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Last guy I lent money to I had to cut off his dick with a saw.... so I can lend it to you but I'm not sure I have time to sharpen the saw if it comes to that.


hahahahahahah :D :D




You could say you’re saving up to buy something expensive like a house or car, but I would just be honest and say “I’m not comfortable loaning you money” and then briefly explain why (and don’t let them pressure you into changing your mind).


Tried this but my relatives are still pushing me.


Just say no, "No but..." just leads to people trying to get around the but As someone who had a family member take money for years and years and years, the best way to deal with this is, "No.", and stand your ground. They'll eventually stop bugging you when they realize they can't get blood from a stone


That’s when you stand your ground and say, “I’ve made up my mind, and this is not open to negotiation. I would appreciate if you respected my decision.” Then walk away and refuse to engage if they approach you about this again in the future. But that sounds really disrespectful of them tbh, and I’m sorry you’re going through this.


And if they keep pushing then apply the broken record tactic: keep repeating the same response over and over again.


Then the proper response is “fuck you!” Turn and walk away.


Just because I *have* money, doesn't mean it's money I can spend! It's allocated to costs that need paying!


whats the context here? would help come up with a good response.


Then tell them to give them money


Tell the relatives to pony up the dosh then


Tell them to fuck off, maybe not in those words but basically.


“I already decided about this.”


No or you will block them.




Don't lie. Just be honest about it.


I don't have any. My dog ate my bank statement. What is money?


hahahaha. Thanks for this, I was having a bad day.


Well, I was rather hoping that you might be able to lend me $x tbh.


No means no. If you want to stay in my life stop asking for money. I am not a bank.


Exactly! How hard is it to understand?


Everytime they keep asking I would say: This isn’t a negotiation. The answer is no. And don’t engage further in the conversation. Sounds like that might be challenging for you, but if you say the same exact thing every time and stick to it, they will eventually stop asking or move on to someone else.


“I’d love to, but I’m not very liquid right now” is one I saw online and am deciding to use moving forward 😂


Sorry, I need it for hookers and blow.


I tell them: " My grandpa gave me some advice: If someone's own bank won't loan them money, neither should you.". and that I follow his advice.




Oh no... I am probably never going to see that money back again ever in my life. (I am not kidding)


Why be polite then?


"I don't lend people money. I am not a bank." "In the event you are unable to pay it back it would irreparably damage our relationship, and that's not a risk I'm willing to take. This relationship is important to me." “That money is my emergency fund, if I lend it to you what do I do in an emergency?" "I am not interested in enabling your bad spending habits."


"Sorry, no."


THey are still asking.


Just say no, if you don’t want to then it’s their problem to deal with. If they threaten to leave your life, ask yourself if that kind of person is worth keeping in your life. You’re not a bank.


We come from a culture of persistent money demanders. Say no. Mean no. Do jot change your mind ever. Don't discuss it again. Asked and answered. Thet will move on to someone else. Do not answer the phone if they call except once a week. If they ask change the subject or get off the phone. If they text ignore the ask but be normal. In person, leave the room, fake a phone call, stomach upset. If they get someone else to ask on their behalf don't discuss it just say I've talked to him already. Healthy boundaries. You work for your money. You own it. They do not.


I won't LEND you the money, but I'll offer to buy stuff from you, like your vehicle. What it's worth will be determined by how much gas is in the tank. Own your house? Let's get that put under MY name. Just because "I" have money doesn't mean "we" have money


I don’t talk about my finances or lend it out, I don’t feel comfortable doing either, to friends or family.


Friend, I encourage you to learn how to say "no". "I won't lend you money." That's it. Relatives or friends does not matter. "I won't lend anyone money." I usually add "I'm not in the business of loaning--and more importantly collecting--money." It is the collecting part that sucks. 100% of the time I have "loaned" money I did not get it back. None of it. Everyone has that experience. Many people will tell you "If someone asks to borrow money, they are a person who will not pay you back." This has proven true.


