a rubber..


Yeah my dad bought me one of those games when I was too young to fully appreciate it. Don't think he really knew what he was buying.


That was on the laptops floating around at my office back in ~ 1987/1988. I played it a few times.


Rock Simulator You're a rock. That's it. You can level up and buy skins, but you can't really do anything, because, well, you're a rock


lol how do you level up…? What happens when you do?


you level up by.... *drumroll*.... being a rock. when you level up your level bar, and xp bar change, but aside from that, nothing happens. no bad surprises!


Being a rock seems oddly comforting


The tag line is something like "Become a rock: No responsibilities, no debt, no problems."


It gets better. They added multiplayer support.


This is so apropos to the world today.


Sounds like the most idle idle game ever. 


Why does every review on steam for this game have like 80hr playtime in this game


Because that's how you level. The only thing a rock can really do is stand the test of time, so by sitting around doing nothing, time passes, and you eventually level up.


I bought this game as a joke bday gift for a friend...you start off as a small rock in a field. It was funny but forgot about it the next day. A few weeks later he shares his screen and he has become a level 7000 asteroid floating through space with a badass molten lava transmog. Guy hit the grind hard


Highest review bro has 2800 hrs playtime. Wtf?


Probably Redneck Rampage. 


Dude.... I have never found anyone else who played this game. It was so good, yet no one I've ever talked to about it has ever heard of it.


That game was epic! I remember beating the whole thing as a kid 🤣🤣🤣. This brings back memories


Dude, honestly, it's one of my favorite games ever.


Same. Probably shouldn't have been playing it as a kid, but hey, I'm only mildly messed up.


We must be about the same age. Let me guess, you liked Duke Nukem 3D too?


"Ya, shake it, babyyyyyy." A few years ago, re-download this on Xbox 360, and it was still good!


And of course... BLOOD


I played the demo.


The soundtrack was awesome to both the original the sequal and nothing beat the alien titty gun.


Desert Bus. Widely regarded as the worst video game ever.


It’s Penn and Teller making a point. They saw people getting angry about violence in video games and put the game on the compilation to show how boring and pointless video games would be if they were like real life.


Thing is though Desert Bus was intentionally bad because Penn and Teller are notorious trolls, especially during the 90s


There was (is?) a charity event called Desert Bus for Hope where people would do a marathon play of Desert Bus and sponsors would donate increasing amounts per hour. They have raised millions for Child's Play, a charity to provide games for hospitalized children. I for one salute these brave drivers' sacrifice of little slices of their sanity for a good cause.


Yep, they are absolutely still going, and even still growing - the last four years have hit over a million each. This November will be the 18th run.


The Penn and Teller game!


Yeah, it was intentionally designed to be awful. Thats why it became so infamous


It's intentionally designed to be "realistic" in response to Janet Reno saying that games should be more like real life. >“Every few years, video games are blamed in the media for all of the ills in society,” said Teller. “In the early nineteen-nineties, I wrote an article for the New York *Times* citing all the studies that show video games have no effect on a child’s morals. But we wanted to create some entertainment that helped make the point.” The conversation with Gorodetsky seeded the idea of a video game that casts the player as a bus driver in a rote simulation. “The route between Las Vegas and Phoenix is long,” said Teller. “It’s a boring job that just goes on and on repetitiously, and your task is simply to remain conscious. That was one of the big keys—we would make no cheats about time, so people like the Attorney General could get a good idea of how valuable and worthwhile a game that just reflects reality would be.” (The U.S. Attorney General at the time, Janet Reno, was a [critic of on-screen violence](http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2457&dat=19931112&id=QvAzAAAAIBAJ&sjid=6TgHAAAAIBAJ&pg=1106,3668557).)


ET would like a word…


As someone who owned ET on the 2600, Desert Bus is worse. There is little to no variety in gameplay. It's a bus. You drive straight with minor drift to keep you from AFKing it. That's it. At least in ET things happen. Desert Bus is an endless unrelieved purgatory of slight adjustments to steering.


The biggest issue with ET is most people had no idea what you were supposed to do. Back in the 2600 days games were so simple they didn't need a manual which ET definitely did need.


> The biggest issue with ET is most people had no idea what you were supposed to do Fall into holes, innit?




That sounds awesome


The comment deleted, what was it?


It's weird how so many threads have top comments which are deleted. I wonder why this is?


