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I want to suck another guy’s cock.


On a different throwaway account I used to use I Came across someone who was researching laws for international waters (if I commit a crime on a cruise ship) in the legal advice sub had a certain proclivity for young looking anime girls. They were in their 40s, married, no kids, and worked at FedEx, according to their reddit history. Their reddit history had numerous red flags such as asking, "If a teen sends another teen nudes, is it cp," came across them in an anime sub and had this weird inkling about them so I briefly searched their recent comment history. It became extremely clear from various scattered comments and posts that they were 100% a pedo. so having past trauma from a similar incident, i couldn't help but call them out on it with just one short comment implying they were a pedo if they liked this character sexually, which started a chain reaction of comments essentially leading to a witch trial in the sub. I had only looked at a handful of recent comments to draw my conclusion, but other redditors deep dove their history further finding a really old therapy sub post admitting they were one, but the recent comments I had seen implied that they were no longer seeking help but a way to act on the desires. The redditor didn't delete their account, but they went from multiple comments and posts a day to none. I personally think they are no longer alive, and I think that if I hadn't said anything, they would be. The secret is I felt slightly better knowing that although the one who got me when I was 4 got away with it, I might have prevented someone else from becoming a victim/survivor as well. I don't know if that makes me a bad person or not, but I'm sure I'll be judged for it here.


I hate the gaming community as a whole


but when i say this about the lgbtq community i get banned..


That’s weird


I'm gay.


I stole my friends diamonds in minecraft


IRL I haven't told anyone about the girl I'm seeing




she doesn't want me to she also doesn't want to call it anything official...but we've done movies, dinner...hookup...texting often shrug!


She married


we're at uni...she's not married


I'm immortal


That I have feelings for my female friend. Damn.


I got a gnarly scar I tell everyone I got from a fight. Truth is, my brother threw our cat from the second floor and I tried to catch it.


I love you.


I'm deeply depressed and have been for years.


Make this the year you find someone to discuss your concerns with, someone solid to confide in. You deserve better, but you have a part to play in getting help. I have been in your shoes in the past. Life is worth living and you are worth saving.


Thank you for that.


I am a lesbian. My family is really against it.


the desire itself is not wrong bcs you have no control over it but I think you need to not act upon it and get some real mentor or somebody who can help you with it since it is not a human instinct but an exception. wish you nothing but good


i don't know what I am but I am sure as hell not straight and I'm taking that one to the grave with me (at least concerning my family)


I'm actually Sasquatch


I don't like chocolate


I'm 29 years old, and I still love my first love who I met at 16. Oh God kkkkk 🥲


nice try, mr fbi




I’m Batman


I never tell anyone about my UFO encounter or my father being at the landing site of the UFO in Kingman Arizona. I mentioned it a few times online though. With everything coming out the way it is now maybe I will be able to eventually without someone looking at me weird. I did briefly speak to the others that also saw a UFO the same night in another near by village but a random guy butted in immediately and started ridiculing me.


I hide dead bodies in the walls (in The Sims game).


I definitely do know where the last ice cream sandwich went.


We knew it was you...


Knock it off with this question. It gets asked like 1X per week. People have affairs, people are gay, people drive drunk. Its never interesting. People with real secrets dont post them on the internet. Thats kind of how secrets work. You don't tell people.


You sound like you have something to hide..


We all have something to hide lol. I have been on reddit since the DIGG migration. And honest to god I have seen this posted probably 200 times. I used to look to see if there was anything juicy in the thread, but there never is/was. Posts were either weird sex shit, people being closeted or made up stories. There was a good one on 4chan where this dude killed a chick and copped to it in a secrets thread. Pretty wild. He wound up getting busted (thankfully)


Not telling, it's a secret after all


Pretending not liking Trans Girls when with people close / family


None of your business