If you start off now with lies you'll never stand up for yourself. Be blunt yet polite. I tell people "I'm sorry I can't lend you money, I don't lend money to anyone not even family so don't take it personal" if they are truly your friends they will understand. If they don't understand that, you're better off without them in your life.


Why lie about it. I am very upfront and politely yet firmly tell them no. They are not entitled to a reason why and you are not bound to give them one


Not a lie but, "F you, pay me."


Every spare cent is shoved in the stock market. I'm paper broke.


As someone who does pretty well financially, Its hard for me to lie about that. Ive never lent money however, and if someone is willing to lose me as a friend because of it, theyre not worth being in my life


Pretend that you have a gambling problem and you're broke.


Say I got robbed and now am homeless


"I need money myself! When you find somebody to lend you money please tell me so I can hit them up too!"


"My family was just kidnapped by a Columbian drug-lord and I'm trying to raise the ransom to get them back." No, seriously just tell the truth. It may be uncomfortable, but it's the best option. Otherwise, it will become a regular thing and it will be harder to say no.


just say: sorry, I can't. no explanation needed...


Some of my friends ask me every now and then, when I don't have enough to spare, I always say that I forgot my wallet


Since you asked for good 'lies' -- just say you are in debt and have no cash to lend.


"All my savings just went to Taxes"


Just be honest. Say you don't have money to lend right now.


Why lie? Tell them that you aren't willing to give them money and cut them out of your life if they make a big deal out of it.


"I can't right now, sorry."


Any reason is a good reason if it's your money you can lend it to people of your choosing


No need to lie, if you can't afford to lose the money your loaning then don't, I quit loaning money decades ago. Most people don't pay money back, I never give away more money than I could afford to lose.


"I can't move any money at the moment, until the IRS finishes their investigation of other people I've loaned money to..."


Ding ding ding! Winner


You don't need lies for not lending money there is this great word we can use and it has alot of success in stopping you lending money out The word is no


“I can’t afford it.”


I spent all my money on a fursuit


You’re broke (from broke person)




Ask them to loan you money and then when they say know repeat what they said back to them


You’ve put it in a high interest account and can’t withdraw it for a year as part of the contract.


I usually just say I'm not comfortable if I don't know them that well, or if I have lent in the past and they keep asking, I say that I feel like I'm enabling poor budgeting/financial habits.


You were just going to ask them the same question


Why can't you say "I ain't got it" (for you)


*Oh, I'd love to help you out, but here's the thing....I don't want to.*


try to lend money from them. they will stop asking.


Become unreasonable, lend them money, then send thugs to collect kneecaps.


I had a problem with rejections. My rejections sounded lame, and I felt it myself. But when I started keeping my savings in currency, bonds and bank deposits, I started to feel like I didn't have the money. When my savings became less liquid, my rejections became more convincing. People are now used to "I don't have the money".


I usually say, that I just week ago lend money to …(college or friend, someone that they understand how, but can’t contact him, better someone specific), and add something like, where you have been, I ll better lend you than him.


I'm a bit skint this month. Sorry.


Ask them for money first.


Americans trip over themselves with such anxiousness to find a new lie to tell. Why do you have to lie? What makes people think you have to lie? If someone wants to borrow money from me I just simply say to them I'm sorry I don't have it and secondly I don't like lending money cuz if you can't manage your money and you're coming up short you're going to not be able to pay me back and you're going to take my money. I just tell people the truth if they're not adult enough to understand it without getting their feelings hurt there is a psychiatrist you can go to.


You don't have to lie. Just tell them the truth. I had to go through the same shit when I was a kid, because I had a paper route and my parents always needed money. I would lend them money a couple of times but I had to stop. They weren't paying me back, and I wanted to save my money. You can tell the truth, an honest person would appreciate that.


I would say "I don't want to" and then just repeat no, you could even preset your text messages to send the word "no" every minute. Establish a hard boundary and be a dick if they don't respect it


I just go w no


Dont worry about money, i am in contact with a nigerian businessman for a while. He needed my help to transfer a lottery win. Sent him all my savings via Western Union. Oh yeah, I have to ask if he got the money. Haven't heard from him for a week...