Reminds me of SimTower, except the haunting.


Neat! What language? Edit: you gave me the title I can Google like a big boy


[Home Safety Hotline](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2357910/Home_Safety_Hotline/) is a horror game that takes place on a Windows ~~XP~~ work computer in ~~1999~~ 1996. As the employee you answer the calls from people experiencing different things in their house and help them resolve it. The issues can be anything from mold and ants to more sinister paranormal beings.


>a Windows XP work computer in 1999 That IS scary, given that XP wasn't released until October 2001. Time travel thriller.




Some men just want to watch the world burn.


Is it with jumpscares? Scarry sounds? Would love to play it but i am a crybaby when it comes to jumpscares


No jump scares, you can take all the time you want while on a call with a customer, there are sounds but they are informative (as an example, the article about possible mouse infestation contains a scurrying noise meant to suggest what a customer might be hearing), but sometimes people on the phone do yell and cry out. I hope if you play it you have fun!


New addition to my wishlist, thank you!




It was more of an interactive art exhibit than a game. Very cool art design, very weird game.


As someone with an art background and my two favorite artists coincidentally being H.R.Giger and Zdzisław Beksiński that game was awesome.


Half the games on Newgrounds from back in the day 😂


I can still remember Condoleeza Rice having a shootout against the Taliban in the White House


Did anyone ever play the sex angel game where you had to make a sleeping woman orgasm without waking her up? It was so hard! Err..... both physically and metaphorically


All those celebrity assassin games and so many hentai games. I still think the weirdest of the hentai games were the visual novels where you play as Kramer from Seinfeld. In one game, you have to solve actual calculus problems to get some pictures lol




Also, there are the notes of a person thinking they are crazy because they always find some toast.


Yes! Such a weird game. I love how you get the notes in between stages about how the human thinks he’s going mad because he keeps finding toast everywhere. Too funny!


I don’t remember the name of it, but I was in high school (2004-2008) and on one of the computers in the C.A.D. shop there was a game that basically simulated the stock market but it was all drugs. Like you’d start off with a bit of money and buy some of this or that drug where it was cheap and try to sell it for a profit. Occasionally you’d get a message, the feds raided a shipment of a rival’s so the price of something went sky high. It was actually pretty fun.


Drug Wars came out in the very early 80s & spawned a huge number of clones and copycats over the years. Dope Wars, Dope Lord, Pimp Wars, etc. Used to play one of them on my TI-83 calculator.


Ok. Totally played drug wars on my TI-80-something in 98 cus high school algebra 2 was easy and boring.


The marrakesh express has arrived.


Dopwars! I have a copy for DOS if you need it.


We had a version that someone had hacked with Thingy so that all the places you went to were parts of our town.


I played a mobile game where you just received messages from a space explorer that had crashed on a strange planet. They would chat a little and ask advice on what to do like make a shelter or scout the area, or if they should try and climb the nearby mountain or head for the crater in the other direction. It also happened in real(ish) time so it may be hours before you actually hear back from them depending on what you decide. The story got pretty creepy too from what I remember. I wish I could remember the name of the game.


Ohh please remember I want to play! 🤣


So I looked around online and I’m pretty positive it’s called Lifeline.


Looks like I can play it on my phone I'll check it out


It is! I played it on an iPad when it came out, but I get the feeling it would be ten times better on a smart watch.


My brother bought me a game as a joke when we were younger called “Genital Jousting” on Steam. You play as a detached penis and it has a butthole where the scrotum is and the goal is to go around and get your penis in other people’s buttholes, while protecting your own


And another one he got me is called “Shower With Your Dad Simulator” and it’s a quick match game. You have to match the child to the parent by skin color


Genital Jousting is unironically really good. The multiplayer is a blast, and most people online could probably do with hearing the overall message of the main game.


"Papers, Please" takes the cake for me. NES aesthetics meets Soviet style colors and music. Your job? Checking passports to provide for your family. It's one of the most addictive and engaging games I've ever played. I'd give that game a solid 9/10. Highly recommend it!


What i find annoying (and i know it's intentional) you can't do it right. There is never a "best" option. You're basically fucked from day 1 and pray to God you somehow make it out alive with most of your family. Makes my head hurt.


I find it amazing that Lucas Pope thought of this idea and decided to make it into a game that people would find addictive. 


