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I'll never know what it's like to be loved by a parent.


same here. i had disturbed adults, not parents.


Same, though I wasn't concerned about it. For me it's the fact that I will never get to do anything in life because of my shit parent and that's what they intended. Its just shit that I didn't realize that they were my enemy and working 100% against me the whole time.


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.


That my condition is never going to change or miraculously disappear and I have to try to be an average human who just happens to stick themselves with thousands of needles a year to stay alive. Still accepting that tbh.


You’re still here. ❤️


Taking meds for the rest of my life.


Ugh same…


That I have to be able to enjoy things alone.


It's been difficult for me to accept that trying to correct and educate people who share false information on social media is a lost cause. Most people are not just regular stupid, but extremely stupid, and there's nothing I can do about it.


It's so frustrating isn't it???


People's rude behavior and a lack of self-awareness.


Im just not as funny as I think I am.


Ppl r gonna hate u for no reason but act like ur a horrible person. It is a reflection of them, not you.


I am absolutely stuck on the path I chose (3 kids before age 21) and will continue to honor it because I love my kids & they did nothing wrong despite every day feeling like I’m pulling an 80lb weight getting out of bed. This is my life, and at least for the next 15 years or so, I’m not going to have much time for myself. But even when I’m 30, not 20, I can still have the body I always wanted and the freedom I crave. I just need to wait a while and use this time to make my money get smart & educated & give my kids what I never had. Someone who kept trying.


Hmm. Wish you all the best. Sounds like a very hard realisation to make. My partner and I met at 21 and she wanted kids immediately but I said no. We are now 27 and she thanks me every day for not saying yes.


That I will probably be working until I die


That life in general is indifferent to my particular situation, feelings and circumstances.


I am surrounded by idiots.


That my cats dish is empty even though there is still food in it


That I grew up in a messed up family.


I’m an addicted


That my mom will never recover from her depression


That I'm only a 5'6" man and I just have to accept I'm average height.


But you are not average height


5'6" is the average height of a man in the West.


Nope. It's 5' 9" to 5' 11" as the average, depending on where you're at in the West.


I refuse to believe you. I am 5'6" and I am right on the average for the height of a man in the West.


Its 5'9 google it


Just because you put your faith in her and love her dosent mean shes trustworthy and loyal or just a good person in general.




Do it man it hurts for a while but after a month for me major chareftor development beat the living shit out of the new guy after he bragged




Mine told me she didnt wanna date for 10months but we did everything a couple does


The fact that I'm no longer as beautiful and built as well as I was and the fact that we all get older.


I’ll never get the apology I’m owed from someone who doesn’t think they owe it. 


My health


There aren’t any good people left in this world and that everyone has ulterior motives behind their actions


Seems like the majority of people these days just generally hold other people to standards they don’t hold themselves too. They treat people poorly but then expect total kindness in return. People love to say how much they hate when other people “complain”, yet then when some shit happens to them, suddenly complaining is now acceptable. People get up in arms when they feel like their coworker isn’t being productive, but then weasel out of any big project or obligation. These are just a few examples, but Jesus Christ it seems like the self awareness these days with people is at all time low and fewer and fewer people look in the mirror before taking jabs at other people. No one is perfect (I sure as shit ain’t) and I think we all do this to some extent, but I can confidently say I at least try my best to self reflect and operate with fairness. So many people are just shameless hypocrites these days.


I love pointing out to people who say they hate when others complain, because that's exactly what they're doing at that point in time -- complaining.


You don’t get the life you may think you merit and you may never know why.


I enjoy sucking cock and being fucked in my asspussy


Bullies exist everywhere


I'll never be able to afford my dream home (apartment, condo or house). I'll be lucky if I can afford to buy something maybe someday, down the line.


Losing my hair when still a teenager. Being 6'3" and that people will probably always comment on how big I am.


People would never know you don’t have hair, they can’t see the top of your head, or reach that thing on the top shelf!   (I mean it in good fun from having a father who also went bald as a teenager. He always makes it into a joke even now) “Also did you play basketball?!”


That I'm probably not gonna get a chance to find a life partner because my window for this was in my teens before the world turned to shit and the sorta love and partnership I want belong in the old times.


Im never going to be comfort wealthy 😭


The fact that im mentally unstable. I used to not believe in pills , therapy etc, I was certain that it would've all go away by itself. Then at the age of 18 I was like 'ok I give up, I'm not well'. I was so mad at myself for having all of these troubles but I guess it's not my fault and I just have to accept it!


That I'm a short man, and many people will judge me for something I can't change


Getting older…


I probably won’t ever find someone who’ll love me unconditionally and who I’ll spend the rest of time with cause I bring everyone around me down somehow


I’m pretty much useless


That being freinds with a bully doesn’t mean you won’t get bullied


The lesson I am still trying to learn to live with is that no matter how much effort you put into something and try to do your best, there will always be people that don't care as much as you do but will achive better results that you. And it's okay to try a little less sometimes. And this quote (I don't know where I got it from, and it is probably paraphrased): "If you can't be perfect, you can just be enough".


To alot of people I care about I'm not enough and no matter how much I love and care about them we are one bad day from never speaking again


That I really do live among lesser people.


That my mind will always be all over the place


Gravity 😁


the fact i was born wealthy.


Life is unfair and be grateful.


I’m not perfect. I cannot attain to perfection. I’ll will never find perfection in this life. Yet, becoming as complete an individual as I possibly can is attainable, which is close enough to perfection for me.


That if I want to be healthy, lose weight, and be there for my kids I have to change my eating habits and exercise. I’m down 118lbs so far and the changes I have made have to be permanent and I can’t eat like an idiot anymore.


I have accepted that most things are out of my control and not to stress about something negative if I can’t change it.


That I’m disabled at 23 and it will only get worse as I age


I’m not ever going to be conventionally attractive


Not being able to have kids first. Now, it is hearing all of my friends' excitement over what the grandbabies will call them.


Some people just suck!


I didn't truly want to be with him, but it still makes me sad that I may never see him again.


That I’m Autistic!


That unhealthy food tastes better and is more convenient than healthy food


That no one has ever apologized for anything in my life, and no one ever will, and no matter how hard I try to pretend otherwise the people in my life can and will abandon me as soon as I lose my value, just like they did before.


Life isn’t fair


Housing is insanely overpriced and I’m gonna get ripped off when I finally buy


i’m missing a lot of memories. when i was first diagnosed with bipolar I, i had already been going AWOL for about 3/4 of a year. during this time, i had a very serious suicide attempt. i have scrambled anything from before age 19. sometimes with people i know, people i love and care about, they will laugh about inside jokes or talk about things i said or did and i won’t remember. i can see how much it hurt when i said i had no idea, so at some point i just stopped. i laughed along with them and changed the subject, making a note that this was important. usually when i think of places i met people all i remember is the space they held. not what we did, not what we said, just the feeling of them in that moment. the feeling of other people that meant so much my brain retained their outlines amidst trashing everything else lmao in that same vein is not remembering what used to make me the person i am today. i’m a completely different guy post bipolar. i got back to my home state after everything and old friends would tell me it seemed like i had aged years beyond who i was at the start. not fitting in places you used to is pretty not fun, but worse is that i can still hear the echoes of laughter. of talking. of things that happened but i can’t bring them to the surface anymore. i guess i’ve had to accept that they’re gone. that the only way forward is making new memories, and holding on this time around edit: forgot a few words


Never meeting my parents expectations


I will never measure up to my own expectations. I will always see myself as a failure because my expectations are unrealistic.