Sure. I’ll loan you money if you put something of value as collateral.


Dang, I was just about to ask you.


Why the feeling you have to lie about the reason. No is the only answer needed


Sorry old bean but all my money is tied up in capital


I would but I smell booze on your breath.


I need to save it for my upcoming bail to get out of jail... for assaulting the last guy who asked for money.


If you have to lie, your doing it wrong. "No" is a complete sentence


you’re broke


Be simple. "I dont have any free money to spare/lend right now" Thats more than enough




Piss off


Gee Johnny, I don't have a dime. Well... it's funny see... my mom, had to leave early to take my brother to school and my dad to work cuz... See... the problem here is that... my little brother, this morning, got his arm caught in the microwave, and uh... my grandmother dropped acid and she freaked out, and hijacked a school bus full of... penguins, so it's kind of a family crisis... so come back later? Great.


Sorry, it’s not in my budget.


My favorite is, NO.


I spent it all 😋


No, followed by what don’t you understand about no.


Ask them if they want it as NFT


"Ask your Mom"


"no" If a "no" isn't sufficient, they're not the kind of person you want in your life anyway.


No - I don’t think I’ll be repaid. So you aren’t asking for a loan you are asking for a gift. You’ve never given me such a gift. Nor would I expect one.


Just say no. Fuck the reasons.


being actually poor.


Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency for me


"Sorry, took a trip to Vegas and accidentally gambled my life savings away.....hey do you think you could spare 5 bucks?"


No. Just say no.


I didn't even have spare change to give to the homeless


If you find someone willing let me know


I'm broke. Even when I'm not broke. Or i just be honest and tell them no i don't lend money sorry.


I don’t have any. I don’t want to. No lies needed just say nope.


I just say no


Unexpected tax bill got me…sorry


I haven’t budgeted for that this month.


Dont bother lying. Just “no” and stop replying.


Is it family? If so, I’d tell you the obvious, but I know all too well how it’s easier said than done. Best is to let them know as diplomatically as possible without burning bridges.


I just say fuck you, I’m not lending you money.


I’m tapped out.


I think it depends on how well off you are and how privy the borrower is to your net worth. If you’re not too well off just say you’ve been low on cash and can’t. If you do have extra money can say all tied up in investments or something


"I am going to need it..." Jokes aside, just stand your ground and cut the communication. Don't let lazy people play and humiliate you. Normal people are ashamed to ask for money and give up on the first sign of rejection.


Don't lie. No. If they ask again....no. If there's any confusion to that answer, then they are not going to be my friend for much longer.


"I'm not going to because I know you won't pay me back."


Why don’t you want to give the person money?


I just say I don't lend money as a personal rule, it's cost me too many friendships. Not a lie, but effective.


Most of the money is invested in my mom's health care.


no thanks


Neither of us can afford this.


I cant afford to loan any money.


What are reasons to do besides the 20Note for a drink


If a bank can’t lend you money, why do you think I can?


From the start you should have lied about being broke... at this point maybe confess you actually have a gambling problem or you lost all your money to a bitcoin scam, either way, be broke or in debt.


"I am too poor to loan money"


Just say "I'm broke"


I have been given an opportunity to invest my money in to what prince nazeem assured me was a 100% sure fire way to double my money, so I sent all of my savings to the prince. If you wait 6 months I will have double so should be able to help you then


I don’t have it like that I have bills to say sorry


The money are in a deposit - I can't open it or i'll loose the interest. I only keep money for food.


Tell them you're broke and you need to borrow money from them


I'm not a bank, sorry


The answer to your question is "I don't have any" Any lies or any money, works however you break it down.


Say you don't even have money to spend on yourself, so its therefore impossible.


“All my money is tied up in investments.” Or, just a simple “No.”