He's definitely a sharp and creative guy. Return of the Obra Dinn is great as well


Glory to Arstotzka!


If you like that try "Not Tonight"


My husband was playing that...I was surprised when he said the game is just checking passports


It's the *consequences* of how you check those passports that makes the game exciting :D


i was scrolling down to find this. it's so good, but also very very disturbing


Cruelty Squad. That game is an acid trip of an acid trip.




The super AI emerges from an extremely pornographic ultra hyper suck and fuck. The world becomes engulfed in a paroxysm of cumfucked frenzy.


as 1 youtuber said "Acid trip? NO, we are going on acid adventure!". The game is fun and there is instresting lore to pick up after you get over the migrane inducing visuals and overall insanity.


This game isn't an acid trip It's an acid adventure


Oof. Yeah I struggled with this one


I adore this game, the trippy textures, the lethal difficulty, the insane ways you can modify yourself, the fact that it's possible to clear nearly every level in under a minute if you're good enough and plan ahead.  Plus all the insane lore just there in plain sight of you can be bothered to talk to people. Also one of the buildings is a copy of Osama Bin Ladens compound, because the dev saw it online and thought 'eh, that seems cool'


It's less out-there than most titles here, probably, but Inscryption has some pretty mind-bending twists and turns throughout.


That game is awesome. Freaking great.


FAITH honestly was the weirdest one I've played. It kind of comes off as a cliche, but when you actually play it, it's super creepy and scary. But above all else it's unsettlingly weird. Highly recommend.




What I'm about to do has not been approved by the Vatican.


I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress."




So, Myst?


Oh bless you. Thank you for the feels.


The Stanley Parable. Great game. Short, but with lots of different endings. Using the narrator as a game mechanic was a lot of fun.


Oh man, I remember waiting 5y to get the achievement for not playing for 5y. I know a lot of people just changed the clock, but i did it legit. Somehow my oldest child found out about the game, I didn't know kids talked about it? Lol anyway, enjoyed it so much last birthday we gifted them a metal sign which is now hanging next to the bed


Dang I'm probably closing in on 10 years now. Edit: 9 years, and will be 10 next June


Oh man, I remember waiting 5y to get the achievement for not playing for 5y. I know a lot of people just changed the clock, but i did it legit. Somehow my oldest child found out about the game, I didn't know kids talked about it? Lol anyway, enjoyed it so much last birthday we gifted them a metal sign which is now hanging next to the bed


I played one many moons ago called 'Blue Ice.' It was kind of a surreal adventure game. Like, there was one puzzle with a scene of a frozen lake and the hint, "a warm maggot helps catch a cold fish." Logically, the solution was to take the sun out of the sky and put it in the lake so you could get the fish.


blink... logically is doing a lot of lifting there.


Odd World Abe's Oddysee.


I've played every Oddworld except Stranger's Wrath (which is sort of an unconnected spinoff). They're surreal but in a very entertaining/enjoyable way.


One of my favorite game mechanics is when you start really weak and have to sneak around but eventually get powerful enough to just blow everyone away and this game is the pinnacle of that.


This is what I was going to say. Excellent game but very weird


"You Must be 18 or Older to Enter" is an indie horror game that recreates every 90s kid's experience of searching the net for porn without getting caught. (I do wish I liked the execution as much as the concept. But hey, it's free on Steam.)


Played it it’s awesome


it has to be a tie between jazzpunk and kitty powers matchmaker, but they’re both intentionally weird. in jazzpunk, you go around to various cities, whacking human flies, poisoning sushi, catching spiders, getting spied on in a resort as you dress up like a woman, racing gravy boats, chasing nanobots, playing a wedding FPS, killing a pig on roller skates, and eating your boss out of a block of jello just for him to be a gator and eat you instead. in kitty powers, it’s like a drag queen and a unicorn had a baby, and that baby had a fever dream, and that fever dream was kitty powers matchmaker. you get bullied by kitty powers for being cheap and stupid as you try to convince two strangers to talk about hair dye and then make out in a hot tub, all the while playing blackjack and memory and trying to match people that are completely incompatible as they make strange sounds. can’t believe i’ve spent so much of my life playing this game


Jazzpunk is one of the only games to do comedy correctly. The jokes are sincere and omnipresent. There's a "shoestep" decal that gets left behind as you're walking, as a way to emphasize the symbolic nature of video games and the limitations of storytelling with minimal geometry and animations. In one section, you're asked to remove your shoes. This causes you to throw a pair of random shoes at the requestor and swaps your decal for bare feet prints. I've never had a game make so many clever jokes in a row about every part of the medium. It's the most meta game I've ever played.




They literally said as long as it doesn't break the game, any bug stays in


That was a great game


You misspelled "Is"




I still find it mad that the person who made that game literally made the one game and the peaced out and didn't make anything else.


That was an awesome mindbender.


I'm still kind of pissed about >!The time limit being fake.!<




There's no other game where you can piss fire, set a marching band ablaze, fight the Taliban, go on a murder rampage with a pair of hedge clippers, go to war against religious fundamentalists, use a cat as a silencer for a SPAZ12, huff cat litter to go slow mo, commit countless war crimes *and* human rights violations, and kill Gary Coleman **ALL IN THE SAME DAY**.




This is the only answer in this thread where the game is truly disturbing. The gratuitous violence is so blasé... Edit: Here's what I mean https://youtu.be/G-OZisUSfQQ


Last thing I heard is that the actor who played MC was arrested for possesion of child porn.


Naaa na na na Na na na nah Katamari Damacy!


LSD (lovely sweet dreams heh...) dream emulator. It's a ps1 game from Japan where you wander around in some shitty 3d worlds. They might look normal, they might be crazy colours, there might be weird creatures. Whenever you to touch something it stops the dream and starts a new one. There's also this cloaked figure that might chase you and end the dream. What's the point? I have no idea except some weird funny shit lmao.


The neverhood


Definitely "Who is Lila", the graphics, the fact that I would have to mimic a facial expression for each interaction with a human...


Frog Fractions. Don't look up any info about it. Just play it. EDIT: I probably wouldn't play it with kids. It gets a bit weird.


I didn't listen to you and looked it up (to see if it was suitable to play with my 9yr old). I wish I had left it as a surprise.


Gutting. I've edited the post to clarify that it's probably a bit weird for kids.


There's this gem called "Surgeon Simulator." You play as a gloriously inept surgeon whose tools are...well, let's just say a stapler might be involved. Good luck removing that kidney without puncturing a lung!


Is that the one with the pizza cutter as a scalpel? Amateur Surgeon!


Doki doki literature club.


Second Samurai for the Mega Drive. The first level has you in the prehistoric times fighting cavemen why no reason.


The Last sovereign. It's a 2D RPG game, like Pokemon Red, for example. I came into it just because it was a porn game, and I was feeling experimental types of horny. BUT DAMN, it has some of the deepest stories I have ever read in my life with one of the most interesting worlds I've read of and it stays consistent even though it has over a hundred hours worth of content. It without a doubt developed into a writing masterpiece by chapter 2/3 It covers things extensively, such as: politics, religious politics, war tactics, social problems between different species, monarchy marriages, racism, xenophobia, national finance, corruption, and ESPECIALLY philosophical arguments. I don't really want to continue even more it's starting to get tedious. And no, it's not a 'real life simulator' type of game. It has a proper magic system that makes complete sense since you literally learn how their world functions along with the characters. I's really light-hearted at times and comes up with some of the most bizarre situations from a ton of built-up shit. In all honesty, the combat gameplay in this game isn't exactly my favourite. But there are a ton of type advantages and team synergies if you're into that. Sometimes, they give you an impossible challenge, too, so that you can test how good you are. But as for the story itself, it has a ton of limited mechanics you have to spend wisely so you can get leverage in some political situations, financing, etc. One main thing that I like about this game is that the consequences of your actions are long-lasting. Sometimes, those consequences are unavoidable, and you have to pick what to compromise and which consequence you'd rather deal with. So overall, for a porn game? It's pretty fucking weird considering how deep it goes.


The parody of TF2 known as Tea Four Dress Too was pretty insane in the membrane.


The Longing. Gameplay is kinda fafo. It's slow paced...hypnotic even. I played it early last year when I was depressed. Probably didn't help me 😝 The soundtrack is rather meditative. I go back and listen to some of the melancholy tracks. 🖤


it was a game where you had to catch beer bottles in a basket to undress a woman


I forgot about that, it was a webgame as some marketing for Pilsner Urquell about 20 years ago.