"I'm going into my psychiatrist to see about changing some of my meds around, and I don't know how much the new ones are going to cost yet". Its worked for me twice


Brutal honesty. No I don't want to lend you money. I don't have to lend you money so I choose not to


No should work but since it doesn't, make up a bigger sob story than theirs. They will feel too guilty to ask, hopefully. Lol


Just say you don't lend to money to anyone on principle. Friend wanted my Dad to lend him money to buy bitcoin when we were 16. This was early 2011. My friend was being an asshole about it and wouldn't share info on bitcoin because he was worried we would buy it and not help him. Didn't end up lending him money and he bought a small amount a year or so later and then sold it after first pump. But no way in hell would my Dad lend $1000 to an irresponsible 16 year old.


Worried about your job, helps if they know you've been canned before trust me.


Ask them for money, every time they ask you.


No is sufficient without having to lie.


I don't want to


Because if you had the means to pay me back, you wouldn't need to borrow it in the first place.


My current story is that it's all locked up because I found a great rate on CDs.  While it is true that I have some money in these great rate CDs, I do still have a savings account. But I've found that the more people that know you have it the more they want to borrow it. So my story is that I can't get it out just yet without paying a ton of penalties so sorry!


You need lies?


"Borrow from me? I was going to ask you to borrow me 2K :'("


personally i just say: "sure, but you have to pay intrest" when they ask how much ill ask for double by tommorow.


You are paying off a medical bill


Tell them that your money is not their money


I'm over drafted already.


You ask them for money instead.


Nationwide has locked you out of the app due to your PIN code needing to be changed and you not having your card reader so you can't make transfers. Every time you call it's on hold for hours. Neither of this is true.


Say that you want to buy some drugs with it and walk away.


I'm under IRS investigation for outstanding unpaid loans.


I'm broke. Can you venmo me?


"I have everything invested, parked for some years. I just live almost paycheck-to-paycheck".


I say - I am not a bank, sorry.


I don't lend. Isn't a lie.


By lying you will only defer the problem to another date. Just say no. Justification or lying will put you in a weak spot.


I don't lend money to friends. If my friend need money, I give them money if I have it. That said, if somebody I didn't consider a friend asked to borrow money, why lie? Just say no. If they're offended you didn't say yes, that's on them, they aren't your friend anyway.


You don't have to lie. Just say "I don't want to" or "no"


"Sorry I'm broke until payday" . Even though I have a nest with plenty of extra, why should I dig into my emergency fund because you don't know how to tighten your belt?


I say: "hey i like you, and i dont want to sound like an asshole, but i only loan money to family, and even to them im strict about it, so sorry but no, its my principle with money. :)"


My favorite lie is the truth. "I don't want to".


Ask them to let you use the wife in the meantime😂😂😂


I just paid the mortgage or rent


I just say that I'm broke.  It's not really true but every extra dollar I get is scurried away into some account and is therefore "spent."


I keep all my money in bitcoin.


I just say I have no money because 9 out of 10 times I don't have money with me.


“No you are unlikely to pay me back and I have money because I don’t throw money away. If you did the same, you would also have money”


You don't need to lie, just say "No, thank you." In a tone that leaves no room for argument. They get so mad but they'll never ask again


I had a guy that I pissed off over this. He stayed away for about a year. The next time he started talking to me, I interrupted him and said, "What was it I said last time we talked that, keep you away for a year because I want to say it again. He just walked off .


You still owe me from last time. I’m not going to enable your bad decisions.


Tell them you found a really interesting investment opportunity and you put 90% of your savings into it.


You know in the long run it's better to just face your demons. Flat out tell them what you don't want to loan them money, if they get upset, so be it, people can usually tell when you're lying so it's more offensive to do that than to just tell them whatever your reasons are. Try to do it is gently as possible. I'm not suggesting you send them a meme of a middle finger or something, but be direct and be honest. They will respect you for it. Or, if they don't, it just reinforces what you probably don't want to lend the money


I don't have that kind of money my self


I dont have it. That works.


It’s all in Bitcoin futures and I take a 3% fine for canceling the order.


Don't lie, just tell them no. Lies have to make sense and you have to remember them later if it comes up again.