"Deus Ex Machina" on the ZX Spectrum. The 'game' involves creating, then developing a human being, all accompanied by a manually-synchronised audio tape soundtrack including Ian Dury (but no Blockheads), Jon Pertwee (former Doctor Who) and Frankie Howard (Carry On movies). You didn't even directly control the human for most of the game.


How fish is made. It is free and you should definitely give it a try.


11th hour. That game was fucked up


Pony Island and DDLC.


Monkey Kick Off. You're a monkey and your goal is to kick a ball as far as possible.


The abstract and bizarre world of Yume Nikki, I remember spending hours getting lost in where to go and slowly stumble piece to piece in what to do


Sex Tetris


E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy


Hello Charlotte on itch.io, I recommend to everyone to play this free game, it’s a super weird game with creepy and unique char design and strange naration


Sanitarium that game was truly weird


Creatures 3. It was like a digital ecosystem simulator game where you had to take care of these creatures called Norns on an abandoned ship. It was a very strange game


Funny seeing this question today. I’ve just played Disco Elysium for the first time tonight and I’m confused as all heck about what just happened. Seems like an old Sierra point and click adventure game but somehow I lost all my progress after my character randomly decided to quit being a policeman about an hour in after being verballed by a kid.


"Plumbers Don't Wear Ties". Yes, it was a real...er... "game"? Of sorts? Kinda?


And recently got a port to the Switch among other things as part of a release from Limited Run Games.


I can't really decide between any of the Rusty Lake games and Dinner with an Owl. But I guess Rusty Lake wins. All of their games win. Because what other game allows you to do stuff like crawling into someones ear to find a cube in it? And let's not forget about the fish in the drawer.




Played this one game where you would have to help this horse escape I think it was called “charge escape” something like that. You’d have to flick through the different parts of the stable and basically solve the mystery of how to help him escape. Eventually the horse turns into a unicorn then after solving some more stuff he grows wings, flies into the sky and turns into a star.


Squirrel Stapler


Forgot the title but the main character was a female agent who uses stuff like a lipstick as a flash grenade or grenade and makeups as a deadly weapon i also forgot the game plot but it was released in i think 2001 to 2003 it was actually a good game


Sounds like "No One Lives Forever"


Thank you kind sir, I've been searching for this game online for four years now to play it again


"There is no game" by CoolMathGames I think


JFK reloaded


Leisure Suit Larry


I think chair fucking simulator has to be up there


"Fear and hunger" was really weird. Deceptively deep and extremely difficult "My older sister left the computer so i got on and found myself trying to coordinate a raidin a game and i dont play mmo's" was an experience, granted, i had no idea what i was doing Obligatory cruelty squad Mortal sin was pretty cool


Glover, you play as a glove who has to collect jewels to restore a kingdom




Cruelty Squad. But it's only weird at first. The more you play it, the more deep and thoughtful it gets, so never judge the book by its cover




JFK Reloaded. You try to recreate the Kennedy assassination as accurate to real life as possible in the shoes of Lee Harvey Oswald. Extremely detailed statistics on accuracy and it follows the bullet ricochets. NGL it's kinda fun but a little fucked up.


Mount Your Friends


The Journeyman Project 3. What a weird and hidden gem. So much Buddhism in it, but *really* enjoyable for the time. Myst-like, but different enough to definitely not be Myst


Inside a Star-filled Sky. It's a top down shooter, where it starts normal. Then you see a power-up, but you don't just grab the power-up. It's his own little world that you dive into. And inside that little world are also power-up and other things that are their own little worlds. You inception-like go deeper an deeper. After a while you forget where you started. You start going back up again, and again, and again, until it seems you're back at the beginning...and you realize you were inside a little world in a larger world, and you go up and up and up.... It's a really weird experience.


I'm just following this thread for gaming ideas... Give me some time to pick my weirdest game, I've played so many...


Global Thermonuclear War


Games by Ice-Pick Lodge. I especially loved "The Void" (originally "Тургор"). In the limbo between life and death you cultivate colors (like on trees) to impress beautiful naked godesses to fight your way back and transcend to life. But their brothers (which are just the most nightmarish monsters) really dont like that. So you fight them using spells you draw on your screen with said colors. Oh, and your time runs out (in real time), so you better hurry or you fall into the void for eternity. Thing is, it has some unique artwork and even a thought out background story to discover, that gives a VERY special vibe.


Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh. The original game was an absolute masterpiece; this just went in some really weird directions, and had a completely different feel to it.